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Most of my stories don't really feature a lot of snuff, or what they do is incidental. The exceptions are elsewhere. This thread is for projects I've worked on, either solo or with my coauthor Darinost . Most of these do include violent content. Feedback welcome.

Lone Fox - A Korean Gumiho is captured and raped with the intent of breaking her into an obedient pet. Fortunately... and unfortunately... gumiho are capable of healing from almost anything. Part of the Outfoxed shared universe. This story, and the outfoxed Universe, is a huge project with Darinost.

Lone Fox 2 - Seo-Yun, our broken Korean gumiho, has spent nearly a year as a slave now, and her owners have a special celebration in mind when the largest slave market for demihumans in the world opens for its annual celebration. Part of the Outfoxed shared universe. This story, and the outfoxed Universe, is a huge project with Darinost. This story is very, very large.

Lone Fox 3 - Hanabi, a kitsune living in a peaceful village, thinks that her life is hard growing up in the shadow of the village's biggest monster. She's about to find out how much harder it can get. Part of the Outfoxed shared universe. This story, and the outfoxed Universe, is a huge project with Darinost. This story is very, very, VERY large.

Surrogate - Joint project with Darinost, nowhere near complete. A character study in trying to make the least sympathetic victim and most sympathetic rapist possible. A man falls in love with a girl and marries her, or something like that...

Hope - The Angel of Hope fights to save a fantastic world from a demonic invasion... but it might cost her significantly more than she thought. Part of the Lights in the Void shared universe.

Constellation - A multi-arc Superhero story including rape, slavery, torture, and revenge. This story, and the Constellation Universe, is a huge project with Darinost.
Arc 1 - Gathering Dusk: All Donna ever wanted was to be a superhero. Learning that she had attracted the attention of the greatest superheroes in the world should have been a dream come true. Instead, it was the beginning of a nightmare that would cost her everything...

Arc 2 - Fallen Star: Lira had a tough life... an abused stepdaughter to a monster. All of that changed when her power suddenly awakened. Now, she was one of the strong ones. Now, no one was ever going to tell her what to do ever again. Until she ran into someone stronger...

Arc 3 - Daybreak: Donna wants revenge on those who hurt her. Lira wants to stop the murderer stalking New York's streets. Their two paths are destined to collide... and only one can survive.

Many stories are available with additional pictures on my wordpress if you want to check that out.

Most of my stories can be found on johndrakeauthor.com . Most of them don't involve death, but all of them involve rape and violence at the very least.

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Well, I've been reviewing one of the good Mr. Drake's other stories over on his Wordpress, one chapter a week, and as of now I've caught up with it completely, and it'll be a while until the next chapter comes out.

So, while I wait for the next chapter with Best Girl, I figured I'd work through another of these!


HA! No. I'll get back to that one, but that story hit my female angel depression button with a sledgehammer , and I am not ready to go back there yet. Let's try that again, shall we?

Lone Fox


Foxes have played a role in many different mythologies, but hold a special significance to East Asian myths, where there are fox-like beings with magical powers, sometimes benevolent, sometimes tricksters and sometimes terrifying. The most famous of these is probably the Japanese kitsune , but the myth goes beyond Japan, with slight variations across the region. The gumiho is the Korean version of the creature, and that brings us to our main character, Seo-yun.

Quote: Seo-yun smelled humans.

Actually, that's the interesting thing about Seo-yun, at least as introduced in this prologue. Generally, at least from what I've read, the heroines of these stories are kind, courageous women, concerned with making the lives of others better; heroic, in other words. While Seo-yun is courageous enough...well, remember how kitsune and gumiho can have a variety of alignments, and they can be menacing? Well, that's the thing about Seo-yun. She's not worried the humans will defile her forest or hurt someone. No.

She thinks they smell delicious.

