Asstr Sleeping

Asstr Sleeping


Asstr Sleeping

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Sleeping Daughter
Chapter One: Wicked Wife's Plan
by mypenname3000
� Copyright 2016
The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my fourteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.

The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she blossomed into a sexual being. A rush of heat surged down to my cock. It hardened and swelled, rising forward and catching on my underwear.

When had Tiffany grown so sexy? What had happened to my little girl? She had curves. I mean, I knew she was growing. I knew she wore bras now and shaved her legs and did all the other things a teenage girl did.

But she had still seen like my little girl.

And now that image shattered. I noticed the beauty of her face as she stared up at me, the smile playing on her impish lips, the glint in her blue eyes. She arched one eyebrow, giving me a strange look.

�Huh?� I said. On the heels of lust came embarrassment. I had just ogled my daughter, my little girl. What was wrong with me?

�Oh, right, sorry,� I said, giving a laugh. My hand itched to reach down and adjust my erection so it wasn't so painfully trapped. �Just being a goofball.�

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. The towel slipped. Near her hip, the two ends parted, revealing her pale flesh up her side. My dick throbbed even harder. �Dad, you are always a goofball. That's why I love you.�

Love you. Those words sent another wave of lust through me.

�Good,� I croaked. �Love you, too.�

Her smile exploded across her lips. Then she slipped by me. I didn't move enough and her hip rubbed against my hard erection. The towel pulled farther apart, dragging on my bulge, and I caught a fleeting glimpse of curving buttocks before the pink terry cloth fell into place. Then Tiffany sauntered down the hallway, her hips shaking. I could just catch the bottom of her butt, the start of swelling cheeks.

When did she develop such a great ass? It was like her mother's.

Tiffany paused at her bedroom's doorway. She turned and smiled at me before she slipped in. The door closed behind her with a loud click. I groaned and shook my head, heat rushing through my body. What a little nymph.

�You need to take your shower so we can get going,� my wife admonished from behind me.

I jumped and turned. My wife stood in her slip. Tonight we had a wedding to go to. My wife and daughter showered first so they could do all their magic, leaving me last. I swallowed at my wife, still beautiful and curvy as she approached forty, her breasts looking wonderful in the slip's cleavage, her brown hair falling in curling waves about her mature face.

Our daughter's face fully blossomed. She even had that same, impish smile.

�What's got you excited?� she asked. �Staring at Tiffany?�

�What, no,� I laughed, hoping she was joking. �Why would I stare at our daughter?�

She shook her head. �Shower. Now. Mister.�

I stepped into the haze of steam. I hoped Tiffany left me any hot water. She should have showered earlier. I hated taking a cold shower. Then I glanced down at my still-hard erection, the glimpses of my daughter's flesh seared into my mind.

Maybe a cold shower would be a good idea.

My erection died the moment the icy water hit me. I gasped, letting the water flow across my body, cooling my ardor. It was hard to think of Tiffany, or any woman, when my teeth chattered. My respectable cock shrank and my balls retreated.

I grabbed the soap and washed fast.
It was late when we arrived at the house, my feet sore, both my women sleepy. Though Tiffany popped back up and bounced in the back of seat. She was a little giggly. I had my suspicious she snuck a glass of champagne at some point.

Her dress�a lavender affair with a plunging neckline that had shocked me when I saw it, though her mother told me to stop being a prude�rustled as she straightened up. In the rearview mirror, I couldn't help noticing the swell of her breasts jiggling as she arched her back.

They were small, but looked firm, handfuls begging to be played with. I wondered if any boys had pawed at her. A surge of anger shot through me. I hoped not. No one should touch my little girl's tits but me.

I was her father. What the fuck was wrong with me?

�Mmm, what a great night,� my wife said, stretching, showing off her equally plunging neckline of her red dress. Her large breasts bounced and jiggled, drawing my eyes from appreciating my daughter's cleavage. Betty leaned over. �Weddings always make me randy.�

I stiffened as my wife, a little tipsy, kissed me, her hand slipping down and rubbing at my hard bulge. She groaned into the kiss, squeezing harder. Our daughter sniggered in the backseat before opening the door and climbing out.

