Commentary: CINO (Conservative in Name Only) Matt Walsh Pledges Allegiance to the Eugenicist Myth That Teenage Adults are Children

Commentary: CINO (Conservative in Name Only) Matt Walsh Pledges Allegiance to the Eugenicist Myth That Teenage Adults are Children

Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: Despite the lies and hysteria of USA's bipartisan anti-life cult: teenage adults are not children.
  • Tags: arrested development, perennial youth, slave state

Video Title: Father Shoots and Kills Stalker of TikTok Star Teen Daughter



"No 14-year-old can appropriately weigh the good against the bad and consistently make reasonable decisions based on that calculation" (9:00). Meanwhile, as a matter of plenty U.S. law: 14-year-olds are adults, not children. One example is Alaska Statute § 25.05.171 (2018), which allows judges to let adults as young as 14 marry–even without their parents' "consent." Then, with the U.S. Constitution's "full faith and credit" clause (U.S. Constitution, article IV, section 1): that marriage would be valid in any state wherein the 14-year-old married adult would choose to live. This is why every single U.S. state that has a law prohibiting a teenage adult from choosing to have sex–every such law provides an exception for teenage adults who are married (i.e., the demographic which, statistically, births the healthiest babies).

All around the the USA, laws allow teenage adults to have sex, marry, and have children. Of course, leftists and CINOs in the USA and beyond hardly notice this–because politically pretending that teenage adults are children is every bit as popular as pretending that mutilated males are females, or that mutilated females are males. And the goal is the same: eugenics, i.e., politically controlled breeding.

Since the mid-20th century, a generation of kid-killers has infantilized millions who came after them–then cited the infantilization as "immaturity" to corruptly justify outlawing the normal sexuality of young adults. One social consequence of this corruption is historically low marriage-rates among teenage adults. One political consequence of this corruption is the routine inclusion of "teen pregnancy" alongside murder and rape as the worst of social problems. Meanwhile, and regardless the myths of modern kid-killing eugenicists: sex between young adults is normal–because parenthood among young adults is normal. However, infantilizing young adults is not normal. These simple and observable facts are obvious to everyone except (a) eugenicists, and (b) those foolish to believe eugenicists.

–Dr. Floyd

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