Daughters Used Panties

Daughters Used Panties


Daughters Used Panties
How should I deal with my husband's very mild fondling of my daughters?

My husband sometimes touches our 3 and 6 year old daughters in ways that I find mildly inappropriate - e.g. pulling down the 3 year-old's pants so we can see her bottom, or caressing her bottom when she just needs help pulling down her night-time diaper to use the toilet in the morning; or holding the 6 year-old across his lap in an armchair and stroking her leg from top to bottom (just on the outside). 
So we're not talking about anything obviously sexual, but nevertheless it makes me feel uncomfortable, and I feel I shouldn't ignore my gut reaction, even when it seems like an overreaction. I'm not sure how (or whether) to talk about it to him, or what to say to my daughters to help protect them.
Whenever an adult has any concern – whether it’s a gut feeling, an observation or other experience – with another adult’s behaviors with children, it is always wise to talk about it. It’s never an overreaction to worry about a child’s safety – even when it concerns loved one’s behaviors. Yes, perhaps your husband is just a dad who loves his children a whole bunch and uses touch to demonstrate his affection, but if his behaviors raise questions for you, now is a good time to address safety in your home.
Young Children are Sexual Beings It is often hard for some adults and parents to realize that even at age 3 children are sexual beings and experience sexual feelings. Your husband may not be aware of this, and so not understand the effects of his behaviors on your children’s feelings.
Most parents are careful that their children are not overstimulated in many different ways and in many areas of their lives, such as too much loud music, too much TV, too much food, too much play and activity. This kind of overstimulation causes children to become cranky and overtired.
Avoid Overstimulation Parents also need to be aware that they must be careful not to overstimulate a child’s sexual feelings. Children are way too young and emotionally immature to be able to handle feeling overstimulated sexually. Caressing a child’s leg (even a child as young as 3) can make them feel uncomfortable and overstimulated, and they may feel much more comfortable with a hug, or kiss on the cheek.
Reducing Your Child’s Vulnerability Focusing on a child’s private parts, such as you described your husband doing in showing off his daughter’s bottom can send a message to her that any adult can touch or show off her body. To help protect children against abuse, children need to be taught that they can say no to touching, and that their "no" will be respected. This is a very important piece of prevention in regards to the possibility of sexual abuse. There are, of course, exceptions to this – such as when a very small child needs help with toileting or bathing, or when there is need for medical attention. From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children (link is external) is a book that can be a helpful resource for parents.
Warning Signs Another tool of prevention is to become aware of the Behaviors to Watch for When Adults Are With Children and Signs That an Adult May Be At-Risk to Harm a Child . As you review these, note whether you see any of these behaviors in your husband. Look for patterns or repetitious behavior that you’ve requested him to limit or stop. If you do see additional behaviors that trouble you, please contact us back for further guidance.
Speaking Up After looking over some these resources, including some of those indicated below, sit down and have a conversation with your husband about how certain types of touching, even when the intention is loving, can be harmful to children. This would be the time to include any other observations you have that concern you.
It would be great if you and he could reach agreement on some rules about privacy boundaries with your kids. For instance, some families teach their children that they have “No Touch Zones” – usually where their bathing suits cover them, or between the waist and the knees – and that no one is allowed to touch them (except for the reasons I already mentioned) in these areas. This is a way to make things very clear to children and to adults. 
Prevention with Children The best way to work with your young children now is to become as aware as you can of healthy sexual development, talk with your children regularly in age-appropriate ways about their bodies and boundaries and create a family safety plan that includes open communication and rules about touch and privacy in the home.
Worrying about children's safety is rarely an "overreaction". Adults who care about children should be able to talk about creating the safest environment possible for children. I hope this information is helpful and invite you to please contact us back with any concerns or questions.
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By Ashley Strickland , Special to CNN
The company's mission is to be "the first designer brand dedicated to 'loungerie' for children and teenagers."


