Pirate Sex Story

Pirate Sex Story


Pirate Sex Story
The sea was calm as the small ocean going yacht made it’s way through the waters, on board the yacht sixteen year old Mandy and her three classmates, Tina Karen and July were bad mouthing Colin who was two years younger than what they were, the four girls were well known racist trouble makers back in their home town in England they were hated because of their violent ways, Colin was the son of the owner of the yacht and was a known peeping tom and also disliked, when the four girls won a competition with the prize of a free yacht holiday they were very happy and wasted no time in bragging about it, residents in the town thought at least we will have peace and quiet from the girls, Part way into the trip Colin’s dad was air lifted off the yacht after falling down the stairs, Colin was left to run the yacht on his own, It was mid evening when Karen shouted out look it is four small boats, Colin said ” fuck it is pirates” and went back to the wheel house and after a few minutes he heard the girls screaming then after a short time a rough looking guy carrying a machine gun burst into the wheel house, Colin looked at him and said ” your late” after putting a bag on the table the man said ” very nice cargo” Colin counted the money in the bag then allowed himself to be marched at gun point back to the lounge where the four girls were kneeling on the floor with their hands behind their heads, The girls were all crying and not feeling big and brave any more Colin was sat in a chair one of the pirates went to Karen and in one quick pull had ripped her bikini off Colin admired her ample boobs and love tube and after a few minutes he was looking at all four naked girls loving the sight of their naked boobs and love tubes, one of the pirates then stripped Colin naked his eight inch erection on full view, Karen was forced to her feet and laid on a table her legs hanging over the edge and being held open, Colin was then pushed forward and a pirate said to him ” fuck her” Colin stood still, a pirate then forced Colin forward and forced his dick into Karen’s love tube and said ” fuck her” Colin started to thrust in and out of Karen’s love love tube slowly when the pirate slapped him said faster Colin increased his speed and after a short time saw Karen had erect nipples and after awhile he felt her cum then not long after Colin was dragged off Karen and one of the pirates took his place, Colin sat in the chair watching as all four girls took dicks in their love tubes bums and mouths, Colin’s dick was throbbing and when Tina was forced to suck him Colin squirted his cum into her mouth, a hour later the four naked girls were taken off the boat into one of the pirate boats as they were they heard a shot ring out then a burst of gunfire, a hour after the pirates had left a navy patrol boat arrived in response to Colin’s mayday call, he had a single bullet in his leg the engine was badly damaged by gunfire, the navy believed Colin’s story and a few days later his dad visited him hospital where he said ” told you it would work, despite a big hunt the girls were never found and Colin was more than happy with the new boat.
This content appeared first on new sex story .com
This story Pirates appeared first on newsexstory.com

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Home Shop BDSM Captives of the Black Pirate

Captives of the Black Pirate quantity

BDSM stories, BDSM story, hardcore BDSM stories, taboo sex stories
Talbot Press has the best selling hardcore BDSM stories online. We feature 85 eBooks by Leslie Parma. Many think that Leslie is the best selling writer of extreme BDSM sex stories online.
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A pirate BSDM story set in 1716, A Spanish noblewoman, Señora Carmela Asturias and her 18-year-old daughter Graciela on board a Spanish galleon the San Isidro. They were headed home to Spain. Loaded with booty from the new world… the ship was boarded, the crew killed and the infamous Black Pirate captured two women. A former slave, Black Caesar was notorious for his treatment of women.
The mother and daughter were stripped, whipped and raped methodically on board the pirate ship, The Black Swan. But it is when they were brought to the pirate’s hideout, Caesar’s Rock, an island off the coast of Florida, that the real depravities began.
The depravities inflicted on the two women included the bestial rape of mother and daughter by dogs and Carmela’s rape by a donkey. The author says these are most intense bestiality scenes ever.
WARNING: Captives of the Black Pirate is a Talbot Press Hardcore Novella , a BDSM story and features extremely graphic forced sex, explicit language, discipline, bondage, torture, sodomy and bestiality. All characters are 18 years of age or older.
