Do Men Squirt

Do Men Squirt


Do Men Squirt




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A step-by-step guide on how to squirt
Paisley Gilmour
Sex & Relationships Editor
Paisley is sex & relationships editor at Cosmopolitan UK, and covers everything from sex toys, how to masturbate and sex positions, to all things LGBTQ.

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"If sex isn't messy, you're not doing it right."
Squirting is just incredibly cool, there's no two ways about it. There's long been a debate about whether it actually can happen (it can, duh) and whether the liquid that's expelled is pee (it's not, duh again).
Some women and people with vaginas who squirt during sex might feel embarrassed about it, but they shouldn't because it's totally normal . So here's 8 guys to explain why it majorly turns them on when women squirt. PS. Don't see that as pressure to get squirting - not every body is capable so don't stress.
1. "I love it! My GF squirts almost every time she cums and she says it gives her a much more intense orgasm. It is also very satisfying for me to be able to please her like that and I enjoy the feeling of it when she squirts on my while she is riding me. I have never understood why this bothers some men." [via]
2. "Super fucking hot. It irritates me to hear about guys who think it's gross. Why not just go ahead and close your eyes, wrap yourself up in a dry, sterilised bubble, and stick your dick into a self-cleaning fleshlight? If sex isn't messy, you're not doing it right ." [via]
3. "Happened to me ONCE. I never liked it in pornos but sweet fucking christ almighty, when a chick actually comes on you it is the biggest turn on ." [via]
4. "[It's] super hot. It just confirms that you got her off, and the ones I have made squirt always convulse lots during the act which is also a turn on ." [via]
5. "Yeaaa, when eating a girl out and working the G-spot with the fingers and the clit with the tongue, and then feeling her vagina clamp down on your fingers and all of a sudden a rush of liquid spews out from around your fingers and the girl proceeds to scream/squeeze your head with her thighs/and then start yelling, 'fuck me'... yeah that shit is awesome ." [via]
6. "Happened to the girl I was with fairly often. She referred to it as the 'incident' and she was kinda embarrassed about it, but I just thought it was hot !" [via]
7. "My girlfriend and I hadn't been able to do anything more than a few quick kisses for about three weeks. This Sunday we finally got the chance to be alone, and it was amazing. We did it for two hours. We tried a lot of new things and did our first real dirty talk. It turned us both on tremendously. She ended up squirting for the first time while I was going down on her . It was incredibly hot." [via]
8. "I was dating a girl about eight months ago. Relationship was kind of new, and we were discussing different sexual stuff. I was telling her about how I thought squirting was odd to me and that I thought it was piss and not... whatever it is... We then had sex and she squirted (not 10 minutes later). I was weird about it before, then it happened and it was kinda awesome. It's also NOT piss..." [via]

