Corner Time Spank

Corner Time Spank


Corner Time Spank
My husband and I have practised DD since long before it was given a name. We believe I’m Biblical roles. He is naturally dominant and I submissive. Even in high school, I asked permission to go out with my friends.
I want to say first that he treats me very well. He puts my happiness first. He knows his responsibility as HOH.
But, when the spanking stopped working, he started making me stand in the corner holding my skirt up or pants down to show my red bottom.
It was not to be cruel, just effective which it was.
We believe punishments should be effective, humbling and reinforce the traditional roles. They should also mirror the crime. I like to stay up late but I get cranky, so he tells me when to go to bed. If I disobey, I go to bed early for a week. After sloppy housework, I am spanked and ordered to redo it under his supervision with my pants around my ankles. I don’t leave the room without permission so he doesn’t have to look all over for me. And telling him doesn’t feel right even to me. But if I forget, I don’t leave that room without permission. These punishments mirror the crime and reinforce my role as submissive.
Also, apparently-with no prior knowledge-we were kinky as well. Though it had nothing to do with sex or age play. I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and woke him up and he bought me pull-ups and rubber pants to sleep in, then for long trips and punishment. I got my private bathroom time in the morning. He successfully got me dependent, confessing I just looked so darn cute. Again, not sexual, I just loved belonging to him so completely, I depended on him for even that.
Then, I heard his friends compliment him on how affectionate and obedient I was. He said I’d been like a kitten ever since the diapers. For punishment, he asked me if I needed a fresh diaper in front of others, just our closest friends and other DD couples and wear skirts that showed my diaper.
I wanted to continue being affectionate and obedient. I loved he thought I was cute. But I was getting dependent. We talked about it and comprised of a little girl dress, pigtails, and ruffled panties. It was still humbling, but my bladder was safe. I also had a tiny time out chair, very uncomfortable and a playpen for when he wanted effectively to send me to bed and keep his eyes on me.
A lot of this can only be practised if you don’t hide your lifestyle and we exposed ours by accident.
His brother came in the house without knocking. I was getting a spanking so hard I was kicking and screaming. His brother froze. My husband was very cool.
“Give me a minute. I’m disciplining my wife.
We decided it was our home. It was our life. And if people didn’t feel comfortable watching me get a spanking, time out, corner time, they could leave. If it made “strong” female friends uncomfortable to hear me call him Sir or ask permission to go out with my friends or tell them I was on restriction for coming home late, they knew where the door was too.
I haven’t misbehaved in a public place. He says he doesn’t know what he would do. It depended on the situation. But I don’t want to find out.
Again, my point is that there are more and more effective punishments than spanking. For the reasons I have given, O think they produce a more obedient wife and an adoring husband who appreciates she has given herself to him.
Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults

This quiz is for everyone who needs corner time or looking for some fun corner time positions being given out here i know your fate come take my quiz.
Do YOU need to be punished have YOU just had a spanking and need some extra discipline well then you’ve come to the right place so step right up and see
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Date Posted: 11:28:56 03/12/16 Sat
In reply to:
's message, " Corner Time " on 07:16:37 03/09/16 Wed

>I endured it growing up and I use it on my kids (15,
>14, 12). My method is pants and underwear down, hands
>on head, no rubbing or the previous spanking will
>start over from the beginning. It is difficult to make
>yourself not soothe a burning bottom but the
>alternative is much worse. I think it instills self
>discipline, conveys the notion of who is really in
>charge, and plays the embarrassment card well
>(particularly if visitors happen along). If you want
>to take a teen or tween down a peg or two, nothing
>like forcing them to exhibit a cherry red bottom to
>whomever might be present.
>My oldest son's girlfriend was paying a visit not too
>long ago and seemed amused but respectful about the
>spectacle. I remember being in the same position as a
>girl when my brothers' friends would stop by and --
>while utterly humiliating -- those were "teachable"
>Do others still employ this disciplinary technique or
>are my method out of the Jurassic period? lol

Did you ever ride your bike home from school in the sure and certain knowledge that Dad would giving you a spanking? I pedal home all too aware of my shorts clad bottom sitting on the bicycle seat.I am already a sorry teenage boy but in my mind I am going over every excuse under the sun as to why my behaviour doesn▓t warrant a spanking.When I was doing something I knew was wrong I used to be scared stiff I▓d be caught because I knew as night would follow day I would be over Dad▓s knees.I knew why I was getting spanked, and like it or not,I knew I had "earned it". The truth be told I was more worried about the spankings I endured from Dad at home rather than the canings I got at school. All the why▓s went through my mind. Why hadn▓t I done that chore, or why hadn▓t I come home at the time I was told too,or why had I been cheeky, disobedient, disrespectful,or bad mannered. My parents were ambitious for me. They expected me to do well at school.Any report which indicated less than maximum effort on my part inevitably led to Dad▓s clothes brush making sure I had a very sore bottom for quite some time.

