Couple Swap Sex Stories

Couple Swap Sex Stories


Couple Swap Sex Stories
March 24, 2019 August 24, 2021 |
Saurabh Dalal

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September 4, 2021 September 4, 2021
Saurabh Dalal is interested in exploring how the institution of marriage founded on the principal of monogamy is inherently at loggerheads with basic human nature. Yet, supported by religion, society and culture it has managed to survive till now. With increasing awareness and a newfound liberalism in society, it’s getting challenged every passing day. This conflict at both micro and macro levels interests him a lot.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
For those of you who are catching up with this series midway, I suggest reading the first part . My wife Shweta and I are a modern Indian working couple. We love each other and are high on life. We planned a vacation to Ooty with a couple, close friend Sharad and his wife Swati. Unknown to them, they have been a recurrent part of our fantasy and role-playing in bed. This a story of partner swapping that you need to read.
The next few days disappeared in a whirlwind as we completed our packing and made arrangements with my in-laws to take care of our little princess. The day before the flight, we were alone at home. I pulled out my laptop and we sat down to make our profile on the same partner swapping site where Sharad had made one.
The site prompted us to describe what we were looking for in a couple. We had a hearty laugh as Shweta poured her heart out describing Sylvester Stallone and I visualized an Angelina Jolie lookalike as we typed it out. We saved our profile and Shweta started browsing other profiles, “My God, this is a world of its own. Look at the pictures of this couple.” The profiles we browsed were arousing her, as her breath quickened, and her hands massaged my back. We had a fantasy of a couple swapping.
Ping! Suddenly there was a message on the screen from an ID called sweet_couple. “Hi! ASL please?” Shweta looked at me, confused. “What do they want? What’s ASL?” I shrugged. Seemed like some code word among swingers. “What’s ASL?” typed Shweta. “Age Sex Location” pat came the reply. Now we were more confused. Whose Age and Sex should we type? Mine, or hers? Shweta replied “We are a couple. U?” “We too. M34 F32 Mumbai.” We understood and replied, “M30 F27 Mumbai.” “Great! What do you do?” sweet_couple responded.
This started a series of messages on what we were looking for, if we were experienced or not, whether we had a place to meet, whether we were ready for a casual meeting, and so on. We didn’t know the couple swapping in India was so organised. Click here to read: My wife is a sex-addict. 
There were so many abbreviations and new terms that we became familiar with as the messages flew back and forth. ASL, SRSP, SWAP, RP, Bulls, Unicorns…it was a whole new game. It was getting late. We signed off after promising sweet_couple that we’d get in touch soon.
Next morning, at the airport, there was different chemistry between the four of us when we hugged each other. Swati was wearing a colourful crop top and a skirt. I couldn’t help stealing a glance at her model-perfect body . Normally I compliment her whenever we meet. But today, I was tongue-tied. “She looked hot,” remarked Shweta, as we entered our room at the resort. I knew who she was referring to. “So, are you ready to go ahead if something happens?” I asked nonchalantly. “Dunno. Are YOU?” she parried. Neither of us answered, but we both knew this trip was different.
A message from Sharad popped up on my mobile, “Let’s meet at 7 pm in the lounge.” I sent him a thumbs up. It pinged again, “BTW, did you make that profile on The Adult Hub?” I smiled and sent a second thumbs up and a smiley. I got a big smiley in response. We both knew we were on the same wavelength now. The game was on.
We had just ordered our cocktails when Sharad and Swati walked in. As I hugged her more tightly and longer than I usually do, her cheeks turned pink. We chatted generally when suddenly Sharad remarked,” So how did you like the website?” “Oh, it’s a completely new world,” Shweta chimed in, even before I could think of a proper response. That set the ball rolling. Soon, we were giggling and discussing the profiles we saw there. As the evening progressed, the electricity between us was palpable. I could read desire in Swati’s eyes and I am sure she could see it in mine. All four of us knew that there was only one way this evening was going to end. In bed. And for two out of four, probably not in the beds in our rooms.
The dance began and soon we were dancing with each other’s partners. It seemed natural. As we danced to a slow number, I couldn’t help asking Swati “Do you like me?” “Of course, four of us are best friends, right?” She replied looking into my eyes. “No, not like that. I meant do you feel attracted to me?” She lowered her eyes and smiled. I felt elated.
I tightened my clasp on her hand. She responded by squeezing back. We were both on a high as if on our first date. I pulled her closer and looked up across the room and saw my best friend resting his head against my wife’s neck.