Medically Reviewed by Hansa D. Bhargava, MD on November 24, 2020
Squirting refers to fluid expelled from the vagina during orgasm. Not all people with vaginas squirt during orgasm, and those who do may only squirt some of the time. This type of orgasm includes a rapid ejection of urine from the bladder.
Squirting sometimes also involves secretions from the skene's gland. The skene's glands are sometimes called the female prostate because they function similarly to the male prostate.
A squirting orgasm is sometimes called female ejaculation. But this term excludes non-binary and trans people who are not female but have vaginas. 
A recent study has shown that there is a difference between squirting, female ejaculation, and incontinence during sex. However, the term squirting is used to describe all three in everyday language.
All three of these phenomena involve fluid coming from the bladder during sex. Squirting is the expulsion of urine during an orgasm. Female ejaculation is a release of both urine and a substance from the skene's glands. Sexual incontinence — also called coital incontinence — is when someone loses control of their bladder during sex.
Ejaculation in people with vaginas may include a small release of a milky white liquid that does not gush out. Squirting, on the other hand, is usually a higher volume. It is possible to squirt and ejaculate at the same time. 
Squirting is real. In fact, scientists have documented the phenomenon. However, more research is needed to determine the exact causes of squirting and female ejaculation. 
Part of the ambiguity about squirting is that the skene's glands vary from person to person. Some people with vaginas don't have any, while others have very small ones.
Myth: Everyone Can Squirt If They Try the Same Method
Each person's experience with squirting is different. While some methods can make people squirt more than others, there is no one proven method that makes every person with a vagina squirt. This is because each vagina is different. As mentioned, some vaginas lack the skene's glands which are thought to create the fluid released during ejaculation in people who have vulvas. 
Myth: Squirting Orgasms are Always High Volume
Squirting isn't always a high volume event that soaks the sheets. Sometimes it is a small trickle or a stream of fluid. 
The depiction of squirting in porn movies often shows large gushes of squirting liquid. Porn producers fake some of these depictions for dramatic effect. All volumes and forms of squirting are valid. Squirting at different volumes is a normal occurrence during sex for many people.
Myth: Squirting or Ejaculation Only Happens During Orgasm
Some people can squirt or ejaculate before or after an orgasm. Squirting can also occur at the same time as an orgasm. Some people also have multiple spurts of squirting spread over a few minutes.
Explore squirting by yourself or with a partner to find out what works for you.
Some sex experts recommend stimulating the g-spot to achieve a squirting orgasm. Either by yourself or with a partner, take some time to find the g-spot with your fingers and/or sex toys. Pressure on the g-spot may make you feel the need to urinate.
Experiment with different methods of bringing yourself or your partner to a squirting orgasm with g-spot stimulation. Some ideas include:
For some people, putting too much pressure on the g-spot can feel uncomfortable. Listen to your body and do what feels good. If you are too tense it may be harder to orgasm or squirt. 
BBC: "Every question you ever had about female ejaculation, answered."
Cosmopolitan: "Is Squirting Normal?"
Cosmopolitan: "Sex Talk Realness: Is Squirting Fake?"
Lifehacker: "How to Have a Super-Intense Squirting Orgasm."
Marie Claire: "My Epic Journey to Find the "Skene's Gland," the Mystical Source of Female Ejaculation."
National Council for Biotechnology Information: "Nature and origin of "squirting" in female sexuality."
Refinery29: "Is Female Ejaculation Even Real? 5 Myths Debunked."
Shape: "Is Squirting Real? What to Know About Female Ejaculation."
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Home / Wellness / Mens Health / 7 Types Of Male Orgasms (And How To Achieve Them)
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During intercourse, as a man nears orgasm, his pelvic thrusts become less voluntary and more automatic, and the muscles of the penis begin to contract rhythmically in order to eject semen from the urethra.
When an orgasm begins, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration all increase. The orgasm marks the final stage of the arousal response in men. What most men don’t know is that there are other types of male orgasms , which most guys never experience:
This is one of the general types of male orgasms that many men experience every time they have sex. It doesn’t require much effort on your part to achieve it and it results in the ejaculation of your sperm. There is literally no control over pelvic thrusting or when you reach this orgasm unless you work to control it.
Men can actually learn to hold their orgasm and send the energy rushing back into their pelvic region simply by practicing. Self-control is largely an untaught trick in the area of sexual satisfaction, but it really can provide a more intense and pleasurable orgasm if you learn to do it correctly. If you would like to feel a pelvic orgasm you have to relax your mind and control your bodily functions prior to orgasm. Hold back your ejaculation and send it back through your body for a full pelvic orgasm.
In a condition called retrograde ejaculation, the bladder’s sphincter does not close off properly during ejaculation, so semen spurts backward into the bladder. This condition is usually found in some men who have multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or after some types of prostate surgery. It can also occasionally occur in men who do not have any serious problems. It is not physically harmful, but it does render the man infertile and he may have a different sensation during ejaculation. A retrograde ejaculation is also known as a “dry come” because the man may experience orgasm, but no semen is released from the penis.
On either side of the prostate are nerves that control erections. These nerves can be stimulated through prostate touching and stroking. This orgasm is conjured by consistently stimulating the prostate gland either with a finger or through a toy. Men can achieve this orgasm only when they are fully relaxed and into the stimulation.
The whole body orgasm stimulates both nerve pathways that are connected to the pelvic region. Once both the pelvic and the spinal regions are fully engaged you will experience a blended orgasm that fully stimulates your entire body. If you want to feel the most amazing sensation you could ever imagine then this is the orgasm you want to experience. You can engage both sensations by getting both penis and prostate stimulation.
These types of male orgasms are full body orgasms without touching. They use your breath and muscle contractions to generate orgasmic energy that flows through your body, resulting in male ejaculation.
Most men usually have a refractory period (time in between each orgasm) to deal with—which lasts 30 minutes or more on average. But yes, men can orgasm again and again without having to cool down.
Having multiple orgasms during sex and foreplay is 10x harder, but once you can do it, here’s how to have multiple orgasms during sex.
Before you can have multiple orgasms, you need to get yourself to a certain level of ejaculatory control.
You should be comfortable masturbating for 10+ minutes with constant stimulation (not having to stop and start a ton of times).
Without that kind of control, you won’t be able to slowly bring yourself up to the point of having a multiple orgasms, and you definitely won’t be able to keep yourself right at that threshold.
If you can’t easily do that, start with the article on how to last longer in bed.
Having a multiple orgasm works by getting to the point of orgasm, and then flexing your PC muscle hard enough to block the ejaculate from actually escaping.
But most men have a weak PC muscle, even if they can normally last a long time in bed, so you’ll need to…

