Daddy Slave

Daddy Slave


Daddy Slave

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One of the most misunderstood types of BDSM relationships is the Daddy Dom/little girl dynamic (or DD/lg). For some, it’s just fun role-playing with clothing and outfits. For others, it is their identity. Even though there are many benefits to ageplay, it can be hard to know what things to say to someone who feels this lifestyle is wrong. Keep reading to learn all about the DD/lg rules, definition of “little space”, Daddy dominant traits, and get new ideas , so you can enjoy ageplay responsibly. 
Ever since I became sexually active, I always had a “Daddy kink”. I loved calling my now Dom, Daddy, and enjoyed being coy and pretending to be innocent. I bought school girl outfits and was drawn to anything Disney. Unfortunately I did have “Daddy issues” growing up, and the fact that my father passed away when I was 13 just compounded them even more.
Being in this type of lifestyle with my partner was a healthy way for me to explore this kink without fear, shame, or enabling what could have been harmful experiences. Since my partner never had a father, it was also very therapeutic for him to be the role that he never had in his life. It was extremely empowering for both of us.
Ageplaying involves treating the sub like they are a certain age, usually younger, anywhere from toddler to teenager. As a result, the sub treats their Dom like their Daddy. He takes on the paternal role of protector and caregiver, and administers discipline and training when needed. The sub becomes his “little” and relies on him emotionally, physically, and even sexually and sometimes financially.
Ageplayers are NOT pedophiles. The definition of pedophilia is having sexual feelings towards children. A sub is not a child, but is a consenting adult. Therefore, a Daddy Dom wants to be with HIS little girl, not little girls in general.
It can be hard to explain this lifestyle or know what things to say to someone who doesn’t understand this kink. Basically, age playing and DDlg satisfy both individuals involved on many levels:
Usually men are naturally attracted to youth and innocence, and having a little meets that need continuously. They will also have the satisfaction of having someone rely and dote on them, and counting on them to “fix it” when things get hard. Similarly, littles are constantly seeking the praise and attention of their Daddy and will do their best to please him.
When his baby girl disobeys rules, a Daddy Dom also gets the fulfillment of disciplining her in any way he desires, (and she has consented to). She will also come to him with her sexual needs, as he knows how best to please her.
In a symbiotic way, what makes the Daddy happy fulfills the little’s needs and vice versa. She will be made to feel eternally youthful and beautiful, and he will spoil her and cherish her. Subs that choose this relationship are usually emotionally fragile at times, and having a supportive, paternal figure is very soothing.
Likewise, being told they’re a “good girl” makes sub ageplayers feel extremely content. And obeying the DD/lg rules and knowing they’re making their Daddy happy gives them immense reassurance. For example, head pats and forehead kisses mean the world to me.
Now that you know the real definition for ageplay and what both the Daddy Dom and little girl get out of it, here are some of my experiences and ideas for making it work:
The Daddy Dom ultimately chooses the clothing his little girl wears, but short skirts, dresses, and having their hair in braids or pigtails is usual protocol. School girl outfits are very popular, and Brazilian waxes are a great way to get that look and feel for ageplaying.
(For DDlg clothing, toys, and accessories, check out Kinky Cloth . They’re my favorite.)
Littles should refer to their Dom as Daddy, and always ask them for permission, just like a dependent child would. Daddys need to call their littles by appropriate names like Baby Girl, and conversations and lectures are more enjoyable when she’s told to sit on his lap.
Littles also usually require a softer approach when being dominated. Good Daddy Dominant traits are being nurturing, caring but strict, being a good listener, and supportive. Here are some ideas for things to say:
DDlg revolves around wanting to please and fearing disapproval, so rewards and punishments are vital. Therefore pats on the head and forehead kisses mean a lot, and spankings are usually a must. In addition, keeping the attitude of “Daddy knows best” will also deepen intimacy.
The definition of “Little Space” is a state of mind submissive ageplayers enter when they’re deeply feeling little. Here are some ideas for age appropriate activities to help a sub enter little space more easily:
Ageplaying is a great way to mix childlike innocence with naughty sexual curiosity. Don’t listen to people who try to say that ageplay is wrong. The DD/lg lifestyle can become the basis for a healthy BDSM relationship, and bring even more happiness to both the Dom and his sub.
I have found my Daddy and I am elated. We have been apart for 12 weeks and I will see him again on Saturday. He has bought a vanilla collar and he will put that engagement ring on my finger on the weekend. I get to marry my Dom Daddy. I get to be looked after and loved and controlled and contained for ever.
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m not very experienced in the lifestyle, but taking care of a little is an extremely attractive idea. Your article is inspiring.
Very good read. My submissive is not a little, but as a Dominant, I truly enjoy reading about other aspects of our lifestyle.
Keep up the good work.
This was a perfect read today. DDlg is something my Master approached me with recently. I really thought it was silly, (honestly), but after reading your blog, I may give it some thought. He is everything you described here. As always, love your blog!
