Chastity Piercing Story

Chastity Piercing Story


Chastity Piercing Story
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The most common question women new to chastity ask is what type of device to put him in. It has to be comfortable if he is going to live with it on 24/7 and it has to be completely secure and effective if you are going to be happy with it. Unfortunately you will have to prepare yourself for some frustrating trial and error to find the right device and the right fit, because every man’s penis is different.
The chastity device probably needs to be custom fit. Generally, it is important to get him in the smallest cage his penis will fit in while soft so he cannot get an erection in the device. Sure, start with the one that is easy to put on. There’s a good chance it will come off eventually, even without trying. Go smaller, go much smaller, then go even smaller. The problem here will be erection and stimulation. Zero erection is the size you need – literally something as small as your husband’s smallest penis size ever. In no way do you need to worry about a device where the shaft is half an inch shorter than the length of his penis when completely flaccid. Often the original cage ordered turned out to be too wide or too long because of the man’s optimistic measurements or fear of being too confined. If you go with one that’s too big it will be unwieldy, add unnecessary weight and ultimately will be less suited to all-day every-day wear.
There are open “cage” designs and closed “tube” designs. The tube design has the advantage of restricting any access to the penis and not leaving any sensitive spots available for your husband’s touch. However, it will need to be unlocked occasionally for cleaning and skincare. An open cage design on the other hand enables the wearer to wash all bits of his penis in the shower and it allows the skin to dry after bathing or sweating. For long-time chastity I would therefore recommend an open design as it can be worn indefinitely without any need to be unlocked .
However, uncircumcised men may still require occasional removal of the cage in order to clean underneath the foreskin. If you would like your husband to get circumcised this is a good opportunity to ask him. The surgery itself is done quickly and under local anaesthesia, and it will be healed after around four weeks. Nevertheless, there are millions of uncircumcised men in chastity who report no problems at all.
Chastity devices are available in multiple materials, including stainless steel, titanium, nylon, polycarbonate, resin, and silicone rubber. Steel and titanium are the strongest and most hygienic materials as they don’t absorb any liquids or smells. However, their downside is weight: titanium weighs four times and steel eight times as much as the non-metallic materials.

Metal detectors may spot steel (but not titanium) devices. My husband has flown multiple times with a nylon device he uses specifically for travel, without setting off any alarm at the security checks.
There are different types of locks that can be used in chastity devices.
The most common lock type is a small padlock , which makes a satisfying “click” sound when you lock him and has the further advantage that your husband can lock himself without needing the key.
An integrated lock , also called magic locker or keyhole blocker is smaller and hence more discreet, however it has the disadvantage that you will need the key both for unlocking and locking (instead of just for unlocking).
A new type of lock called “Click & Lock” combines the advantages of the two: it is an integrated lock that can be locked without the key.
Some chastity devices offer the option of a so-called security screw , which is a uniquely designed screw that locks the device and which only unlocks with a custom key you can’t buy anywhere else. This is another discrete and lightweight option which claims to be more secure than a normal lock that can be picked quite easily.
Bluetooth locks are another option, although not yet available with most chastity devices. The advantage is that you don’t need to carry around a key because you can simply unlock the device with your phone, or even send a one-time code to your locked partner who can then use his phone to unlock the device. The downside is that you need to make sure the battery in the lock is not running empty.
Finally, there are numbered plastic seals . These can be used in lieu of a padlock, but they can only be used once and then need to be cut open with scissors. Each one has a unique printed number on it to prevent undetected tampering. Your husband can easily take the device off but he won’t be able to keep it secret from you. These locks are useful in some situations, for example for men who have to self-lock in long-distance relationships.
While a locked chastity device cannot be completely removed from his body, he will eventually figure out how to pull out his flaccid penis and masturbate behind your back , as many women found out the hard way. Once he has discovered this, chastity is just a game for him. It is not real and he not you is in control. If you feel that chastity no longer seems to be working, maybe your husband has figured out how to secretly have fun on his own. There are four approaches to increase security by preventing undetected pull-out of the penis.

The first and best is to pierce his penis so that a bar or loop can be put through it and locked to the device. He will not be able to pull his penis out unless he wants to rip out the piercing. The usual piercings used for chastity are the Prince Albert and the frenum piercing, both of which are simple to do, quick to heal, and harmless looking. There are chastity devices with a built-in piercing rod, which means that when you take the device off for sex, the piercing is gone as well, and the tiny hole on the underside of his penis is barely noticeable as the skin closes immediately when the piercing is out. A lot of the women I talked to were reluctant initially, but not a single one of them regretted having their husband’s penis pierced . The usual comment from many women was that they were sorry they had wasted time playing around with toy chastity devices.

Additional benefits of a piercing, besides security, are increased comfort and easy urination, as it makes the penis always stay in place. Normally, the penis tends to move a bit in the cage, for example after bending over, exercising, erections, or when his scrotum is loosening and tightening. A piercing makes sure that the tip of his penis is always pressed against the end of the cage as it should, thereby supporting an active, carefree lifestyle without any need to readjust the penis once in a while. For long-term chastity play, a piercing really is the way to go.