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(CNN) -- They recline in their bras and panties, some wearing pearls and Brigitte Bardot-inspired bouffants, shooting smiles at the camera. The images are just like many a lingerie ad designed to entice, but these are images of young girls -- those who aren't even old enough to need bras.
French company Jours Après Lunes has designed a line of " loungerie " -- a compromise between loungewear and lingerie -- for children between the ages of 4 and 12. A line for teenagers and infants is seemingly age appropriate, but the designs for children are drawing fire.
The company's mission is to be "the first designer brand dedicated to 'loungerie' for children and teenagers, comprised of loungewear and lingerie to be worn over and under, inside and outside."
Fashionista.com first broke the story, stating "What's disturbing about Jours Après Lunes is not just the fact that it's lingerie for people who probably shouldn't be old enough to even know what lingerie is, but the photographs on their website."
In the comments, readers went back and forth over the appropriateness of the lingerie, asking if these girls were old enough to make decisions about how they want to look and, even more hotly contested, if the styling of the photos sexualizes the lingerie, rather than the designs themselves.
In an interview with The Lingerie Journal , Jours Après Lunes creator Sophie Morin defended her brand and the photographs included in the ad campaign.
"There is no vulgar connotation," she told the lingerie industry publication. "The materials are totally opaque, there is no transparency, no lace. The triangles -- there are only two in the collection -- are used in swimwear for the smallest children and as a first support for young girls, even by young women who are not looking for proper support since the tops I design do not offer any. There is no bra in my collection.
"The children are not wearing heels, nor nail polish, nor lipstick," Morin added. "Their hairstyles are exaggerated, just as are games and the child's universe. These models are professional models and not 'Lolitas' who have stolen women's clothing."
Comments on the Fashionista story show that many who have viewed the ads don't take away the innocent "child's universe" that Morin was hoping to convey.
The makeup on the models, although it may not include lipstick, was another upsetting factor for viewers, and while Morin says there are no bras in the collection, it was assumed that the "swimwear tops" were lingerie-esque in appearance.
Morin also said that the loungerie is not distributed in the U.S. or the UK.
The criticism of the French clothing line is not unlike when Abercrombie and Fitch released its "Ashley" push-up bra, originally designed for 7-year-olds but later marketed to 12-year-old girls after a public outcry.
In 2007, the American Psychological Association developed a task force of psychologists to tackle the issue of sexualization of girls in every form of media. Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts was a part of that task force and continues to address female body image and sexuality.
Dr. Roberts and her colleagues on the task force say that sexually objectifying women at a progressively younger age has been occurring for the last 20 years in advertising. The photo spread by Jours Après Lunes came as no surprise to her, although she still considers these ad campaigns to be "nauseating and sick."
In a society that continues to value younger women, we've reached an ultimate low, Roberts said. This campaign, with its prominently featured stuffed animals, is eerily similar to a recent Victoria's Secret fashion show, where scantily-clad models "dragged teddy bears down the catwalk," she said.
And as for the girls involved in the photo shoot, Roberts believes they know how to portray a sexualized look.
"I think the advertising world is trying to convince all of us that youth is the only good time of life," Dr. Roberts said. "Now it's like, we've been obsessed with youth, so we might as well have them be 6 years old. Today's girls equate pretty with 'trumped-up sexy.'
"We have now said, as a society, that attractiveness today is constituted by a pornographied, voyeuristic look-at-me kind of sexuality. Girls know it very well. If I say 'Look pretty' to a young girl, she lowers her chin, slants her eyes and turns to the side. That's everywhere around them.
"What we have taught them by posing them this way that there's something about their bodies that is publicly consumable."
Discussion: Would you buy this kind of lingerie for your young daughter? Tell us in the comments section below.