TALBOT PRESS - Hardcore BDSM eBooks since 2013
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A pirate raid puts Helen in difficult positions.
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Small Note: Please forgive the "pirate lingo" throughout the story. I was influenced by Pirate Day and simply couldn't resist trying it out. :)
"Damn ta hell!!" roared the scarred face of the pirate captain as he stomped around his cabin. "Those scurvy dogs backing out on our handsome deal!"
Helen watched in near panic as the Captain crashed around in a building fury, a steady stream of vile curses escaping his lips. He tore up the letter in his hand violently tossing the scraps to the floor and stomping on them in anger. With a final curse so vile that Helen's face turned white, he punched the door to the cabin, rattling it in its hinges.
It was all Helen could do to stay standing straight in her heavy chains when all she wanted to do was collapse and cry at the injustice of her fate. There was no doubting it now, that she was in a VERY bad situation.
A few weeks ago, Helen had been captured by the villain and his crew during a surprise night raid of her coastal town. The smoke and screams replayed in her head, as she remembered the townsfolk grabbing whatever they could to defend themselves from the blood thirsty pirates. She remembered many of her friends and acquaintances being cut down in the street as the pirates went house to house looking for treasure and supplies.
The worst part was the pirates were also grabbing any women they found and taking them away. The horror of being grabbed by the waist and literally carried off to the waiting longboats was still very fresh in her mind. As the boat rowed away, she had watched in dread as the light of the fires burned unchecked, destroying much of the only home she had ever known. She had recognized most of the faces of the women in the boat with her, all frightened into silence by the the evil looking men guarding them. Any woman giving them any trouble, received quick discipline in the form of a pinch, poke or slap.
"Love my eyes mateys! Isn't this a haul of treasure!", said one of the most muscular men she had ever seen. "I'll be bettin these pretty lassies be bringin us a fortune o' ransom!"
He was taller than Helen, wearing leather britches and a vest with a three pointed hat crammed down over his black dreadlocks. At his waist were a pair of pistols and a rather evil looking knife.
He walked between the benches, surefooted even in the rough surf, inspecting his merchandise. He stopped in front of Helen and looked down at her, grabbing her chin and moving her head side to side to inspect her. Suddenly furious, Helen shook her head free, and tried to bite his hand.
"Oh-ho!" laughed another pirate with his companions. "Cap'n found a fiery one!"
The pirate leader raised his hand and slapped Helen hard across the face. Helen's saw stars as her head rocked back, gasping in pain.
"Ye dinna do that again." he rumbled threateningly his brow furrowed. "Yer mine ta do what me wants with ye, and don't ye fergit it!"
Helen promptly tried to bite his hand again, and was slapped again. He reached down with both hands, and grabbing the bodice of her dress, ripped it in two with ease. Helen's breasts spilled out into the cold night, her pale skin glowing in the moonlight. Unceremoniously, he grabbed both of her nipples between his fingers and twisted them hard.
Helen's body writhed in pain as her sensitive nibs were cruelly handled by the pirate captain.
"Just ye watch yerself lassie. Ye don't wanna be o' me bad side!"
He let go of her throbbing nipples and continued his inventory of the other women. Helen covered herself up as best she could amid the hoots and hollers of the other pirates as they admired her naked breasts.
The next days days were a blur for Helen as she was manhandled into the hold of the large three masted pirate ship with the other women. It was very dark and smelled of sea, algae and much worse things. She and the other women weren't able to tell much of what went on outside the confines of their little room.
Helen tried to keep away as best she could, hoping not to fall victim to the bloodthirsty pirates that occasionally came down to visit the chained women. They pinched and groped the women mercilessly laughing the whole time. Then they would take them out one at a time onto the deck of the ship, screaming the whole way, not to be seen by Helen again. It wasn't until later that she found out what happened to the missing women.
A solid rap on the top of her head brought Helen abruptly back to the present.
"Hey! Me be talkin ta ye!" shouted the captain inches from her face.
"I'm very sorry Captain Sparrow sir! Please forgive me!" Helen managed to get out, rubbing her head gingerly.
