Boost asio udp

Boost asio udp

Boost asio udp

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Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you have been placed in read-only mode. I am writting a program with QtCreator which is intended to receive UDP data from the source sending about 20 MBps on the local machine for the time being. At the begininig of my project I used QUdpSocket object but I realized that it was to slow and can NOT keep up to receive so many data. Some online forums I was confirmed that it is true - QUdpSocket is slow and I was advised to use boost:: I connected it to QtCreator and wrote code on the tutorial http: Hovever I have some problems. The structure of Qt project is not adequate to the code from the tutorial. The second condition else is performed and prints error - More data is available. What does it mean? Where did I make an error? Could someone help me? Is it true that QUdpSocket is such slow? Your question seems to be about boost not Qt. Write two different programs, where one uses QUdpSocket and the other uses boost:: See if you notice any difference. Qt Documentation Search Google Chrome: Looks like something went wrong! Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Hi everybody, I am writting a program with QtCreator which is intended to receive UDP data from the source sending about 20 MBps on the local machine for the time being. Thanks for your help in advance. Reply Quote 0 0 Replies Last reply. Hi, Your question seems to be about boost not Qt. Could anyone answer me? Loading More Posts 4 Posts. Reply Reply as topic.

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