Excited Vagina

Excited Vagina


Excited Vagina

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The internal clitoral bulbs either side of the vagina may enjoy a gentle stretching through the inside of the vagina, only once you are feeling really turned on though. This is why penetrating the vaginal opening with fingers, a toy or penis can feel good, as it pushes the internal clitoral bulbs apart causing a pleasurable pressure. A rhythmic stimulation or stroke can also be enjoyable. Again, usually only when the owner of the clitoris feels aroused and the vagina opening is moist to the touch.
Disclaimer Note; these physical changes happen in their own time, and don't like, or need to be rushed. They often don’t happen rapidly, or always at the same time, each individual, in each different circumstance may respond differently. Psychology and emotions are important and influence arousal. 
When a person is feeling very aroused, the uterus, (and with it the cervix) moves forward towards the belly button, and very top or back of the vagina is then exposed.
This area at the top or ‘deep’ in the vagina (shown in the illustration) is usually covered by the cervix, has a dense patch of nerves that can be very pleasurable and intense. The cervix is the front part of the uterus, that has a small opening, called the O’s, this is where menstrual blood leaves and baby’s come out of into the vaginal canal.
When people talk about ‘cervical orgasms’, when there is penetration of this deep vagina area, this is usually what they refer to; the deep, top part of the vagina wall rather than the actual cervix.
If the person isn’t fully aroused, or not quite in the mood and/or the cervix hasn’t moved forward, out of the way, any penetration may bump against the cervix, which can be painful.
However you can always go to you doctor if you are concerned about pain.
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Home Health library Women's sexual health What are the physical signs of female arousal?
23rd May, 2021 • 6 min read What are the physical signs of female arousal?
A person’s breasts can get bigger during arousal and sex. True or false?
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When you get sexually aroused, or excited, many emotional and physical arousal signals are triggered. Your nerves, blood vessels, brain and hormones all change in some way, but that’s not all. Your thoughts and emotions also come into play when you get ‘turned on’.
Read on to find out more about what really happens to your body when you’re sexually excited, including the physical signs of female arousal that happen in 4 main stages.
Everyone is different, but usually your body will go through 4 stages when you respond to sexual arousal: excitement, arousal, orgasm and resolution.
This first stage is where you start feeling sexually excited because of thoughts, words, sights, smells or touch. You may feel a desire to have sex in this first stage, but this desire may only build up once you’re in the second stage of arousal.
You might feel the muscles in your body start to tense and your heart rate and breathing get faster. Your breasts may become fuller and your nipples may harden (get erect).
Sexual arousal is when sexual excitement is both thought about and felt in the body. Blood will start to flow to your vagina, making your clitoris and vaginal walls swell. This increased blood flow causes your vagina to produce more lubricating fluid – this is often called ‘getting wet’ – a main telltale physical sign of female arousal.
Your muscles will continue tightening and your clitoris will feel very sensitive. Your breathing and heart rate will also continue to increase.
When you reach the climax or peak of sexual excitement, it’s called having an
An orgasm generally lasts for only a few seconds. During this time you’ll have involuntary muscle contractions and spasms, and your blood pressure, heart rate and breathing will be at their highest. You’ll also feel a sudden, strong release of sexual tension.
You may have 1 orgasm, or more than 1 (multiple orgasms). And you don’t need to have an orgasm to enjoy sex.
This final stage is where you feel a sense of overall wellbeing and are completely relaxed. Most often, this stage will come after orgasm, but it can also happen after sexual activity without an orgasm.
At this stage, your body will begin to return to its original levels of functioning with your heart rate and breathing returning to normal. Swollen areas will also go back to their original state. You may even feel sleepy.
You may be able to orgasm again quite quickly after your first one and have multiple orgasms. This is unlike someone with a penis who can’t orgasm again straight after ejaculation – discover more about the stages and
They will be able to diagnose any problems and offer advice to help you understand your body and your sexual responses.
Your sex drive, or libido, may be different from someone else’s – and what seems ‘normal’ to you may be unusual for someone else. You may wonder
Sometimes the vulva, the outer parts of the vagina, can be swollen after sex as a result of arousal or friction, but it usually returns to normal. If it doesn’t and you experience other symptoms such as pain inside your vagina or in your lower tummy, or you keep having pain just before, during or after sex, see a doctor.
Pain in and around your vagina and vulva can have many causes, such as infection, skin disorders, vaginal dryness, vaginal surgery or scar tissue. If you feel your vagina throbbing with pain before, during or after sex, you may have a condition like
Cervical mucus is a natural fluid produced during your menstrual cycle by glands in and around your cervix. It changes in thickness and consistency as you go through the phases of your cycle. When you're most fertile, this mucus becomes slippery and wet, like raw egg white, and helps sperm travel into your cervix and uterus. You only produce arousal fluid in your vagina when you're sexually excited – this lubrication makes sex easier. Vaginal discharge is a term used for any fluids produced by your vagina, such as cervical mucus and arousal fluid.
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Anna Swan is reported to have had the  biggest vagina  ever in recorded history. The Scot was 7’5-1/2″, her husband was 7’11”, and she delivered the biggest newborn ever recorded: his head was 19″ around. Do the math.

