Sister Ballbusting Stories

Sister Ballbusting Stories


Sister Ballbusting Stories

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by NeedMoreBallbusting
on Jul 27, 2020

by JingleheimerSchmidt
on Oct 6, 2014


This will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them.
Will be trying to add new chapters often. Also if you are going to add a new section to the story or a story branch don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish. What's next?
Home invasion

Guidelines and Introduction.
(Please keep all characters involved in erotic acts at least 18 years or older.)
The setting will be somewhere in the late 2040s.
A new sexually transmitted disease was engineered.
It only effected the offspring of the carrier, but it would cause about a 30-40% chance the females infected would give birth to a hermaphrodite. Not...

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her...

I was once a maid. A pretty good maid at that! Granted the maid service I worked at was more of a glorified fetish center and t was fully expected I sleep with the person renting me, but hey, it helped pay through college.
I know most people just work at strip clubs or something, and I could have done it easily based on the fact I know my dick was bigger th...

Everybody loves Halloween! Y'know, except people without souls of course.
While I don't go trick or treating anymore (cause I'm no longer 8), I do always make it a point to go to a party, and the parties are always perfect if you dress for the part.
See, last year I dressed up as a really horny werewolf. I had a fur suit all over my body, excep...

You and your brother, Mike were really excited for this weekend because your parents don't usually leave you alone. They also left you in charge because you are the oldest. Mike was always your best buddy and you always ganged up on your sister to have the majority whenever there was a decision to make. Emma , your sister didn't seem excited for the weekend...

I heard my sister saying good bye to our parents from the livingroom. They are going away for the weekend, leaving me and Bella home alone.
*Bang* the door finally closed.
"Finally all alone" Bella said when she entered the livingroom.
I was laying on the couch watching some bad show.
"Yeah awesome, you better not call your girlfriends over, b...

It's your younger sister Triss's birthday today and you have been making rude pranks all day today, by the end of the night you made her slip on a slippery buttered floor and fall,
"Fuck you!" Triss slammed her door behind her and layed in her bed crying.
"I'm wish I could fucking destroy his nuts..." She muttered while falling asleep.Wha...

The time had come for the yearly Ballbusting Tournament. Since the division of men and women, the Ballbusting Tournament was the only chance they had to show who the superior sex was.
Everyone wanted to partake in the Ballbusting Tournament to bring glory to their sex and if not glory, what would be better than to show everyone who was ultimately superior.

You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament!
You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female!
Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles an...

1500 hours
London, UK.
Jamie bond stepped into the SIS building and headed towards the elevators. As she walked through the Christmas-themed lobby, she started thinking about her newest assignment.
M hadn't given her any details. She'd just told her that she was to report to HQ straight away, and that she shouldn't worry about the assignment, as...

[We meet our two announcers; Dan and Elly. Dan is a short, blond man who always seems nervous. Elly is a tall, big breasted brunette who likes to joke about castrating Dan.]
E: Welcome back to the Ballbusting Olympics. I'm Elly and this is my co-host Dan. Now that the opening ceremonies are over, its time to have a moment of silence.
D: Please take this mome...

Sei un giovane studente di medicina ed abiti in un campus universitario popolato, ad eccezione tua, da sole donne. è una calda giornata di maggio, indossi una maglietta e un pantaloncino leggero che lascia perfettamente trasparire la voluminosità delle tue gonadi. L'afa è tanta che non riesci a portare neanche le mutande, e i tuoi testicoli grossi come uova...

You are sitting in your apartment with your beautiful girlfriend, Kara. She's 5' 5", slender build, C-Cup boobs, and a nice firm ass. She's a natural Brunette, with glowing Amber eyes, which compliment her sun-tanned skin. It's a fairly cool summer's day and the two of you are cuddled on your couch in your underwear, picking through Netflix hoping to fi...

New Horizons University of Female Supremacy (New Horizons for short) was founded by a group of rich and powerful women who were fed up with the chauvinism and toxic masculinity that permeated other tertiary establishments especially the Ivy League.
So to ensure that their daughters would have bright futures and that their sons would not grow up to be misogyn...

Ben was fucking his sister Sue and enjoying it. They had been at it for a while and Ben had popped his nuts off three times already, spraying his sister’s tits and face with his cum as he ejaculated on her. He didn’t mind cumming inside her, but she got sloppy wet, and he wanted to fuck her a few more times.
He was pounding her doggystyle this time. Sue had...

Your girlfriend, megan, finally convinced you to enter the competitions shes been watching on the internet. There are multiple types of games, almost all of them involving some form of ballbusting or cuntbusting. You remember watching a few with her where the girls and guys got turns kicking each other in the crotch, and the first one to fall down had to rec...

