Deoccupation program (I)

Deoccupation program (I)



The extraordinarily complex and tragic fate of the Chechen people has made the aspiration for freedom a cornerstone of our history since ancient times. Its pages are inscribed with the blood of thousands of martyrs who endured colossal trials along this path. However, political subjectivity, even after centuries, remains our primary fervor and an unresolved historical gestalt.

The spark of hope that ignited after the collapse of the USSR began to slowly fade for several reasons, changing its form. Political projects of the past, which had shown signs of life by inertia, soon lost their relevance. The outcome of all this is today’s crisis: an occupied territory, a population forced to live under conditions of cruel tyranny and lawlessness, thousands imprisoned in Russian prisons, hundreds of thousands scattered across the corners of the world, granted immigration status but still unable to find a home.

Migration, which began with the onset of the first war, continues to this day. Hundreds of thousands finding themselves outside their land become another statistic in studies on diaspora assimilation. The absence of traditional societal mechanisms in immigration, the influence of local cultures, a lack of conditions for preserving the native language, and many other factors lead to a gradual loss of identity and, in some cases, the loss of religion. This poses a threat where a significant portion of the people in the future will be completely detached from their religious and traditional foundations, thus excluding them from any involvement in our political processes.

In the midst of this crisis and the numerous challenges it brings, which the Chechen people are forced to face daily—risks of losing uniqueness, susceptibility to the influence of ideologies of disbelief, hopelessness, and alienation from the ideas presented in the current Chechen political sphere—a clear definition of political goals and paths leading to their achievement becomes extremely crucial. This has served as the primary reason for initiating work on this program.

The de-occupation program is a systematization of methods for fighting for liberation and their phased structuring, aiming to serve as guidance and a platform for uniting those who share common political goals. The principles of unity and the framework for this are defined by numerous factors, yet the most crucial among them is ideology.

Political Goals

For us, terms and concepts such as “state” and “politics” are defined through the prism of Monotheism, i.e., Islam. Islam is the core around which our concepts, programs, methods, and strategies are built. The ultimate goal of all efforts for believers is the satisfaction of Allah and the elevation of His Word on Earth.

The politics of Muslims is an inseparable part of their faith. The ideological foundation of the state cannot be an abstract dream of freedom or a set of attributes necessary for phantom legitimacy. Therefore, any covert or overt calls to follow foreign conventions in building the state, at the expense of fundamental Sharia principles, constitute an assault on the primary basis of Islam.

Realizing the influence of the external secular matrix and staunchly defending the ideological boundaries are key principles in forming an Islamic political concept. Only by adhering to these principles will decolonization and liberation attain genuine meaning, rather than becoming deceptive fiction.

The sacred Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the most important sources of our beliefs and worldview. They form the foundation for us in the matter of state-building and policy. Therefore, the principles of Monotheism and Sharia politics always prevail for us over any framework of legal legitimacy, legitimacy standards, political correctness, or pragmatism postulates. At the same time, we understand the challenges ahead of us and the responsibility to the Almighty, thus orienting ourselves toward a flexible policy for the swift de-occupation of our land.

Russia is our historical enemy and the instigator of numerous tragic episodes of the past. For centuries, in various forms and borders, this entity has never ceased its attempts to exterminate and enslave our people. The struggle against it is the most renowned tradition of our ancestors and a Sharia obligation. Diligence on the path of Allah towards the complete liberation of the land from Russian occupation is an individual duty (fard ’ayn) for every believer residing in this territory or forced to relocate from there. Based on this, we must concentrate all efforts specifically on the struggle against the Russian Federation and its puppet regime in Chechnya.

Yet, throughout human history, due to various reasons, specific territories became associated with many tribes and nations. The same was the case with our people. The boundaries of this ownership changed throughout historical events until they were finally divided among the unbelievers, who seized this territory in the form we know today. However, we know that among Muslims, there should be no boundaries, and the land is a mercy from the Almighty, temporarily granted to us for use. Nevertheless, the current geopolitical situation in the Caucasus, different from the capabilities of our neighboring peoples at the moment, and following a phased approach in our actions, form our definition of the territory that must be liberated within this program. Specifically, it is the territory of Chechnya.

