Diaper Bondage Story

Diaper Bondage Story


Diaper Bondage Story

The Diaper Games Chapter 8

Next:  Diaper Quest Release 2 Version 1.1  

Specific content new to this chapter: Self-degradation
Disclaimer: This is erotic fiction written by adults for adults, and all the characters in the story are adults. Sometimes in fiction, people do bad things. Only a fool would take anything written here as a reflection of reality or the author's views on morality.
Author's note: Diaper Quest has kind of taken over 95% of the time I spend on DL stuff but I am still slowly working on all my stories and on Messages from Mars . They will all see the light of day eventually.
Rosie woke up at 5am to a 'Barbie Girl' alarm clock in her newly decorated pink room. She imagined that Aika's dorm had likely suffered identical modifications next door. She felt quite calm, perhaps even serene. Maybe it was the good night's sleep, or maybe this was just herself gradually getting used to not having agency. But strangely enough, it felt like... it felt like everything was going to be okay. Almost as if something deep within was reassuring her that this was all meant to be.
Sitting up to avoid leaking, Rosie indulged in a morning tinkle. She didn't even remember at that moment that her toilet was locked shut - she just elected to use her diaper for convenience and that tingly, fuzzy feeling that comes from the warmth spreading around one's crotch and down behind the butt. Rosie knew that she was still being watched, but she was kind of used to this by this point. She had long since made her peace with her lack of privacy, and nobody she knew (or probably ever would know) would be rich enough to fund such an event and so she was unlikely to bump into any of her fans in real life. So the anonymous millionaires were free to continue to ogle as far as she was concerned. There was actually something a little exciting about knowing that her intimate toilet-times were being broadcast to an unknown audience. Now that she was growing accustomed to the whole 'Diaper Games' situation, her exhibitionist streak was rearing its perverted head. Rosie found herself spreading her legs and biting her lip, in some weird attempt to look sexy while not making it too obvious that she cared how she looked. When she could see that the front of her Pampers had discoloured, turning visibly soggy, she shivered with arousal. It took a significant amount of self control to not begin to touch herself.
Once Rosie had brought herself back from the brink and returned to the land of the sane people not-tempted-to-masturbate-through-their-wet-diaper-in-front-of-rich-perverts, Rosie forced herself onto two feet. After disposing of the used wet diaper in the provided pink diaper pail, she sauntered over to the shower and relaxed under its hot soothing embrace. It was a glorious sensation, and Rosie had no intention of leaving that shower until she was forced to. Which of course, she eventually was. An indeterminable amount of time later, the water suddenly turned freezing cold! She leapt out of the cubicle with an undignified shriek. Definitely the work of her new bosses! Rosie reluctantly accepted the fact that her shower time was over, and began to wipe herself with her new soft baby pink towels. Once dry she retrieved one of the identical thick Pampers with a wide pink waistband from her chest of drawers and very soon she was powdered, padded, and ready to face the rest of the day.
Upon opening her pink princess wardrobe she discovered that one of the hangers was sparkling brightly thanks to the row of white LEDs embedded in the plastic, blinking on and off in a slow gentle pattern. Evidently this was what she was being instructed to wear today. On the hanger was a stretchy white T-shirt, probably at least a couple of sizes too small for her, which had the phrase "Please check me, I'm probably wet" written on the front in cursive pink letters. When Rosie removed this she found that underneath on the same hanger was a pink diaper cover with a rocking horse pattern made of noisy plastic, and a pair of white socks. Once donned, Rosie looked much like you might suspect - the tiny white shirt stretched lewdly across her chest, making every contour of her breasts visible, including her nipples which were rock hard in anticipation, much against her will. Her diapered bottom looked ridiculous in the pink plastic pants, and of course it rustled loudly as she moved. The lack of shoes further emphasised how much this was not an outdoors outfit. And yet she suspected that's exactly where she was about to be sent. At least it was something like 5:30am, so nobody else should be about yet. Hopefully.
Right on cue, Rosie heard that familiar voice speaking to her from the directional speaker in her earring.
