Diaper Bondage Vibrator

Diaper Bondage Vibrator


Diaper Bondage Vibrator
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Bailey Locked In The High Chair With A Vibrator In Her Diaper
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Gabriela waved to her friends as she they left the movie theatre. She looked up at the stars, then closed her eyes and breathed in the night air. She began walking down the side walk, back towards her house. Once past the theatre and nearby stores, the roads quickly became forested, with only a few houses to break the line of trees. She loved walking down this path a night. She noticed a van coming up behind her. Thinking nothing of it, she continued. However, as the van got closer, it began to slow down. A little nervous now, she picked up her pace. The van sped up as well, following close behind her. Sprinting now, she turned off the road, hoping to head into the tree line. The van stopped, and a few men got out. They followed her quickly and soon caught up. She turned to try to fight them, swinging a balled fist at the nearest, but was outnumbered and smaller than any of them. One grabbed her arms from behind. She tried to scream, but one shoved his hand into her mouth. She bit down, and heard him yelp. However, her mouth was quickly covered again with a piece of cloth, and her vision blurred. Within seconds she had passed out. Gabriela slowly regained consciousness. A wave of confusion fell over her. Something about where she was felt… funny. She felt as if she was hugging herself, and it was difficult to move. Something was wrapped around her chest, and something far thicker was around her waist. The memories from the night before came back in a flood. She sat up quickly, which proved to be a mistake. Her head slammed into something, and she fell back down. She opened her eyes, only to be met with pitch black. She couldn’t see anything around her, and had no idea where she was. She tried to make sense of where she was based on feel. She was in some kind of bed, that was certain. She could feel the mattress underneath her, and the blanket on top. She guessed, based on the feeling, a second blanket had wrapped around her tightly, and bunched between her legs. Something in her mouth kept her from calling out for help. She tried to reach around her, but found it impossible to move her arms. Giving up on her arms, she began kicking her legs, throwing the blanket off of her. She tried to move her arms again. To her surprise, they didn’t feel any different, and the thick feeling between her legs hadn’t left. Alright, so it wasn’t a blanket. Suddenly nervous, and with a growing feeling of anxious nausea, she realized someone had tied her up. She began moving her legs around, trying to see if she could feel out her surroundings. Obviously there was something above her. She lifted her feet into the air, and felt a row of bars above her. She moved them from side to side, feeling more of the same. She was in a cage. She lay back down flat on the bed, trying to think. Someone had captured her, for what, she didn’t know. They tied her up and locked her inside a cage. Perhaps soon they would enter, and she could find out what was going on. She heard footsteps coming toward her. A door opened, and a light came on. She blinked for a moment to get used to the light. “Ahhh, it seems out baby is awake. We heard you rustling around and figured we’d check,” she heard a deep, masculine voice say. She looked toward the voice, finding a pair of men. Both wore identical all black clothing and grey cloth masks over their faces. “MMMMM MMMM!” She tried to ask who they were, but all that came out was a muffled noise. She remembered that there was something in her mouth. She looked around herself. The bars above and beside her were wooden, and either end of her mattress had a tall board decorated with flowers. She wasn’t in a cage, she was in a crib. She looked down at herself. While she had assumed she was simply tied, it became clear she was in a white strait jacket. Unlike most strait jackets she had seen before, it had “Baby Girl” written across the chest in pink, with a pacifier and a diaper drawn on either side of it. She looked down further. What she had assumed was bunched up blankets between her legs was an almost comically thick diaper, covered with pictures of teddy bears and pacifiers. A glance around the room revealed a gigantic nursery. The walls were painted in a sky scene a happy sun and clouds and a gigantic rainbow. There was a changing table, well stocked with diapers of various colors, piles of toys, and a closet she assumed was filled with more babyish outfits. She found a mirror, and studied herself. Along with the strait jacket and diaper, she wore a pink bonnet, and a matching pacifier filled her mouth with a strap around her head to take it in place. “I suppose you’re wondering what is going on,” one of the men said. “You have been chosen for this based on a ‘compatible personality,’ which I am sure you understand. In fact, I bet you recognize a lot of what you see here.” Gabriella blushed. She did, in fact, recognize much of it. It was like one of a hundred scenarios she had imagined, read about, and even drawn herself into. For a long time, she had a fascination with diapers, and especially with being forced into them. How had the man known? Did he see her internet history? The stranger continued speaking, walking toward her as he did. “You are now in a program to train adult babies. For reasons I am sure will become clear soon, we need to ensure you are able to be trained, and we don’t have much time to do it. This means the next little while will be… unpleasant, for you, and even more so if you don’t cooperate.” He undid the latch on her crib, and picked her up. She struggled for a moment, but the straight jacket made it essentially pointless. “We are going to introduce you to the worst aspects of being a baby slave. When we are done, you will be begging to be treated as one. Oh, and you can call me, and my partner, ‘Daddy’.” Gabriela doubted that. Though she had her fantasies, she had never really imagined it happening in real life. If he thought she would be begging, he was in for a surprise. It was Gabriela, however, who was surprised