It is important to note that the entire Caucasus is the historical land of Muslims and the territory of former Islamic states, such as the North Caucasus Imamate. By the decrees of the Almighty and due to objective geopolitical reasons, we are convinced that only through joint efforts of the peoples of the Caucasus will de-occupation become a reality. Therefore, we consider it extremely necessary for representatives of neighboring peoples to develop similar programs and simultaneously initiate their implementation. Stability and security in the region can only be achieved through the liberation of the entire Caucasus from Russian occupation.

Stages on the Path to Deoccupation

Below is a general program with stages that must be implemented to achieve the set goal. Structuring planning into stages improves organization, allows for better management of the process, and makes it more transparent and clear. It is important to note that the success of the program requires the participation of multiple parties and long-term efforts, consultations, discussions, and refinement from a wide range of interested and competent individuals.

Within this program, the only state against which the described aspects of political and military resistance will be conducted is the Russian Federation.

Specific details and implementation may depend on many factors, including the current political situation in Chechnya and worldwide.

Stage: Organization of the System

Shura and Amir

Organizing the system in the form of Shura involves creating an advisory council that will play a key role in governance and decision-making in accordance with Sharia principles. Shura is an institution where knowledgeable individuals with expertise in various fields consult and participate in making important decisions.

Due to the compliance of this institution with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the existence of precedents in our ancient and contemporary history, we believe that the creation of Shura and the selection of Amir should be the initial step in forming a system within which de-occupation will take place.

Departments of Shura

Forming departments entails creating divisions or committees within the advisory council (Shura) for more effective organization and management of various decision-making aspects and tasks. These departments or committees could be responsible for specific areas or functions to ensure deeper analysis and expert involvement in decision-making. Departments can include religious, diplomatic, informational, military, financial, and security services.

Development of Plans and Strategies for Different Levels

Developing plans and strategies after creating Shura is crucial. Involving competent individuals helps establish clear goals and directions for efforts, coordinate actions of different departments, create more specific programs for them, identify priorities and risks, and consider the current geopolitical situation. It is important to remember that this program is only a general structure, and each stage requires in-depth analysis and planning at different levels.

Formation of Alliances

Seeking parties that share common beliefs or goals and collaborating with them contributes to the pooling of resources and knowledge, exchanging experiences, strengthens the political weight of Shura, and its position in negotiations. Uniting with organizations, public figures, opinion leaders, and jamaats (Islamic community organizations) willing to interact within the framework of Sharia, as well as creating a coalition involving societies and movements of other peoples, are all essential parts of this stage of the program.

It is important to emphasize that uniting Muslims across the entire Caucasus is strategically important to us, and we are ready to take necessary steps aimed at strengthening the bonds of brotherhood among our peoples and establishing connections and cooperation regarding de-occupation.

Stage: Mobilization and Preparation of Society

This stage represents an essential part of the program and includes a series of actions and activities aimed at preparing and activating society to support and participate in the process of liberating the land and establishing a Sharia system.

Active participation and support of the people are fundamental to achieving de-occupation goals. Therefore, it is necessary to engage the masses by providing information about the objectives and responsibilities in the liberation process, as well as the prospects in case of goal attainment.

Without prior and thorough preparation involving experienced experts in various fields, Jihad veterans, and those requiring knowledge, success in the expulsion of the occupier from our territories and state-building is highly unlikely.

Here are various aspects of the mobilization and preparation stage:

Informational Aspects

In conditions of occupation, a large part of the population is exposed to enemy propaganda. Generations have gone through or continue to pass through the Russian education system, which is one of the levers of power retention in the seized territory. Our children and youth are daily subjected to the influence of an ideology of disbelief and servitude. Therefore, in the modern world, the informational front is no less important than the military one.

Creation and Operation of Media Resources Focused on Disseminating Political Goals and Ideas

This involves using various media channels and platforms for informational activities aimed at supporting and promoting our political goals and ideas. It includes creating media resources, developing content, disseminating information, monitoring audience reactions, and mobilizing support. It’s crucial to convey the duty of expelling the occupier and rejecting all false ideologies imposed on us, while also justifying the importance of having our own state in the modern world.

