Wandrer Comics

Wandrer Comics


Wandrer Comics


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Wandrer.earth is an exploration game where you win by going places you've never been before.
Discover hidden nooks, earn achievements, and get started on your quest to dominate the roads of your city.

Try to complete as many roads as you can, on foot or on bike.
Find weird stuff, take pictures, have fun.
Just connect Strava™️ and your activities are sync'd
"I’m really loving this plan of biking ALL the roads!! I’ve seen so much cool s**t right near my house I never knew was there!"
"Kind of nice knowing there is so much still out there to explore, at home and afar."
"I've been training for triathlons for years, but with the recent situation,
this is a great way to spend the summer!"

Wandrer started out of Concrete Jungle, an Atlanta non-profit that picks fruit from around the city and donates it to local homeless shelters and food banks. As part of Concrete Jungle, we spend a lot of time wandering the city in search of fruit trees.

Several years ago, Concrete Jungle had a project with the US Forest Service to document all fruit trees in the English Avenue, Vine City, West End, Castleberry Hill and Mechanicsville neighborhoods of Atlanta. The fruit trees in these neighborhoods ended up being the least interesting part: there were so many unfamiliar places, historic sites, abandoned houses, pleasant streets, and strange industrial zones that were way more interesting.

Atlanta, like many places, is a city of wonderful little neighborhoods. This means not only that there are many great places to live, but also that it's very easy to stay within your bubble.

Wandrer is meant to encourage you to take a small action against going where you'd normally go. There are many places out there worth seeing for their own sake. To find new parks, to see how your neighbors live, to eat at new restaurants, and to be some place new and unfamiliar in your own city.

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As a child Vitoria was abused and one day almost killed by being bitten by hundreds of Spiders. She's now a leader in the Council of Spiders. She can kill instantly with a single touch. She now has the council hunt heroes after they were all beaten by Red Robin.


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Red Robin #5 - Council of Spiders, Part 1

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Ra's al Ghul

Tam Fox

The Expediter

Tim Drake

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The Wanderer appears in 8 issues .

The Wanderer last edited by

on 08/24/18

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As a young girl living in a rural village in Brazil . eight year old Vitoria grew up an abused child. Whenever the men in the village were drunk, they would use her as sport. Despite her mother's warnings one day she fled from the village and the men to seek refuge in the jungle. She fell into a pit of poisonous spiders called "the wanderer". She was bitten three hundred and nineteen times. It didn't kill her however, instead she was changed on a molecular level. She could now kill with a mere touch. She killed those who had terrified and abused her all her young life. Over the years she trained herself in the martial arts and became very adept. Her skill combined with her death touch made her virtually unbeatable. She soon took the name of the spider that had changed her life forever, she became the Wanderer.
After wandering all around the world in search of worthy opponents she stumbled across the League of Assassins and the reclusive Ra's al Ghul . Realizing that there existed no better prey than them, she sets out to gather a band of like-minded souls to aid her in killing the League of Assassins and Ra's .
She eventually does locate and kill a few members and comes across Tim Drake now the Red Robin. She and her team stormed the league headquarters and killed every member they could find, including a clone of Ra's . She fights Red Robin to a standstill before they part.
She is left alive with a new prey on her radar.... Red Robin.
A very capable martial artist and gymnast able to spar with Tim Drake . She is an expert tracker able to stalk her prey and zone in on them from across the world.
In addition she is fluent in speaking both English and Portuguese.
Her touch is deadly. Any part of her exposed skin has the ability to kill an opponent on contact. After being bitten by the wandering spider of the Amazon her skin now has the property to produce the toxin/venom of the creature. Her "death touch" is simply her delivering a large dose of the spider's venom upon contact.

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Wandrer .earth is an exploration game where you win by going places you've never been before. Discover hidden nooks, earn achievements, and get started on your quest to dominate the roads of your city. Sign up for free Explore your town (or state, or country)! Try to complete as many roads as you can, on foot or on bike. Discover new areas
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As a young girl living in a rural village in Brazil. eight year old Vitoria grew up an abused child. Whenever the men in the village were drunk, they would use her as sport. Despite her mother's ...
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