Can A Libra Date A Libra

Can A Libra Date A Libra


Can A Libra Date A Libra
Libra And Libra Compatibility: What Happens When Two Libras Date
By Tamara Sanon — Written on Dec 18, 2020
“Opposites attract” is a common phrase in the dating world. It inspires daters to venture off and date people who are their opposites , in hopes of finding love.
But do these opposites really stay together? At first, your differences will make the relationship feel refreshing and exciting. After a while, though, the very differences that attracted you to your significant other may start to drive a wedge between you.
Some differences are good, but polar opposites seldom last because of a lack of commonalities to keep them connected. But what dictates the longevity of a relationship is the connection, communication, and the ability to compromise.
These opposites stimulate each other intellectually. They both can have those tough conversations with one another. The two Air signs have differences, but it’s their commonalities that make them a great match, in addition to their ability to compensate for the other’s shortcomings.
That doesn’t mean all Libras should pair off with a Gemini, however. In fact, a Libra could just as easily find love in the arms of another Libra.
After all, no one understands a Libra better than another Libra, right?
The mutual understanding they have for one another could be the very reason they’re attracted to each other. The Libran pair can have a long-lasting relationship if they’re willing to put in a little extra effort.
If you’re a Libra curious about what it’s like to date another Libra, here are the good (and bad) things you need to know.
Libras want to become one with their partner, so communication and quality time is very important to them. For them, it's the only way to truly get to know someone and form a strong bond.
Libras take love and commitment seriously, so they’ll both be in the relationship for the long haul. They’ll exhaust every option before even thinking about breaking up.
Yes, it’s true Libras are indecisive . Fortunately, their indecision doesn’t keep them from giving great advice.
It actually makes them think about various possibilities prior to giving advice. Libras are very balanced and diplomatic, so they give quality advice.
Some people get infuriated by the thought of their significant other flirting with other people, which is totally understandable. But Libras don’t purposely try to flirt with others when they’re in a relationship — it just happens.
Their charming and humourous personality may seem like flirting to those who don’t understand their personality.
In order to feel balanced in a relationship, Libras will only date their equal. They don’t have to be equal in regard to socio-economical class, but rather, of the same level of intellect and ambition.
Libras are people-pleasers. They always want to keep a likeable persona, so they avoid saying “no” at all costs.
If both partners struggle to say "no," they risk over-committing themselves to many tasks. This will take a negative toll on the relationship because they won’t spend as much quality time with their partner.
In order to prevent confrontation, Libras will sometimes keep their emotions to themselves. They never want to make their partner feel bad, and think that if they avoid something long enough it will go away.
In a relationship with two Libras, that means there will be a lot of unresolved issues and arguments if they don’t speak up.
Blinded by love, a Libra couple will forget to budget and save for the future.
Since Libras are ruled by Venus , they have a desire for beautiful things. They’ll spend their checks on lavish dates and gifts to spoil their significant other.
If Libra’s partner does something out of the ordinary, they’ll immediately begin to overthink and wonder what they did wrong.
It’s very important to Libra to find ways to keep the relationship balanced and improving; in doing so, they can find problems that aren’t really there and make it a big deal.
It’s really hard for Libra to be open and honest about their ugly truths. It stems from their desire to always be perceived as positive.
They also struggle believing that their partner will truly accept them at their worst, since they know how much Libras value beauty.
Tamara Sanon is a writer with a passion for covering topics about health and wellness, lifestyle, astrology, and relationships. Follow her on Instagram .
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Harmony and aesthetics are of utmost importance to Libra; two Libras together bring their magically balanced and beautiful touch to everything they do together. Libra is the Sign of Partnership; Libra loves to be in love, and two together spells relationship bliss. If they’re just dating, they spend their time at romantic movies and coffee houses; if they’re cohabiting, their house looks like an art gallery, full of the finest and loveliest of everything.
If they’re just dating, they spend their time at romantic movies and coffee houses; if they’re cohabiting, their house looks like an art gallery, full of the finest and loveliest of everything.
Libra wants everyone to love them — sometimes to a fault. They abhor conflict, and if one arises they’re apt to back down just to maintain the peace. It’s not that they’re insincere or that they don’t care, it’s that conflict makes them extremely uncomfortable. The Libra-Libra duo understands this about one another and it’s rare that either one will push the other to compromise their shared sensibilities. Libra is most balanced while in a relationship, and each of them love having someone to admire and dote upon. They’re happiest when they have someone with similar interests with whom to share their experiences.