"Well lassie, Ye family don't think much 'o ye worth me buxom beauty!" said Captain Sparrow pointing at the shredded paper on the floor. "They don't want to contribute to our expenses for keeping you in good health these last few days. That letter said they won't pay."
The captain turned away and grumbled some more. Helen could see him thinking hard, no doubt trying to work out an angle that would fill his coffers with even more gold. She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she realized no one was coming to rescue her as had the other women from the village.
Helen's mind plunged deeper into dismay as she thought of all the vile things that could be in her future. Captain Sparrow stopped pacing and muttering finally and looked at Helen appraising her.
"Well lassie, if they won't pay, then I'll just have your fer me prize!" he said with a huge grin. "And if ye make me happy enough, perhaps ye'll stay out of Davey Jones locker!"
"Lord save me!" she thought desperately. "Whats to become of me? I can't stay here with these brutes!"
"Afore I show ye to the boys though, yer going to start earnin yer keep!" he said coming closer and grabbing her by the arms.
Applying pressure to her joints, he forced Helen to kneel on the ground in front of him. Helen found herself staring a rather large bulge in his pants, and tried to struggle as she guessed what was to come next. Captain Sparrow grabbed her painfully by the hair.
"See here lassie. Yer gonna do as yer told, or it is going to go very badly for ye." shaking her with emphasis." Yer me own now, and there's nuttin ye can do. Do YE UNDERSTAND?!?"
Her scalp on fire, Helen managed to get out a small "yes".
"Good! Now me belayin pin is feeling right neglected. It'll go into yer blubberin mouth and yer gonna suck on it!"
Captain Sparrow undid the laces to his britches and reached inside with a hand. He pulled out his manhood and put his hands on his hips.
Helen couldn't decide whether to be frightened or embarrassed. Inches from her nose, was a flaccid tan cock. Even soft, it looked thick and long, its tip still protected by skin, Beneath his shaft hung a pair of large walnut sized balls, dangling in their sack. It wasn't the first time she has seen a man's cock this close, but she couldn't help but admire this one.
"It ain't gonna lick itself!" he said with a threatening grumble.
Helen reluctantly reached out to touch his member. Carefully lifting it up and wrapping her fingers around it, she started to stroke it. It grew in her hand, slowly stretching out to a very thick and long shaft. She could see the veins just beneath the skin throbbing with his heartbeat, becoming rock hard.
"Git on with it!" shouted the pirate. "we don't have till tomorrer!"
A rush of panic swept through Helen as she looked at the rod in her hand. She didn't want to submit to this villain, but was powerless to prevent it. A hand curled into her hair and pulled her towards it.
"Open yer mouth" came the command from above.
The tip of his cock pushed against her lips, and Helen complied, opening her mouth. Her teeth and tongue ran over the ridge of the mushroom head as he pushed it into her mouth. She could taste his sweat and pre-cum on her tongue as he withdrew it and pushed in again, filling her mouth. His rod was hot and slippery, and she stroked it in rhythm to this trusts. Unable to help herself, she found her other hand reaching in and pulling out his balls, rolling them between her fingers.
"Ahh.. that's it lassie, do a good job of it and yer future will be bright!" said Captain Sparrow as he leaned back enjoying himself immensely.
Helen sucked on his cock even harder than before, stroking it quickly, and swirling around the tip with her tongue. The captain's hips were moving even faster as he neared his climax, and Helen was barely able to keep it in her mouth. Helen felt his body tense as a gasp escaped his lips.
Helen could taste the saltiness of his cum as she tried to swallow it all down. His rod continued to spasm for a few moments, then fell still and Helen licked the last vestiges of his orgasm from his pink skin.
She immediately felt a rush of guilt and embarrassment as she looked up at the pirate who was grinning down at her. How could she have so meekly given into him?
"That's it lassie, me could get used to that." said Sparrow with a grin. "Jes wait till the boys get a look at you!"
Helen resolved herself to fighting for her freedom and being a victim to the nasty pirate captain or his crew.