"Morning Rosie! Glad to see you got this far without need for my input. Now, your first task for today is simple - make it to the basketball court in the gym, wearing the adorable outfit you've got on there. The sooner you leave, the less chance of running into anyone!"
He was right - the stakes already felt higher than ever. The potential long term ramifications of getting caught in humiliating clothing by people she knew and would potentially see every day for the next two years was much worse than the short term shame of doing things in front of her anonymous fan club. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and creeped out of the room into the hallway. Moments later, another door opening almost made her poop herself. She froze like a deer in headlights and for half a heartbeat she thought she'd been caught already! Then she recognised which door it was, and who it was. It was Aika, of course, assumedly having been given the same task at the same time. Her similarly tight T-shirt read "Spankings make me horny" and her plastic diaper cover was green with brown teddy bears. A silent look of understanding passed between them.
"Quick, let's go," Rosie heard Aika whisper, barely loud enough for her to make out the words. And then Aika was off, scrunching and crinkling her way down the hall, forcing Rosie to follow swiftly or get left behind. Rosie didn't even hesitate - she followed obediently behind, joining Aika's rustling padded parade towards the gym. The journey only took a few minutes through the dim light of early dawn, but the plastic noise of their diapers sounded deafening in the dead silence of campus at night, making each passing moment feel like an age. By the time they reached the rear entrance to the basketball court they were red-faced, almost overwhelmed with chagrin. Aika tried the door handle. It was locked, and Rosie almost kicked herself for not foreseeing this. Of course it was locked! An electronic key card was always needed to get into university building during the night hours when no staff were inside.
"You could wait out here for an hour to be let in by the coach." The announcer spoke in a teasing voice. "Or I could always open it remotely from here... I would just need some convincing."
"Just tell us what you want." Aika spoke in a quiet controlled tone.
"How about, you try to give each other simultaneous orgasms. No removing your clothes though, of course..."
Aika and Rosie expected more teasing, or at least some further airy comment encouraging them to make haste, but that was all he said before going quiet. The two girls were left standing there, each facing the prospect of an impromptu lovemaking session with their best friend, outside in a public place very close to where all their friends lived. Rosie looked at Aika and moved her hands away from in front of her diaper to her sides, indicating her submission and consent, leaving it up to Aika to decide if she was willing too. Aika paused for only a second before reacting; she didn't look Rosie in the eyes but took a large step forward so that their breasts and noses were practically touching.
Rosie felt Aika's breath on her own mouth, a delightful sensation which began to turn her on despite the insane circumstances. It was her turn to move, she knew, to do something to increase the intimacy and take some of the pressure and uncertainty away from Aika. But it was difficult because it didn't feel natural. Not because Aika was a girl, or Aika was her friend, or because they were wearing diapers, or because they were in a public area; it didn't feel natural because over the last day she had grown to accept herself as entirely submissive, and especially towards Aika. So what she desired deep down was for Aika to take full charge, to just tell her what to do, or even better, just make her do it. But right now Aika needed her, so Rosie fought against her instincts and willed herself to move. Her lips inched forward and met Aika's own, affirming her enthusiasm with the inclusion of her tongue. Rosie's left hand snaked down to cup Aika's diapered crotch and with two fingers, for the perfect balance between force and surface area, she began to push and rummage though the padding.
It did not take long for Aika's breathing to grow heavy as her body began to respond to Rosie's touch. And then Aika did something Rosie didn't expect: she slipped her hand down the front of Rosie's diaper. Lower and lower it went until her middle and index fingertips found Rosie's bare sex. Her fingers began to explore Rosie's folds and Rosie couldn't help but gasp - it was the first time Aika had ever touched her there directly, without a thick layer of padding or at the very least a wet wipe as a barrier between their two bodies. It was the most intimate moment of their lives so far, and probably Aika's first ever time touching a girl down there. Rosie cooed gently into Aika's lips as they kissed and fingered each other, Rosie immensely relieved to once again have Aika in control. It was growing more and more difficult to remember to perform her own reciprocal duties as Rosie's entire attention was focused on the thrilling sensation of her lover's bare fingers probing deeper and deeper into her most intimate parts. A certain warmth had already begun to rise, quickly turning into a burning heat.
