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Fun Fact Interestingly, beautiful Tatarstan is one of the brightest spots of the Trans-Siberian journey, the longest railway line on the planet!

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It might be hard to imagine but Russia is such a multicultural and diverse country that it’s actually really difficult to enumerate all its ethnicities brought together “under one roof”. For different counts, Russia is home to more than 160 nationalities which is truly impressive.
But did you know that the second largest ethnic population of Russia is Tatars? Where exactly is Tatarstan located and why is travel to Tatarstan worth giving a try? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in this outline of Tatar culture. Let’s take a look!
During the 6-7th centuries, the territory of Tatarstan was part of the Turkic Khaganate which inhabited the Magyar tribes. Later on, they were superseded by Volga Bulgarians who conquered these lands and formed an early feudal state of Volga-Kama Bulgaria.
The state gained independence and repeatedly entered military conflicts with Kievan Rus. In the 13th century, as a result of the Mongol-Tatars invasion, Volga Bulgaria fell to the armies of the Mongol prince and became part of the Golden Horde. After that, the population became known as Volga Tatars.
The truth is that it was a very turbulent milestone in Russian history, as the period from the middle of the 13th right till the end of the 15th century was marked by the Tatar-Mongol yoke over Rus, characterized by suppression, numerous raids, and collecting tribute from Russian villages by the Golden Horde.
It was only in the year 1552 when Russian troops (under the command of Ivan IV the Terrible) conquered the territory of the present-day Tatarstan and annexed it to Rus.
Nowadays, the Republic of Tatarstan is an important federal subject of the Russian Federation, set at the confluence of the Volga and the Kama Rivers. The region is located approximately 800 km east of Moscow, which is not that far by Russian standards.
The territory of Tatarstan counts 41 localities, including two more-than-a-million-person cities: Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny.
If you’ve decided to travel Russia and want to enrich your itinerary with as many remarkable Russian destinations as you can, bear in mind that beautiful Tatarstan is one of the brightest spots of the Trans-Siberian railway journey .
Being the next stop after Moscow, the capital of Tatarstan, set at the junction of Europe and Asia, is surely going to colorize your Russian experience and leave unforgettable impressions.
The capital of Tatarstan, Kazan , officially bears the title of the "Third Capital of Russia" due to its rich cultural and historical heritage. This beautiful city on the left bank of the Volga River is noted for its centuries-old religious tolerance.
It is definitely going to strike your imagination as this is the place where European and Asian traditions merge. The city with more than a 1000-year history is an important cultural hub and home to many outstanding sights.
Not to sound groundless, we have prepared 10 interesting facts about Kazan, that will help you to get a general understanding of why the so-called “Istanbul on the Volga River” and Russia’s cultural melting pot should be on your bucket list.
What else can characterize the culture of the region better? Gastronomy, of course. Tatar cuisine is rich in traditions, bricked up already in the times of the ancient state of Volga Bulgaria. Generally, main specialties of Tatar cuisine include meat soups with floury dressings, noodles (shurpa), dumplings, necessarily served in broth.
Local cuisine has continued to evolve under the influence of Muslim peoples and gained some new dishes into the menu like pilaf. As for desserts, Tatars like pastries, nuts, and honey. Now, let’s enumerate a couple of Tatar dishes you would like to try for sure.
Tatarstan is an incredible region that makes travelers fall in love with it from the first sight. Having an amazing history behind, Tatarstan has incorporated the best traditions of Europe and Asia, turning it into a mind-blowing heritage that we can explore today. If you have already got some interest in this marvelous part of Russia, which we bet you have, consider including it in your Russia travel plans. One thing we can guarantee is that such journey won’t disappoint you for sure!
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Tatarstan's capital city of Kazan: The capital of the republic is the city of Kazan with a population of over 1.1 million. In 2005, it celebrated its 1000 th anniversary. More than forty percent of its residents are young people for whom Tatarstan offers an outstanding opportunity to attend its forty universities, including Kazan University that celebrated its 200 th anniversary in 2004 and ...
A Bit of Tatar History. During the 6-7th centuries, the territory of Tatarstan was part of the Turkic Khaganate which inhabited the Magyar tribes. Later on, they were superseded by Volga Bulgarians who conquered these lands and formed an early feudal state of Volga-Kama Bulgaria. The state gained independence and repeatedly entered military ...
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Эротическая попа страстной богини Daisy - Эротика: голые сек ... Daisy Lowe Nude The Fappening - Page 10 - FappeningGram. xhamster.com CELEBS - 962 Pics, #2 xHamster. angel-porns.com Art Lingerie - rotic nudes in Stockings & Nylons!
Tatarstan's capital city of Kazan: The capital of the republic is the city of Kazan with a population of over 1.1 million. In 2005, it celebrated its 1000 th anniversary. More than forty percent of its residents are young people for whom Tatarstan offers an outstanding opportunity to attend its forty universities, including Kazan University that celebrated its 200 th anniversary in 2004 and ...
A Bit of Tatar History. During the 6-7th centuries, the territory of Tatarstan was part of the Turkic Khaganate which inhabited the Magyar tribes. Later on, they were superseded by Volga Bulgarians who conquered these lands and formed an early feudal state of Volga-Kama Bulgaria. The state gained independence and repeatedly entered military ...
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