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Erection Confessions
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After surgery nurse had inspect nude me. 10” erection. Well a woman could see in. She just smiled & watched. I’ve had an erection for over 5 hrs now. Jerked off twice. Still hard.

I spent over an hour masturbating before I realized a roommate was watching me. She was peaking into my room. I was so close to finishing I just let her watch the finale. My thing is fat; and over 11 inches, so I guess it’s a big show.
She asked me why my pink head is so big one day. Women always like looking at it for some reason. I guess they just don’t see ones that big very often.
She says her boyfriends is only 5 inches. Is that possible? Mines that big soft.

I used to let women see me nude. Most women like how I look. They will smile or look lustful. Only the most attractive usually have to confidence to hit on me. So I used to let them see me nude if they wanted. They were very happy to see my massive muscular body and giant election with long term elections matched my movie star type face that still hasn’t wrinkled. They’d even pay to see me nude.
But there was a price to pay. A childhood of forced nudity; being molested, and rape.
I tried to shame women sneaking peaks at me (violating my privacy); whether it was my older sisters friends or whomever, but that didn’t work. In society people don’t seem to think men should be modest.
I’m all messed up. I’m too old to get over it.
At least I never treated others the way I was treated. In life we choose. I chose to be kind to others even though kindness was not shown to me growing up.

For two years now my stepfather and I have been close and done almost everything together. I don't know if he has changed or I am just now noticing. When we cuddle or even hug, sometimes I feel his hard penis against my body. I don't push into it because I don't want him to know I notice. Maybe he doesn't even realize. Now, if I don't feel him, I move around or press him just enough to find out if its erect. Even my tits feel better and not as sore when we squeeze. Every time gets a bit more arousing and I think that's what has increased my frequency of masturbation. My favorite fantasy is of us cuddling naked, kissing, and touching. I have a crush on him. Someday I want him to take my virginity.

