Devast Io Private Server

Devast Io Private Server

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Private servers are a new service that LapaMauve offers you, and is still in beta
With these private servers, you can play with your friends only or alone,
without ever being bothered by other players.
You are the administrator of your server and you can have access to several advantages that only server administrators have access to, such as:
- Protect your server with a password
Even if your country is not listed, choose the nearest one.
Frankfurt, Deutschland
London, UK
Newark, New Jersey
Atlanta, Georgia
Dallas, Texas
Fremont, California
Tokyo, Japan
to receive your login and your password
Please, be sure your address is correct or you won't receive your private server
- This servers will be delivered to you within 1 day maximum after purchase -

Here is the summary of the user guide
How to access to the administrator account
Make your buildings reappear automatically
Disable the loot from buildings & AI
How to secure my server with a password
On your email, you received some indications.
The link to access to the administrator account is
The link to the control panel will be:
You will enter in a new interface, where a nickname and a password are asked.
It will be your name in the game, such as a normal game in
2. Enter the password given in your email.
Do not share this password to anybody
Example : If you want to spawn a shotgun
A shotgun will appear in your inventory
Players have unique identifiers called PID. It is essential to know how to retrieve these PIDs to use many server commands.
In the above image, we can see that the player named Lapa has the PID: 1 (Without the hash)
You will need to know your position for several reason.
It can be to add a checkpoint, teleport, or build an arena automatically.
Your position will appear in the chat.
Example : If you want to put a checkpoint where you are
Your position will appear as a chat message
You can type several commands in the same time.
To type several commands in one message, type:
You can type as many commands as you want.
Example : If you want to stop regeneration of the resources, then clean the map, then spawn AK47
type !regeneration-off!clean-map!item=AK47
You can put spaces between each command if you prefer:
!regeneration-off !clean-map !item=ak47
You can spawn as many items as you want in the game
Example : If you want to spawn a Desert Eagle
A Desert Eagle will appear in your inventory
You can also spawn items for everyone
They will appear in the inventory of every players in the map
To spawn an item for everyone, type:
Example : If you want to spawn a Sulfur Axe for everyone
A Sulfur Axe will appear in the inventory of every players in the map
By default, every items will spawn to their maximal stack value
You can decide to spawn a specific number between 1 and 255
To spawn a specific number of items, type:
Example : If you want to spawn 10 Uranium,
10 Uranium will appear in your inventory
Here is the list of the name of every items:
You can modify the amount of AI on the map, their speed, their strengh...
This commands only work on the new AI and not on AI who are already on the map
Here is the list of the name of each AI:
To modify the amount of a given AI, type:
Example : If you don't want any explosive ghouls on your game
There won't be any explosive ghouls anymore
To modify the speed of a given AI, type:
Example : If you want to reduce the speed of a radioactive ghoul at day and increase a lot at night
type !AI-speed=radioactive_ghoul:5:50
The radioactive ghoul will be less faster at day, and very fast at night
To modify the damage of a given AI, type:
Example : If you want to make the fast ghoul very powerful at day and at night,
The fast ghoul will do 150 damages per hit at day, and at night
To modify the aggro of a given AI, type:
Example : If you want the normal ghouls follow you after 60min instead of 16,
The normal ghoul will follow you only after 60min of game
To modify the life of a given AI, type:
Example : If you want to give to the armored ghoul a lot of life,
The armored ghoul will have 10000 hp
You can modify the light damage for ghouls at day
To change the damages of the light, type:
The number is the damage that the ghouls will take every second
Example : So that the ghouls take 5 damages every second.
The ghouls will take 5 damages every second at day
You can choose if ghouls appear at day or not
This commands will spawn only one AI. You will have to repeat the command if you want more
Example : If you want to spawn a fast ghoul on the tile 10:100
You can customize your own starter-kit to create unique game modes
You are limited to 8 items in your starter-kit.
To an item in your starter-kit, type:
This command works like the command item
Example : If you want to add some bandage and one spear in your starter-kit
In some cases, you would like players not to reappear immediately with your kit to prevent some players from duplicating your kit too easily. For this purpose you can configure the delay between two starter-kits for a given player.
By default, the value in the game is 0.
The starter kit works only for people who don't use adblockers and the admin.
To modify the delay between two starter-kits system, type:
Example : If you want to put a two-minute delay between the starter-kit for a given player
To return to the default starter-kit system, type:
You can modify the value of every gauges in the game
To modify the hunger in the game, type:
Example : If you want to be a bit less hungry,
Example : If you want to speed up a lot the hunger in the game,
By default, the value in the game is 12.