Two Libras together share a blissful, romantic relationship full of beauty, sensuality and utter pleasure. It’s no wonder the two stay together! They spoil themselves and one another — sometimes to a fault. Too many rich foods and too much laziness can be bad for their health. Those are pleasures that prove hard to resist; both enjoy reclining and munching on a stem of grapes like the Greek goddess herself!.
They prize their mental abilities almost above all else; they enjoy intellectualism and appreciate art, films and all sorts of cultural pursuits. Persuasive, courteous and diplomatic, Libras are the fair judges of the world. Two together can use their diplomacy to smooth over almost any potential conflict with honor and decency.
Two Libras can work very well together toward any project they set their mind to.
Their incredible sense of diplomacy, kindness and shared respect for one another. These two can make a lasting love connection due to their deep, mutual understanding of one another’s loves and needs. Their commitment is likely to be great and solid.
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The author is an online writer and relationship-research enthusiast who likes sharing her experiences and advice with others.
Learn how to successfully date a Libra man as a Libra woman. These signs are compatible!
Picture this: You are a love goddess, and he is a love god. Generally, you are a physically attractive couple and both of you appreciate the finest music, food, art, and conversation that life has to offer.
On the surface, this appears to be a match made in zodiac heaven; however, with the numerous similarities in this astrological pairing, you may find the two of you are too much alike.
With that said, the Libra man and Libra woman are the lovers of the zodiac and could make a beautiful romance as long as you are willing to acknowledge your similarities and compromise on a few things. This article touches on the following 4 most important things to keep in mind and discuss to ensure a 2-Libra relationship works:
Here is a basic overview of the 4 most key things to consider both personally and with your partner if you wish to make a double Libra relationship work.
It is best to acknowledge your similarities upfront in the relationship – especially if there are any negative similarities. This will alleviate your mate being caught off guard later on in the relationship when he finds out you are lacking qualities that he wants in a woman. Both partners will be sophisticated, have refined taste, have a love of the finer things in life, and enjoy debating.
Libra men may come across as needing more time and attention than the average guy. As a Libra woman, you may have a similar quality. It is best to acknowledge this and figure out ways to work around it. Solicit help from other friends and family, rather than asking your male Libra.
Generally, attempt to keep your requests to your Libra mate to a minimum. Otherwise, your partner may start to feel inadequate if you are always asking for things that he is not accustomed to providing.
The Libra male is always looking for a partner. As the Libra woman, you should strive to view your relationship as a two-person team. All decisions made for your home should be approached as you would a team and as you would your teammates.
The Libra male can be very indecisive, and he will feel more secure and confident in his decisions if he has a teammate to help him make decisions. In a sense, the Libra male would almost prefer that his mate take the lead role in the relationship.
From the very start of the relationship, if he is truly interested he asks you to accompany him to places and you would want him to do the same for you.
The Libra male likes to pamper his significant other by cooking for her, keeping the home clean, and waiting on her, but he will eventually expect you to return the favor. With the Libra male, it’s all about balance – when he does something nice for you he doesn’t expect you to return the exact same favor; however, if he asks for your help or asks you to go out of your way for him, he will expect you to readily assist him as he has assisted you.
Now, be aware that your turn to return the favor could last for a while. After he goes out of his way for you, it could take days, weeks, or months before he feels the two of you are back in balance. During this time period, the Libra male may appear to be lazy and irresponsible, but rest assured knowing that he can’t remain off-balance for too long, and the scale will eventually tip back in your direction and give you a chance to relax.
As a Libra woman this period of imbalance will affect you just as much as it affects him, but if this is the man you desire, give him some time to even out the scale again.
Dealing with lavish spending will be an issue for the Libra male and Libra female couple. Libras are known for freely spending their hard-earned money equally on others and themselves. The Libra male tends to be very generous with his money, spending freely on his mate, his family, and his close friends. If your Libra man has not learned the fine art of money management, you will have to take the reins.
As a Libra woman, your financial decisions will be equally challenging. If your Libra mate is a lavish spender, you will have to be the one to curb your spending and try to rein in his spending habits. You can make this suggestion to your mate, but only in a respectful and helpful way, otherwise, the discussion could lead to conflict. You may have to be the one to compromise until he catches on.
