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Published October 12, 2022 9:29am EDT

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Greg Gutfeld and his guests discuss how many media outlets reacted to a comment Gutfeld made about college students' appearance on 'Gutfeld!'
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld!" on October 10, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We start off with two words. Made in America. Made in America. (END VIDEO CLIP) GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: I was hoping he'd say I resigned. All right. Ruling. Ruling it. Happy Monday. Happy Monday, everyone. It is Columbus Day. Which means it's time for. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Greg's teen corner. Oh yes. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: Welcome to teen corner where we discuss the hottest topics for today's hottest teens. Now you may or not be aware that there's a show on this network that airs at 5:00 p.m. and get this, it's called "THE FIVE" up pretty clever. How long did it take them to come up with that? It also got five people, I bet you didn't see that coming. But Thursday, something was said on that show that in the words of the media sparked outrage. You know, I love that phrase, mainly because their definition of sparking outrage is when one media outlet reports on tweets that another media outlet reported on earlier. They gossip like a group of high school girls sitting together in the calf. It's not reporting it's repurposing. You know, like Geraldo does with five dead caterpillars to make a mustache. Can't even tell, can you? Amazing. So what was the offending opinion on The Five? Well, let's find out. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: College doesn't look like it's fun anymore. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. GUTFELD: I mean, have you seen a lot of the -- how miserable and how miserable looking a lot of the students are? They're deliberately like uglifying themselves. You see them on TikTok. They're out of shape. They're asexual. They're like they don't want -- they're like rejecting. They're rejecting the truth and beauty. They all look like rejects from a loony bin. I'd steer clear at college to. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: Who the hell does he think he is? I mean, let's be honest. He's no spring chicken. It's not even a spring roll. And him judging the looks of other people, that seems a little bit ironic. I mean, on a scale of one to 10, maybe he's a 9.4. But looking at him that's maybe twice his body fat. I mean, I guess some people might find him attractive. I don't know. His piercing blue eyes. Those rock hard packs. Gorgeous salt and pepper hair. No wonder the jealous media pounced. My favorite headline, Fox News host, 58, under fire, under fire for bizarre complaints. The college kids aren't hot enough. That's The Independent. That's The Independent. A freaking British paper. But it is true. I'm old enough to be their professor. And they're old enough to be my girlfriend. But I agree. What Gutfeld said was callous, especially to these rioters who let's face it. They're all bow wows. I mean, have you looked at your typical journalist lately? I mean, what a collection of before pictures. They look like something else Fauci made in a lab. On a scale of one to 10, journalists would be a nine. In German that means no, as a no, I would never sleep with you. But the anger was worse among the British journalists. They're very sensitive and I don't blame them. You know, their hottest one and over there is Harry Styles. And their teeth are the best part of their faces. I know. I'm glad you agree with me. But it's not their fault. Ugly people have no protest movement. Well, the Teachers Union is just a coincidence. But the plane -- it's just terrible. But the plane don't protest because how would the chants go? Hey, hey, ho, ho, these skin tags have got to go. But I've always been there by their side. I want you to take a look at this book, the Bible of Unspeakable Truths written in 2007. It's like 15 years ago. It's now available in paperback. I don't know. In a landmark chapter titled The Ugly Have No Gandhi, I go into depth on how the most discriminated group of people are not black or Hispanic, gay or lesbian or trans. It's the homely. It's having a face like Joy Behar. I know. And I hope you're applauding her inspiration for everybody and a body like Joy Behar. See a split up there. Fact is, the homely get fewer job offers fewer dates, and no thanks to Thomas Edison, they have to deal with lights. There are loads of studies that bear that out. And if I didn't live a really cool life, I would have looked them up. So, you got to have to take my word for it. Someone this good looking doesn't have to lie. But I wasn't always that hot. I had to put work into it. I go to the gym, I watch what I eat, I groom all the problem areas. Takes four men to wax my body hair. Three to hold me down and