Dad▓s spankings were always bare bottom. He would take me by the arm to where in the livingroom, he was going to give me the spanking. Dad would sit down and stand me in front of him. He would take my shorts and undies down slowly telling me I was going to be a very sorry boy indeed,long before has has finished with me. With my wide eyes fixed on the clothes brush in his hand I▓d be pleading "please Dad I▓m sorry I▓m sorry,please". He would just move me to his side and put him over his knees with my bottom cheeks uppermost,and my head well down. With my head on the carpet I would see under his legs my shorts and undies down around my ankle socks and black lace up shoes giving the clothes brush complete access to the underside of my bottom cheeks so Dad can do his worst on my sit-me-down spots.

Dad preferred to brush spank my bottom and the tops of my thighs with spanks on alternate sides working down and then up, giving two or three spanks on the same sit spot. The spanks would fall every couple of seconds and after the first 10 and within 20 seconds I was howling and desperate for the spanking to end. The sting was excruciating but Dad had just started and I had at least three times that number of spanks left to turn my bottom cheeks to the red Dad wanted them to be. My bawling just becomes a caterwaul as the sting prevents me from forming words.During Dad▓s spankings I kicked the air but when Dad put me on my feet I jumped about doing a knees up with hands desperately grasping each of my ferociously hot stinging and burning post box red spanked cheeks.I yammer and stomp about.When Dad is done I do my freshly spanked dance of the sorry teenage boy furiously rubbing my bum cheeks and thighs

Nothing is in my world but the accumulated sting Dad▓s clothesbrush. After spank dancing about I will be trying as much as I can to stop crying but that▓s going to take at a mimimum 20 minutes as I stand facing the wall next to Dad▓s armchair doing my post spanking corner time. The smell of his pipe tobacco and my spanked bottom was forever linked.The heat radiats from my glowing bottom, and I shift my weight from foot to foot to try and lessen the pain with my hands on my head. Tears run down my face.Crying in the corner with my red spanked bum on display is humiliating but cornertime is a childish punishment and my parents say I am a child, so it▓s part of a good spanking punishment.

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Paul to Mrs Becca (about Spanky Stool)

Re: Corner Time -- Wondering-supportive, 12:22:07 03/13/16 Sun

Re: Corner Time -- Brucie, 13:09:42 03/13/16 Sun

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Well, I must admit I am pleased that it’s almost been two weeks and until today, I haven’t witnessed my wife break a rule. She has been on her best behaviour.
Tonight, there was a mishap that I still felt had to be addressed if my word is to mean anything. While I was watching the inauguration, my wife was preparing dinner, and I heard a loud bang followed a very loud, FUCK! Not once, not twice but I think five times.
I went into the kitchen to see a huge salad spilt all over the floor.
Not to toot my own horn, but I was very calm and asked her if she said what I thought she said, and she looked like she saw a ghost. I calmly told her to stand in the corner, the corner I showed which is the designated punishment corner.
She apologized and said she should never speak that way. I told her I appreciated her apology, but she needed to stand in the corner immediately. I lightly took her by the arm, and brought her to the corner, positioned her and told her to think about the language she used and not to turn around.
 Whew! The first step accomplished, and I had some time to prepare for the spanking. I decided to have her spend 20 minutes in the corner. I decided since it was her first spanking that I would use mostly my hand and then maybe 10 with the paddle.
After 20 minutes, I insisted she strip and stand in front of me.
I told her I was going to give her a spanking and I asked her why. She answered because I swore.
I put her over my knee and spanked her for about five minutes with my hand. She was quiet, but her behind turned pink.
I then grabbed my paddle, which I had next to the chair and gave her 10 fairly hard spanks. She was no longer quiet and begged me to stop. It was very hard for me, but I carried on and told her this would happen every time she swears. She started crying, and finally, I could tell by her sobbing, and the very red colour of her behind I had spanked her sufficiently. I sent her back to the corner and told her to think about her behaviour. She was crying still.
I made her stand in the corner for another 20 minutes. At the 15 minute mark, I made her turn to me, and I put a bar of soap in her mouth and told her to spend 5 minutes with it in her mouth.
She gagged a little and then I turned her back to face the corner.
I spent these five minutes lecturing her on how inappropriate it is for a lady of her beauty and intelligence to use such words. It will not be tolerated, and I hope that your behind will remind you not to. I could tell she wanted to speak but couldn’t because of the soap. When her corner time was finished, I let her spit out the soap and had her watch me put in a sealable bag reminding her that it’s her for future use.
I had her hang my paddle back up and put the soap in the medicine cabinet.
I then hugged her and told her she handled her punishment well. I told her to continue cleaning up and make dinner but to remain nude. And that is what she is doing now. I think I will let her put her clothes on after dinner and cleanup.
Well, for the first spanking, I think it went well. I remained calm, was very firm and gave her a good spanking. She was pretty submissive and very embarrassed. I think nude corner time with soap made her feel humiliated, which I feel was deserved.
I can’t deny that it was challenging to really spank her, but I am determined to steer her right and improve my marriage.
Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults

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