You were walking in the rain. You'd just brought a porno about dominant women. You went to get a taxi cab. There were two people already in there. A gypsy came by and tried to get in.
"Can you make room?" she asked.
"Sorry, lady, it's filled," you said. You told the driver to drive. She muttered some gypsy curse at you.
You get home and t...

In a small southern town lives a quiet suburban family, unlike the other families in the neighbourhood this family lives by a specific set of rules. The most prominent of these rules is that all Male members of the family must be naked at all times.
Astrid: 38yo the mother and a local politian with goals of spreading her families values to the com...

Note: Please add to this story as much as you wish, and however you wish. You cannot make it overly violent.
You must be of age to read this story. This is a completely fictional story. It is devoid of any actual feminist or political agenda, it is simply exploring the fetish of female on male domination.
It’s a normal day in late spring in the classroom of...

You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?


Ballbusting World

1st ballbusting story, mother/sister busting

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In the early summer my family always went to the lake together. This summer was no different, except that my mother and sister decided to go down a couple of days earlier.

I had nothing better to do, so, interested in what could happen in their company, I decided to join them. We arrived fairly late into the night. As we were unloading the

car, we realized my bag was left at home. "Nothing to worry about, the rest of the family is coming up in couple of days - and you can borrow our clothes until then".

Nothing unusual happend on that first night, but the next day is one I will never forget. I awoke, as I usually did, late in the afternoon. No one was around in the public

rooms, so I made my way down to the lake. As I approached the end of the dock I saw my mother and sister both sunbathing in their two piece swimsuits. My mother was a short

lady with large breasts and a plump ass, while my sister a lean, athletic girl with a smoking body, a beautiful face, shoulder-length brown hair, and nice little b-cup

tits. My sister lay flat on her stomach over a towel, with her top undone, while she lazily soaked up the sun. My mother laid on her back, reclined in a lawn chair, reading

her book; the strands of her top were undone, dangiling across her arms and revealing most of her chest. As I came close, my mom asked if Id like to take the boat out

skiing. I reminded her that I left my bag, and thus had no swimsuit. "Nonsense", she replied, "you can borrow one of suits". At this my sister, grinning, glanced towards my

mother and me. " thanks" I replied. "Have it your way" my mother said, and returned to her book. I meandered back to the cabin to find something to do. I soon got

bored, and wondered into my sister's room to check out her suit. Going through her clothes, I got aroused and headed for the bathroom. The door had no lock so I decided to

use the shower to relieve myself. I took off my clothes, turned on the hot water, and started thinking about my sister on her stomach, sunbathing with her top off. I then

thought of her rolling on her back, still topless, exposing her gorgeous body to me. I finished my business, turned off the shower, and went to grab my towel. "Agh, dammit"

I said, "she forgot to put in the towels". I then noticed that on the rack in the bathroom where I had placed my clothes, my only pair of clothes, hung the bottoms to my

sister's swimsuit. I knocked on the inside of the bathroom door and yelled "Hey!". "Yeeesss?" my mom replied coyly, much to the bemusement of my sister. "Were are my

clothes?!" "We left you a suit. There is no reason for you to sit up in the cabin because you wont were a perfectly good swimsuit! Now come out or we are coming in!" I

pulled up my sister's suit bottoms over my package and checked myself in the mirror. I could clearly see the outline of my penis head and the rough circle of my ballsack.

Oh well I said, and decided not to think about it at risk of getting a hard on. I opened the bathroom door like I was ripping off a bandaid, and briskly walked out, trying

to inconsipicuosly cover myself with my gait. Immediately both my mother and sister stared down at my groin and started hysterically laughing. I fled as fast as I could

walk, still pretending to have my pride, straight down to the dock. In an attempt to hide my embarresment and maintain my nonsclant attitude, I jumped into the lake for a

swim. Of course my mother and my sister made their way down to the dock right behind me. Luckily, they seemed disinterested in me and returned to sunbathing and reading.