To modify the cold at night in the game, type:
Example : If you want to be much less cold at night,
You will be much less cold at night.
Example : If you want to be much more cold at night,
You will be much more cold at night.
By default, the value in the game is 35.
To modify the heating near a fire or during the day, type:
Example : If you want to warm you up slowly,
You will warm up slowly at day or near a fire.
Example : If you want to warm you up extremely quickly,
You will warm you up almost instantly.
By default, the value in the game is 50.
To modify the stamina when you run, type:
Example : If you want to be able to run longer,
Example : If you want to reduce the running time,
You won't be able to run for a long time anymore.
By default, the value in the game is 200.
To modify the recovery time of stamina, type:
Example : If you want to recover stamina slowly,
Example : If you want to recover stamina quickly,
You will recover stamina more quickly.
By default, the value in the game is 150.
To modify the speed of the radiation, type:
Example : If you want to reduce a lot the speed of the radiation,
You will take damages from radiation much more slowly.
Example : If you want to increase a bit the speed of the radiation,
You will take damages a bit more quickly from radiation.
By default, the value in the game is 240.
To modify the reduction speed of the radiation, type:
Example : If you want to reduce a bit the time to lose radiation,
You will lose radiation effects a bit slowly stamina slowly.
Example : If you want to increase a bit the time to lose radiation,
You will lose radiation effects a bit quickly.
By default, the value in the game is 30.
To modify the damages you take when you are dying from hunger and cold, type:
Example : If you want to reduce the damages you take when you are hunger and cold,
You will take less damages when you are hungry and cold..
Example : If you want to speed up a lot the damages you take when you are hunger and cold,
You will take much more damages when you are hungry and cold..
By default, the value in the game is 50.
To modify the recovery time of life, type:
Example : If you want to reduce the recovery time of life,
Example : If you want to speed up the recovery time of life,
By default, the value in the game is 50.
To modify the size of a gauge, type:
Per default the value is 255 for all gauges
Example : If you want to reduce the life to only 5 points,
You can change the spawn position of players
It is useful if you want to organise an event for example
To change the spawn position of every players, type:
X and Y are the coordinates of the map. They are between 0 and 149
If X = 0 and Y = 0, the players will spawn at top left.
If X = 149 and Y = 149, the players will spawn at bottom right.
Example : If you want to spawn players somewhere in the top-right
To spawn every players in a area, type:
Example : If you want to spawn players in the middle of the map in a area of 100*100
To reset the spawn to random positions in the map, type:
Players cannot spawns on a floor that does not belong to the administrator
You can add checkpoints in the game
It is useful if you want to organise an course game, puzzle game etc.
The checkpoint command works this way:
X1 and Y1 are the first coordinates of the area
X2 and Y2 are the second coordinates of the area
Once a player reach this checkpoint, and stay there some time,
He will be teleported to DX - DY, another coordinate of the map.
He will gain the number of points you will decide
Example : If you want to make a checkpoint of 50*50 in the middle of the map,
then teleport players who reach it to the bottom-right of the map,
type !add-checkpoint=74:74:75:75:149:149:100
The admin doesn't take points from checkpoints
Example : If you don't want checkpoints anymore on your game,
It can be useful for an event for exemple.
Example : If you want your players to gain some score with time, type:
Players will gain 1 point every 6 seconds
The admin can't get points with time
To disable the score over time, type:
Example : To stop gaining points over time, type:
You can disable the malus and bonus effects of karma,
It can be useful to avoid score issue with FFA mode.
Example : If you want to disable the malus and bonus effects of karma, type:
The bad karma will gain the same amount of xp than good karma
To re-activate effects of karma, type:
Example : To see a difference between a good and a bad karma, type:
You can change the harvesting speed
To change the multiplier value, type:
Per default, the value in the game is 1.
Example : If you want to multiply the harvesting speed by 5,
You can change the experience multiplier
To change the multiplier value, type:
Per default, the value in the game is 1.
Example : If you want to gain experience 5 times faster,
You can teleport players in the map
It can be useful to organize an event for example
X and Y are the coordinates of the map. They are between 0 and 149
If X = 0 and Y = 0, the player will be teleported at top left.
If X = 149 and Y = 149, the player will teleported at bottom right.