�Don't forget to take your medication,� my wife called, breaking our kiss to be a mother. �Okay?�

�Yes, Mom,� my daughter said, rolling her eyes.

She had recently been diagnosed by a disorder�Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. Last week, my wife had taken her into the doctor. Now Tiffany had to take a pill every night, one that would let her get a full night's sleep without any issue.

I hadn't realized she had any sleeping problems. I mean, she was so young, but my wife insisted.

�She'll be out for the entire night,� my wife purred, stroking my cock. �Won't hear a thing.�

I smiled at my wife. We had an active sex live. Seventeen years of marriage hadn't diminished it yet. She was a passionate woman. She believed the best way to keep a man was to keep him interested. And she worked hard to do just that.

But my eyes trailed to my daughter, a younger version of my wife, heading to the front door.

�We're going to have wicked fun tonight,� my wife purred before kissing me again.

We necked in the car like teenagers ourselves. My hands found her breasts, kneading them while she rubbed at my cock, driving me into a frenzy. I groaned into her hot kisses. The window of our car steamed up. I wondered what the neighbors must think if they noticed the car rocking in the dark.

But I didn't care. I ached. I needed to cum. It was an imperative.

I pushed up my wife's skirt, slid up her sleek stockings. She wore thigh-highs today. I moved higher and found her flimsy panties, the crotch soaked. She shuddered as I rubbed them. My zipper rasped. Her hand reached in, pulling out my hard cock, stroking me.

�Yes,� I groaned, breaking the kiss.

She climbed out of the car, adjusting her dress, then sauntered to the door. I didn't bother putting my cock away. It was dark and I was hard. I followed after her, my dick bouncing before me. Tiffany left the door unlocked. We were inside in a heartbeat, kissing, moaning, our bodies pressed together, our hands roaming.

Clothing came off. I hadn't been this turned on in so long. Tiffany danced through my head as I stroked and caressed my wife's body. We moved across the living room, leaving a trail behind us, and then reached the stairs.

�Ooh, yes,� my wife moaned as she darted up the stairs, her naked ass shaking. I caught shadowed glimpses of her pussy covered by her trimmed, brown down.

I followed that gorgeous ass, my cock bouncing before me.

My wife darted down the hallway and then paused before our daughter's bedroom. Our daughter's door was half open. My wife pushed it all the way open and froze. A shudder ran through her body. What was she doing? I slowed as I approached, all too aware I was naked.

�Come here,� she whispered, motioning to me. �You have to see this.�

�She's sleeping. Come on.� She motioned again. �The pill will keep her out no matter what we do.�

I swallowed and padded down the hallway to her, my dick bouncing before me. She seized my shaft, stroking me as I joined her at the doorway. I peered into my daughter's room. Moonlight spilled silver across her, painting her body. My eyes widened. She slept only in a pair of frilly panties, lying on her back, her firm tits rising like cones as she breathed slowly, her brassy-brown hair spilled about her pillow. One arm held her teddy bear that she claimed to be too old for.

And yet insisted he still sleep with her.

�Isn't that a beautiful sight?� my wife whispered in my ear as she stroked my dick.

I could only groan as my wife pressed against my side, her nipples hard on my flesh. Her hand gripped me, stroking faster. My dick ached in her hand as I couldn't tear my gaze away from my daughter's sleeping form.

�Isn't she blossoming into a beautiful, young woman?� my wife purred. �Mmm, doesn't she make you ache with her sensuous form.�

�Betty,� I groaned. �What are you saying?�

�Those tits. God, those are great tits. Still so firm. Ooh, yes, she may not be as big as mine, but they are still gorgeous.�

�Betty,� I gasped now, shock shooting through me.

�You saw her step out of the bathroom today, teasing you. She waited, you know?�

�To step out of the bathroom. She made sure you were in the hallway. Little girls love to tease their fathers. She's been doing it for a while, but you never noticed. But you did today. I could tell.� She squeezed my cock. �You stared at her all night in her dress, looking at her ass, her small tits. Mmm, you're so hard.�

Her lips brushed my ear. �Because you want to fuck our daughter.�

�Why not?� My wife's wet pussy rubbed on my hard thigh. �You took a cold shower today. You were shivering when you came out. The idea of fucking our daughter popped into your head.�

�Really?� Betty moved away from me. She pulled me into the room by my cock. I groaned and stumbled after. Moonlight flashed about her generous curves as she led me beside our daughter's bed. My wife stroked me with her right hand then brushed a strand of hair off Tiffany's forehead. �You don't want to ravish her?�

Was this a trick? A trap? My wife couldn't be asking this questions? Did she want me to? Was she a pervert?