one to videotape. Still dozen articles were written about Gutfeld's comments. Other articles were incomplete because the authors were crying too hard to complete them. Now besides these writers, no one is actually offended by these comments. They're just reporting on the possibility of offense. And all these pieces noted Gutfeld's age which is again 58 to suggest that that age, this kind of commentary would be creepy. But it backfired instead of everyone saying wow, that old guy is gross. It was holy crap. How could that amazing looking guy be 58? That's insane. They're like -- I know, just clap, clap. Even I saw him and I said whatever he's doing, sign me up. But I get it because they couldn't argue the point they blamed the hot messenger. That's got to make Gutfeld smile and what a beautiful smile it is. You could melt the icicles on Brian Stelter's (BLEEP) I don't even know if he has them. So if I ever Gutfeld, you know what I take a good look in the mirror and enjoy the view. And as for the media, that group of homely copycats will continue to bottom feed off their own dreck. I just hope for our sake they do it with a lights out. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Period. GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guest. He's pretty vocal about wanting to be Kathy Hochul. Congressman and Republican candidate for New York governor Lee Zeldin. Yes. She's had more scoops than Michael Moore at Baskin Robbins. New York Post business reporter Lydia Moynihan. His lap is so contagious it often gets mistaken for tuberculosis. Washington Times opinion editor and Fox News contributor, Charlie Hurt. And this month she switched her pepper spray to pumpkin spice. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. Now Lee, before I get to the superficial nature of my monologue, I want to ask you about you. You had a wild night last night. You were involved in some gunplay. How did it -- how did it all happen? What happened? LEE ZELDIN (R-NY), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: It's actually pretty crazy. So yesterday it was around 2:20 In the afternoon, my wife and I were out, we're at a Columbus Day Parade in the Bronx. We had just left my daughters, Mikayla and Ariana who are actually here today. They were at home alone, doing homework at the kitchen table, and also on the gunshots erupted and then they were screaming. They thought that these people were actually coming into the house targeting them. They were -- they were swift. They were smart. They ran upstairs, they locked themselves in the bathroom, they called 911, one of the bullets were found about 30 feet from where they were sitting. The two people who were shot were laying down about 10 feet from where they were sitting. It was a pretty wild moment. We've been running this campaign where we've been talking about rising crime in New York. I wasn't expecting that the next press conference was going to be in front of crime scene tape in front of my own house. And fortunately, my daughters, they were champs. They were smart and everybody's OK. GUTFELD: That's good. That's good. Before I move on, is it -- any truth to the rumor that Kathy Hochul was seen speeding away? ZELDIN: Absolutely. So we're still waiting for confirmation. GUTFELD: She was just screaming, lousy shots. Anyway, well, I'm glad you're here tonight. We're going to talk more about crime and would you like to comment on my monologue or just be happy that I'm not asking you anything - - (CROSSTALK) ZELDIN: I have a couple theories. I mean, one is you are now the new king of late night. GUTFELD: That is true. (CROSSTALK) ZELDIN: They're not going to be able to go after you with better talent. They're not funnier, so they're going to have to try to find some angle that try to take down the king. There's another theory here, by the way, is that maybe success has gone to your head so much that you've raised your standards so high that it's been left with, you know, this criticism of all these people who used to look so beautiful. GUTFELD: But they don't anymore because now I am such a superstar. My standards have just jumped. ZELDIN: Exactly right. GUTFELD: Just jumped. Yes, I don't think -- like I -- you're absolutely right. I find you hideous. Absolutely hideous. Lydia. LYDIA MOYNIHAN, NEW YORK POST BUSINESS REPORTER: You have simple taste. You're always satisfied with the best. GUTFELD: Yes, that is true. That's -- that is true. I don't know what that means. But yes, but my standards will drop over time. College gets uglier now, do you agree with me? MOYNIHAN: Well, you mentioned -- you mentioned you didn't have time to do the research. So I did it for you. GUTFELD: Oh, thank you. MOYNIHAN: This is from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis. They found that good looking people made five percent more than average-looking people. Unattractive people made nine percent less. So, I think there is actually an argument to be said that if you have a quarter million bucks, you were