Black Demon Sex Stories

Black Demon Sex Stories


Black Demon Sex Stories
Unholy Desires 7   

(sequel: 'Unholy Desires 8')

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Wife given to neighbor over a misunderstanding.
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Elderly, Elmer Jefferson was telling his much younger neighbor, Bob Adams, about his theory of Mother Nature and women. "I'm telling you the truth, there's no difference in the two. That's why she's called Mother earth. You drop seeds into the ground, fertilize them, and plants grow. A woman drops a fertile seed each and every month. A male must germinate it to make a baby grow. Now, I ask you. What's the difference? They all begin with a seed and they all must be fertilized."
"For one thing, a woman is different. Kayla and I have been trying for the last two years to have a baby. The doctor says nothing is wrong with either of us, but her seed has never been fertilized. Mother Earth would have a forest growing by now." Bob ashamedly answered.
"There's probably some other reason you haven't thought about. They say you can try too hard. It could be size, or, the amount of your fertilizer. If you're not very big, most of it runs down your shaft and onto the sheets. Did you know those microscopic boogers have to swim and find her seed. For one to swim an inch, would be like you swimming a mile. To make matters worse, they swim in all directions. Now, if your shaft is large and you have a longer dick, you give them a ride to their destination. With a strong ejaculation, you've put them at home plate and all one of them has to do is touch it. Voila! A baby is on the way."
"I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm in the small size category. I don't ejaculate, I dribble." Bob said. "But, I can dribble every night. How in hell did we get on this subject, anyway?"
"You are the one that started about fertilizing Kayla's garden, such as it is. That evolved to fertilizing the vegetable garden outside and then to the love garden between her legs. I've got just the thing to help with her backyard garden, there in the tool shed. Let me pull it out for you." Opening the shed door, Elmer pulled out an old rototiller that looked to be a hundred years old. "This, my friend, is my black beauty. The first time my Sarah saw it over thirty years ago, she said, "that's a black beauty. I've called it that ever since."
"My God! Where in the hell did you get that old thing?" Bob exclaimed.
"An old black tool for an old black man. For a man that's too cheap to buy one of these, you shouldn't bad mouth my beauty. It may be old, but it will damn sure get the job done." answered Elmer. "I won't loan it to you, but, I can come over and do the job for her."
"I can't let you do that! That thing's too big for a woman to handle. Isn't it?" asked Bob.
"Shit no! My wife used it for years, God rest her soul, and she wasn't much bigger than your wife. Those big wheels make it so easy, a child could do it. What are you thinking, anyway? Among other things, you lazy too?" Elmer wondered aloud. "I'm going to do this for Kayla, not you."
"Well, this will be the third year she has tried growing a vegetable garden. For two years, I've dug it up with a shovel. She has probably never even seen one of these things. Is it possible you would bring it over and show her how to handle it? She could do the work and you could see that she doesn't bury your old black beauty deep in the dirt. I'm too busy to mess with something that's more trouble than its worth."
"It's a deal. Remember, after we till it once, you have to spread all those bags of cow manure. Then, we'll till it again. You can do that much, can't you? Now, what are you going to do about your more personal problem?" Elmer asked.
"I don't know. I've mentioned artificial insemination, but she won't hear of it. I wish we had a good friend that could help me out. I'm too scared to even bring that up." Bob was ashamed to even talk about such an embarrassing situation.
"We're good friends and if I can do anything to help, just ask. Kayla and I talk and gossip a little almost everyday. Sometimes, she makes some kind of Chinese tea and invites me over to have a cup. We sit on the porch and ramble on about nothing. I've never seen a young lady that shows more kindness and respect to an older person than your wife. If I was forty years younger, I'd take her away from you." Elmer laughed.
The object of this conversation was cleaning house and had raised the bedroom window. She could see the two men talking in the yard next door. Being busy, she never paid much attention to them. Kayla was a twenty four year old Chinese, soon to be American. Standing one inch over five feet and weighing ninety eight pounds, she was constantly attempting to gain that elusive two pounds. Wearing one of Bob's long tee shirts while cleaning, sweat beads were running down her chest and dripping from her dark nipples, wetting the shirt.