Its really embarrassing for me to admit this but for more than 6 months I have intentionally ignored the fact that my cousin Tara and I'm pretty sure 4 of her friends have watched me shower. I work for my uncle on weekends and stay at his house Friday and Saturday nights. We usually work until 7 or 8 pm and I'm tired after we eat so I normally get a shower and go to bed by 10. I use the 2nd floor bathroom and even though I always knew there is a deck outside never thought anybody is out there after dark. I'm 17 and Tara is 14 so I think her friends are all around that age. The curtains on the window won't stay closed all the way and one night I saw Tara and another girl looking in. The next night it was Tara and a girl who I know is Melanie but the other 3 girls I don't know their names. The first night I noticed them I think it embarrassed me. Not so much that they saw me naked but I know they saw me jerking off. By the time I went the following weekend I changed from being humiliated by it to where I kinda liked them seeing me naked. So now when I am there especially when my uncle and aunt go out for dinner I'm in the bathroom a long time. I even tell Tara that I'm going to shower and go to bed and she is usually in the family room with some other girls. Her sister Teresa is always in her room and she is a year older than me. It is Tara and 1 or 2 other girls most of the time and I even let them watch me undress before I get in the shower. As soon as I know they are outside on the deck I can't help it and get an erection right away sometimes before I even get into the shower. The whole time I'm washing myself I have an erection and make sure they can see me when I do masturbate. Some nights I just stand under the shower and keep turning around letting them see me front and back. I never said anything to Tara and she just pretends nothing is going on. I probably could close the curtains more or put a towel over the window but I like them watching me. It might only be 3 other girls but I'm almost sure there have been 4 of them on different nights. I feel a little funny when I see these girls downstairs but I never act like I know they are watching me and mostly just say hello to them. During the week I'm obsessed with the thought of them watching me and I masturbate a lot thinking about it. I just don't want my uncle to find out about it. I like working for him and he pays me good.
Don't get too ambitious here - they are under age, and the penalties are harsh, rightfully so in most cases
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College always promises experiences to remember but sometimes these memories aren’t quite what we were hoping for. Freshman year coupled with communal bathrooms is a recipe for gross surprises and our writers got to experience them in full:
Oh gosh, I have been here for five years now and my fair share of dorm stories could probably create a small book.
My freshman year in college though, by far, exceeds almost any other year of insane stories.
In my freshman dorm, it was a wing of girls on the bottom floor and a wing of boys on the top floor. We all shared a community bathroom with six showers and five or six toilets (hard to remember after all this time ha). There was never really any problem with showers or toilets being occupied when you wanted to use them. There was, however, problems with them being destroyed or unavailable to use because people are crazy.
On several occasions, many of the toilets would have crap smeared ALL over the toilet, floor, and stall. Which one, resulted in fines; two, was foul? Who would be willing to shove their hand in poop to do that?; and three, resulted in limited bathroom usage.
One time I was taking a shower, curtain drawn and I had my towel hanging outside the shower – all clear indications I was using the shower and in it. This girl, who thankfully I never interacted with again, just walked up to the curtain and pulled it openly said something to me that I didn’t understand, stood there for a minute and then walked away. She wasn’t in a towel so I don’t think she mistakenly thought it was empty, she was fully clothed.
Another time, my freshman year, I left the lobby to get something from my room and as soon as I walked into the wing I could hear someone having sex – LOUD. And I thought to myself well okay then, ya’ll are loud as hell but as I got closer to my room it got increasingly louder. It went quiet for a bit when I got to my room and I went in – no one there – and I grabbed my stuff and then realized I had to pee. I went into the bathroom, which is right across from my room and walked in on two people having sex on the COMMUNITY bathroom floor.
My freshman year of college I lived in suite-style dorms where I shared a room with one guy and a bathroom with another room of two people. This story is just one example of the shenanigans that went on in that dorm.
One day while I was doing homework, one of my suitemates barged into my room with a bunch of his buddies. They all had huge grins on their faces like they had just gotten into something. I suspiciously looked at my suitemate and then I saw that he was holding a very large dildo in his hand. This thing was a Caucasian monstrosity. It was very thicc and was complete with testicles, veins, and even a suction cup at its base. Before I can even ask “Why?” he tells me the dildo’s whole backstory.
Apparently, the room below us had a string hanging from its drop ceiling at the start of the year. When those people pulled the string, they found a note attached that said: “Check the other room to find Richard”. The people went over to the conjoined room, lifted one of the ceiling tiles, and out plopped Richard.
My suitemate somehow knew those people and had just stolen Richard from their room. Richard really became our mascot for the year. We’d do things, like stick him to pretty much any surface in the dorm using his suction cup or put him under the pillow of whomever, was expecting a lady-friend over that night. At Christmas time I actually used sparkly pipe cleaners to make tinsel and a star to turn him into our Christmas tree. It was an interesting time, to say the least. Richard is still the centerpiece of my old suitemate’s apartment today.
Coming to college, I knew that I would experience all sorts of weird things. Though, I never expected that I would be subjected to the stereotypical the “I caught my roommate masturbating” occurrence.
My weekly schedule was always pinned to my desk, allowing my roommate to know where I’d be and when I would not be in the dorm. Except for one day, I got out of class early and returned to my dorm. I unlocked the door in a loud manner to announce I was coming in, but the headphones must have been too loud. I proceeded to enter, only to find him on his laptop, pants to his knees and tissue at the ready. I threw my belongings down, trying to leave as soon as possible, but he insisted on having a conversation with me while blowing his nose with the tissue.
Everyone knows the worst part about being a freshman in college is the communal bathroom. At first, I thought this was just an exaggeration, it had been smooth sailing once you get past having zero privacy. That was until the fateful morning when I walked into the bathroom stall–my favorite bathroom stall–and saw a horror unfold. There was poop everywhere. It was on the back of the toilet, the toilet seat, the floor, the stall walls. Now, I thought this was a single occurrence; maybe someone just had a rough night. Nope! Every other Friday there was this murder in the stall. Fridays, coincidentally, when the janitorial staff would not be back on duty until two days later on Monday. Not only did I lose my favorite stall to the wreckage, but this person moved on to the shower stalls.
An entire side of showers would be off-limits thanks to this person’s -ahem- bowel movement on the floor. An entire floor of girls had to share two showers that weekend. This person then moved their games right to the middle of the bathroom where you could be brushing your teeth staring at someone’s digested breakfast. It was disgusting and an experience that truly bonded the floor of girls for life. Honestly, though, I hope whoever was the culprit is doing well and has curbed their appetite for public pooping.
When it comes to being a freshman in college, you will experience new things. For many people, this often comes with the fact that you have to use communal restrooms, as well as the fact most people have to share a room with a complete stranger. When I was coming to school, I was so excited to meet my roommate. I always pictured us as hanging out, and being pretty close. I found my roommate online, and it seemed like we had a lot in common but I soon found out that this wasn’t the case. We always seemed to be stepping on each other toes, and I realized that we had nothing in common.
Before we came to school, we planned our rooms together. She told me that she was really into decorating, and I was so excited to decorate our rooms together, but after about a week into school, I realized that I had the roommate from hell. She might have been the dirtiest person I have ever meet. She would always throw her clothes all over our room. She would invite all of her friends over and they would sit on my bed and my desk. After stepping on multiple acrylic nails that she ripped off and threw on our carpet, I thought I had experienced it all, unfortunately, it got worse. One day after a long day of classes, I came back to our room to eat some dinner. I went to go throw something in our garbage can to find a used (and full) condom just sitting there among one of my ramen noodle wrappers.
After about five minutes of gaging, and crying, I decided to have an uncomfortable talk with her. Nothing really seemed to change so I ended up making the decision to move out. Nothing could have prepared me for all of the crazy, and gross, things I have experienced as a freshman, but without all the crazy stories, freshman year would have been a dull one.
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“ There is nothing more uncomfortable than someone walking in on you doing the deed. Now imagine that the person that walks in on you is your freshman roommate that you do not get along with. It is no surprise that trying to have sex in a shared freshman dorm room that’s literally the size of a shoe box is almost impossible. My experience with this happened when my boyfriend came up to visit. We went to dinner and came back to an empty dorm room. So, we were hanging out and things were starting to happen so naturally, I locked the door. In the middle of us having sex my roommate just walked right in. I’m not quite sure how she unlocked the door without us hearing it and opened the door so quietly that we were not aware but nevertheless, it was very awkward and uncomfortable. It was also the last time I ever attempted to have sex in a shared space again. “
“ Sooooo here I am. Freshman year, just living my best life. And as I was walking down the hallway, I heard some noises so naturally, I stopped walking to get a better idea of what it was. And as I stopped I hear this loud intense moaning. Clearly whoever it was, was having a great time, but I was so astounded that my mouth dropped and I nearly died of laughter. It was honestly to this day one of the wildest things that have happened to me living on campus. Like I mean this stuff was intense . “
“ This one time, I was just minding my own business when I heard some squeaking noises above me. I ignored it because when I jumped on my bed it squeaked too, so I didn’t think anything of it. I went back to doing my homework and the squeaking CONTINUED. All I could think was, “Oh my god, of course, this has to be happening right now while I’m trying to do my homework.” It started getting louder, and they also added some moaning, so I stood up on my bed and started banging on my ceiling. The noises would stop for a few seconds, then continue. So, when the noises would start again I would get back up and bang on the ceiling over and over. Towards the end of this battle, the person got on the floor and started banging on their floor so I would hear it. After this happened, it finally stopped. I went back to doing my homework perfectly fine. “
“ We did not seem to get along with the boys that lived upstairs that much. They came in and stole our speaker one time when we went to go eat, and we didn’t notice until we came back (we learned to lock our dorm after this incident). We were trying to figure out which one of the boys upstairs would come in and take our speaker, so we decided since it was Bluetooth that we would connect to it from my room and see if we could hear it… THE MUSIC CAME FROM RIGHT ABOVE OUR ROOM. We sprinted up there as fast as we could to go get the speaker, we busted open the door and right when we opened it our eyes were WIDE OPEN. This boy that was in our room had no idea that his roommate had come into our room and stole our speaker. We busted into his dorm room as he was masturbating. Honestly, not a good way to find your speaker. He jumped out of bed and slammed the door in our face and locked it. We never made eye contact with this kid again. “
“ My freshman year, I had a group of friends that would hang out nearly every day, especially because for the most part we were all fairly new to the area. One night, I was snapping one of the boys from this group and we talked about him coming over, however, we both knew that we wanted to do more than hang. The problem was, we didn’t want people in our friend group to know which would be difficult because most of our friends lived in my hall, so we came up with a bulletproof plan. He would wait underneath the window of my dorm and I would throw my keys and ID out to him. He would come upstairs and if anyone stopped him, he would just say I forgot my keys the last time we all hang out. It was a pretty great system that lasted a couple months and no one ever found out so, I would consider the plan a success. “
“ A couple friends of mine and I were renting a house (not a dorm but close enough). One day, my boyfriend was over and we were “hanging out” in my room, however before I knew it, the TV in the background turned off and slow, sexy R&B started blasting. At first, I was confused, but then I could hear my roommate dying of laughter upstairs. She could hear everything and she thought she should “set the mood” for us so she connected to my ChromeCast. It was actually pretty hilarious. “
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The newsletter you won’t leave unread.