Quote: Seo-yun had called this forest home for three centuries. There had been humans here too, once. Woodcutters, hunters, even a small village near the river a long time ago. They had all been delicious. She knew it was her own fault that they were all gone, but she’d never been one for moderation.

So yeah, either Seo-yun ate enough people that the remainder fled, or she ate the entire village . Couple that with the description we get of her, of a massive, red, nine-tailed vixen, and it's a wonderful acknowledgment of how, though we tend to look at these creatures as sexy (and based on the illustration of Seo-yun provided, they are ) they are also dangerous. Her interaction with the villagers continued in creepy fashion, with them trying to placate her with worship, which worked for a while, but eventually she went back to eating them.

Quote: They’d tried to kill her in the end, armed with pitchforks and torches and a couple old swords.

Artist's interpretation

Quote: She’d nearly died laughing, the tears still wet on her muzzle when she began to eat them. Their crude weapons couldn’t so much as penetrate her flesh, and the fire had been nothing but a pleasant warmth to her.

Again, the imagery establishes Seo-yun as being a sort of amoral being, and a genuine threat. In the present day, she moves through the trees in almost total silence, barely even disturbing the leaves, and even when she does...

Quote: When her eagerness nearly gave her away, a too joyful leap dislodging a single acorn from the branch she landed on, she whipped one of her tails towards it, manipulating it as easy as any other limb to catch the acorn as it fell.

Did I have to bring that up? No, but it was cool, so I did.

Noticeably less cool is when she thinks back to the last time she ate something on two legs.

Quote: It had been more than twenty years since the last time she’d eaten anything on two legs, and the memory was enough to make her mouth water. She’d come across a small child alone in the forest, crying, and had appeared to him as a human. For the most part.. She looked like a normal red haired woman when transformed, but one with fox ears and all of her tails still bobbing behind her. The little boy hadn’t seemed to mind her unusual appearance though. He’d told her that he’d been doing something called “camping” with his family, and had gotten lost. She’d graciously helped him find his parents, her sense of smell as sharp as ever even in human form. She still vividly remembered the looks of joy and gratitude on their faces when she’d returned the boy to them. She remembered even more vividly their screams when they’d seen what she was.

I really hope I'm misreading that. Like she doesn't confirm that she did what it sounds like she did, so I'm hoping I'm wrong. Please tell me I'm wrong, Seo-yun, because I would hate to think that YOU ATE A SMALL CHILD.


Here's where things turn around, because when she makes to pounce on the hunters she's been tracking, that's when the other ones, the men in scent-hiding suits, attack. Turns out they were specifically here to hunt her, and while fire and swords may not harm the giant vixen, turns out electricity does, and they came prepared with some heavy duty cattleprod-type devices. They order her to shift into her humanoid form. Seo-yun refuses because, well, if she does, she'll become weaker and more vulnerable, at which point the leader, Levinson, goes full evil in such a way that I'm both alarmed and kind of like him as a villain. Love to Hate I believe is the TV Tropes term for this. He has his men hold Seo-yun's jaws open, and jams the cattle prod down her throat, and when the muscle spasms from being electrified like that cause her to bite through the cattle prod, he just grabs a new one, has all of his men hold her jaws open and keeps it up, and when he stops for a moment...

Quote: “That was one minute,” the leader said. “You have ten seconds to transform, bitch, or I shove the prod in for five next. Then we’ll try twenty, and then we’ll try an hour, and then we’ll try three, and then we’ll try ten. I booked all weekend for hunting down your furry ass, and it’s barely Saturday afternoon. I’ll make you spend all goddamn night sucking on this cattle prod if I have to.”

I don't think we ever got a full description of what Levinson looks like, but I'm assuming this:

Ok, all joking aside, this is where Seo-yun, in spite of everything she's basically confessed to doing, switches from threatening to sympathetic, because even if she eats people, at the end of the day, we are still watching something magical be tortured. After she caves (Levinson makes good on his threat of shocking her for twenty minutes straight) and shifts into humanoid form, they take her robe from her and apparently burn it, locking her into this shape forever...and then shock her again with the cattleprods. Now, begging not to be hurt so much, she comes across as far more sympathetic than you'd expect. She may be a terrifying creature, but she's also a majestic thing out of myth, and it's harder than one might think to watch people torture something like her, no matter how dangerous she is.