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Vaginas ! So strange. So mysterious. So essential a component of the female anatomy. Sure, you may have a vagina. Or maybe you’re just curious about vaginas. Vaginas are like snowflakes. No two vaginas are alike. Of course, some vaginas are more exceptional than others. Like Hazel Jones, the woman who was so brave as to go on morning television to talk about her, not one, but two vaginas. Click through to find out more about Hazel’s lady flowers and other amazing vaginas in our vagina-tastic list.

Twenty-seven-year-old UK woman, Hazel Jones, went on morning television to talk about her one in a million vagina. Or should I say two in a million? Hazel suffers from a condition called uterus didelphys, which is a fancy way of saying the woman has two uteruses and two vaginas. This means she lost her virginity twice, suffers through double heavy periods each month, and can get pregnant twice at once if she’s not careful. She’s declined to have surgery to correct the problem because of the possible risks. I give her credit for dealing with so much lady plumbing. [ Huffington Post ]

Hazel is not alone. Lauren Williams is yet another chick with two vaginas. She has a bicornuate uterus, which means she has two vaginas, two cervixes, and two uteruses. I don’t know what I would do with the extra vagina. Rent it out?
In 1975, performance artist Carolee Schneeman stood on a table, covered herself in mud, and extracted a scroll from her vagina. Then, she read it. The paper evidence from Interior Scroll is now displayed as a work of art. And what has your vagina done lately?

In 1999, adult film star Houston had sex with a purported 620 men in one day, resulting in “The World’s Biggest G**gb**g 3.” In reality, there were about 125 dudes there. Still, nothing to sneeze at.
Tatiata Kozhevnikova has the world’s strongest vagina. She can lift 31 lbs. with hers. She’s even listed in Guinness World Records. And has special vagina barbells. OMG. WTF.
“Susan” was born without a vagina. As it turns out, one in 4,000 women are born with congenital absence of the vagina. How’s that work? “Externally, the genital area is perfectly normal, with clitoris, labia, and urethra all in place. But where the vagina should be there is only a small dimple or indentation.” Some opt for surgery. Susan “succeeded in creating her own vagina through the dilatation, or pressure technique.” I am speechless.

In America, women undergo plastic surgery to have their labia trimmed. (Read one woman’s testimony: “I Had Labiaplasty Surgery.”) In Rwanda, women engage in labia stretching. In their culture, elongated labia are considered an asset and is perceived to result in better sex for both partners. The World Health Organization considers the practice female genital mutilation. Others see it as part of a long-standing tradition.

Maoni Vi of Capetown, South Africa, has pubic hair that is 28-inches long. But does she braid it? That I do not know.
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