Great article, and I’ve tried explaining this several times to very close friends that find it creepy. I’m a bratty sub with little traits (especially when feeling extra sensitive). You hit the nail(s) on the head with all the things!
Your article was such a welcome one to see!
When Daddy and I first had the conversation about our lifestyle, Daddy explained a “Daddy Dom” was just what He was. For me to voice that I felt “Little” most of the time, and having Him know that, took a weight off me and made me more comfortable with who I am. Even though we don’t live together, we are 24/7 in the relationship and it works great for us!
Thank you for your lovely explanation of the DDlg lifestyle!
Amazing article and as a practiced daddy dom who is looking for a new little girl I can honestly say this is spot on information.
My Daddy and I love our lifestyle. He has always been very protective and caring over me. We started my Little Space soon after I started reading about it. It was an easy transition for us. It has taken our relationship to the next level. When he asks me how his little princess is? My heart just melts and I feel like a very special little girl who has the best daddy ever! Thank you for your blog. You are awesome!
This really is a fantastic read! DDLG never was weird to me. I’ve been a natural Dom for as long as I remember. Only about a month ago I met my first true little. She is unbelievable. We live a 24/7 DDLG and neither one of us could be happier. I’ve tried to train women who want to be little but they just can’t in my experience because a part of them grew out of that or is ashamed of it I’m not sure. But my little doesn’t want to be called anything but little and treats me like a man more than any other woman ever did and I’m 52 years old. This is the most rewarding lifestyle I could have ever imagined. Finally I found the right person!
I am a little and when I read about ddlg I asked my daddy if he wanted to try it and he said yes! Daddy and I love this life style. Going into my little place at work is hard but kind of fun. I just wish I worked somewhere were I could be me all the time.
I recently was told that I am a little. I didn’t realize what that was until I started researching. I started by calling my Dom Daddy and things just clicked from there. One day he just said, “You do realize that you are a little right?” And I denied it. Then I looked it up and talked to some friends and they agreed. So I am new to this, even though I’ve been in the lifestyle for 12 years.
This is the perfect read. I’m new to the lifestyle as I’m just discovering that I’m a little. I’ve been researching and this post helped so much. I hope to find a Daddy to fulfill my Little lifestyle ❤️
Resently I have been able to explore my little side more, with my mommy dom who is my girlfriend as well. This post gave me some insight on some things I never think about.
Thank you so much for your article! It came at the perfect time! I have been a baby girl for 6 months, so this is very new to me. However, I feel like I have always identified as a baby girl! Dollie’s and stuffy’s included, it helped me to accept myself and be ok with bringing them out. Feeling youthful and beautiful is the most wonderful at 63. Lol! Daddy punished his baby girl as she broke the rules. This baby girl does not like to be a bad baby girl! So it was very hard. Sometimes being new to our 24/7 exchange is hard to grasp. Your words help put everything back into perspective! Thank you so much ☺️
I am a DD with a new little because we recently married at 60 after both being widowed a couple years ago. She just retired as a professor and loves being mine. We find that these roles are a fun escape from our responsible lives. I think it’s a freedom she has never known. Me too. I start my day very early, but start our day together by bringing her morning tea in bed when it’s time for her to get up. “Good morning, Baby Doll.” I love saying that and watching her smile up at me while saying “Good morning, Daddy.” When I was widowed I had the chance to find a young woman as a wife. Instead I found someone my age who is with me on the arc of life instead of far behind me. I think that is important because we both have the wisdom and perspective of age. With this lifestyle she gets to feel young and see herself as a young beautiful woman, which is how I see her anyway. And being Daddy inspires me to be a better man, and a better lover. Hey, I’ve got a “30” year old wife – I can’t have sex with her as a 60 year old man. We laugh that when she is 90 years old she will pretend to be my 60 year old wife.
I just want to make one point that is important to with respect to some Littles. Some Littles are non-sexual as Littles. It’s an important discussion to have since getting sexual with a non-sexual little will break trust.
As someone who was ignorant to this type of lifestyle (been in the BDSM am for a like bit so still fairly new), this article has definitely changed my outlook and has sparked my curiosity! I think my partner has secretly been wanting to do this (since signs have been there for a while now) and before I didn’t think I’d be into it but reading this has changed my mind perspective completely and has even made me realize that I might have a little bit of “Little” in me trying to break free!
P.S. Jeff, your comment was one of the most romantic things I’ve seen ❤️ Really happy for you
i don’t have a daddy but i hope when i do get a daddy he is like all of this. I have read all of this and it made me smile and with all the littles out there and daddys i hope you are all happy but i dont know what im saying but yeah.
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 I’m Alesandra from Dom Sub Living. Through online trainings and mentoring, I help new and experienced Doms and subs live the BDSM lifestyle to the fullest.
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Preaching to the choir. If someone could just bring in a slave that I’m actually interested in, maybe I could get some fresh air.
Well maybe you could go out and about. There might be a slave you haven’t met yet that’s exactly what you’re looking for.
I feel like I’ve been cooped up for the longest time.