Aika suddenly froze. Rosie instinctively copied her, and then understood why: there was the unmistakable sound of stiletto heels click-clacking on concrete, and growing louder. Moments later, someone came into view, on a nearby path. A visibly drunken lass clumsily dawdling home, trying to avoid a public 8am walk of shame after a one night stand. Her eyes were plastered to her phone, as she scrolled down through some social media feed or another, no doubt. Most of Rosie's arousal began to recede as the real fear of what sort of encounter would unfold if the freshman looked up, what sort of photos she'd be able to take in a moment's notice! The next sixty seconds were intense, and Rosie hardly breathed at all. Aika remained rock solid, her fingers still inside Rosie. And then as the woman passed their spot by the door, still well within earshot but now facing the wrong way and unlikely to spot them unless she was given cause to turn around, Aika's fingers began to twitch.
At first Rosie thought that it was just a mistake, a couple of motions Aika was doing to make herself more comfortable, but after a brief couple of seconds it was clear that this was something more. Their lips still locked together, Rosie looked at Aika's eyes and saw one full of mischief and... excitement? Aika's fingers continued to silently work their magic inside Rosie's slit, unbeknownst to the stranger, unbeknownst to their online viewers and the game runners... nobody knew except the two of them. Already slightly deprived of oxygen due to holding her breath, Rosie's lungs started to burn as she tried to control her body and not make a noise. Just the tiniest shuffle could cause a crinkle that would make this girl turn her head. All she could do was silently search for Aika's tongue with her own and surrender to Aika's rhythm. As soon as she felt safe she allowed herself to breathe a little, and then as the footsteps faded away she let herself go more and more. As her breathing became more laboured and her kiss less delicate and more sloppy, her pussy swelled and gushed with excitement and anticipation. It was coming soon... Her first ever time... with Aika's fingers... with strangers nearby... it was going to be incredible...
The announcer chose the most cruel moment to snap Rosie back to reality. Aika's fingers froze, making Rosie mewl with lament.
"I lied - no cummies for you naughty girls yet! But by the end of this session I think you'll probably thank me for not letting you finish just now."
A low buzzing sound signaled that the door's electronic lock had been opened, and Aika and Rosie looked at each other with a weird mixture of arousal, guilt and frustration. Aika allowed them both a few more moments to calm down before she slipped her hand out of Rosie's throbbing vagina. She gave Rosie a very quick and subtle look of apology before pushing the door open. Rosie shivered as her head continued to spin, and she tried her best not to fall over as she stumbled inward after Aika.
A cardboard box sat in the short hallway leading to the basketball court, obstructing their path. Some words were printed on the side:
"Babies' T-shirts and diaper covers go in here."
While neither of the girls wanted to be so close to naked in such a potentially public place, there was nothing to be done but obey the rules and lose some clothes. Rosie didn't know what was worse - her now fully exposed diaper or the fact that she was topless! She wrapped her hands around her breasts to protect her nipples, kind of answering her own question for her.
Why did they make us wear these things if we just had to take them off again so soon? Rosie thought to herself, before reflecting on how the walk to the courts would have been ten times as terrifying if she had been wearing absolutely nothing except the diaper, and decided to let it slide.
When the two women finally arrived at the basketball court, whatever they had been expecting, it wasn't this. A strong vertical pole stood near the middle of the court, going right up to nearly touch the the high ceiling. A horizontal bar was attached on top with a circular joint, so that it was free to tilt one way or the other like a see-saw, or set of giant weighing scales. Descending from each end of this horizontal see-saw were dangling two strong looking white cables, which were each connected to what could only be described as a mini-straitjacket. These unique tops (one green and one pink, predictably) had long sleeves that could strap together either in front of or behind the wearer, and either way this would ping their arms to their body. On the ground directly beneath these suspended items of clothing were large plastic half-logs, one for each of them, again colour-coded to match the straitjackets, identical to one Rosie had been locked on top of the previous day. There was no doubting that they were both going to be 'treated' to the powerful vibrating magic of Sybians.
