Can A Penis Be Too Big

Can A Penis Be Too Big


Can A Penis Be Too Big

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But can a penis really be too big to take? Let’s be honest here. It is a common belief that BIGGER IS BETTER for us gals when it comes to penis size. But what if your partner is absolutely huge, to the point where you are seriously worried that you may end up with an injury engaging in any form of sex?
An average penis in its resting state is roughly 9cm and when erect between 12 to 14cm. The circumference (again for an average) is 9cm when resting and can expand to 10-10.5 cm when erect.
If your fella is sporting a absolute beast below the belt you may wish to take notes….
There are many stories of women who have felt like they were literally being torn, not being able to fit the penis in their mouth during oral sex , bleeding, or having the sensation that their cervix was being pushed up through their throat! Scary stuff indeed. Almost enough to put you off sex for good isn’t it? Well, almost.
Physically speaking, all vaginas can accommodate all penises. After all, us gals are built for giving birth! However, that doesn’t mean that sex with a big schlong is comfortable or even pleasurable. In fact, I have heard of relationships ending because the man is too well endowed and the woman struggles to have regular sex when she is sore. So bigger certainly does not mean better!
In 2015, a Nigerian woman filed for divorce after one week because her new husband’s penis was too large.
She even resorted to taking medication to try and endure the pain during sex.
It all comes down to taking your time and getting a little creative. Let’s explore some options to assist you to start enjoying sex:
This may mean a taking a little longer to get you fully aroused allowing for vaginal lubrication to do its thing. Foreplay also relaxes the vagina, so it is more ‘willing’ you could say, to play the game. If you are feeling tense or even frightened, your body won’t be ready fully for intercourse so take your time.
Really, what better excuse for a little more attention on your lady bits?! Win-win. Using water-based lubrication may also assist with making sex more comfortable and less painful. Don’t forget that lubrication may need to be re-applied during intercourse to avoid chafing down there ain’t no body got time for that!
You can pick up water-based lubricant at all shopping centres and service stations. Or you can be creative and think of different ways to lubricate *wink wink*.
If you’re planning on partaking in some horizontal tango with your partner, consider which sexual position will work best for you both. If your man is well endowed, often the positions which allow the woman to be more ‘in control’ of the action such as being on top are less painful. Sideways think spooning with fries on the side is a great position as penetration can be controlled easily by the woman.
Missionary position although commonly knocked for being boring is a great option, as it allows slow thrusting and the woman can limit the depth of penetration simply by keeping her legs closer together – just don’t go throwing your legs over his shoulders though as there is absolutely no depth control and may lead to some pain if strong thrusting is happening.
Positions such as Doggy Style are a ‘oh hell no-no’ as they provide deep penetration and that is really not advisable or pleasant if you’re dealing with a particularly large member.
Take it slowwwwww. Don’t go hell for leather from the get go. This could seriously shock and hurt, which is not going to make for a pleasureable experience for either of you. The man should enter carefully and slowly very slowly build intensity so the woman is not caught off guard.
Before, during and after sex tell each other what is working and what isn’t. By all means, don’t stop mid-thrust to do a 15 debrief with notes just gentle indicators to let your partner know that ” yes that is freakin’ awesome, we can definitely go with that” or a simple ‘not so deep’ or ‘slower’. Remember the idea of sex is to both enjoy yourselves. If you’re enjoying it you’re going to do it more often, who couldn’t be happier with that?!
If you have persistent pain during or after intercourse, it is recommended to speak to your gyno to rule out any medical conditions such as cysts or infections. So, with a little imagination, a little time, some understanding and a LOT of fun, being faced with the T-Rex of all penises doesn’t have to be that scary.
Here are a couple of stories we found on the internet (so they all must be true lol!).
“Right after graduating from high school, I was hooking up with an ex who was pure Italian. He had a massive Italian sausage. We were fooling around and it was getting intense. We switched to doggy-style, and I made the terrible mistake of yelling ‘harder.’ As he violently thrust his sausage into my ziti, he went so deep that I immediately puked everywhere. We never spoke again.”
“One night I went home with this guy I’d met. We basically stumbled into his place, not even bothering to turn a light on anywhere. I get a glimpse of his cock in the light of a lamppost outside and it’s huge… Just long and thick and ridiculous. My drunk self decides I can take this and I’m so drunk and so horny that we get to it and he goes in dry. Hurts at first and then I’m getting wetter and wetter and it’s crazy.
Anyways, everything reaches its conclusion and he gets up to go for the inevitable post coital piss. On his way out he flicks on the light. There is blood everywhere. Between him splitting me open and the lack of foreplay his bed has turned into that hallway from The Shining. And I’m so drunk and embarrassed I throw on my clothes and thirty seconds later I’m running out of his house barefoot with blood down my legs.
“This top honor would have to go to my dear husband. I was a 20 year old sweet little thing when I met him. After a few weeks we finally did the deed, at that point I had only been with one other man.
He whipped it out and I was visibly shaken, but tried to keep my cool. IT WAS ENORMOUS. I’d never seen something so big.
It was one of the most painful nights of my life, and 8 years later… I can’t get enough.”
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Being a single parent since her children were toddlers, Michelle has enjoyed life's challenges, and is able to relate to other mothers and fathers of ... Read More children growing up and developing through life's stages. The laughter, heartbreak, tantrums and victories are all memories to be shared and embraced. With sheer determination or as some may prefer to call it stubbornness and with a sometimes twisted view - Michelle will always find the humorous side of life.

