Sassy Bottoms Spanking

Sassy Bottoms Spanking


Sassy Bottoms Spanking

peter d mikov: why is he still crying ? befor i put him in the... | more »
Denny: Ive only been spanked by one Black Woman that I... | more »
rich: absolutely fantastic art!... | more »
Mr. Wilson’s secretary came back early from lunch to find him, pants-down, behind his desk “enjoying” a secret stash of spanking literature. As a rather severe and conservative lady, she promptly took him firmly by the ear and marched him out, with pants still at his ankles, to explain his behavior to the ladies in the typing pool!
“Since you seem to enjoy spanking so much Mr. Wilson, I thought you might like to share your enthusiasm with the rest of your staff! Let’s see if we can get your bottom as red as those naughty boys in the magazines shall we? Would any of you ladies like to take a turn? Perhaps this might be the time to discuss that long-overdue pay rise?”
“When I tell you that you are going back into short pants for the rest of this week Nigel I mean it! Your wife asked me to take care of you whilst she is away for the conference and when you are staying in my house you will obey my rules. Do I make myself clear young man? You will wear the clothes which I tell you to wear. You will help with the chores I tell you to do, and you will be polite and respectful at all times. Your wife has given me a completely free hand in disciplining you and I intend to take full advantage of that I assure you! Now I want you to ask me politely if I would be kind enough to keep you in shorts and knee-socks for the rest of your stay.” (Artist unknown).
“Hurry up and get those pants off mister! I haven’t got all day! Then put yourself over my desk and stick that nice fat bottom up good and high.”
A little something for all the petticoat punishment fans.
“I’m afraid my husband has been acting up all week, so I have decided to take away his adult privileges for the weekend. Call it re-education if you like. He hates it of course, but I do find it beneficial in improving his behavior and removing that excessive male pride and arrogance. He’ll be spending today and tomorrow helping me with a lot of chores around the house, and when he’s not doing that he’s going to be sitting at his little desk and writing lines or standing in the corner. I have already had to smack his bottom because he refused to put on his lovely little sailor suit. Now say hello to the nice ladies Timothy and then get back to polishing the silverware. We shall require tea to be served at four p.m. and then you can go and get changed for bed – I want you tucked up and lights out by six as we are having a bridge night.”
“Now, to finish off your spanking, lets see if we can make those chubby thighs all hot and red! I do so love to slap the backs of a naughty boy’s legs. You can kick and howl as much as you like little man. And by the way – your going to be changing into your tight little hot-pants for the rest of the day so all the ladies at the beach can see that I had to smack your bottom and thighs.”
Artwork by that great fetish artist Stanton.
“When you are told to scrub the yard you put some effort into it boy! We want to see those floor tiles shining. Your significant other sent you here to be trained and domesticated, and we take our work very seriously here at the Reformatory. Now your whole work detail will spend the next two days on yard duty and I will recommend to your wife that she extend your stay here by another week. How does that sound young man? And Jones – you can wipe that look off your face and get on with your work or you will be over here next!”
I have recently deleted a couple of posts in the comments section of the Blog which made reference to childhood activities. As I have said before, I know that many readers may have legitimate memories of childhood discipline experiences but this Blog is not the place to relate them. The theme of the Blog is disciplinary activities between consenting ADULTS. I have no objection of course to age-play themes provided that it is made clear that this involves adults in role-playing or disciplinary situations and NOT real children. I will continue to reserve the right to delete any posts which I consider to be offensive or which are simply not in keeping with the theme of the Blog (as defined by me!). Don’t bother writing to argue with me about it either because it’s my Blog and I’ll post whatever tickles my fancy whenever I feel like it. We seem to have plenty of loyal readers who enjoy it and, if you don’t ---- well there are plenty of other places to visit in Web Land so run along!
The delightful artwork is kindly provided by Scarlett Hill Enterprises. The folks at Scarlett Hill have been in business for over 17 years and produce a wide range of spanking and discipline-related media. Their publication Firm Forceful Femmes will interest many readers of this Blog. A link to the Scarlett Hill website is provided on the left.
Continuing the shopping or department store theme – some artwork by Blue Viper.
“This is how we deal with individuals who are caught trying to steal goods from Thrashbottoms! We strip-search them and give them a good sound slippering on their bare behinds! One Miss Amanda has finished blistering this boy’s buttocks, I’m going to see if I can make yours even hotter. After that, you can both stand in one of the vacant fitting rooms until we decide to let you have your clothes back! We'll try not to let any of our lady customers see you but we can't promise! *giggle*".

“These seem a little on the large size for your wife Mr. Wilkins. Are you quite sure they are not really for you? We have quite a few naughty boys in here shopping for punishment panties you know! Now shall I wrap them for you or would you like to wear them home? Miss Jones over there will be happy to take you to a fitting room.”
My web counter keeps an interesting record of the search engine terms which visitors most commonly use to find this Blog. As one would imagine these are quite varied, reflecting the wide and eclectic disciplinary tastes of readers. Obviously spanking normally tops the list but, interestingly, “petticoat punishment” and other forms of punishment outfitting also regularly feature in the top three. Whilst it may not be to the taste of everyone, it appears that a healthy does of humiliation or shaming, accompanied by a well reddened bottom, is a popular combination for bringing an arrogant male down a peg or two. It was of course also hugely popular in Victorian England and our dear ancestors are probably responsible for a good many modern fetishes and vices!
Anyway – here is some more nice artwork by Puyal to keep our petticoating enthusiasts happy!
Have added a few links on the left to Blogs with an F/M disciplinary theme. No special reason for the accompanying picture – just thought it was a nice shot of a naughty boy getting his mouth washed out!
Owww! Please Ma'am - I promise I'll be good!

If You Can Make The World Even a Tiny Bit Better.. Do it Reblog
The Thoughts, musings and images that inspire the spanker within...

None of the images on these pages are mine, I gathered them during my journeys around the net. If an image belongs to you and you object to it's reposting here please let me know and I will happily remove it.
And sure, won’t she be needin’ a spanking later?
Happy St. Paddles errr…Patrick’s Day to all
And now the mystery question, without resorting to Google what was St Patrick’s nationality?
A bit more Rhian Sugden…don’t despair still more to come
Ahhh yes the ultimate party girl to close out the set.
Just wanted to wish everybody a Happy, Safe and Healthy New Year.
May you spank or be spanked often in the coming year!
…one of the great things about being a musician during the Holidays…lots of “little black dresses”
But she show real aptitude at assuming the position…the very spankable Autumn Riley
She’s not sure what she’s done wrong, nor is she sure your really going to paddle that cute little fanny.
She’s got that perfect mixture of innocence and potential naughtiness that makes a spankers instincts go into action

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