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High Street stores have come under fire for selling inappropriate clothes with sexual connotations which are aimed at children.
A leading British nurse called on parents to boycott stores selling clothes aimed at the 'sexualisation' of young girls - and Mail online readers overwhelmingly agree.
Using our reader comments service, you reacted with shock and outrage at the fashion trend, and revealed many other examples of clothing and accessories on sale which are unsuitable for children.
Your accounts of other items of clothing bought or on sale for youngsters were alarming.
"My cousin purchased a thong for her 10-year-old daughter with a picture of a cute small cat, in leopard print and the words 'sex kitten' emblazoned across the front," writes BW, from Sutton, Surrey . "I was honest in my opinion to her that it was completely unsuitable for a child, but she felt it was grown-up and cute."
Angela, from Glasgow , said: "A few weeks ago I saw a little girl of about 11 wearing a t-shirt which said across it 'Hands off - for display purposes only'. To make matters worse she was wearing a pink cardigan with the Playboy logo on it. I was horrified, couldn't believe my eyes and personally think her parents should be arrested."
Joanne, from Cardiff , said: "I live next door to a woman who has a 5-year-old daughter, and shes thinks its clever to let her daughter wear bras and thongs! She seems to think it's wonderfull that she can buy bras and thongs for her. Needless to say the child also acts like a 16-year-old."
Many of you were appalled at the way childhood is being shortened by fashion trends and parents. As Liz, from Nottingham , said: "Stores would not sell these goods if mothers didn't buy them."
"No wonder the age of sexual active youth has started at a lower age than ever before and the number of teenage pregnancies has risen," Sharon, from London , pointed out.
Emma, from Manchester , said the British seem to allow children to pursue fashion more than in other countries.
"Go on holidays anywhere else in Europe and you see children that look like children, dressed in children's clothes - and then you pass British children on the street looking like little Lolitas or worse in boob tubes and tottering on high heels at the age of six or seven," she said.
Astonished readers were struck by the broad sexual culture in Britain where "there seems to be a lack of responsibility taken by parents, who blame the shops, and the media".
"Do they have no sense of morality themselves?" Jagdeep, from Southampton , asked.
Some readers were so disturbed by items on sale that they actually took matters into their own hands.
"I recently complained to staff in T J Hughes store Liverpool about slogans on children's tee shirts which were totally inappropriate for six or seven-year-olds. The t-shirts were removed from sale following this but I think the manufacturers/designers of such clothing should be named and shamed. Every child deserves a childhood free from this sort of thing," said Sue Jones, from Liverpool .
Many readers also called on shops to treat the issue seriously.
"It is time retailers showed much more responsibility towards our society and stopped producing goods which promote sexuality," Colin, Nelson, from Lancashire , wrote.
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It was a normal, busy weekday. I was driving to work and noticed cars parked along the highway. I realised that there was a police crackdown on traffic violators and, to my horror, I suddenly realised that I had forgotten my driving license at home. Luckily, no one stopped me.
When I got to work, I decided to park my car and take a bus home to get my license. I wasn't going to take chances and risk trouble on my way home in the evening.
When I got home, I found the house silent. My husband had said he had a headache and was not going to work. I figured he was in bed, still asleep. My daughter, a university student, had mentioned she didn't have didn't have morning classes so she was probably studying in her bedroom. 
I tip-toed upstairs to our room so as not to disturb my sleeping husband. I knew exactly where the license was so I thought I could just grab it and ease the door shut...until I heard noises from the bedroom.
I had never suspected my husband for cheating on me let alone bringing a woman to my house. But what I saw was beyond anyone's imagination; my husband having sex with our daughter!
The sight of my daughter and my husband naked on my very bed sickened me. I still get nauseated at the sheer thought of the spectacle. It was more ugly than shocking. Momentarily, I thought I had gone mad. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out.
Then my daughter shamelessly retorted: "Mum, why are you surprised? I thought you knew it all along!" And to rub it in, my husband confirmed that what they were doing was no mistake. "The only mistake we've made is using your bed," my husband arrogantly said. Only the previous night, he and I were very intimate on the same bed. What a betrayal!
Their retorts brought me back to my senses and I walked out. I later told my in-laws and the village elders what I had seen and all of us were summoned. My husband can win an Oscar; he denied everything saying that he was very concerned I was losing my mind. I was shocked when he and my in-laws suggested I should get psychiatric help. I knew they had beaten me and I got into serious depression.
I kicked my husband out of our bedroom and as expected he ran into his 'lovers' arms. My two sons kept aloof and never encouraged any discussion about what was happening. Maybe they too blame me for their sister's insanity though their distant relationship never changed.
Thoughts of pain and regret started creeping through my mind. I had severally been warned by concerned women who had seen them together that the two were overly involved. I often told-off the women justifying the closeness with the obvious fact that it is psychologically proven that daughters love their fathers more than their mothers.
When my daughter grew older and became a pretty young woman, I got suspicious but I severally rebuked myself for even imagining that my daughter and her father would ever have a sexual relationship. From when she was a tiny baby she would sit on his lap and lay her head on his chest and he would kiss her cheeks. What reason did I have to thwart the beautiful relationship between father and daughter?
I recall a day when one of my friends called me to inform me that she had seen my daughter and her father kissing passionately. I scolded the woman for having such immoral thoughts and firmly defended my family. M
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