better off spending that on really good plastic surgery than a four-year degree from NYU. GUTFELD: That is a great point. MOYNIHAN: I also -- I think colleges are going to inadvertently address this issue, though. You know, stress. It's a very stressful time when your college, you're cramming for exams. And stress, of course leads to weight gain. And breakouts, you look tired, and colleges are trying to make it less stressful. And why you fired a chemistry professor last week, his class was too hard. At U.T. Austin one professor isn't assigning grades. He's not going to take attendance. So I think these kids are going to have time to hit the gym. GUTFELD: Finally. CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: So instead of freshmen 15, you would -- you could lose 15. GUTFELD: Yes. MOYNIHAN: Negative 15. HURT: Yes. GUTFELD: You know, Charlie, you're a journalist but to -- you're handsome. Why are -- why is everybody in your trade so hideously ugly? Except for you? HURT: Yes. GUTFELD: What is your health -- Is it your healthy living? HURT: You know, I can't answer that. It is a real curiosity. It always has been. GUTFELD: We're always surprised because generally the journalists that we have on are just horrible looking. The amount of makeup that we go through, like on on Special Report, especially. Oh. HURT: Can we talk about you? GUTFELD: Yes. OK. HURT: Fifty-eight? GUTFELD: Yes. HURT: I mean, I think -- I think first of all, it's ages for them to focus on that. GUTFELD: Right. HURT: The second thing is, I think that -- and I think Lee's right, you know, you're the king of late night. They're already trying to age you out. They're trying to push you towards 65. GUTFELD: Wow. I didn't know that. HURT: Because they're -- they've accepted the fact that you're here. And there's nothing that they can do about it. So, all they can hope for is that you get too old and you have to retire. GUTFELD: Wow. HURT: But your underlying point is a really great one about college. And I -- and, you know, my personal belief is I think that social media has destroyed college. GUTFELD: Yes. HURT: Because it used to be when you were 18, you went to college, it was the first time you were unsupervised. GUTFELD: Right. HURT: You were around all these people who were your age and as reckless as you. And you got -- and it was so much fun. But because of everybody is on social media, this isn't anything new to them. And then they go to college and they don't know how to pick up a girl at a bar. GUTFELD: Yes. HURT: They don't even know how to talk to a girl. GUTFELD: It's true. HURT: At a bar. GUTFELD: Everything has to be two dimensional now. Three dimensional is frightening. HURT: Yes. Everything is within the four corners of their stupid phone. GUTFELD: Yes. They should have bars where every -- that nobody talks, you just text each other. Like right to send this. HURT: Yes. You could -- it's the hotspot. What's the thing called when you -- GUTFELD: Swipe? KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The internet? HURT: The picture? GUTFELD: So, give him a break. He's 75. Old Charlie Hurt, remember him down in the farm. Like the journalist. Kat, you were our reporter for Campus Reform. So were you ugly back then? TIMPF: I was less attractive. But that's just because I wasn't making as much money. I didn't know about like fake hair and stuff yet. GUTFELD: Yes, yes. TIMPF: Yes. GUTFELD: What do you make of my theory? TIMPF: So, you did a whole monologue about how good looking you are. GUTFELD: Yes. TIMPF: And you're asking me to comment on it. GUTFELD: No, I'm saying -- TIMPF: To be clear -- GUTFELD: No, no, no, no. I'm saying is it true? TIMPF: I don't know why you want my opinion though. Because if I'm going to believe everything that I've read about you on the internet the past few days, I'm way too old for you. GUTFELD: That's true. TIMPF: I also don't know if I'm able to tell if someone's hot or not. GUTFELD: Yes, that is true. TIMPF: Like, yes, I think I know. But according to my friends, I don't. GUTFELD: No. You have -- I've seen some of the people you've dated. TIMPF: Yes. To me they were all hot. GUTFELD: They are trolls. You must just go hang out by bridges. TIMPF: Well, now I'm married if you haven't heard. GUTFELD: We got to move on. Up next. The city with no rules attract sticky fingered ghouls. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUTFELD: Welcome back. In New York you can get fleeced after your deceased. It's true. Death gives you no relief from a New York City thief. So if you haven't been following the New York Crime Wave or your name is Kathy Hochul. Here's where we're at. Last week a guy got hit and killed by a truck in midtown Manhattan. This is video of the aftermath. Now, before this, there was tape of a woman pick-pocketing him. While one onlooker filmed and laughed. Yes. In New York, the thief actually gets there before the ambulance. Cops are now trying to use dental records to identify the guy since his wallet was taken by the crook who also remains unidentified. Although you know who the cops have ID'd? Four members of the Green Goblin Gang who attacked two women on the subway last week. Turns out they're all cast members of The View. Thank you. I think I'm kidding. But they're actually chubby criminals, three of them are in their 20s, one in her 30s and all have -- all four of them have prior arrests. But much like the village people, we still don't have any explanation for the silly costumes. But criminals like that Green Goblin girl gang need the harshest punishment a New York governor can authorize. Make them spend the weekend with Andrew Cuomo. Meanwhile, former New York Governor David Paterson noted that subway assaults like these are making the city unsafe like never before. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DAVID PATERSON FORMER GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK: For the first time in my life, even in the late 80s and 90s when the crime rate was killing 2000 people a year. I never felt as unsafe as I do now just walking around. You're hearing about an assault on the subway almost every other day. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: You know, he's right. And remember, he's also blind. It's true, he's blind and he wants law and order. I'm worried Democrats will try to convince him he's not black. But maybe Mayor Adams wants NYC to get so bad the illegal immigrants will turn around and leave on their own. They had help send 35,000 residents to Florida and as they say in Lee Zeldin's neighborhood, it's worth a shot. Bop Bop. All right. You get elected. What's your first move? I feel like there's no bottom to this crime wave. It's so strange. What would you do? ZELDIN: It will get worse. GUTFELD: Yes. ZELDIN: The last couple of weeks has gotten worse. The first thing I'll do the first day I'm in office is tell Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg that he's been fired. GUTFELD: Yes. ZELDIN: Last week, there was this woman on Wednesday who was murdered in front of her three kids. She was wearing a bulletproof vest. GUTFELD: Yes. ZELDIN: She was murdered by her husband who was released the day before. The judge did not have discretion to weigh dangerousness. The wife is like listen, he's going to kill me was charged with all sorts of domestic violence offenses. But the judge says I have to release this person. The next day he murders this woman, his wife in front of their three kids. Now these three kids are going to have to grow up without a mother because Kathy Hochul and Kathy Hochul's New York judges don't get discretion. But if you look at last week, I mean, there are four knife attacks in 10 hours on Thursday, you had the Green Goblin Gang committing their offense. You had the Long Island dad who was visiting his kid for Parents Weekend up in Marist. GUTFELD: Yes. ZELDIN: It's out of control. We recap the last week or two. You'd think we're recapping the last year or two. That's how many things have taken place. And it's -- it is out of control. And it's one-party rule, it needs to and Kathy Hochul has to go. GUTFELD: It's -- I'm glad -- I'm glad you brought up the one because that is the -- I think the worst case out of everything is the woman whose husband attacks her. And then he gets out and kills her and they knew it was going to happen. She had a bulletproof vest on. That wasn't good enough, Charlie. What's behind this? Like, what -- where is this animus against justice or like the -- is it the idea that the criminal is somehow now elevated above the victim because we're actually the oppressor? I don't know. HURT: I have no idea. But of course, Democrats are supposed to be the party of women. GUTFELD: Yes. HURT: And the party that cares about women and it's Republicans who are waging a war on women. Are you kidding me? GUTFELD: Yes. HURT: There's an actual war. And, you know, obviously, you know, the only thing, you know, economics are what usually drive elections, the only thing that ever trumps the economy in an election is if people don't feel safe. Crime, trumps economics every single time. And of course, that's why Democrats want to talk about abortion. That's all they want to talk about. The party's position on abortion is supported by maybe 10 percent of the population, but they want to talk about abortion because Republicans aren't as comfortable talking about it. But the bottom line is, you know, Republicans should say yes, I'm pro-life. I'm pro-life when it comes to the unborn. I'm pro-life when it comes to my children walking to school. I'm pro-life when it comes to people riding on the subway system. And I'm pro-life when it comes to a mother, you know, with her children or a woman walking down the street. We live in the greatest country on Earth and a woman can't walk down the street at 7:00 in the evening in America. It's unwise for a woman to do that. That's absurd. GUTFELD: It's -- I tell people that come here. It's
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