Even in that low light, I could see that their bodies were closer to each other than most other dance partners on the floor.
We hardly danced or sat with our wives for the rest of the evening. When we finally left for our rooms, our hands were still holding each other’s spouse’s hands. I swiped my room key and the door lock buzzed open. The moment of truth was here. I hesitated.
Sharad opened his room still holding Shweta’s hands and in a tone reminiscent of a cheesy Hindi film villain asked, “Mind if I borrow your wife for some time?” “Not at all as long as I am spending some quality time with this beautiful lady here,” I answered naughtily.
He guffawed and didn’t even bother to answer as he entered his room with Shweta in tow. As the door closed behind the two of them, I looked again at Swati. She looked into my eyes. “Are we going to stand outside the room all night?” she asked. I pushed open the door and we went in together. Our partner swapping agenda was complete.
Written with so much sensitivity … The adrenaline rush when you see your partner entering into the room with another partner …
Can so relate to it … Been in swapping for close to 5 years now … If handled with maturity, it truly spices it up …
In which site u made prof we are couple frm indore
@anwesha HAHAHA. That’s a utopian thought. There’s a popular reality TV series in west called wifeswap where the lady of the house is swapped for a few days with another family. You will get your answer.
@Shelz Cheating on a spouse is one of the most negative aspects of marriage. And yet, how many of us can plead innocence that we were never attracted to somebody out of our marriage? Every single married person has been attracted by the forbidden fruit. People don’t cheat due to lack of opportunity or due to their ethics. And nobody can deny that monotony is bound to set in after prolonged sex with same partner. Human spirit craves for newness and excitement in life. That this can also be a cause of downward spiral in life is a topic for discussion. Yet, people do it all the time- seeking new adventures!
@ Samita Unlike how it is portrayed in mainstream media, I have found that swapping is not mindless sex. According to my research, Couples meet each other, judge each other and rarely jump into bed with each other in first meeting. Also, swapping gives all the power in the hands of women. It is she who decides if she wants to go ahead with it or not. Most couples I have talked to have numerous stories of how the guys wanted to go ahead but one of the wives said no and it was a non-starter.
I also found that women of today are vastly different from those of one generation ago. They are equally eager to live life as their husbands and enjoy sex as much as guys do. There is a revolution happening in indian bedrooms, in case you haven’t noticed.
Everything is fine with you adults. What about the kid at home? Is she equally smart like you about switching parents as you?
I am wondering… Is sexy everything? Can I be in bed with just anyone..without any feeling for him/her?for men.. Its understandable…but Even women…!!! I am really wondering..
Samita, for men it’s even more difficult to be in bed with an unknown girl.. Contrary to what you believe may be. Because, most men can’t go ahead with the ‘real thing’ if they don’t know or like the woman. However, for women it’s easier to get along with an unknown man.. Biologically you know.. Not romantically
If this was the end of the story then I really applaud you all. This is how open couples should be so there is no chance of cheating or betrayal behind the partner’s back. Like everything is out in the open. It depends but I think that in cases like this, not only you explore a new world and bring adventure to ur lifestyle but also fall in deep with your true partners. Good for you.
its wonderfully written without using any vulgar language…its amaging..
What I liked here is thers no cheating…open minded people …so NO PROBLEM
Truly taste of a new feeling with consent and sharing the world. If these events are successful, in todays times of nucleus families, this closeness will support for future… cheers..
Indeed…I guess that’s how it should be..people who wish to have the fun of their lives.. without the definitions applying to them!
Thanks. @Kb we are all looking for new relationships because of the breakdown in old structures of families. But it’s too early to predict if they can fill the vacuum felt by nuclear families.
Truly taste of a new feeling with consent and sharing the world. If these events are successful, in todays times of nucleus families, this closeness will support for future… cheers..
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Wife-swap Confessions
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My husband wanted a wife swap. I almost slapped him when he asked me first. I came from a conservative family. We don't even think of such stuff. But, he was so adamant for years.