Michelle has a business background working in Government departments for over 20 years holding multiple Business Diploma's and other certifications including Training and Assessing, Project Management and Volunteer Coordination amongst them. With an attitude of "˜life being an adventure - start living', she is always looking for new challenges and the chance to share knowledge and experiences with the Stay At Home Mum Community.

Mother of two teens who also makes claim to even have her sanity intact (on most days) Michelle has ventured into writing sharing her sometime sassy and wry sense of humour. Read Less
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What is Considered a Big Penis? Or Too Big?

Like stated before, “too big” is likely more than 7 inches for any woman. Anything more than 7 —and it’s likely that’s already too much to plenty of women— will cause pain and even some damage to the cervix. If it’s too wide, it risks literally tearing a woman’s vagina apart and causing extreme pain. Tread carefully.
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Measuring penises is both easy and complicated for several reasons.
The easy answer is, again, larger than the average wherever you’re from, but even so, what’s larger than normal? What is normal? If by “normal” we mean the average penis size , we’ve already established that’s about 5 inches when erect, so anything more than that should be considered larger than normal.
But if you’re one of the lucky ones with an undoubtedly large penis , meaning a good inch or two more than the 5 inch average, you should be aware that there is such a thing as “too big” for many women, because by the end of the day, if you’re going to use your penis for penetration, the person on the receiving end has to feel pleasure as well and can only do so if everything fits and doesn’t hurt.
Like with most of the modern sexuality, porn distorts our perception of what is a “normal” penis size and what’s desirable when it comes to the moment of intercourse and sex overall.
Bigger hasn’t always meant better. In fact, for most of history, a small penis was preferred aesthetically to a large penis , as anyone can tell by looking at statues of naked men from Ancient Greece. This was because genitals were mostly seen as tools for reproduction, so the scrotum got most of the attention in that regard, while a penis was only a way to introduce the sperm into the womb. So, at least aesthetically, the less the penis got in the way, the better.
Bigger penises started to matter more with the advent of photography, which then leads to pornography as we know it today. With pornography growing in importance, having a bigger penis (along with bigger breast in the case of women) became more attractive and something to covet, like pornography, is pure visual stimulation.
Men also masturbated more now, so having more to stroke also became an important psychological factor. While we’re talking about body dysmorphia, it’s also worth mentioning here that male pornstars are chosen for their specific talents. So what you might witness on the NSFW corners of the internet, it’s not a reflection of the average man. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
“Men, at least heterosexual ones, maybe worrying
that there are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Actually,
you’d fall into the top 5 percent of your penis is 6.3 inches
when erect. Porn stars get the job because their
penis size is rare”

Temma Ehrenfeld for PsychologyToday

Girth-wise, the average is also best for vaginal sex. Anything more than the 4.59 average is pushing it (literally) and might not be that comfortable for most women, although there are exceptions to the rule of “average is best” of course, just like for men.
Does penis size matter? We can write an entire article about what women think about penis size when it comes to sex, but suffice it to say that it’s not all just about penetration for most women. Most women derive sexual pleasure from the stimulation of the clitoris and the top part of the vagina or cervix.
It’s only the first 2 to 3 inches inside the vaginal canal that really give off most of the pleasure, plus any other parts of the body that are arousing, depending on the person. Men with larger penises need to take this into account and be careful when penetrating, asking their partners if anything hurts or if there’s anything else you can do for them.
The Boston Medical Group Telemedicine is a Men’s Health online network dedicated to research and treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation.
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7 Things: Types Of Sex Every Woman Should Have
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Forget what you heard. Dr. Shepherd sets the record straight on this one.
Finally, we’re bringing you very public answers to some of your most private questions. When sexual and vaginal health concerns arise, OB/GYN and nationally known women’s health expert Dr. Jessica Shepherd wants to ensure you have the answers you need to feel at ease. As the founder of Her Viewpoint , an online women’s health forum, she uses this outlet to focus on addressing taboo topics in a comfortable setting. Prepare to take notes!
Q: “Is there such a thing as a penis being too big for a woman to handle or a penis to vagina ratio?”
A: The answer to that question is both yes and no. 
It really depends on the anatomy of both the male and the female. The vagina is very responsive to different sizes, and it’s very elastic, and again, returns to normal size after childbirth and after sex. It really does have good ability to go back to its normal size for that individual. 
The average penis size is actually, when we’re talking about flaccid, so that’s a soft penis, is 3.5 inches and then for an erect penis it’s going to be 4.7 to 6 inches.
Some significant differences in sizes from one partner to another, for the woman, can cause some sex to be painful or uncomfortable relations during intercourse. If that’s the case, then the couple definitely need to discuss that and find out different ways that they can have intercourse that’s still enjoyable, but still accommodating for both parties.
Sexual intercourse or the experience that you have does not really have to do with penis size. There’s more to sex than just penis size, and width, and all that good stuff. There’s more, but it’s more about the connection with the person that you’re having intercourse with.
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