I stared at my wife like I had never seen her before in my life.

�Such supple skin,� My wife purred, her free hand sliding down Tiffany's neck and shoulders to her chest. �And these breasts. Let's see how hard her nipples get.�

�Betty,� I groaned, my heart thudding in my chest.

My wife's fingers trailed up our daughter's right tit. She circled the conical mound and reached the dusky-pink areola. A small ring. My wife stroked its circumference. A hard nub rose out of the center, a tiny peak thrusting from my daughter's small mound.

�Look at that nipple,� my wife purred. �Just delicious.� Then she bent over and sucked it into her mouth.

My dick throbbed. I almost came as my wife's lips sucked on our daughter's nipple. She popped her mouth off of it, leaving the nipple pink and shiny. My head swam. My balls boiled. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was like I entered the Twilight Zone, stepping out of reality.

�You liked that,� giggled Betty. �I know you did. Your dick doesn't lie. It can't.�

�I've been aching for this moment,� Betty panted. �You touching her, fucking her. It makes me so wet when I think about it. I masturbate in her bed while she's at school. I pretend I'm her and you're atop me, fucking me, making me cum.� She let out a shuddering moan. �Oh, Daddy, fuck me. Drive your cock into me.�

�Shit, Betty,� I groaned, my balls boiling. �I'm gonna...�

I nodded, the image of myself fucking Tiffany burned in my mind, of sliding my cock into her young pussy, to feel her virgin grip, tight and hot. To hear my baby girl gasp and moan, loving my strokes, embracing the pleasure.

Betty moved my cock. I didn't fight her. She brought the tip of my dick to our daughter's half-open mouth. She pressed my dick into it. My eyes widened at the wet, warm touch of Tiffany's mouth. In sleep, her lips opened wider, latching on the tip.

�Goddamn!� I groaned as my balls unloaded.

My cum poured into my daughter's mouth while my wife stroked it. Her hand slid up and down my dick, squeezing out every blast of cum. It poured into my daughter's mouth, leaking out the sides. She swallowed in her sleep, gulping down the cum that boiled out of me.

�Fuck,� I grunted again, shuddering, such powerful waves of passion bursting out of me. I hadn't cum so hard in my life. �Damn, damn, damn.�

�Ooh, that was a good one,� my wife purred, letting go my dick.

I stumbled back, suddenly dizzy as the lethargic after bliss of my orgasm draped my body. I just came in my daughter's mouth. The thought rattled through my mind. My dick twitched, wanting to swell hard, to do it again.

And then my wife leaned over and kissed our daughter. Her tongue flicked out, gathering my cum that leaked out. My wife's naked ass shook at me. I shuddered and reached out, grabbing her cheeks, squeezing them as she cleaned my jizz from our daughter's lips.

�Mmm, her first taste of cum,� my wife panted. �Daddy's cum. I know you'll have sweet dreams now, baby.�

�Fuck,� I breathed as my wife straightened.

Then she pulled me out of the room to our bedroom. She fell back on the bed and I devoured her pussy. I made her scream loud. She loved it. She called me daddy over and over, moaning and gasping in a girlish voice.

When I fucked her, she pretended to be Tiffany. I came hard again.
I was nervous the next morning when Tiffany stumbled downstairs in a pink nightie, something she normally would have warn instead of just her panties. I sat at the kitchen table, sipping my coffee while Betty cooked Sunday breakfast.

�Morning, sleepyhead,� my wife said, beaming at our daughter.

My wife woke up bubbling and giggling, acting like a teenager. We made love a second time this morning. The entire time my wife whispered in my ear how hot it was watching me cum in our daughter's mouth. Then she moaned �Daddy!� as she came.

I tensed. Did Tiffany remember anything that happened? What if she wasn't really sleeping?