I worked as an office manager once, and it was my job to open and sort all of the mail, including packages. It was a pretty boring job for the most part, but every now and then there would be a wave of excitement when my boss’s crazy ex-wife would come in and scream at him in front of all of his employees.
So I’m doing my mail duties when an odd looking package arrives for my boss, the CEO of the company. I open it as part of the standard office procedure. I pull out some packing materials, then an item wrapped in plastic wrap.
What is this? I think to myself. Oh, a leash. Must be a leash for his dog. What’s with the metal things? This is kind of weird, I think, so let’s pull out the invoice:
“Dog collar with attached nipple clamps.”
Dogs don’t need nipple clamps, so what the shit.
I throw everything back into the box as if *I’M* the one who has just committed some horrible sin against nature. I hop onto my computer and pull up messenger and message my boyfriend. “QUICK. I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO TAPE UP A PACKAGE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT WAS NEVER OPENED.”
Tons of totally rational and then totally fucked up explanations are going through my head. Halloween is coming up soon, maybe this is for a crazy party. Or maybe my boss is just seriously kinky and doesn’t have the foresight to send these types of packages TO HIS HOUSE. I got mental images, playbacks – not pretty.
I carefully tape up the box and pack it neatly. Voila! It looks as though it was never opened! No one will touch this stuff! I sneak it into his office and put it on his desk with the rest of his mail.
So for weeks, I can’t make eye contact with my boss, and at one point, I almost greeted him with a “Good Morning, Mr. Nipple Clamps” because that’s all that would go through my head when he walked in the door.
We go out on a business trip a
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