Suddenly, she was listening when Elmer said something about showing his big old thing. Worse yet, Bob telling Elmer to let her feel and handle it, and if she thought it was too big, not to force her to do it. Then, hearing Elmer telling Bob that his own wife had used it for years, and had even called it black beauty. Could they possibly be talking about what it sounded like? Was her husband offering to let old Elmer have sex with her? Had Bob gotten that desperate to get her pregnant? She ran from the room to escape those awful words.
Kayla's mind was filled with a hundred different thoughts. How could he expect her to agree with something like this? Why hadn't he even discussed it with her first? Was she just someone that could be passed from one man to another? What am I going to do...Leave? Where would I go?
Kayla heard Bob come in and was at a loss of what to say. She need not have worried, since he went into the computer room. "Honey, I have to work on a report I need tomorrow morning. It'll take a couple of hours. I've got a surprise for you! We'll talk about it later." Bob yelled, as he shut his door.
Later that evening, Bob asked. "Honey, why are you so quiet? Something wrong?"
Kayla had calmed down and was prepared to listen to her husband."I don't know if anything is wrong, or not. I overheard part of your conversation with Elmer this afternoon."
"That's great!" Bob exclaimed. "That's the surprise I was going to tell you about. I'm glad you're not upset about it. I know how you never want to try anything new, but here, we have different customs. It's okay for a neighbor to help a neighbor." Bob was thinking about having to dig up that damn garden with a hoe and shovel. After the last two years, he wasn't anxious to do it a third time. Kayla believed everything should be done by hand, a belief shared by her ancestors for a thousand years. Bob continued with, " I've done it for two years and I'm admitting defeat. Pride be damned, I finally asked Elmer for help. He has more experience and the equipment to get it done. Just wait until you see the size of that old thing."
For a moment Kayla was speechless. "You mean he showed his thing to you"?
"Sure, he pulled it out for me to see this afternoon and all he could do was brag about it. His wife even called it her black demon. He said she loved it for thirty years."
Kayla was amazed that Bob was being so casual about her having sex with another man to get her pregnant. Is giving him a child important enough to throw away all I believe in? When in Rome, do as the Romans. Is that what I should do? I was told by my mother to always obey my husband. Is this one of those times?
"When is this surprise supposed to happen?" Kayla asked.
"Tomorrow, if you don't mind." Bob was happy she seemed agreeable. "Elmer said he would come over early and have a cup of tea with you and work out the details on when you want to get started. Just remember honey, after you see his old demon, if you don't want to handle it, you don't have to. You know Elmer, he's not going to force you, and I'm not either. I hope you put your old fashioned ideals to rest and accept mine. If you decide not to, I'll try to figure out something else."
Kayla spent a restless night, but, finally came to the conclusion that maybe she could try it one time. She knew and trusted Elmer. At least, Bob didn't ask a stranger. Elmer was in his sixties and black. Maybe, he won't even be capable of sex. Him being black didn't seem to make a difference to Bob. Giggling, she thought, maybe, Bob's color blind.
Old Elmer didn't sleep so well, either. He kept going over the strange conversation with his neighbor. Was Bob asking him to
impregnate his young wife? When he said he wished he had a friend to do it, was he hinting for me to be the one? He's too
scared and wants me to bring it up with Kayla? All I can do is wait and see what develops. Finally going to dreamland, Elmer's
dreams were filled with his large cock pounding the young Chinese beauty's tight pussy.
The glorious beginning of a new week! One goes off to his office, blissfully unaware that through a misunderstanding, his
wife will spend the day fucking another man. A young innocent wife, nervously awaiting to perform her duty, as an obedient wife should, but, just as determined not to enjoy one second of it. An elderly widower, silently praying to have one last chance to fuck the brains out of a young woman.
Elmer had decided not to take the rototiller next door, until he had talked to Kayla and saw which way the wind was blowing.
