Blockchain for the benefit of mankind

Blockchain for the benefit of mankind

How we make ICO

The FLOGmall Company has created an electronic platform that allows anyone, regardless of his status and wealth, to become a benefactor.

"When we created the FLOGmall project, we thought about the global possibilities of the crypto industry. The conversation turned to how and why the blockchain technology can be useful in the global sense. Everyone says that if each person gives one ruble to help, eventually the needy will get a million. But nobody wants to give this ruble. We came up with a platform, on which nothing and no one needs to be given but the help will come to the address, «Alexey Khayrutdinov, the FLOGmall founder, says.

We hear the appeals to help very often. Many ordinary people, which are not millionaires and "stars", want to do this, but they do not have such an opportunity. The team of FLOGmall has created a website, simply by visiting which any person can become a "kind angel". To help, you do not need to spend your money. The user just opens the website and leaves the computer or phone turned on for any time that is acceptable for him - it is not a minute, it is an hour or a whole night. Each user becomes a link in the general chain, and the crypto currency is mined without the use of special equipment and the third-party resources, creating the necessary capacity due to mass. Thanks to the technology of blockchain, the transactions occur without intermediaries and are devoid of the human factor - they are absolutely transparent and understandable. Enumerations are published publicly, and any user can perform a check. Thanks to this, people can be sure that every ruble will reach the recipient and will be used only for the intended purpose.

The website is now at the final stage of completion and the company is negotiating for cooperation with one of the largest charitable foundations of our country - Chulpan Hamatova Fund "Give Life".

A similar system has already begun work on a foreign website. However, for cooperation with a third-party resource, special expensive equipment is needed there. UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, on February 2, presented to the world community a charity format with participation of crypto-currency miners. They launched a new fundraising campaign, under the program for the protection of children in Syria, entitled "Gaimer Chaingers". In the course of it, the funds will be attracted by means of mining.

Recall that the blockchain technology itself slowly goes to our country on the legal level. Last weekend Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, publicly announced that the Chechen Petroleum Authority was one of the first in Russia to start using the technology of a distributed database. Thus, the new technology will soon not simply "take root" in the Russian market, but also bring real benefits to a huge number of people.

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