Princess Leia Nipples

Princess Leia Nipples


Princess Leia Nipples
Home Entertainment There’s Probably a Picture of Princess Leia’s Breasts Somewhere
Karl Smallwood loves facts and has spent the last two years listing them online.

However, he dislikes that virtually every fact dispensed by another website was on Reddit two days earlier. So he decided to head up FactFiend , to show that there's plenty of awesome stuff out there if you're willing to look for it.
We’re not going to insult anyone reading this by acting like there are people out there who have no idea who Princess Leia is. She ushered a generation of horny young men and hornier young women into adulthood with her now iconic slave outfit, an outfit it turns out used copious amounts of tape to hold actress Carrie Fisher’s breasts firmly in place.
For anyone who doesn’t know the story of how Fisher ended up rocking a more revealing outfit that the Star Wars porn parody, the legend goes that Fisher originally wanted to wear a bra under her costumes but was convinced by George Lucas that there’s no underwear in space.
Fisher begrudgingly agreed and for the entire original trilogy, let the girls do their own thing, only using a small amount of tape to keep them in place so as to not earn the film an R rating if she turned around too quickly. For the most part, while Fisher’s lack of a bra went mostly unnoticed by the cinema going public, the cast of crew never let it go. Hell there’s even a scene in Return of the Jedi where you can clearly see Harrison Ford grope Fisher while she’s pretending to be passed out.
At the end of every day of shooting, Fisher’s boob-tape needed to be removed , a time which quickly became the crew’s favourite part of the day. This prompted Fisher to jokingly suggest she auction off the right to do it to whoever flashed enough cash to make it happen, a suggestion that went over way better than she’d thought.
Seeing the entire crew basically lose their minds about the offer to rub their hands all over her naked torso kind of made Fisher a little uncomfortable, however she also felt bad about going back on her initial promise. So she compromised by walking into a nearby office and photocopying her lady lump s so everyone could enjoy them. Fisher then handed out the copies to random members of the crew, because 70’s era Carrie Fisher didn’t give a fuck.
What exactly happened to these copies and whether or not they still exist is a total mystery with even the Lost Media Wiki, which is dedicated to cataloguing, well, lost media, admitting that they no idea where they could be.

Home Babes Princess Leia Nip Slip Footage from “Return of the Jedi” Leaked

While Anna Faith has been performing (and modelling) since she was in the second grade, it was her portrayal of the Disney character Elsa...

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The trailer for the new Star Wars movie, ”The Force Awakens,” is racking up millions of views weekly. Fans have been demanding as much Star Wars as they can find. Disney is wasting no time cashing in on fan interest to recoup the multi billion-dollar expense of purchasing Lucasfilms.
Lucasfilms, the company behind the Star Wars franchise, has brought many memorable moments, sights and characters to fans. One such fan favorite moment was character Princess Leia in the slave girl outfit.
Along with the new movie, fans were promised digital re-releases of the original movies. While many began to think the digital releases were just a rumor, it seems that Disney has been hard at work to deliver on this promise. To do so, they have been sorting through all the original film reels for extra bits to include in the new digital releases, slated to hit stores this November.
One of the moments found on an original reel showed ”Slave Leia” played by Carrie Fisher having wardrobe malfunctions during the filming of Return of the Jedi . It seems that, while Industrial Light and Magic was able to bring a rebel fleet to life, they weren’t able to keep an actress’s top on or compensate for desert winds.
Although the official response to any mention of the images has been the equivalent of a blank look, here at, we are excited to hear about the images and to bring them to you. You can view a leaked uncensored screenshot of the leaked Princess Leia nip slip here .

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The only thing Lucas ever did right was tell Carrie that there are no bras in space.

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