Example : If you want to be teleported somewhere in the top-right
To teleport everybody except you, type:
Example : If you want to teleport every players at a position,
To teleport someone at your position, type:
Example : If you want to teleport the player #5 to you,
To teleport yourself at a player position , type:
Example : If you want to teleport yourself to the position of the player #2,
Example : If you want to be immortal, type:
Example : If you don't want to be immortal anymore, type:
You can change the life of the buildings in the game,
To change the life of a building, type:
Example : If you want to be make a wooden wall almost unbreakable, type:
type !building-life=wood_wall:10000000000000000
Make your buildings reappear automatically
When you break something (wall, campfire, workbench, landmine...),
they can reappear automatically with this command
To define a time of reappearance of buildings, type:
Example : If you want to make buildings reappear 10s after their destruction, type:
You start to record, then you put your buildings where you want, then you stop a record.
This way, the buildings you put while a record will reappear each time you destroy them.
Example : If you want to see a landmine field and walls reappears again and again,
Place your landmines and walls where you want on the ground
The record is stopped, every buildings you put after typing !stop-record will disappear after being destroyed
Example : If you want to stop seeing buildings reappear everytime
The next time your buildings will be destroyed, they won't reappear.
To clean a record at a given position, type:
Example : If you want to clean the record in the case 10:10
The next time your buildings will be destroyed, they won't reappear in this case.
You can build walls, low walls, low doors, big doors and floors automatically in the map, without put it manually,
This command can be useful if you already know what you want to build
X and Y are coordinates between 0 and 149
Example : If you want to put a wooden wall in the middle of the map, type:
To rotate a building before puting it on the ground, type:
Example : If you want to rotate a low wall, in the middle of the map, type:
To build an empty area (like an arena), type:
Example : If you want to build a 4 by 4 arena with steel walls in the middle of the map, type:
Example : If you want to build 3 by 3 walls with stone walls in the top left of the map, type:
The coordinates 0.0 and 3.3 will be filled with walls
Example : If you want to build a 3 by 3 checkerboard with wooden walls in the top left of the map, type:
The coordinates 0.0 and 3.3 will draw a checkerboard
You can enable the radiation on the buildings you put in the map
This command will enable the radiation on the next building you will put
This command will disable the radiation on the next building you will put
You can enable the loot from elements in the houses/cities
This command will make spawn the loot in the specific elements, only once.
The number is the percentage of luck to get nice items.
1 is a very low chance, 60, a very high.
Example : If you want to spawn loot with a very low percentage of luck to get good items, type:
This command will make spawn the loot every X minutes automatically
Example : If you want to see the loot spawn automatically like in, type:
This command will stop the automatic loot
Example : If you want to stop this automatic loot, type:
This command will change the minutes between each spawn loot
Example : If you want the items to spawn every 10min, type:
This command will allow you to change the percentage of luck to spawn good items every X min
The number is the percentage of luck to get nice items.
1 is a very low chance, 60, a very high.
Example : If you want to spawn loot with a very low percentage of luck to get good items every X min, type:
You can disable the loot when you destroy a building or kill a AI
This command will disable the loot when you destroy a building or kill a AI, and disable the score you could gain from it
This command will re-active the loot when you destroy a building or kill a AI, and re-active the score you could gain from it
You can disable the screen shake during an explosion in the game,
It can be useful when you put a lot of explosives with a lot of players
Example : If you don't want to see your screen shaking when there is a lot of explosions, type:
Example : If you want to see the shake when a landmine explode, type:
This command allows you to clean the map of all the resources and houses in the game
This command can take about 30 seconds to run fully, and it does not remove player buildings.
These commands allow you to change the state of the world regeneration
This command will stop all houses, cities and resources regeneration
This command will re-active the regeneration of all houses, cities and resources
You can modify the regeneration of a specific element
To re-active the ghoul regeneration
To re-active the houses regeneration
To stop the regeneration of vegetation
To re-active the vegetation regeneration
You can invite your friends or your community on this link:
This link allows everybody to access to your server
If you have shared your link with people you don't like,
You can give to some people the "moderator role"
Example : If you want to put the password "hellomod"
To let your friend enter as a moderator, share the link:
The link to your server for your moderator will be:
Your moderator will have to put your password in the "Password Input"
If you don't put password in your server, this link will be unusable.
To disable the moderator mode, type:
Everybody will be able to go in your server with your link in
You can secure your server with a password
To put a password in your server, type:
Example : If you want to put the password "mybestserver"
To let your friends enter to your server, share the link:
The link to your server for your members will be:
Your members will have to put your password in the "Password Input"
If you don't put password in your server, this link will be unusable.
Everybody will be able to go in your server with your link in
This command allows you to kick player from your server
To kick a player, you must first retrieve the player's ID (PID).
Example : If you want to
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Devast Io Private Server

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