College Porn Reddit

College Porn Reddit


College Porn Reddit
University of Florida 🐊 - Math Major
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
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Alright you can probably tell by the title what this is about. Has anyone else’s campus done this? Was it reversed? Ways around this? It’s really confusing as to why my campus banned porn under the pretext of “to free up academic resources” but didn’t ban other entertainment services?
Using a VPN is the obvious solution.
This is not a question about legality but the people over at r/legaladvice definitely would have something to say about the school arbitrarily deciding to prohibit access to certain websites and not others, especially since they say its to "free up academic resources".
This seems especially dubious given that the only resource these websites would use is bandwith and other video streaming websites (Netflix and Youtube) use even more bandwith but still are not blocked.
The explanation does not make sense.
Use reddit, it’ll look like you’re just doing what you’re already doing.
Yeah I'm pretty sure there are porn subreddits on reddit
Is now the only thing you can access?
Be the change you wish to see in the world
If you're not aware of what this is, it stands for "Virtual Private Network." How this works is it takes whatever you send to the world and puts it in a secret package, then it sends it to the VPN server so no one knows who you're actually talking to. The. The VPN will receive data for you, put it in a package, and then it'll send it back so no one actually knows who's talking to you.
I recall seeing on the media somewhere a movement by some men on campuses to ban porn. I forgot where or when. Could be completely unrelated, but I know that lately there’s been some call to act on it. I don’t live on campus so I haven’t had this problem nor am I sure how many campuses this is happening for. From what it sounds like in your case it may be unrelated. Then again, they could’ve easily banned it for the reason above, but just made a bullshit reason to state officially. Idk. I feel like you could get around it if you really wanted to get that porn.
You probably saw the story about Notre Dame.
Is that the “Porn Kills Love” thing I’ve seen stickers about on campus?
I’ve never had to experience that, thank god
Get a student group on campus to reserve a room with a projector, and just start screening Blue is the Warmest Color as often as possible.
Lots of ways around this. Plenty of Cheap VPNs you can use.

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