first. The first thing the man did after taking her out of the crib was to sit down and bend her over her lap. From a dozen pictures and stories, she knew exactly what was coming next. She began kicking and struggling, then tried to call out but was muffled by the pacifier. “Don’t struggle, you will only make it worse,” her ‘Daddy” said. With that, he raised his hand, and began spanking her through her diaper. WHACK WHACK WHACK! Each hit landed with a dull thud against her padding, making her yelp each time. She gave up struggling against him, but still bounced and kicked her feet with each smack. She had never imagined the spankings to be this painful. After what seemed like an eternity, he stopped. Gabriela sighed inwardly, thinking it was over. However, the man simply undid the strap that ran between her legs, untapped her diaper, and began again on her bare bottom. She squealed even louder as he rained down blows. She began sobbing and whimpering as he mercilessly spanked her. Finally, he finished the bare bottom spanking. Gabriela’s bottom ached and throbbed horribly. She was certain it was beet red. The man reached into his pocket and took something out. She felt him put something into her bottom, than watched as he squeezed a tube. She felt the thing inside her inflate, and realized it was a butt plug. He re –taped her diaper and pulled the strap between her legs again. He picked her up off his lap and stood her on the ground. Next, he reached over to a nearby shelf and grabbed a white collar, which he attached to Gabriella’s neck along with a leash. “Alright, that plug is going to stay in there for a while. Eventually you will resent it so much even filling a diaper will seem merciful by comparison. Meanwhile, you will be receiving spankings every hour, on the hour. It is your job to make sure we remember. If we ‘forget’, and go past the time, and you don’t do anything, your spankings will become much worse and more frequent. Now, it is time to take you to the kitchen for breakfast. You will follow me like a good diaper slave. Oh, and if you slow down, my partner her will spank you to encourage you forward.” With a squeak, Gabriella looked over at the second man, who had grabbed a large paddle. The first man tugged on her leash, pulling her forward. Not wanting to cause any trouble, she followed. However, he moved quickly, turning down various hallways without warning, and she struggled to keep up. The man behind her used every excuse he could to bring the paddle down hard on her bottom. By the time they reached the kitchen, where she saw a high chair set up for her, she was whimpering and squealing anew. The two men picked her up and sat her in the high chair. They closed the tray over her and locked it shut. Then, they locked her ankles into cuffs on the legs of the chair. One of the men placed a large bowl in front of her. It was filled with an un-appetizing grey mush. Gabriela leaned back away from it and wrinkled her nose at the smell. It looked horrible, and there was far too much of it. Her ‘Daddy’ took the pacifier out of her mouth. She assumed she’d be able to move her mouth freely, but found that there was still a ring around her teach, keeping her from closing it completely. She tried to speak, asking for something else to eat. However, she only got as far as “Wait…” before he was shoveling spoon full after spoon full into her. She tried to swallow as quickly as she could and speak between mouthfuls, but could barely keep up with his pace. It was clear he was ignoring her anyway. Resigned to her fate, she simply swallowed the grotesque slime as quickly as she could, wondering what the heck it was. At the rate he was spooning it into her mouth, it was difficult to swallow, and she felt some of the slime fall out of her mouth and down her chin. The bowl was massive, and soon she was full. She tried to ask for him to stop, but he was intent on having her eat every single bite. Soon she was bloated, her stomach aching. When he was done with the mush, the man took a baby bottle full of milk and put it to her lips. Gabriela began sucking, thankful at least for something to rinse the mush down. When she was done, the man looked at her. “Had enough, baby girl?” Gabriella nodded. “Yes, Daddy, please! No more!” She said around the ring in her mouth. “Hmmm… alright. However, just to be sure…” to her surprise, he grabbed a pipe and attached it to the gag where her pacifier once was. It went straight into her mouth and to the back of her throat. Gabriela followed the pipe with her eyes and saw it was attached to a large machine. The man flicked a switched, and she saw more of the slime come down the tube. It came closer and closer, than began filling her mouth. She was forced to swallow helplessly as it poured into her. Her ‘Daddy’ watched for a moment, then turned to leave the room. She tried to call after him, begging for him to stop it, but her muffled squeals went unheeded. After a moment, she saw the fluid coming toward her change from grey to white, and found she was drinking milk. A minute later it was the grey mush again, and so on. More and more of it came into her, and she swallowed until she was even more bloated then before. She noticed a clock on the wall, and counted the minutes go by. At 9:35, the tube had been in her mouth for 10 minutes, with no sign of slowing down. If she was to receive hourly spankings, that meant another 25 minutes of mush. She groaned, and kept swallowing. Very quickly she felt a pressure growing in her bowels. It quickly became unbearable as more and more of the food went through her system. Nervously she wondered if she would be forced to use it to fill her diapers. The thought made her shudder. Despite countless pictures of messy diapers, actually doing it seemed horrible. No matter what she thought, however, at this moment the plug ensured it stayed exactly where it was. The liquid, on the other hand, had nothing keeping it inside her. She struggled briefly to refrain from humiliating herself, but it was a lost cause. The pressure grew each time the milk came down the house, and she was soon wetting herself. She flooded her diaper over and over again until it felt sloppy against her and squished every time she moved. It seemed like she was just part of the hose leading into the diaper. The liquid came from the machine to her mouth, went straight through her, and into her diaper. She watched the clock. Time went by slowly. 