If you nevertheless don’t want your husband to be pierced, a device with a urethra plug is the next safest option . If the urethra plug is long enough is it virtually impossible to pull the penis out of the device. And even if he managed it would be absolutely impossible to re-insert the penis without unlocking, so you would know if he masturbated. The downside of this mechanism is that it’s not as quick and easy to put on because you would need to sterilize the plug and use lots of lube up to insert it. Furthermore, there is always a risk of urinary tract infections or urethral injuries.

There are also cage inserts that discourage pull-out of the penis by making it very painful, both available as optional extras to some devices or as an essential component of the chastity device. Basically, these inserts have rough surfaces or pricks that will be very painful when the glans has to go past them in a pull-out attempt. Unfortunately, they may take some time to get used to as the insert can be uncomfortable at first. Furthermore, these inserts are not as effective for uncircumcised men.

Instead of completely preventing pull-out, some devices make it very hard to correctly re-insert the penis. These devices usually work with a small ring that is placed behind the glans before the device is locked. If the penis is pulled out, the glans ring will be left behind in the cage. Putting his penis back into the cage with the glans ring correctly in place is almost impossible without unlocking. Hence, no masturbation will remain undetected.
The most popular type of chastity device by far is the “ball-trap” design, like the ones shown above. While they are not able to prevent pull-out of the unpierced penis, they can’t be removed from the “trapped” testicles without unlocking, hence the name. There is a special type of chastity device available for pierced men, which only consists of a small cage surrounding the glans. These “glans cap” devices are a very comfortable and discreet option and even allow erections (you need to decide for yourself if you want that). They also offer great security as the piercing prevents any removal of the device. Finally, you could go for a full belt that goes around the hips and is almost completely masturbation-proof. However, I can’t imagine them to be fully suitable for 24/7 use: Can he do sports without the belt chafing? How can he wash his penis properly? What happens if he gains weight?
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She was surprised at how little the box weighed; the display
suit she had tried on all those months ago had been much
heavier than this box. Of course her suit would fit much
closer, the result of several sessions of being set in plaster
to form a mannequin of exactly her proportions.

It had all started when she let slip to Paul that she really
liked the 'Chrome Woman' illustrations popular in sci-fi
illustrations a few years previous. The way that the breasts
reflected the light and the androgynous look of the robot
women really proved a turn on for Agi.

When Paul had taken her to Norwich for the weekend last
autumn she had no idea what he had arranged. John was
professionally an armourer, repairing and making plate mail
for re-enactment enthusiasts, the theatre and even
museums. As a side line he made a small number of items
for alternative lifestyle people, chastity belts, bondage suits
and more fanciful items of apparel more often seen on the
covers of Fantasy publications, metal underwear for the
discerning lady adventurer!

All these items gave some amusement; neither of them were
into any kinky stuff other than the occasional corset and
stocking session and the fact that some people would
willingly wear some of this stuff seemed just a bit ludicrous.

The polished steel suit that John helped her into had been
made for a TV commercial. the actress who had worn it was
a size larger than Agi's petit size 10. Despite that and the
weight, a good 15kg, Agi when offered the chance of her
own suit jumped at the idea. So it was that John made
several trips to their cottage in Uppingham to take the casts
that would be used to form the metal suit.

And now here it was, Paul was away but after all the waiting
she could brook no further delay in seeing the metal Agi,
which she christened Maggi. She cleared the big kitchen
table and placed the box on one of the carvers and opened
the lid.

It was immediately clear this suit was something a bit special
instead of the bright chrome she was expecting, a slightly
purple tinge coloured the highly polished parts. And it was
so amazingly light, yet when she tried to flex the thin sheet
it gave not a bit. She quickly removed the various
component parts as well as a box of smaller pieces. It was
clear that John had created a masterpiece here, one that Agi
just had to try on soon.

She found a note in the box addressed to 'Agi', another to
'Paul', placing that on the dresser assuming it was the final
invoice, she read her note.

On Paul's suggestion I made two sets of 'feet',
an everyday pair that you can walk in and a
'fetish' pair with a built in 12cm heel much like
the prototype picture. When you put the suit on
(don't try without Paul) you need to start at the
feet and work upward. The pieces all lock
together finishing with the neck and shoulder
piece (you need to put the head on second last!),
the key piece can be fitted by the wearer but
only another person can remove it.

For your comfort I suggest you remove all body
hair (everywhere!) so it doesn't get caught as the
plates move. I have made the lower body so you
can pee etc, full instructions on how are in the
small box. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward
to seeing some photos!

Well that all sounded straight forward, the last paragraph
seemed a bit kinky but Agi quite liked the idea of being
hairless, after all she trimmed her pubes anyway and she
kept her legs smooth anyway, and she had that sample of
American hair remover to try.

Next she located the small box and found the enclosed
instructions. The toilet instructions were straight forward, fit
all the bits as shown and she could wear the suit for
extended periods, without them, a pee would mean a
complete strip. The parts looked a little intrusive but they
would be worth the peace of mind.