I couldn't believe the same argument went for three years. One fine day I shouted at him and asked 'What is that he wanted from me in his life?'

He came forward, held my face gently, 'Honey, this is my fantasy from childhood. Please, understand at least when I am persistent from years. It's not like you will have sex with some random guy. There is a very good friend of mine and we can trust him, he is very safe in case if you have issues with having a stranger.'

I couldn't believe he told me about this guy. I broke down, 'Why are you doing this to me?' I asked.

He consoled me and literally begged me how badly he had this fantasy from childhood. I understood I don't have any choice to continue this marriage so I nodded painfully.

That weekend in our house the couple came to our house. After small talk of what to do and what not, his friend took me to our bedroom. His wife and my husband went to another bedroom.

He asked me to undress immediately. He wanted to see me naked so badly. I've decided what ever happens I would let this night go by. I undressed. He leered at me like an animal. Then he took me to the bed and things went on. He kissed me, licked me, sucked me. His tongue wandered my whole body much to my humiliation. I could have sex but he was humiliating me with his licking my every inch of body. I was freezed when he pulled my hands up and licked my armpits. He took his time patiently not in any hurry as if the chance wouldn't come again. When he finally entered me missionary position it was hell. I fought back pain and tears. His cock was big, much bigger than what I got used to. I just laid there as he entered me in and out for twenty minutes. When he reached his climax he asked if I could take it in my mouth. I said no firmly. i haven't even done that with my husband. He said he could finish it earlier if I could do so otherwise the sex would go for another half an hour. After all this I had to go through a blackmail? he clearly knew I didn't like the sex and now he is cashing on it.

I couldn't believe my life when he pushed his cock into my mouth.I feel like throwing up. It stinks. I took it out and
told him that I am not able to do it. He told me I could have sex for another half an hour if so. I pleaded him to agree for a handjob but he didnot. And I had to take it in my mouth again. I hated it but I sucked it.He wanted me to use my tongue more. He cums in my mouth and it tastes like shit. He held my face tightly as he came in mouth in case if I take it out, but his intention was something more. He held there long after ha came as a result I forcibly swallowed it. He then left me to take shower.He didn't even had the courtesy to offer me bathroom first. I laid there exhausted getting into terms with what just happened.
Nasty husband basically forcing his wife to have sex with another guy he should have his balls kicked.
Wonder how long the marriage lasted after that. ?
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Posted Jan 25, 2016 04:38 by anonymous



This is a true story that I have never told anyone. My wife and I were playing cards and drinking with our best friends. I caught my wife in our bedroom completely naked on her knees sucking the husbands cock. She didn't even try to stop when me and his wife walked in on them. Before I could even say anything his wife pulls out and starts sucking my cock. I was shocked but it turned out to be the start of many sexual encounters with us and our best friends.
“didnt this happen in the seventies? This looks like ripped from an old playboy mag...letters to the it happened to this site the stories were made up by the sub-editors....”

This is completely true. Happened last year.

look you seem lucky paid through the nose for even a feel.....

I swapped my wife for a good jack knife.

I will let mine suck your cock just to watch her choke

My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife could not stand to be watched so she said we could stop now. She had orgasmed a few times and I was working on my second. No condoms, just straight up fucking.
On the way home my GF told me she did not want to do that again. She did not enjoy it, and it was horrible. She had a feeling like she was being raped. He just mounted her and with in a few seconds came in her and got off. She said he had the nerve to ask how it was.
I found out our friend and his wife had talked my GF into doing this.
“My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife could not stand to be watched so she said we could stop now. She had orgasmed a few times and I was working on my second. No condoms, just straight up fucking.
On the way home my GF told me she did not want to do that again. She did not enjoy it, and it was horrible. She had a feeling like she was being raped. He just mounted her and with in a few seconds came in her and got off. She said he had the nerve to ask how it was.
I found out our friend and his wife had talked my GF into doing this. ”

Ours was awesome. His wife is completely the opposite of mine. And we have had some great times together.

Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass
“Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass”
“Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass”

What does your wife look like. How would you fuck my wife. Would you and your wife want to take on my wife together.

For my wife and I great friends with 2 other couples and it started when we did strip tease card game. All the ladies had thier blouses and bras off real quick. The guys got hards on out quickly also. After that my wife dared me to lick her sister then the rest split up and we all fucked right in front of each other the whole night!
This was a couple times a month until all the babies were born and just stopped this playing and stsrted raising kids!
To the best of my knowlege all the babies are from the correct fathers!

“For my wife and I great friends with 2 other couples and it started when we did strip tease card game. All the ladies had thier blouses and bras off real quick. The guys got hards on out quickly also. After that my wife dared me to lick her sister then the rest split up and we all fucked right in front of each other the whole night!
This was a couple times a month until all the babies were born and just stopped this playing and stsrted raising kids!
To the best of my knowlege all the babies are from the correct fathers!

Me and my wife were about to swap with another couple after a similar card game but the other wife passed out drunk so me and the other guy just fucked my wife together. It was weird when I was in her ass and he was in her pussy to feel his dick rubbing against mine.

My wife is a sexy busty brunette bbw, anyone want to take her on

I share my experiences we are in group of new year eve and game of identify the breast of wife then four female of open top standing infront ofme and I have to identify the breast of my wife if not able to identify lost the game and fuck to female whom you identify. I could not identify my wife and touch the breast of my friend wife as per rule we have to go in room and sex each other and out from the game.
“My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife coul
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