Expansion Penis

Expansion Penis


Expansion Penis

Discover the very best surgical and non-surgical penis enlargement procedures

We provide more paths to a bigger you than all our competitors combined

Rejuvall Difference The Rejuvall Penis Enlargement Surgery permanently increases the size of your penis, with options to expand both length and girth. Rejuvall offers 33 options for penile augmentation. A plan will be customized for you from our physician team. Rejuvall offers non-surgical options. Post-surgery, the penis looks completely natural in appearance. Our clinic has achieved a 99% successful procedure rate. Fast recovery time with most men resuming sexual activity within two weeks Permanent size increase, with a focus on patient safety Additional enlargements are possible for some patients.

Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures Offered
The Rejuvall technique for advanced penis enlargement is our proprietary approach to increase penis length and width (girth) permanently, for life. Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question. Two questions most patients ask are “How long and wide will my penis be following the surgery? How many inches should I expect to gain?” Our before and after photos are a great place to start. We have included some below so you will have an idea how many inches others have gained with different procedures.
Depending on your health, weight, age, circumcision status and other factors, we can recommend an option that will work best for you. With surgery, you may be given the option to increase both length and width at the same time.
VISIT US Rejuvall 3193 Howell Mill Road, Suite 322 Atlanta, Georgia 30327 CALL : (470) 788-8379 Fax: 404-351-2420

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Most worries about penis size are related to perception, but some people pursue surgery to make their penis bigger. Risks include infection and scarring.

American Urological Association. Penile Augmentation Surgery. (https://www.auanet.org/guidelines/guidelines/penile-augmentation-surgery) Accessed 7/25/2022.
Campbell J, Gillis J. A review of penile elongation surgery. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28217452/) Transl Androl Urol . 2017;6(1):69-78. Accessed 7/25/2022.
Elist, JJ, Levine, L, Wang, R, et al. Patient selection protocol for the Penuma® implant: suggested preoperative evaluation for aesthetic surgery of the penis. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32029891/) Int J Impot Res 32, 149–152 (2020). Accessed 7/25/2022.
Elist JJ, Valenzuela R, Hillelsohn J, et al. A single-surgeon retrospective and preliminary evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of the Penuma silicone sleeve implant for elective cosmetic correction of the flaccid penis. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30145095/) J Sex Med. 2018;15(9):1216-1223. Accessed 7/25/2022.
Furr J, Hebert K, Wisenbaugh E, et al. Complications of genital enlargement surgery. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30446473/) J Sex Med. 2018;15(12):1811-1817. Accessed 7/25/2022.
International Society of Sexual Medicine. Penis Enlargement Surgery: Men Should Know about Complications. (https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-headlines/penis-enlargement-surgery-men-should-know-about-complications) Accessed 7/25/2022.
Khor NWM, Dhar A, Cameron-Strange A. The perils of penile enhancement: case report of a fulminant penile infection. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34429077/) BMC Urol . 2021 Aug 24;21(1):115. Accessed 7/25/2022.
Li CY, Kayes O, Kell PD, et al. Penile suspensory ligament division for penile augmentation: indications and results. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16473458/) Eur Urol. 2006 Apr;49(4):729-33. Accessed 7/25/2022.
Littara A, Melone R, Morales-Medina JC, et al. Cosmetic penile enhancement surgery: a 3-year single-centre retrospective clinical evaluation of 355 cases. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31004096/) Sci Rep . 2019;9(1):6323. Published 2019 Apr 19. Accessed 7/25/2022.
Oates J, Sharp G. Nonsurgical Medical Penile Girth Augmentation: Experience-Based Recommendations. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28498879/) Aesthet Surg J . Volume 37, Issue 9, October 2017, Pages 1032–1038. Accessed 7/25/2022.
UK National Health Service. Penis Enlargement. (https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/penis-enlargement/) Accessed 7/25/2022.