Dissemination of Islamic Knowledge (Da’wah)

Both within and outside the scope of this program, calling to monotheism and adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must be an integral part of any work with the population. Among people who have long been under the rule of non-Muslims, ignorance, polytheism, innovations, and heresy are inevitable. Caring for our people also includes spreading correct beliefs, introducing basic fiqh (jurisprudence), encouraging what is approved, and deterring what is condemned.

Development and Distribution of Materials on Sharia Goals and Principles

Over the past decades, a huge number of stereotypes and myths have been formed around the word “Sharia.” Using propaganda and corrupt scholars, Russia has demonized everything related to the Sharia system of governance. Western media narratives have also contributed to this. Therefore, it’s important to convey the true objectives of Sharia, explain its wisdom, and reveal the wide range of socio-economic problems that can be solved through Islamic governance.

This involves creating informational resources such as texts, brochures, audio and video materials, etc., aimed at enlightening the audience about what Sharia represents, the principles and values it reflects, and the main objectives it pursues. This will be done through various means of communication such as print materials, the internet, social media, seminars, and other forms to increase awareness among society.

An important part of this point should also include work aimed at intellectually combating the political philosophies of unbelievers and the ideas of secularism, liberalism, and democracy. There are strong attempts today to replace concepts and dilute religion, which need to be countered on an ideological level.

Organization of Events and Educational Programs

Preparation also includes education. The diaspora, more than ever, needs a well-established system that will deal with the development, planning, and implementation of various events and educational programs. These events and programs can include lectures, seminars, training sessions, webinars, roundtables, conferences, workshops, and other forms of educational and informational activities. Among the most important should be programs aimed at preserving our religion, language, and mentality. Thanks to the Internet, even residents of occupied territories can participate in this educational process.

Conducting Informational Work for the Global Community to Garner Attention and Support

In today’s globalized reality, the number of factors influencing the success of political work has increased manifold. Consequently, there are more leverage points to influence the global community, which, in turn, can impact Russian policy. This fact necessitates our active participation in the information space, conveying to foreign audiences the issues, challenges, and goals we face.

Undoubtedly, the primary target audience should be the Caucasus peoples and the entire Islamic world in general.

Participation in various forums and conferences, translating materials into different languages, working with the media, and much more fall under the necessary informational work described above.

Military Aspects

Due to its complexity and significance, this aspect is pivotal in preparing for de-occupation. Military force, apart from its primary purpose, can serve as a means of pressure on the occupier and strengthen positions in diplomatic negotiations. It is a strategic instrument without which more favorable agreements and compromises are impossible.

In our context, the predominant focus in planning and conducting military operations should be the lives of resistance fighters. This is an area where there can be no mistakes or negligence. The paradigm should change, where a fighter’s personal martyrdom becomes more important than overall tactical and strategic objectives.

Hence, meticulous organization of the military bloc and comprehensive preparation for resistance become extremely important. Each fighter must possess a wide range of skills and knowledge to safeguard their life and the lives of fellow Mujahideen, as well as effectively execute tasks set by the Shura’s military leadership.

Development of Military Resistance Strategy, Including Tactical and Strategic Objectives

Defining and planning methods and means to achieve objectives on the battlefield is the primary task facing the Shura. These goals can be both tactical, related to specific combat operations, and strategic, concerning broader and long-term plans.
The experience of our Mujahideen in two wars and prolonged guerrilla activities should form the basis of devising a new strategy, considering the mistakes and failures. Additionally, it’s crucial to learn from past and ongoing conflicts globally, notably Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
For this point, the involvement of as many competent individuals with combat experience and knowledge of military science as possible is necessary.

Acquiring Necessary Military Skills through Training Centers and Courses

Despite the complexity of organizing such training centers, today’s conditions allow individuals to undergo combat training courses in different parts of the world and acquire necessary skills in warfare, including handling various modern weapons. This aspect of preparation is extremely important, and the military department of the Shura will be involved in establishing a process where interested individuals can attend such training centers for future use of skills in operations against enemy forces.