First off you will want him to trust your abilities to manage money, meaning you may have to take a course or two in financial management yourself. Once his trust is established, you can start to give him some tips and advice on money management that will benefit both of you.

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Aliza Kelly is a celebrity astrologer, columnist, author, and host.

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They’re literally *the* sign of relationships.
Do you love a Libra? L’duh—of course you do! Libra wrote the book on romance ! No, seriously: Libra literally represents partnership. Symbolized by the scales, Libra is obsessed with balance , harmony, and fairness. You’ll usually find Libra linked up with a boo—it’s their favorite vibe! But not so fast: Just because Libra is ready to ’ship doesn’t mean they’re the right partner for you—or you for them. Read on to discover what it’s really like to date a Libra.
Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and values— governs two zodiac signs: Taurus and Libra . Taurus (an earth sign) manifests this physically, through indulgent, sensory experiences. Libra, on the other hand, expresses Venus’s romantic qualities in the only way an air sign knows how : intellectually. For Libra, love is an extremely cerebral experience. The fastest way to get to their heart is through their head—at the end of the day, every Libra is eager to find symmetry. So whether Libra is memorizing the formula for the golden ratio, contemplating a painting at an art gallery, or becoming some sort of fine wine sommelier, they’re committed to living the elegant, harmonious life.
But you can’t harmonize during a solo—that’s the magic of a duet! Likewise, relationships are essential for Libras: They’re happiest when they can bounce ideas off a close companion, exploring all of life’s beautiful offerings arm-in-arm with their significant other. Spending time with your Libra lover can make you feel like a cultural connoisseur—after shopping at the coolest boutiques, you may find yourself checking out an avant-garde film at Libra’s favorite underground theater. No matter how Libra plans your date night, get ready to be impressed.
Not a huge fan of French New Wave cinema? No worries! Libra doesn’t need to see eye-to-eye with their lover. Guided by the scales (fun fact: did you know that Libra is the only inanimate object in astrology?), Libra delights in counter-balancing their partner’s interests. In the words of noted Libra Avril Lavigne, “He was a punk / She did ballet / What more can I say?” There’s something ~thrilling~ about the idea of two opposing forces coming together. Simply put, it’s just another opportunity for Libra to find equilibrium!
If you’re looking for a lover who speaks in “we,” look no further than Libra. Libra is always looking for balance: the peanut butter to their jelly, the Bert to their Ernie, the cream to their peaches. This air sign understands that healthy bonds require open discourse (this is perfectly displayed in Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s candid Red Table conversation—both Jada and Will are Libras!). Relationships require hard work and likewise, Libra isn’t afraid to discuss the importance of relationships.
It’s also important to keep in mind that the symbol of the scales aren’t only used to represent Libra; they also represent the judicial system. Likewise, Libra is committed to objectivity. This air sign wants to understand all sides of a situation, weighing each perspective fairly and evenly (Kim Kardashian, a Libra, has really leaned into this vibe by pursuing a career as an attorney). Sounds ideal? Well, maybe in the courtroom. But in romantic relationships, however, this impartiality can definitely create some serious problems.
First, Libra’s nonstop balancing act makes it difficult—sometimes impossible— for Libra to make a decision. This can be especially challenging during conflict. Rather than make the “wrong choice,” Libra may try to stall or postpone the inevitable. In fact, Libra has such a hard time making a concrete decision that they often need to consult with a third party. So don’t be surprised if your Libra is constantly seeking advice from their friends or family: This is a critical part of their decision-making process.
Another aspect to Libra’s impartiality is that they hate playing favorites. It wouldn’t be fair if only certain people received special treatment! As a social creature, it’s very important to Libra that they’re well-liked by everyone. In the context of a monogamous relationship, however, that can be a pretty major issue: Libra’s insatiable desire to maintain connections means that Libra’s lover isn't given any preferential treatment compared to their other close companions. What’s more, Libra is known to be quite flirtatious—not because they intend to do anything deceitful… they just love to flaunt their signature charm! So, if you’re the type of lover who demands undivided attention ( I’m looking at you, Cancer ), you’ll need to consider whether partnering with a Libra is the right choice.
Libras are the aesthetes of the zodiac; they’re obsessed with anything ~refined~. Libra sees their lover as a precious work of art…or at least some fine arm candy. It’s no surprise that Libras are allured by elegant sophistication. Seduce your Libra lover with dinner at your town’s most unique molecular gastronomy experience (also known as a restaurant), followed by tickets to an avant-garde play, and
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