Paul was going to be away for another week, she couldn't
wait that long to try it, Agi decided to prepare herself and
have a try on. An hour later, she emerged from the
bathroom, her body as free of hair as she was ever likely to
be and feeling so smooth she made a mental note to get
some more of that remover cream. She found her swim cap
and carefully tucked her shoulder length blonde locks into
the rubber. Looking in the mirror she already looked quite
alien to her 'suburban' mind.

She secured the cottage and moved the parts into the
lounge to 'dress'. As this was going to be a short try on she
selected the high heel feet; they slipped on easily, gripping
her feet comfortably as she pressed the closure shut. The
rest of the leg pieces slipped on just as easily, each locking
over the previous part. The ankle, knee and hip joints used a
lot of small plates so that she had full articulation for
walking. When she stood up her legs felt as though she was
wearing lycra leggings, a gentle but constant pressure and
surprisingly the ridiculously high heels were quite easy to
stand on.

Next came the first torso part, the lower body. The parts
required for full toilet capability were all of the same
titanium as the suit and Agi tried to ignore what looked like
a pair of dildoes. As she offered it up to her body it was
clear that the metal posts certainly did locate where it
looked like. However at this stage she decided to use the lav
before she installed 'the plumbing'.

She carefully followed John's instructions and used
petroleum jelly to lube her virgin behind before gently
inserting the post. It was a little painful but with a sudden
'plop' it was located. She maneuvred the front part into
place and carefully adjusted her naked clit to fit into place.
The post filled her until it felt that she could take no more,
then before she could close this part she had to seat it onto
the hip parts.

The metal pants gently squeezed her as she closed them, a
sudden pain shot through her lower lips but she ignored it,
putting it down to the pressure as she closed the unit. The
next part then covered her mid section to just below her
breasts and held her in a corset like embrace although with
a bit more mobility.

The next part required a bit more fitting as she had to
manhandle each breast into its titanium vessel before gently
closing the back. She was now encased from the floor to arm
pits in shiny metal, Agi made her way over to the long hall
mirror to inspect the suit so far. It was truly amazing - from
just a couple of metres away it looked like there were no
joins at all, only on quite close inspection could she trace
the leaves of her 'armour'. Liking what she saw, Agi returned
to the lounge to complete the transformation.

John suggested doing the arms next, but on her own that
would make the head difficult to fit, so she picked up the
expressionless unit with its two wings that closed around
the back. She had to fit some internal parts first, they looked
intended for torture but according to John's notes they were
required to ensure her safety. She already had the swim cap
on so she skipped part 1; part 2 required her to fit a strange
gadget over her lower teeth with a plate which suppressed
her tongue. It only dawned her then that she would be
voiceless while in the suit, well the mouth on the original
was sealed so that would be authentic any way!

Next what looked like an adult dummy pushed into place,
she was surprised to realise that she would at least be able
to drink some how as there was some sort of liquid feed that
the 'dummy' would connect to in the face plate. Part 3
basically said smother head in 'Vaseline', and then the last
part was fitting the faceplate accurately before closing the
side plates. It was a very close fit, her skin pressed tightly
into the metal mask, the jelly leaving no gaps at all.

Two short tubes into each nostril allowed her to breath and
dark blue lenses enclosed both eyes so the room became
quite dark. She took a few minutes making sure it was all
seated then she pushed it closed with a loud click.
Immediately she felt a pain in her nose as though it was
being pinched, when she couldn't immediately find the catch
to re-open it, the pain subsided quite quickly leaving a
slight feeling of pressure on both nostrils. The other
immediate effect was almost compete deafness, just her
blood pulsing and a faint whistling through the tubes which
fed her air supply. She decided to press on.

The hands and arms were works of art in their own right,
each finger used about ten separate parts, the separate nails
slipped over her own so that her own lay in a slot behind
and could even be trimmed with the suit on. The strangest
sensation was quite literally the lack of sensation as she
touched her face and torso. It was quite fiddly getting all the
parts in place but eventually both arms wore titanium
gauntlets. Only one piece remained, the neck and shoulder

Having four holes this was the most complex part to fit. First
it fitted to the breast plate then carefully the arms slotted in
before the neck could be located, remembering Johns note
she left the neck open and went to inspect Maggi, she
looked sensational only the neck marring a seamless metal
android. She carefully closed the neck till it was just
touching and lowered her arms. It felt just like wearing a
dance skin, the helm was now barely noticeable. Trying a
quick spin she overbalanced and plummeted to the carpet,
sitting up she realised something was different, the neck
had been pushed shut in the fall.

Shit, John had said that you needed help to open the suit
once it was shut, looking in the mirror she could see why.
With the dark lenses she couldn't see any of the joins let
alone the release catch, so even if she remembered how it
worked she couldn't see to operate it. Trying not to panic
she found the notes and re-read it all.

An hour later Maggi was no closer to returning to Agi but
she had discovered how to gain sustenance, the pipe
attached to her dummy ran to a discreet valve located in
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