She met Elmer at the door, before he could knock, and said, "Come on to the kitchen for a cup of hot tea. I think we have things to talk about." Kayla was determined to get this ordeal done and over with as soon as possible. "I know you and Bob have agreed to allow you to impregnate me. I'm willing, as long as I'm not expected to be an active participant. I'll lay there and let you fill me with your seed and that's the end of it. Is that agreeable with you?"
Elmer couldn't believe what he was hearing. His first thought was, Thank you Jesus! I've just been given permission to fuck this young wife! He knew he had to be careful, or she might change her mind. "Sorry to disappoint you, but, that's not how it works. If you don't enjoy what happens, then neither will I. You agree to allow me to take control and we will each be satisfied with the results. Another thing, you may not get pregnant the first time. After today, you may have to agree for several more sessions. If you don't enjoy the first time, you're not going to be willing to do that."
"More than once? I never thought about that!" Kayla exclaimed. Kayla was furious with herself for not thinking about that. She should have known life couldn't be so simple. What to do do now! Deciding to agree and thinking of Elmer's age and his stamina, she didn't believe he could perform all that often, anyway. "Okay. We'll see how the first time goes and decide later."
"Lets finish our tea and toast. You go into the bedroom first, undress and wait for me. I'll undress out here, so you're not embarrassed this first time. Draw the drapes, so it's darker if you are uncomfortable with the light. Does that sound okay with you?"
"By the time Kayla had undressed, drawn the drapes and thrown a sheet over her naked body, Elmer was standing in the doorway. She couldn't help looking toward him. Seeing his light brown profile, she noticed a much darker shadow between his legs. Knowing his manhood couldn't be that large, Kayla believed is was a trick of the light. Before she could even think about it, Elmer was beside her under the sheet.
No words were spoken as Elmer wrapped her in his strong arms. She thought of turning her head as his lips searched for hers. Keeping her lips pressed together, she allowed his thick lips to cover her own. Elmer's tongue was gently probing, when she parted her lips and let him enter her mouth. Kayla was aware how gently, but, firmly he had gotten his way. She was surprised that she actually enjoyed this man kissing her. Not having ever kissed another since meeting Bob, she was not prepared for the erotic feeling coursing through her body.
Elmer wanted to mount this young woman and ram his cock up her pussy, but, his instincts told him to go slow, or he would lose any chance of a repeat performance. He had already cupped her small firm breasts in his work hardened hand. Elmer had felt a slight stiffening of her body when his hand had slightly squeezed her small firm breasts for the first time. Feeling her relax, he slowly kissed her throat and down to the first object on his way to paradise.
Kayla was torn between her decision not to receive any pleasure, and the unknown excitement of having a man other than her husband touching her. When he sucked one of her breasts into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hard nipple, she gasped from the sudden pleasure and the sudden jolt that seemed to arrow straight for her pubic area. Kayla was thinking, so much for no pleasure!
Feeling Kayla's surrender to his ministrations on her breasts, Elmer trailed his fingers down her stomach and to her thighs. He could feel her tense again, as he got close to her mound of love. Backing off, he continued to stroke and caress her inner and outer thighs. After a few more minutes of tongue lashing her proud breasts, Elmer's tongue followed his hands toward his final destination. Kissing and wetly licking her stomach with each downward movement, he still never touched her pussy. Kissing her inner thighs, he had a birds eye view of the most beautiful pussy imaginable. The labia was tightly closed and there was a tiny tuft of hair just above her slightly protruding clit, which was peeping from under its hood. Strangely, it crossed Elmer's mind that it was shy.
