Who made FLOGmall as it is now, and how we came to this. Part 1

Who made FLOGmall as it is now, and how we came to this. Part 1

How we make ICO

Let's move step-by-step to an exciting story about the first steps!

The trick for journalists is in good title, the point for deputies in campaign speech full of promise, and we have our own chip in a top-quality groundwork. Not the groundwork where some careless workers are promised to be rolled up (we don’t have any of that), but the groundwork that determines the successful accomplishment of the whole building project with living-rooms and toilet facilities at the initial phase.

Let's talk a little about the name. These are the yellow letters that you see on each of our photo publication.

Yes, it's not just the combination of alphabetical definitions taken separately, you can add them together into two specific words. You should understand that it's not all that simple. There is a challenge: to display deep, fine mental organization of the enterprise and find a free domain (it's a needle in a haystack, beginner Eminem in the rap industry!).

Mall is referred to a shopping center, trading platform. You often hear in American TV shows examples of usage: "today we will go to the mall with friends."
Your name shapes your destiny – thought our founders and decided to add FLOG to mall. In American slang it means to sell, especially quickly or cheaply.

"Is it provocation?", you may ask. "Yes, it is a provocation", we will respond to you.

Russian cryptoindustry is still in unsure situation, but it is in awkward age. The point-blank question is the legalization of the cryptocurrency.

"Can we spend?", ask the miners. "Wait a little longer," the laws answer.

FLOGmall took the responsibility to launch the unique format of commercial platform, where with the help of private announcements you can sell even old alarm clock, which lived out its career for such desired crypt. We have already discussed it in layperson terms and will do it again.

Well, now do you understand the pun?

Today just in a few words, tomorrow you’ll have a unique opportunity to find out how four guys, relying only on their eight hands, intuition and diligence, create such a project and win the hearts of partners from China.

See you next time!

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