And yet none of these things were the weirdest two objects visible. The second most bizarre objects were shiny plastic items a couple of feet long with unclear purpose, shaped like steep rounded pyramids but with a long zip down each side, suggesting that they were items of clothing. And the strangest objects were suspended from the ceiling right next to the ends of the horizontal pole, and could only be described as giant gerbil feeders. These clear massive vats were filled with some kind of pink liquid and had dispensers at the bottom which would allow someone to drink directly from them, if they could fly a few metres into the air in order to reach them. All in all it made little sense to Rosie.
"Last one to get themselves into their leg binders and top gets a forfeit!" The announcer blurted out as fast as he could.
Before Rosie could even interpret those instructions Aika was off, stepping quickly over to the green equipment and lowering her knees into the plastic pyramids, and then getting to work on the zips. As Rosie watched her it became abundantly clear what their purpose was - the items would keep their knees fully bent, with their feet locked to the backs of their thighs. They wouldn't be able to walk, only crawl on hands and knees. She scrambled over to the pink set and got to work, but found it much more difficult than it looked to get her legs into the right place so that they could be zipped up. How come Aika seems like a natural?! Rosie wondered as she struggled to wiggle herself into the plastic bondage. She stole a peek and saw that Aika was already pulling the straitjacket-top-thing over her head.
"Just grab your elbows behind yourself and we'll do the rest."
A few moments later Rosie heard a rather metal-sounding 'clank' and saw that Aika could no longer move her hands. It was still another minute before Rosie herself managed to get the leg binders in place and the tight top over her chest. When she moved her arms behind her back, they suddenly snapped together with an identical accompanying sound. Once again it would seem that magnets were being used to control their bondage from afar. Rosie tried an experimental struggle and discovered that she indeed was no longer able to move her arms at all.
"Okay, now if you could each straddle your Sybians, we'll get this Diaper Game underway!"
Rosie obediently wiggled her way over the plastic beast, settling in place with one bound knee barely touching the ground on either side. Most of her body weight was pressed on the device underneath her diaper. She'd positioned herself just behind the vibrating nib, in order to avoid it pushing into her through her padding. Of course, she'd soon learn that it was no use trying to avoid these meticulously planned predicaments.
"Hey, let's play a quick guessing game. Which one of you bubble-butts is heavier, do you think? Fun fact, when you arrived at our facility, you were exactly the same weight, down to the nearest ounce, you see. It's unlikely that your weights haven't fluctuated since."
There was a loud mechanical click whirrr and then Rosie was launched into the air. Not expecting it, she shrieked with terror, and then immediately felt silly for doing so. Upon review, all that had happened is that she been gently raised about half a metre in the air by the strong cables attached to her straitjacket. Looking down, she could tell that she was now perfectly positioned above the protruding nib of the Sybian. If lowered, it would press right into her padding at her clit, and she'd be completely unable to shuffle away without the use of any of her limbs. The announcer continued to antagonise them. Peering behind her, she could see that Aika was also hovering at exactly the same height in exactly the same manner, at the other end of the contraption.
"Tell you what, we'll add an extra forfeit in for the person who's been the bigger fatty in the last 48 hours. Let's find out in 3... 2... 1..."
Clunk! Rosie felt the entire contraption shake momentarily as something significant was shifted into gear, and then with another sickening lurch, she rose another half-metre into the air. And with what was almost certainly not a coincidence, her mouth was now positioned no more than an inch from the giant gerbil feeder.
At the same time, a soft thud could be heard as Aika's padding slammed onto the Sybian.
"That's right, it's a see-saw, or scales of justice." The announcer confirmed. Sometimes it felt like he could read Rosie's thoughts. "Here's a quick physics lesson, ladies: scales don't gradually change between 100% up and 100% down as the weight ratio shifts. Instead, as soon as the mass differentiation of the connected loads overcomes the friction coefficient of the cable, the system undergoes a ful
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