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Penis enlargement surgery is surgery to make your penis appear bigger. Surgery is just one way that people may try to do this.
You may see procedures trying to enlarge (augment) your penis by doing the following:

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

There may be medical reasons for seeking an enlargement surgery if you have micropenis or a buried penis . Micropenis, or a very small penis, is a congenital condition (one you’re born with). A buried penis refers to a penis hidden under the skin from your stomach, thighs or scrotum. This can be congenital also or can happen when you get older.
People with these conditions often seek surgery to restore a functional penis. These functions include:
In most cases, though, people interested in penis enlargement surgery aren’t satisfied with the appearance of their penis. Even though they are able to urinate standing up, or have penetrative intercourse, they still worry that their penis isn’t long enough or wide enough. They might think that both length and girth aren’t adequate.
This problem is primarily one of perception because most people have penises that are capable of doing what the penis was meant to do: engage in sexual activity and urinate (pee) standing up. While many people occasionally wonder whether their penis size is normal, some people have persistent and bothersome concerns about their penis size which can affect their daily life (their work, their personal relationships and their overall mood).
If you notice that worrying about your penis size is affecting your life, but a doctor told you that your penis size is normal, you may have conditions such as penile dysmorphophobia disorder (PDD) or small penis anxiety.
Before penis enlargement surgery, like any surgery, you’ll have to answer questions to see if you’re eligible for the procedure. These questions may include:
There are different types of procedures used to make penises appear bigger. However, there are very few methods that work reliably well to increase penile size or length. Marketing materials will often use misleading “before and after” photos to draw in potential clients. Commonly performed procedures include:
Depending on which type of procedure you have, your provider may perform treatment in an office setting or in an operating room.
Your provider will give you instructions when you leave the office or the operating facility.
The type of procedure you had done will dictate how long you are home from work or school and how long you have to wait to be able to resume sexual activity. For some of the more invasive procedures, this may be as long as six weeks.
There are several risks or “cons” to these types of procedures, including:
Some procedures do result in increases in penis length and/or girth. If you have reasonable goals and expectations of the procedure you choose, then you may feel more confident and self-assured than before.
The type of procedure you have will affect when you can go home and when you can return to work. The type of work that you do will also affect when you can go back to work.
Keep scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider. Call your provider if you have any symptoms that worry you, especially signs of infection, such as fever , reddened or swollen skin or problems urinating.
It’s not wise to put lotions, creams or devices on your penis without the approval of or recommendation from your healthcare provider. Most of these “treatments" don’t work and some may actually be dangerous. For instance, using weights on your penis to make it longer may damage your penis. If health experts haven’t evaluated certain products for safety such as creams, lotions or supplements, don’t use them.
Penis enlargement remedies that people may be considering include:
Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider in detail before trying any of the remedies listed above.
If you’re not satisfied with how your penis looks and you’re considering penis enlargement, make sure you spend enough time talking with your surgeon about the outcomes. You’ll need to be realistic in your expectations and should realize that serious complications are possible. Due to the risk for complications such as scarring, infection, pain, loss of penile sensation and erectile dysfunction, many surgeons don’t recommend surgery for a penis that is adequate in size. However, for some people, surgery may be an option especially if they have issues with urinating, sexual intercourse or hygiene.
Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/25/2022.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
Hanging Towel Method to Increase Penis Size
ProExtender Review: The Best Penis Enlargement Device in 2022
Does Penis Size Decreases With Age?
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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When it comes to the subject of penis growth and enlargement, there is often a lot of discussion regarding the shaft of the penis. 
After all, most men and women tend to think in terms of length, girth, inches, etc. 
However, the glans, or head of the penis, can be just as important to male and female pleasure. 
Moreover, penile glans enlargement is possible with the proper techniques. 
In the following article, we’ll go over precisely what the glans is, how it’s important to sexual attraction and intercourse, and what can be done for those dissatisfied with their glans’ shape and size. 
If you’re circumcised, you should already have a pretty close relationship with the “head” or glans of your penis. 
If you’re not circumcised, it’s likely that this part of your anatomy spends most of its time inside of your foreskin, only making an appearance when you have an erection. 
Either way, all glans function in the same way…
They allow us to penetrate the vaginal opening. They are soft and cushiony to absorb the impact of sex.
And they are covered in tiny nerve endings that help contribute to the pleasure of intercourse. 
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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Perhaps most obviously, the glans serves as the opening of the penis, from which men both urinate and ejaculate. 
In medical terms, the glans is a mass of spongy tissue. 