Well, she's their captive now, so we'll see where this goes in the next chapter.

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Thank you so much for reading!

First... You are completely correct with that Quaritch comparison... the mental image of him I use to draw him is "Quaritch but 20 years younger."

Chapter 7. Chapter 7 is the chapter I am dying to see you react to. I cannot wait.

For Seo-Yun and her treatment by her captors... there is something about it that makes it a bit more tolerable to me than usual. It's the unspoken element of respect. Levinson might talk a bit big, might belittle her and hate her and abuse her... but he brought an entire army to take her down, attacked from ambush, and immediately took away everything that made her less than helpless. There is a tacit respect there in that he is dealing with a predator that was old before the Revolutionary War, and if a hunter forgets that that is what she is it might be at his peril.

I look forward to your further reactions.

Most of my stories can be found on johndrakeauthor.com . Most of them don't involve death, but all of them involve rape and violence at the very least.

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I read the first chapter or two of this story because I was bored, don't think I have quite as much to say as Corpsman. 

Though I do take issue with one or two of his points.

Quote: Ok, all joking aside, this is where Seo-yun, in spite of everything she's basically confessed to doing, switches from threatening to sympathetic, because even if she eats people, at the end of the day, we are still watching something magical be tortured.


She may be a terrifying creature, but she's also a majestic thing out of myth, and it's harder than one might think to watch people torture something like her, no matter how dangerous she is.

Nnnnnnnnope. Not feeling it. 

In fact, I actually want to congratulate John.f.drake on crafting a story where the protagonist can be raped and tortured without me feeling the slightest, tiniest shred of sympathy for her. I mean that in a good way, it's a difficult thing to achieve in this line of work. After all, she's been torturing and eating people for hundreds of years by the sound of it, with her latest victims being a child and his family, for no other reason than "because I can and because I like the taste".

Corpsman , mate. I know you're a soft-hearted fellow, and normally I don't mind that. But, really, in this case, fuck her . She deserves this and more.

That being said, I'm starting to worry that Corpsman may be having the intended reaction here and my bloodthirstiness is getting the better of me, because I got up to the end of the first chapter and I'm little worried you're setting up some kind of romance-in-captivity plot. Though, to be accurate to what you've shown us of Seo-Yun so far, it's slightly more likely that she'll string this poor sap along and then kill him and break out. 

In either case, she escapes the punishment she so richly deserves, which makes me sad.

I am having a little trouble figuring out who to root for here, since Seo-Yun is evil, Levinson is kind of a dick, the only other guy with a voice is a bleeding-heart moron who's probably gonna get eaten, but I'll read on a bit further and see if there's any surprises in store for me.

Good job so far!

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In truth, one of my pet projects is actually trying to set up a story where you feel worse for the rapists than you do for the victim... but this one isn't my crowning success I don't think, Surrogate is. Maybe I should post that one up, although it has minimal gore elements yet. 

Mask, Corpsman is a soft-hearted fellow... but he also has an advantage you don't. I recommended the story to him... knowing his tastes in protagonist, and he knows it. 

Seo-Yun is... not exactly a reliable narrator. I hope you enjoy, and keep on reading

Most of my stories can be found on johndrakeauthor.com . Most of them don't involve death, but all of them involve rape and violence at the very least.

Posts: 205
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Joined: Nov 2016


(03-06-2020, 06:49 PM) John.f.drake Wrote: Hehehehehe.

