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It operates on the public health frontline, providing safe and sterile injecting equipment and non-judgemental, confidential support. Jo Murphy, a Needle and Syringe Program Worker with Anglicare at Watchorn Street in Hobart, says there are clients who regularly drop in to collect the equipment they need to inject drugs safely. We have regular clients from south of Hobart including as far away as Bruny Island. While overdose can occur with an illicit drug such as heroin, most overdoses are caused by opioid-based prescription medicines that depress the central nervous system, such as morphine, codeine, tramadol, buprenorphine and methadone. The risk of overdose increases if multiple central nervous system depressants are taken, including opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines. Naloxone comes in a number of different formulations including Nyxoid, an easy-to-use nasal spray that is administered after an opioid overdose. Its effects last for 30 — 90 minutes, giving people time to seek urgent medical help. Figures provided by the Tasmanian Department of Health indicate more than kits have been distributed around the State at participating NSPs. Anglicare has received a grant from the Tasmanian Department of Health to trial the distribution of free fentanyl testing strips at its NSPs. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid originally developed to assist cancer patients cope with severe pain. Increasing evidence indicates it is now being used as an additive to illicit drugs that sit outside the opioid family, such as cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamines. Jo said many people who use drugs are not aware of the composition of the substance they are taking — which can be deadly. This was not their usual reaction. Fentanyl is commonly used as a cutting agent in heroin. The testing strips can detect the presence of fentanyl in any drug batch of pills, powder or injectables. If the test shows fentanyl contamination the person can then make an informed decision on whether to go ahead or not. This may be life-saving. NSP team members are available to provide support about any aspect of drug use, on request. On this day we remember people who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends who are left behind. We marked the day with crane-folding activities and memorial displays. For more information, visit the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs website. Check this article to find out more about how to detect signs of an overdose and what you should do. Click the button below to visit our contact page. Safe, welcoming and innovative August 31, Enquire online Contact us Please fill in this form and a representative of Anglicare will reply to your message within two working days. Be sure to provide your complete contact details so we can respond to you. Click the button below to visit our contact page Contact us Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Or, if you'd prefer to email us directly Email us Or, phone us on All Rights Reserved.
Safe, welcoming and innovative
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Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. A promising treatment that uses MDMA could help people suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychologists have occasionally given people psychedelic drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms to induce altered states, in an attempt to treat mental illness. Today, many of those drugs are illegal, but if clinical trials testing their efficacy yield positive results, a handful could become prescription medicines in the next decade. The furthest along in this process is MDMA — a drug sold illegally as ecstasy or Molly — which is showing promise in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. Last week, at the Psychedelic Science conference in Oakland, California, researchers presented unpublished results from phase II trials involving a total of people diagnosed with PTSD. The trial treatment involved a combination of psychotherapy and MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The agency recommended that the researchers move forward with phase III trials, the final stage before potential approval of the drug. At the conference, researchers affiliated with the non-profit organization that is sponsoring the trials, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies MAPS in Santa Cruz, California, presented some of their latest resutls. They used a cinically validated scale that assesses PTSD symptoms such as frequency of nightmares and anxiety levels. Researchers leading those trials are now training a cadre of therapists to deliver a form of psychotherapy tailored for use with MDMA, in preparation for the phase III trials. They consider this component essential. And up to half of participants enrolled in clinical trials to treat PTSD fail to respond to therapies including serotonin-reuptake inhibitors — a class of drugs often used as antidepressants — and cognitive behavioural therapy. PTSD treatment commonly involves getting a patient to repeatedly recall traumatic events, to extinguish the fear associated with the experience 1. But that method can fail if patients can't describe the memory because they have walled it off. Other people have such a charged emotional response that the recollection causes harm. In the s, scientists demonstrated in rodents and humans that MDMA was reasonably safe when taken a few times in a controlled setting. Studies suggest that MDMA reduces the fear response 1 , and triggers the release of serotonin and other neurotransmitters that induce a feeling of well-being 2. In this way, individuals may recall events multiple times, in detail, without panicking. The researchers will spend this year training therapists from 14 clinics across North America and Israel to deliver the MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. Two therapists supervise the patient while he or she is under the influence of the drug; this lasts five to eight hours for MDMA. During his conference presentation, Mithoefer played a video of a former US marine under the influence of MDMA recounting the time his military jeep exploded during a tour in Iraq. The soldier, positioned on a narrow bed between Mithoefer and his wife Annie, a psychiatric nurse, describes the panic that accompanies his memories. Kilpatrick, D. Trauma Stress 26 , Article Google Scholar. Vollenweider, F. Neuropsychopharmacology 19 , Download references. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. The mental-health crisis among migrants Oct Magic-mushroom drug lifts depression in first human trial May Vaccine hope for post-traumatic stress Jun No link found between psychedelics and psychosis Mar MDMA keeps severe stress at bay Nov Party drug could ease trauma long term Apr Reprints and permissions. Maxmen, A. Psychedelic compound in ecstasy moves closer to approval to treat PTSD. Nature Download citation. Published : 28 April Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. Download PDF. Subjects Biochemistry Post-traumatic stress disorder Psychology Therapeutics. Psychedelic drugs could soon help people, including soldiers, who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder with the pain of recalling traumatic memories. Therapeutic sweet spot. References Kilpatrick, D. Article Google Scholar Vollenweider, F. Authors Amy Maxmen View author publications. Related links Related links Related links in Nature Research The mental-health crisis among migrants Oct Magic-mushroom drug lifts depression in first human trial May Vaccine hope for post-traumatic stress Jun No link found between psychedelics and psychosis Mar MDMA keeps severe stress at bay Nov Party drug could ease trauma long term Apr Related external links. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions. About this article. Cite this article Maxmen, A. Copy to clipboard. Search Search articles by subject, keyword or author. Show results from All journals This journal. Advanced search. Close banner Close. Email address Sign up. 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Psychedelic compound in ecstasy moves closer to approval to treat PTSD
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