Kayla's body was on fire! Elmer's arms had gotten under her hips and her legs were spread wide on his shoulders. His tongue and fingers were driving her into a frenzy. Only with the greatest effort had she kept from screaming at him to lick her pussy! Whatever was wrong with him? Suddenly, her wishes were realized, as he placed a thumb on each side of her labia and spread her lips. She felt his tongue snake out and flick her clit, then slowly brushing up and down, before flicking it rapidly again. His thick lips completely covered her mound, and he began sucking her love bud, as if it was a small dick. Suddenly, Elmer stabbed his tongue inside, thrusting, fucking her tight pussy with his big thick tongue. Kayla lost all control and convulsed in her first climax. She clenched Elmer's head as her body shuddered and quivered. As she finally came down from the first climax ever, by another besides her husband. Shame and embarrassment assailed her for being unfaithful to her wedding vows.
Elmer, slowly worked his way back up her sweat covered body, until his lips again met hers. He held her gently, caressing and comforting her. He raised up on his stiffened arms and she felt him reach down between his legs. Up until now, Kayla had never felt nor seen his manhood, except for shadow. Now, she tilted her head and looked down. She could not believe the length or thickness of his dick. Her legs were spread wide and her labia was still open. Taking hold of the shaft, Elmer brushed it up and down in her slick opening.
Just as Kayla whimpered. "No! It's too big." The big head pushed into her slit. Her spread lips began swallowing his huge monster, slowly, inch by inch. Her eyes got wider, mesmerized, as the walls of her love canal stretched, making way for his monster. Kayla thought to herself that this was all a dream, and she wasn't being filled by this powerful black baby maker. Watching it pulse and throb, Kayla was convinced it had a life of its own. Elmer pulled her hips toward him, as he forced more and more into her slick little cunt. When their pubic mounds slammed together, Kayla's head fell back onto the pillow. A great gulp of air escaped from her mouth. Without being aware, she had been holding her breath the entire time of her impalement.
When Elmer had fed his entire cock into this small tight pussy, he paused to give her time to adjust. This was the first time she had been truly filled in her life. He flicked his dick a few times as he held her tightly. When he felt it move, he knew the adjustment was complete. Beginning with slow, short strokes, Elmer was finally fucking this most desirable young Chinese wife.
Kayla felt Elmer's huge dick throb deep inside her body. It seemed to be moving up and down by itself. She was more certain than ever that it had a life of its own. He began with short thrusts, then longer, and longer still. Each down stroke seemed to pull her overly sensitive clitoris inside her labia. The friction against her clit was already driving her wild. Not able to control herself, Kayla wrapped her legs around Elmer's thighs. Now, she had the leverage to move her hips and meet him, thrust for thrust.
Each time, feeling his cock deep inside, she knew it was impossible, but, she wanted more! God! What had happened to her in the space of a few minutes? The feeling was...was indescribably delicious! Thats the only words she could think of at the moment.
Elmer continued slamming his long strokes into her young body. Her excitement and moaning was contagious, and he knew his climax was fast approaching. Trying to control himself, he wanted her to orgasm first, knowing her satisfaction came first. Her gyrations were too much for Elmer and he felt the first wad of his huge load shoot from his cock like a cannon ball.
Kayla's body was on fire as she felt the heat in her body spreading throughout her being. She was aware of his large dick getting even larger. Then, a scalding liquid splashed against her uterus. That sensation was the final event that set her off. Her back arched, her legs stiffened, beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. From deep within a primal scream began and found its way out, as a long screeching moan of pure pleasure. Elmer shot load after load of his potent seed and her orgasm continued, until the last drop had entered her body. Afterwards, Kayla collapsed like a limp rag doll, completely spent.
Finally, when Elmer rolled off her body and lay beside her, they were both speechless. Kayla grew uncomfortable after she felt a large pool of liquid forming under her shapely butt.
"I've got to go clean up." She groaned.
"I've got to crawl home and rest." Elmer joked. "Can I come over for tea in the morning?"
"Only if you come early!" Kayla smiled.
Later in the day, Elmer decided to go over and till up their garden, since that was what he was supposed to do in the first place. Kayla never made an appearance, and he figured she was still sleeping.
When Bob parked in the driveway, he could see that Kayla and Elmer had gotten the garden area tilled. Bob was proud of his old fashioned young wife. Entering the living room, he saw his wife dozing on the sofa. She sat up and smiled as he leane
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