He hugged the girl back, burying his face in her shoulder. “I love you, too…” he whispered. “I’m sorry all this happened to you. I know I shouldn’t say it, but part of me hates that you were taken as a slave here because of how it confines us. Yes, ‘us’. But at the same time I’m so grateful, because if they hadn’t… If you hadn’t been that cool house slave who just wanted to sit back, drink and make fun of people walking by with me… I wouldn’t have you today.” When he picked his head up, Richard’s eyes were moist. Certainly being so emotional over a slave was not right, but he’d long since stopped simply considering her as his slave, as a body to be used. He knew he’d always be ‘in charge’, but this part of their relationship had matured.
When Astrid had wrapped her arms around him, she had expected to just be comforting herself, but soon enough it seemed that she was comforting him even more than he was her. She supposed that his reaction made sense… he felt guilty, and there really wasn’t any way to make this right. But Astrid was never going to blame him for the situation that they were in know, and she hoped to god that he knew that. “It’s not your fault, you know,” she whispered, reaching up and wiping his tears away from his eyes. “It’ll never be your fault… I know if it were up to you, we’d have been out of here a long time ago. God, I hate this place. And yet I can’t, because it brought me you…”
He held her hand tight as they walked out of the mansion and onto the expansive grounds. He’d walked out here before, but wasn’t sure how much she’d been out. So he took the casual path that went along the landscaped gardens, large fields and down by the stream.
“Well, of course…” he said with a nod, looking over to her. “The bedroom is huge, there is plenty of room and it’s our home, of sorts,” smiled Richard as he gripped her hand tighter. “It does make me a little sad sometimes, finding you here,” confessed the man softly. “If we met outside of here, we’d date, eventually move in together and maybe… who knows what. Here, we’ve kindly got these things, except that you being a slave here before I arrived means we’re both sort of stuck here…” admitted the man with a sad note in his voice. “Because you can’t leave here… and I can’t leave you.”
As they walked, Astrid kept close to Richard, her head resting on his shoulder. She didn’t like leaving the apartment much anymore - it was a cruel reminder of just exactly where she was, and what was happening to the slaves who hadn’t been as fortunate as her. But being there with Richard helped her to feel safe, and once they reached a certain point on their walk, no one else was around, and it hardly felt like they were at the mansion at all.
She listened to him talk, and bit down on her bottom lip, trying to force back the lump that was forming in the back of her throat. She tried not to think about the life that they could have had outside of the mansion, had she never been taken as a slave, but the way he described it sounded so hopeful, and she couldn’t help but wonder. Stopping in her tracks, she quickly pulled him towards her, hugging him and nuzzling her head into his chest. In that moment, she just needed him. “I love you so much,” she muttered. “That’s all that matters, okay?”
Blue eyes looked up from the chest of drawers where he was working, putting his watch on and checking himself over in the full length mirror. The six foot two fall man approved of his appearance for their ‘date’, having splashed on some classic Polo after shave and headed over, picking up the single rose he’d plucked from an earlier excursion and handing it to her. Richard kissed her cheek, taking the girl’s hand and heading back out. 
“You know, there is the ‘slave bedroom’ attached to mine. And since you’re ‘my property’ now, you might as well move your stuff in there, you know?” he asked, looking over into her eyes. “You know I consider this your home as well as mine, right?” asked the man, leaning over and kissing her neck softly.
Astrid smiled when she saw the rose, taking it and leaning up to give him a quick kiss as a thanks. Taking his hand, she allowed him to lead her out of the room. When he spoke, she bit down on her bottom lip. She knew that he meant the best, but she had a bit of a different idea of how that worked. 
“I really don’t have much in the way of stuff, honestly,” she told him. The mansion had only given her a few pairs of clothes, and since she didn’t need them all that often, she hadn’t even bothered asking Richard for more. “And if I did, I think I would rather move them to your bedroom, than my own, if that’s okay.”
As a house slave, though she had enjoyed her work, Astrid had always hated the notion of the mansion that she had somehow managed to become a slave at. But then came along her hero, and though she didn’t really like the term, it was the truth. Astrid had somehow managed to fall in love with her master, and having him with her every day helped to make her time in this prison all the more bearable. Tonight, he had promised that they would have a makeshift date - walk around on the grounds, watch a movie, maybe eat some dinner… and she had to admit that she was excited. She had been missing home recently, and really needed a distraction.
Since they would be leaving the apartment, Astrid would be wearing clothes, and so she went into her room (which she hadn’t spent a single night in) to get dressed. After putting on some subtle lingerie and slipping a sundress on over it, she headed back out and poked her head into the room that Richard was in with a soft smile on her face. “You ready to go?”
That would be a… total shame… wouldn’t it?
I know… I hate missing the ending of a movie.
“—— and half of them are really bad in faking orgasms. Not that I watched porn recently. ”
Porn’s pretty useless around here, to be completely honest.
Anything for you. I think we should have a date tomorrow night. Dinner, a nice walk out - somewhere - and then maybe a movie together, cuddled up on the couch before a wild night. If we make it through the movie, that is…
That sounds… really nice. And I don’t think we’ll make it through the movie.

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