A short time later, Helen was dragged into another cabin below decks on the ship by the captain. It was a fair sized room with only the one door. In the very middle of the room was a large ship's wheel turned on its side parallel with the floor. It had a flat surface so that it could be used as a table. Surrounding it were four chairs spaced evenly about the wheel. Along one side of the room was a long table full of drinks and food, obviously just prepared for the captain and his senior officers.
The captain dragged Helen over to the table, shoving her face down on it. Quickly and efficiently, he attached her shackles to a ring she hadn't noticed before in the exact middle of the table. The end result was Helen found herself bent over the table with her toes just touching the floor of the room, unable to move anywhere.
The captain sat down in one of the comfortable chairs so that he could look Helen in the eye.
"Well lassie, yer gonna enjoy this me thinkin! Me mates are going to love making you squirm!"
And with that, he grabbed one of the wheel handles and gave it a shove. To Helen's shock and growing panic, the entire table top (with her included) spun around so that she was facing the door. The gears in her mind were starting to add up the configuration of the room and she didn't like where this was headed!
Behind her, she felt rough hands on her clothes as the Captain Sparrow tugged and pulled till her dress ripped. Half the dress from the waist down tore with a big ripping noise as he yanked on it, leaving it to pool on the floor at her feet.
"Oh my god!" Helen cried out. "What are you doing?!? Don't!! My clothes!"
"Ye won't be needin em tonight lassie, they be jes gittin in the way!" said the captain and with a another great tug, he ripped off Helen's underclothes too!
Helen started shouting in outrage as the captain lifted her legs out of the torn fabric, leaving her tied to the table and naked from the waist down. She had no doubt that the captain was enjoying himself looking at her exposed behind, and she clamped her legs together as tight as she could, hoping to save some shred of her dignity.
"Quiet down lassie or yer'll regret it! Me lucky stars! What a beauty!" he said as he ran his fingers lightly over the skin of her exposed behind. "Ye've the most perfect shaped bottom me've ever seen!"
"Please don't hurt me!" Helen shouts, trying to reason with the pirate. "Don't!"
"Ah love, we won't hurt ye! Yer gonna love it and want fer more!" he said.
Just then the door Helen was facing swung open and three more pirates walked into the room, laughing and hooting at Helen's predicament. She recognized them as Sparrow's officers, the First Mate, the Quarter Master and the Master Gunner. The swarthy first mate Short John was a short but burly man with a full beard and lots of earrings. Helen knew from watching him that his size was very deceiving and that he could easily out muscle nearly every man on the ship!
The Quarter Master Robert was a trim white man of medium height who enjoyed antagonizing more than anything else it seemed. He had a short tempter and wasn't afraid to smack the other sailors into submission for any perceived slights.
The Master Gunner Black Mambo however was a true specimen. The biggest man on the ship, he was a massive black man with bulging muscles. He only wore leather pants and an open vest, his ebony skin was covered in tattoos, and his head was shaved clean. He never spoke much, but his face was locked in a huge grin as he wandered forward to see what the captain had captured.
"Well mateys!" roared the captain in good mirth. "Me have the entertainment fer this lovely evening! Come and have a look!"
Helen again tried to wriggle her body to try and hide her most intimate parts from the pirates. Looking over her shoulder she watched in dismay and complete embarrassment as the four pirates stared admiringly at her exposed behind.
"Look closer!" she heard and Helen felt hands on her ass cheeks and felt the hands push her buttocks apart!
"No! STOP it!" she cried out as the fingers also spread her pussy lips.
"Have a good look mateys, this is what you're playing for!"
Helen thought she might die. She knew the pirates were ogling her slit. She knew they could see the pink wrinkles of skin that made up he outer folds of her pussy, the moist hole of her center. The puckered cover of her asshole clenched even tighter as she reacted to the fingers.
"Get away from me you bastards!" she shouted, finally able to kick enough the hands left her skin.
The pirates, snapped out of their daze laughed at her again. The four of them grabbed food and drink from the side table while discussing the rules of their little game.
"So the same as last time mates. When it be yer turn, ye rolls two dice. The number o pips is the number of spots our lassie twirls. The second s the number o tries ye get to have her land on yer spot!" explained the captain. "If the lass en
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