Dream Spank

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I just saw a nice publicity still of a smiling Barbara Eden wearing a saloon girl outfit being carried OTS, (over the shoulder), of Clint Eastwood promoting "Rawhide". Nice! It was on a documentary about Barbara's life during which the narrator mentioned her Mother in real life was, "A strict disciplinarian."
Now I have seen the great pics Roxanne Berard being spanked OTK in Rawhide & I know Barbara escaped Clint's palm during that show, but can anyone refresh my memory which Western series featured our favourate genie getting spanked. I recall reading on the web in 1 show she was spanked over a saloon bannister whailst in another she was spanked OTK on the main street in front of the public. Is this right? Does anyone recall any details? How good was the spanking action? Hope I catch it 1 day! (How she escaped Major Nelson's wrath & stinging palm is anyone's guess! Oh well!),
I think it was a two-part ep called "Damon's Way," but I could be wrong. (She was on "Rawhide" twice, according to IMDB, and the name of the other one -- "Incident at Confidence Creek" -- didn't sound familiar.) It's on one of the clips tapes, though I don't know which one. I also don't know whether it was Clint Eastwood or Eric Fleming who had the fun.

As to why Maj. Nelson never spanked her, the answer is obvious. There was an ep where he got real mad and said something to the effect of, "Young lady, this is going to be the most unpleasant afternoon of your life." (Why he could call her "young lady" when she was centuries older than he was was not explained.) Anyway, she zapped him into a pesonal steambath, the general walked in, Jeanie had to disappear, and Nelson was stuck sweating in the steambath. I guess he never tried that again.
The girl you mention is Julie Parrish, who had the honor of going over Jeffrey Hunter's lap in a January 1964 episode of "Temple Houston" called "The Tutor."

That scene had a nice follow-up, too. A day or so later, the sheriff comes to call, and asks Houston if he and the little lady had patched up their differences. Houston replies by producing a large hairbrush and smiling... and Julie flinches noticably, covering her bottom as she does so.

Thanks, folks for all your inputs. I've learned a few extra details. For example, I am aware of Julie Parrish's chastisement, though I didn't know it was public in the street nor that it was for gross disobedience. Sounds like great fun! The publicity still for it is a classic. Glad to know the scene will be worth tracking down 1 day. (I may post the pic with some others on Arild's movie spanking Yahoo group for those amongst us new on the scene).
It's good I was corrected it was indeed in "Rawhide" that Barbara was spanked. I'll hock my teeth to see that 1!! That would also explain Barbara's joyful grin in the publicity still I referred to over Clint's shoulder! Anticipation of a repeat performance maybe!
If I come across the lead for my alleged street spanking for Barbara Eden, I'll report back. It's possible the retoric I read there was fantasy, (like the Dr. Who confusion a few months back where we eventually found the only 1 ever scripted was scrubbed long before filming).
Now wasn't there a third M/F Rawhide spanking in addition to the Eden & Berard dealings? Was it as good as the other 2 seem?
And I'll tell you what, I don't care where Jeannie tried to zap me away to, (be it steam baths, Syberia, into the core of an erupting volcano, whatever), given a reasonable chance to soundly spank Miss Eden's backside, I'll be taking that risk!!
Thanks Again,
Hop Along Jin.
Oh, & to fuel the imagination of the males in particular amongst us, Barbara's Saloon girl costume whilst draped over Clint's shoulder was completely skirtless! She came dressed for a good spanking, that's for sure absolutely comfortable reclined prone bent over that 'Magnum' shoulder! Go on Clint, make our day!!,
P.S. 'Retoric' should have been spelt, 'rhetoric'.

Before we guess further:

Eric Fleming (Gil Favor) / Patricia Barry (Miss Abigail) otk in episode:
"Incident of the Married Widow" (episode # 5.21) 3/1/1963

I've recorded this episode earlier this year.
The scene is short but nice.
There is a good description and a VERY low quality vidcap of that scene
on some Yahoo-Group.
There's a possibility i will make/post a high quality video-clip of it
sometime next year (no promise).

No sense in waiting for "possibilities." The scene from "The Incident of the Married Widow" is in Cinema Swats #6, due out the first of the year.

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Well, I must admit I am pleased that it’s almost been two weeks and until today, I haven’t witnessed my wife break a rule. She has been on her best behaviour.
Tonight, there was a mishap that I still felt had to be addressed if my word is to mean anything. While I was watching the inauguration, my wife was preparing dinner, and I heard a loud bang followed a very loud, FUCK! Not once, not twice but I think five times.
I went into the kitchen to see a huge salad spilt all over the floor.
Not to toot my own horn, but I was very calm and asked her if she said what I thought she said, and she looked like she saw a ghost. I calmly told her to stand in the corner, the corner I showed which is the designated punishment corner.
She apologized and said she should never speak that way. I told her I appreciated her apology, but she needed to stand in the corner immediately. I lightly took her by the arm, and brought her to the corner, positioned her and told her to think about the language she used and not to turn around.
 Whew! The first step accomplished, and I had some time to prepare for the spanking. I decided to have her spend 20 minutes in the corner. I decided since it was her first spanking that I would use mostly my hand and then maybe 10 with the paddle.
After 20 minutes, I insisted she strip and stand in front of me.
I told her I was going to give her a spanking and I asked her why. She answered because I swore.
I put her over my knee and spanked her for about five minutes with my hand. She was quiet, but her behind turned pink.
I then grabbed my paddle, which I had next to the chair and gave her 10 fairly hard spanks. She was no longer quiet and begged me to stop. It was very hard for me, but I carried on and told her this would happen every time she swears. She started crying, and finally, I could tell by her sobbing, and the very red colour of her behind I had spanked her sufficiently. I sent her back to the corner and told her to think about her behaviour. She was crying still.
I made her stand in the corner for another 20 minutes. At the 15 minute mark, I made her turn to me, and I put a bar of soap in her mouth and told her to spend 5 minutes with it in her mouth.
She gagged a little and then I turned her back to face the corner.
I spent these five minutes lecturing her on how inappropriate it is for a lady of her beauty and intelligence to use such words. It will not be tolerated, and I hope that your behind will remind you not to. I could tell she wanted to speak but couldn’t because of the soap. When her corner time was finished, I let her spit out the soap and had her watch me put in a sealable bag reminding her that it’s her for future use.
I had her hang my paddle back up and put the soap in the medicine cabinet.
I then hugged her and told her she handled her punishment well. I told her to continue cleaning up and make dinner but to remain nude. And that is what she is doing now. I think I will let her put her clothes on after dinner and cleanup.
Well, for the first spanking, I think it went well. I remained calm, was very firm and gave her a good spanking. She was pretty submissive and very embarrassed. I think nude corner time with soap made her feel humiliated, which I feel was deserved.
I can’t deny that it was challenging to really spank her, but I am determined to steer her right and improve my marriage.
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