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That just happened to me... kinda embarrassing... I don't know if he thinks it’s gross or not (like if it’s pee..)
What do guys think when a girl squirts every time she orgasms?
Do you think a guys should drink a girls squirting?
When a girl squirt does it mean sex should stop , continue penetration?
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that is my fantasy I've never seen a girl squirt it turns me on more than anything did he notice? did you squirt a lot or just a little I can't speak for anyone but myself even if it is pee it's still so sensual that means you came hard how did it feel I'm assuming it was great next time drink a beer or two you will pee a few times before sex then if you squirt again it will be mostly water besides pee is sterile when it first comes out it takes a little while before bacteria starts to form in it
Its fine... yeah it must have been AMAZING! for you and him. Sucks that the bed is wet though, but now... you can prepare for it. and man is that so HOT. Messy. but at least for me, I think it is worth it. Clean up isn't that bad. Just time for thick towels. Spend that 100 plus get the good stuff. I wish you the best.
Not all guys. I remember the first time I ever squirted with a guy and he got mad at me because he thought I wet the bed! It was embarrassing for sure, and he made me think what I did was wrong! It wasn't until I was older that I learned what squirting was. But my ex hated when I did it I'm glad I'm no longer with him.
My ex got turned on. 2 of them managed to do this. Happened so fast and it was so intense. They were both proud about it (different times not threesome) Should be happy they made you feel such intense pleasure. Don't be embarrassed. If he is being funny about it maybe he's not for you
Well you know it's I mean it's a well it's what you must do I guess just warm s guy ahead of time so I can put some plastic under you I know it's embarrassing why I now use dispose needing when I know the evening might get hot and steamy no offense but I'm good with it it's okay of you, you can't help it if you wanted to wouldn't help it even if you could it's a part of you, I'm good with it
I think it is hott but only because I haven't experienced it myself. I would love to tho. I love watching it and it seems like it is way more intense when the woman is cumming. Don't feel embarrassed, enjoy it. There are lots of women that want to squirt during sex. They are trying to learn it. Some do and some can't. Be proud of it.
I mean its sexy knowing that she had that intense of an orgasm and being able to see your "handywork" so to speak, however it could startle a guy if it comes out of no where. That said I don't think he is going to care, but knowing before hand does allow you to put something down to make for easier cleanup. Otherwise I don't think you have a reason to be embarassed.
It's hot and I see no problem or shame in a girl being a squirter, yet I prefer a girl who doesn't squirt. I have been with a squirter and things get messy quickly to a point where we both just want to stop lol.
Don't be embarrassed it is hot try this some time masturbate with you and guy facing each other ass to ass legs under and over each others masturbating and if both mske it so hot so sexy. That you shoot ur cum all over him that's even hotter
i find it sexy. many other guys i have talked about it to have had simular responses. we that find it sexy view it more like you ladies do a guy squirting cum. almost like its the only true way to know we made you cum. (thank all the orgasm fakers throughout history for the doubts from other things like saying you are cumming)
It is pee. It is more common than you think and more likely a dribble than a spritz, but those happen too. It's part of the raunchiness of sex. No, it is not a turn-off. Dpn't be embarrassed and don't pinch it back.
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