Does Q Predict the Future?

Does Q Predict the Future?

Does Q Predict the Future?

Dave Hayes

It is commonly believed that one aspect of Q's mission is predicting future events.

The first post by Q on October 28th, 2017 was a prediction of a future event—the arrest of Hillary Clinton, on October 30th, 2017. (As a side note, have you ever wondered why Q's "first post" is actually two separate posts combined? I'll discuss this in a future message.)

A few days later, Q predicted two more events—the indictment of John Podesta and Huma Abedin on November 3rd and 6th.

During the first week of November 2017, none of these people were arrested or indicted. But members of the Saudi Royal Family were arrested on November 4th. Q had also been dropping hints about Saudia Arabia (SA) at this time, though he did not specifically mention arrests.

After the arrests in Saudi Arabia on November 4th, Q suggested that his predictions about the arrests of American political figures were a diversion. They drew attention away from the real target—members of the Saudi Royal Family.

On Wednesday, May 16th, 2018, Q hinted that information about the FBI's surveillance of President Trump was about to be declassified by Presidential executive order (Bomb(s) about to blow.)

Three days later, on Saturday the 19th, Q explained that because of his recent posts, Trump's opponents had been tricked into wrongly thinking the executive order would be released on Friday the 18th.

Occasionally, Q will provide a countdown that seems to indicate the day a certain event will take place. On February 26th, 2019, Q hinted that a 21-day countdown had begun.

A few days later, on March 1st, 2019, Q indicated the countdown was active.

The day of the anticipated event came but nothing big happened, except that the release of Robert Mueller's report was delayed.

Q told anons the last time he provided a countdown, it caused the President's enemies to pull a false flag event.

Q's predictions, even those that are vague, are intended to get President Trump's enemies to expend valuable ammunition.

On December 2nd, 2019, Q posted a picture of a watch showing the time of 1:29.

Anons thought perhaps the time indicated the date of the release of the DOJ Inspector General FISA report. Q implied that this would give the President's enemies information they could use to their advantage.

The Inspector General's FISA report was released exactly one week later (to the minute) on December 9th, 2019 at exactly 1:29 pm Eastern.

The DOJ published a statement by Attorney General Barr about the IG report on their Twitter account at 1:29 on December 9th.

U.S Attorney John Durham also issued a statement about the FISA report. It was posted on the Connecticut U.S. Attorney's Twitter account at 1:29 on December 9th.

On December 15th, 2019, Q asked if anons had figured out the significance of the watch post on December 2nd showing the time of 1:29.

Although Q has plainly predicted future events, we've learned that these predictions are not intended to be accurate. They're distractions—head-fakes designed to entice opponents into making wrong moves.

The correct "predictions" Q has made are not really predictions. They're obtuse hints that can't be understood until after an event happens. After an event does happen, we can look back at previous posts and find one that seems to have hinted about it.

(If you're wondering what the "graphic" is, before websites aggregated Q's posts, anons kept an updated graphic that contained screenshots of all of them.)

Q has posted many messages that show coincidental relationships. The meaning of those coincidences (if there is one) is left to each person to decide. Some believe they are nothing more than coincidences. Some think they show planning and coordination.

When Q was asked about his foreknowledge of future events, he said it was because he (through his relationship with President Trump) has control over them.

If you're interested in learning more about Q, you might check out my books Calm Before the Storm and Great Awakening.

A Brief Intro to Q

About That 11.3 Post

The Consequences of Proving Election Fraud

Q and the Media - The Anatomy of a Smear Campaign

Report Page