It is most often larger in diameter than the penis’s shaft, hence why it is referred to as the “head.” of the penis 
Though it might sound strange, the penis glans is actually very closely related to the female clitoris.
In fact, the former actually evolves from the same tissues as the latter during fetal development. 
When it comes to stimulation, most men report that their glans is the most sensitive part of their penis. 
At the same time, women report that the size and shape of the glans can have a significant impact on their experience, though no studies are available to explain exactly how. 
The glans is also famously considered the “personality” of the penis, and are considered by most women to be what gives each member its character. 
It has long been known that you can alter the size and shape of your penis glans in a number of ways. 
What people tend not to agree on, however, is the best and most effective way to do so. 
Below, we’ll discuss some of these techniques in detail, go over the positives and negatives, and attempt to provide you with the insight you need to make the right choice. 
1. Hyaluronic Acid Injections into the Penile Glans
If the word “acid” hasn’t made you run for the hills already, the type of acid we’re talking about is not the type that burns or melts. 
Hyaluronic Acid occurs in the body naturally and is prominently found in your joints, eyes, and skin. 
It is also a major ingredient in many cosmetics thanks to its moisturizing properties. 
In determining the best way to augment or enlarge a soft, spongy piece of tissue like the penis glans, plastic surgeons have decided that Hyaluronic Acid is just the thing. 
Their method, however, leaves a little bit to be desired, as it involves direct injection at the site. 
It’s worth noting that this procedure uses a numbing agent, and most patients report feeling no pain and minimal soreness. 
That said, as with any sort of injection, there is always the chance that something will go wrong or the patient may have an allergic reaction. 
Remember, you’re getting an injection at one of your body’s most sensitive parts – there is going to be a bit of risk! 
Perhaps most concerning are the results and the costs associated with this procedure. 
In fact, most men report that they needed regular injections in order to keep their glans from “deflating” back to the normal size. 
At somewhere around $2000 a pop for an appointment, enlarging your glans this way means putting quite the dent in your wallet. 
2. Jelqing For Penile Glans Enlargement
If you’ve spent any time around penile enhancement forums, you’ve probably heard about an exercise technique known as jelqing. 
In essence, this is a stretching method designed to help you slowly expand the limits of how much blood your penis can hold, therefore enlarging it. 
Though exercises vary, the most effective technique for glans enlargement works as follows: 
Now, exercises exist for nearly every muscle in your body. No doubt, you’ve seen what happens when you regularly train your arms, legs, or torso. 
Your penis, or in this case, your glans, is no different… 
Through jelqing, you can slowly increase the amount of blood that your penis takes in when erect, resulting in a permanent change in size and appearance. 
3. Edging to Make the Penile Head Bigger
Edging has grown in popularity in recent years, but mostly as a way of prolonging ejaculation and gaining more control over “the big moment.” 
However, numerous first hand reports have shown that regularly edging with the right technique can also help contribute to penis growth – even the glans. 
As a matter of fact, the unusually large average penis size of instutionalized mental patients has been attributed to their compulsive edging or masturbation habits.
In general, edging is the process of bringing yourself as close as possible to orgasm before ceasing stimulation. 
For men with a lot of control over their bodies, this is the physical equivalent of “thinking about baseball.” 
However, as with jelqing, edging fills your penis up with blood and keeps it there over a long period of time.
This can have a very profound effect on the elastic tissues in your penis, which are already specifically designed to help your penis grow. 
In this case, you’re simply helping your penis grow bigger by stretching those tissues and blood vessels to their maximum. 
 As with any other type of workout, once you reach a plateau, you increase the maximum. 
4. Traction Wrapping to Enlarge the Penis Glans
After a hard workout at the gym, you might eat a protein-rich meal, take a smoothie packed with muscle-growing supplements, or ice yourself down to soothe those sore, overworked muscles. 
Similarly, if you’re going to attempt to grow your penis glans with jelqing and edging exercises, you need to take steps to cement those gains . 
After all, just as the blood vessels and tissues in your penis can expand, they can also shrink back to normal size. 
Unfortunately, this is precisely what will happen if you don’t make the right post-workout choices. 
This brings us to the “traction wrap.” 
This is where you wrap your penis in order to keep it in an elongated position for a longer period of time. 
Used after exercising and stretching, this can prevent your penis from returning to its previous state and keep enough pressure on the tissues of your member to see significant results. 
Here’s a brief overview of traction wrapping…
When it comes to bettering ourselves and our bodies, there is almost always a medical shortcut. 
However, time and time again these procedures shown themselves to be less effective, more expensive, and far more dangerous than tried-and-true self-improvement methods that have been around for centuries. 
Rather than risking your penis and your pocketbook with expensive injections, I highly suggest developing a penis exercise routine that consists of jelqing, edging, and traction wrapping. 
This puts the safety of your most private parts in your own hands, while also ensuring that you get to see the results as you practice. 
Trust me – there’s nothing more inspiring than the first time you (or your partner) notices the difference.  
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
No Spam! We take our privacy policy seriously. See our privacy info here .
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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