In truth, one of my pet projects is actually trying to set up a story where you feel worse for the rapists than you do for the victim...
I did think to myself at first when I was reading Lone Fox that maybe Levinson is such a dick towards the Gumiho because he has some kind of personal motive. Like perhaps it was his family, or some relatives of his, who were them that she last devoured. But then it quickly became clear that wasn't what was going on, so nevermind.

Quote: Maybe I should post that one up, although it has minimal gore elements yet. 

Go for it. This place is the "depravity" repository, doesn't say anywhere what kind of depravity it has to be.

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It's up. Give that a read sometime when you're feeling bored, and tell me she doesn't deserve everything she has coming...

Most of my stories can be found on johndrakeauthor.com . Most of them don't involve death, but all of them involve rape and violence at the very least.

Posts: 164
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Joined: Aug 2019


Mask Wrote: Corpsman, mate. I know you're a soft-hearted fellow, and normally I don't mind that. But, really, in this case, fuck her . She deserves this and more.
john.f.drake Wrote: Mask, Corpsman is a soft-hearted fellow...
Hey! I am not a soft-hearted fellow! I am a MAN , a... tall man, with a...uh...ripped, Jason Momoa-esque physique, and I will not be broken by-

Quote: Seo-yun didn’t see the knife until it was too late, until the cool metal was already pressed against the base of her tail. The blond man sawed into her with brutal efficiency; before her first horrified scream finished echoing, he’d severed the limb completely. He held it up in front of her, blood dripping down onto the hard packed dirt beneath them.

Chapter 1

Alright, let's take this one from the top.

Quote: Seo-yun couldn’t breathe.

Well, we're off to a good start.

So we are reintroduced to the story as Seo-yun wakes up after being mode-locked into her fox girl look and then tased unconscious. She wakes up to find that things have not improved, as she is now being hanged, but with boxes in place that she can barely reach in order to breathe.

She's rather pissed (I mean, you know, understandably), specifically about being locked into her humanoid form, which sends her on a brief trip down memory lane...

Quote: Seo-yun had spent extended periods of time in her human shape before, like on the few occasions she’d left the forest. On nothing more than a whim, she’d travel to distant lands, bounding over plains and mountains and waters alike until she reached a people who had never heard of gumiho, and did not flee when they saw her disguise despite her ears and tails. She’d live with them for a short time...

Aww, that's kind of swee-

Quote: ...enjoying the novelty of prey animals too stupid to know better.

Seo-yun, I swear to God...

There's a nice little bit of characterization here concerning her decision never to sleep with humans. It's a question I've gone back and forth about regarding a creature that can shapeshift into a humanoid or completely human form: if the creature can do that, does he or she find humans attractive?

One answer would be yes, if the creature and humans are both sentient/sapient, and the attraction is based on personality and character, with the shapeshifting being a handy way for these two different individuals to consummate their affections. This is how half-celestials and half-dragons happen in D&D, after all (well, the latter might go differently if your DM is running a hardcore horror campaign).

The other position is that it's all physical, and thus the creature views sleeping with humans as something more akin to bestiality, which seems to be the approach Seo-yun takes.

That's gonna come up real soon.

She levels an honestly badass threat at Levinson here, about how when she finally kills him, she won't even give him the dignity of being scavenged by forest creatures; that she'll ensure he just rots . Aside from being menacing, it's also a neat little reminder that she is basically a rather threatening nature spirit. He reacts to this by having her whipped, she blocks the whip with her tails, he demands that she lower her tails for a proper whipping, and she refuses.

Levinson takes it well.

Quote: Like I Mentioned Earlier:

Seo-yun didn’t see the knife until it was too late, until the cool metal was already pressed against the base of her tail. The blond man sawed into her with brutal efficiency; before her first horrified scream finished echoing, he’d severed the limb completely. He held it up in front of her, blood dripping down onto the hard packed dirt beneath them. The sight made memories of red on snow rise up before she could push them back down. “Tails. Down.”

The tail amputation definitely made me cringe, but t
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