�I had a great night sleep,� she said, bouncing to the table. She jumped onto my lap, so lithe and light, squirming like she used to love.

I swallowed. She was so cute and innocent. And so lovely. I felt her right breast through the t-shirt I wore. Memory of her hard nipple saturated my mind as she leaned in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

�Morning,� I told her as she slipped off my lap and took her seat. �So no, uh, weird dreams?�

She blushed. �Well, I did have a, um, sexy dream.�

�Wet dream,� Betty said. �And that's perfectly normal at your age. I used to have them all the time.�

�Wet is the word,� my daughter giggled then glanced at me and blushed.

My cheeks warmed as I imagined her slick thighs.

�And I had this funny taste in my mouth,� she continued as my wife brought over the pancakes.

�Funny?� I asked then swallowed. �Like what did it taste like.�

�Salty and a little bitter, but I liked it. I wouldn't mind tasting it again.� She giggled. �I dreamed I sucked a...� She blushed, glancing at me. �Nevermind.�

�It would explain the salty taste,� my wife giggled.

My daughter nodded, her smile growing as she glanced at me. Did she want to suck a cock. My cock? No, no. My lusts are running wild. I needed to control them.

But my dick throbbed, the memory of her hot lips burned on my dick.

She looked at her pancakes. �Mmm, these look great, Mom. Thanks.�

�You're welcome.� My wife leaned down and kissed Tiffany on the forehead.

I wanted her to kiss our daughter on the lips.

Betty sat down beside me, her hand casually brushing my hard cock. She smiled and winked at me. She knew why I was hard and she approved. All through breakfast, I relived the cumming into my daughter's mouth. I remembered how she sucked in her sleep, drawing the cum from my depths.

And she had no idea. It was a wicked secret my wife and I shared.

Betty grinned all through breakfast as Tiffany talked about how much fun she had last night and the cute boys she danced with. Every time she mention a boy, she glanced at me, flashing me a dazzling smile while shifting in her seat.

She gave me a great view down her cleavage.

My wife was right. Tiffany wanted me to look at her. She was having fun teasing me. The way she sat on my lap, squirming, rubbing her cute butt into my swelling hardon, and now her looks. Her small feet brushed mine beneath the table as she kicked her legs.

She had always done it. I thought it innocent, and now...

�Go wash the dishes,� Betty said to our daughter when breakfast was finished.

�But...� Tiffany pouted, flashing me a look and leaning towards me.

I caught a glimpse of pink areola down her nightie.

�Listen to your mother,� I said automatically. Tiffany always turned to me to get out of doing chores. �Now.�

�Fine,� she sighed, collected the plates, and flounced to the sink, her butt shaking.

My wife leaned over and let out a purring, lust-filled moan. �Look at that ass. That is such a cute nightie. When I bought it, I knew you would love seeing it on her.�

Sweat beaded the forehead. Could our daughter here us over the running faucet. She wasn't that far from the table. �Betty, she's right there.�

�I know,� my wife panted. �I'm so wet right now. I can't wait for tonight.�

She nuzzled into my ear. �I want to watch you fuck our daughter. It'll be so hot.�

My dick threatened to burst from my shorts.

My wife broke away from me, striding by in her own nightie, her large tits bouncing beneath the cloth. She came up behind our daughter, hugging her from behind. The pair giggled and laughed. I leaned back in my chair, not hearing what they talked about as I sipped my coffee and pictured my cock sliding into our little girl's pussy.

The idea of fucking my daughter would not go away all day. It was Sunday, so I spent it outside mowing the lawn and then trimmed our hedges while my wife and daughter worked in the floor beds, both wearing the tightest pair of jean shorts and, I swear, no panties.

From behind, they looked almost identical. Betty had a curvy ass, but they were both scrumptious. And their camel toes The denim hugged their crotches as they worked, their plump vulvas outlined as the bent low over, hips shaking.

Their giggles echoed every time there was a lull in the lawnmower or leaf blower or hedge trimmer's motors. They were a pair of sirens. And, worse, my wife kept glancing at me and then nodding her head towards our daughter, inviting my ogles while Betty had that mischievous smile on her lips.

As we neared wrapping up, my daughter headed inside to fetch lem
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