Preparation of a Base in Chechnya for Military Operations

The active phase of combat operations on our land was interrupted several years ago. Conditions for conducting a full-fledged guerrilla war are also currently absent. Therefore, before commencing military operations, it is necessary to establish infrastructure to ensure the functioning of resistance forces. This point encompasses a wide range of preparatory measures, such as supplying forces with necessary materials, ammunition, medical aid, logistical support, and more. All this should contribute to the coordinated commencement of the next stage of de-occupation.

Diplomatic Aspects

Diplomacy plays a significant role in the de-occupation process, but without a certain level of power and popular support, it loses its significance. To negotiate with Russia, it’s necessary to form a diplomatic delegation with a clear agenda. The objectives of such negotiations might include ceasefire agreements, the release of captives and prisoners, discussions on troop withdrawal processes, and agreements thereafter.

We also recognize that diplomatic pressure on the occupiers can influence their decisions and motivation. Accordingly, establishing cooperation with future allies interested in de-occupation to obtain necessary international assistance and support is crucial. We have prior experience seeking such support both in the Islamic world and in the West. During the formation of Ichkeria and in the interwar period, similar diplomatic delegations were actively dispatched to various countries.

It’s essential to remember that the diplomatic delegation’s activities, as part of the policy, should be based on Sharia principles and not contradict the Quran and Sunnah.

Economic Aspects

A successful de-occupation process requires certain conditions and resources to organize and manage the system. Additionally, economic resources will be necessary to execute each stage of the program, whether it’s preparing resistance forces, sustaining them during military actions, conducting informational activities, developing educational programs, organizing events, and more. Therefore, the economic aspect of our struggle is vital.

Financial Support through Zakat Collection and Donations

The absence of resources at the state level or funding from other governments makes us reliant on public support. Historically, Zakat, an obligatory tax, played a crucial role in Islamic economics and society, constituting a significant part of Muslims’ contributions. Therefore, we see Zakat as the primary source of funds for liberating our land. For those sharing the goals of this program and wishing to participate, paying Zakat directly to the Shura’s budget will be a priority obligation.

Mutual assistance and expenditure on the path of Allah will drive the de-occupation process in its initial stages. The necessary conditions and funds will be established and managed by the Shura’s financial department. This department will also seek sponsors interested in providing financial support on a charitable basis. Undoubtedly, through collective efforts, we’ll be able to provide all necessary conditions for a successful territory liberation.

Development of a Post-Occupation Economic Recovery Plan

The economic recovery plan is an integral part of the transitional process and creating conditions for stability in the liberated territory. For years, Russia deliberately limited the economic autonomy of Chechnya, cultivating dependence on federal budget subsidies through corruption, monopolies, infrastructure deficiencies, and the absence of a competitive market for entrepreneurs to invest and create jobs without excessive restrictions.

Considering this complex economic situation, it’s crucial, within the program’s implementation, to commence planning the transitional economy and seek solutions to the problems in this sphere that will arise in the post-Russian period.

The process of de-occupation entails not only liberating the territory but also establishing a just and sustainable governance system in accordance with Islamic principles. Within this program, it's crucial to take appropriate steps towards preparing Sharia judges and scholars, as they represent the pivotal elements in the Islamic structure of authority.

Developing programs that include courses on the fundamentals of Islamic law, Fiqh, Aqidah, and other aspects of Sharia is necessary. Additionally, establishing a mechanism for comprehensive and purposeful training of personnel for the future judicial system is vital. This could involve facilitating enrollment in educational institutions specialized in teaching Sharia sciences. Alternatively, if resources allow, establishing specialized educational centers to train Sharia judges and scholars could be feasible.

Another essential stage in the training process should involve organizing internships in courts and Islamic educational institutions to gain practical experience. This could be arranged in countries where the practice of Sharia deliberations exists in one form or another.

Stimulating, coordinating, and supporting youth in pursuing knowledge for their subsequent involvement in state-building are fundamental aspects of this endeavor.

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