9:40, 45, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 10 seconds, 20 seconds, thirty seconds… It seemed to slow down as it got closer to her spanking. She found it odd that she was so eager for the time to pass, anticipating a spanking like some kind of reward. However, even the pain of a smacked bottom was better than constantly being feed this mush. As if part of the clockwork, as soon as the clock struck 10, the two men re-entered the room. One turned off the machine while the other took the house out of her mouth and replaced the pacifier. He wiped the food of her chin. “Aww, did baby wet her diapie?” he asked. Gabriela blushed and nodded. “Don’t worry diaper girl, we will change you. Eventually.” Then he unlocked her and took her out of the high chair. Once again, he pulled her over his knee and began spanking. Gabriela squealed and whined, but didn’t try to struggle, as she knew it was hopeless. Her already sore bottom stung even worse with each smack, and soon she was crying loudly through her pacifier. This time, however, he kept her diaper on. This proved to be wise, as she wet herself twice more before he was done. “Alright Gabriella, listen up. Today is supposed to be the day we punish you the most, but we’ve decided to give you a break. Come along!” He dragged her by the leash into another room. It turned out to be a tv-room, with a large screen and several couches. Along with the normal furnishings, there was a large mesh play pen. The two men picked her up and placed her inside this, then closed a hatch which sealed her in. They turned the television to a baby cartoon with anthropomorphic animals playing around and speaking gibberish. Before they left one of them said, “oh, and remember. Make sure you get your hourly spanking. If we forget, remind us.” Gabriella wince, not looking forward to another series of smacks. Gabriella crouched on her knees and ankles, not wanting to put her sore bottom on the ground. Even with the thick padding of the diaper, it was painful to sit. She looked around herself. There were several assorted blocks and stuffed animals, though she couldn’t do much with them without the use of her hands. She turned her attention to the television. The show was essentially pointless, simply a series of cute images to amuse babies. With nothing better to do, she resigned herself to crouching in her soaked diapers and watching it. If anything, it took her mind off the pressure inside her and the pain on her bottom. Time still went slowly, but this was at least better than the high chair. It was boring, but not painful in any way. Every fifteen minutes a different show came on, but none of them were really different. Each was filled with different cutesy characters and a different, inane, pointless plot. Suddenly she realized four shows had gone by. She looked at the digital clock beneath the television. It was 11:00, exactly. Neither of the men had come in to spank her. Had they forgotten? She remembered their warnings, it was up to her to tell them. She supposed that she could kick her feet and scream, than when they removed her pacifier she would tell them. However, the thought alone made her wince in pain. Her bottom was still sore from the last spanking, and another didn’t seem enjoyable. Perhaps if she didn’t mention it, they’d leave her alone… She watched the clock, growing more and more nervous. Should she call out? The clock changed to 11:01. Had they forgotten, or were they testing her? It seemed like an obvious test. Maybe she should. 11:02. It seemed as if time was now going faster to make up for how slowly it had been going earlier. How much worse would her punishments be if she didn’t ask for it? Could it be that much worse? 11:03. At this point, it was probably moot. Even if she said something, it was still passed the hour mark. Having finally made up her mind, Gabriella stopped watching the clock and turned her attention back to the television. Not a moment later, the two men came through the door again. She looked up at them, fear apparent in her eyes. “Well well, it looks like our naughty little girl forgot to say something, didn’t she?” one of them said. “Yes, I guess she didn’t want a spanking,” the other replied. “Perhaps she just isn’t used to them yet.” “I agree. Let’s see if we can rectify that, shall we?” Immediately Gabriela began to scream, hoping to beg for forgiveness. What were they going to do to her? They opened the playpen and dragged her out. The pulled her forward by the leash. She tried to struggle, hoping to gain a moment so she could explain she WAS going to call them, but wasn’t sure what to do and ran out of time. However, this excuse seemed pitiful even to her, and the leash forced her forward. They led her through the building, down a flight of stairs, and into another room. She groaned when she saw what was waiting for her. Directly in front of her was a full bdsm-style dungeon. Chains, straps, rods and paddles covered the wall. A set of stocks, cages, and various other restraining devices filled it. They led her to what she realized was a spanking bench. It was made of wood, had one waist high plank, and two others beside it. Her hips were placed on the higher plank bent at an acute angle, and her knees and elbows were tied to the other two. One of the men stood behind her. He raised a paddle and brought it down, hard, upon her bottom. It made her yelp and begin crying instantly. The paddle was far worse than the hand spankings, especially with nothing but a wooden plank underneath her. He raised it again and spanked her again, even harder this time. He kept going, making her more and more sore. When he was finished, the other man took over. After a few minutes, they stopped. “Alight you naughty girl,” one of them said “we are going to take a break. If you look at the clock, you will see it is currently 11:10. We will be back in five minutes for another five minute spanking, and so on. Understood?” Not waiting to reply, they both left. As promised, they returned in f
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