Community Challenge

Community Challenge


Create a project on the topic of climate and environmental protection or Sustainability.

You can do it alone, with friends, with your IngressFS group, your local community or with the whole world.

Submission Form

There are no limits to your creativity!

Some examples of what you can do:

  • garbage clean up event
  • implement recycling
  • renounce environmentally harmful means of transport
  • use ecological products
  • start (urban) gardening
  • support existing projects
  • educational work
  • plant trees
  • renounces plastic and disposable packaging
  • peaceful demonstration
  • show companies, authorities and politicians your point of view on the topic
  • Help people
  • and so on..

Requirements for Participation

  • your project is thematically related to climate protection and/or sustainability
  • your project should not harm anyone or anything
  • comply with local laws and regulations
  • documentation of your project as text and picture/video
  • on the pictures/videos it has to be clear what your project is and who was involved and how it was realized
  • [optional] share your project publicly on social media channels and in the community chats, forums and so on (use hashtags like #sustainabilityIFS #sustainablewithniantic #ingressfs #ifs)
  • send us at least 3 meaningful pictures (or 1 Video), a report and the names of the participating agents/persons with the form until November 6, 2021 23:59 UTC±0.
  • All participating Agents in your project needs to be visible on the pictures.

Winner Selection

All submissions will be presented to the community (in our Telegram Channel) and participants can vote for their favorite at the end of the Event. We then award the prizes to the best rated projects.


We have boxes full of (official & unofficial) swag from which we will choose prizes for the winners. How many physical prizes there will be depends on the number of submissions and participants in each project.

prizes sponsored by CraftersGuild (@creativeingress)

Report Page