Happy with my choice to go swimming, using the water as a blanket to hide from the girls, I continued to play in the lake. Soon enough, though, I was ready to get out, and

started up the half submerged ladder leading from the lake to the dock. Oh no, I thought, as hesitated on the ladder. I would have to exit the water via the ladder onto the

dock. But unable to abort mid climb without drawing attention, I continued up. As my lower body exited the water, I could feel the water rush down off my body, drawing my

sister's suit tightly around my penis and balls. I saw as my mother peered around her book to examine my package - my sister remained head down into her magazine. I shifted

my body to attempt to avoid her gaze, making a move towards the cabin. "Honey!" my mom cried out. "Yes?" I replied. "If your going up to the cabin, would you mind refilling

my glass of water?" I moved toward her, and With this, she bent over to grab her glass to hand to me - only, my mom didnt realize her suit was unfastened. Her bikini top

folded over and her large breasts swung out; I couldnt help but stare. Her arm moved to cover her nipples but did little to hide her tits. My mother smirked, as she watched

my dick grow hard against my sister's suit, stretching the bikini bottoms from my waist. "Well, are you going to get me some ice water or not?" she said, bringing the empty

glass of water up into my balls with her free arm. I bent over in slight pain, took the glass from her hand, then headed for the cabin. When I reached the cabin, I filled

the glass with water and started toward the dock. Although I was still quite far away from my mother and sister, I noticed not only that they had both completely removed

thier tops, but they both were also now laying on their backs. My dick jumped to attention, so I returned to the cabin. In an attempt to hide my hardon, I pulled the suit

bottoms out and allowed my dick to stand up against my chest, then let the swim suit hold it in place, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I approached the dock ready to

cum, staring out at my sisters gorgeous body. "Its about time!" my mother said. I handed my mother her drink, for which she thanked me. "I need a refill too!" my sister

cried, lifting her empty glass in the air. "Get it yourself" I told her, catching a glace at her tits while she glared me down. She gave me a look, then headed for the

cabin. My mother said that she was feeling a bit warm, and asked me to apply sun tan lotion on her. I agreed, and stood behind her admiring her tits from above while I

rubbed her warm shoulders and back with the suntan lotion. I started to put the bottle down; "I dont want my chest to burn!" she exclaimed. At this, I moved in front of her

as she sat in her lawn chair. I stared at her tits mesmerized. She took my hand, put it on her shoulder, and said "come on, before I burn" .
I uneasily started to rub her chest above her tits. "Come on! Im going to burn soon. I think this towel is slowing you down", she said as she pulled the towel off my waist,

exposing my erect dick with the swelled head sticking above the edge of the the bikini bottoms. I continued to rub the tanning lotion on her body around her tits, but

nervously avoided directly touching her breasts. I felt her hand grab my nuts through the swim suit, "Are you tring to let my breasts burn? Put the lotion on me, NOW!" she

said, squeezing my nuts for emphasis. "Okay" I squeaked. I began rubbing the lotion into my mom's big, soft tits with her hand still gripping my balls. After I covered her

body, she let go off my testicles and gave them a soft, open palm slap as she said "Good boy". Feeling a bit nausous and very embarresed, I laid down on my stomach to rest

in the sun. Soon after, I felt a cold sensation on my back, followed by mother's words: "I dont want you to burn either". She sat aside my head, the warm touch or her hands

coupled with the cool sensation of the lotion caused my dick to almost ache with each beat of my heart, the blood pumping it to its maximum size. "Okay, time to do your

front" she said, and rolled me rolled over. The sight of my mother's tits was almost too much, so I closed my eyes and tried not to cum. My mother started with my chest,

massaging the lotion into my upper body. Her hand gradually moved toward my dick, then jumped to my lower legs and slowly moved up my thighs. As her hand moved toward my

upper thigh, her arm made contact with my testicles. She continued to keep her arm in that position, rubbing her hands into my thighs and her arm up and down my testicles.

I was ready to explode; I opened my eyes to see my mother leaning over my body, her huge tits swinging over me as she worked the lotion into my skin. I could not contain

myself and my dick shot cum all over my stomach. "What a mess!" my mother yelled, "You are going to ruin your sister's swimsuit". She then pulled the suit bottoms down my

thighs exposing the rest of my dick and my balls. She resumed applying the lotion to my thighs. Soon her hands had made their way up to just below my nutsack. "I know you

dont want these to burn" she said as she grabbed one of my balls with each of her hands. She started off with a soft grip, gently massaging the lotion into my sack as she

rolled my nuts in each of her hands. "Now, when I ask you to get me a glass of water" she said, her grip starting to strengthen, "I mean you run and get me a glass of water

that instant". Her thumbs were now pressing hard at the top of each my testicles, using the bottom of my sack and her first two fingers to flatten them against. "Do you

understand me?" "Yes!" I whelped. "Yes what?" she asked, driving her thumbs harder into my balls. "Yes ma'am" I could barely get out. "Good", she replied, letting go of my

nuts and slapping them hard with her palm, "Now let these little balls of yours soak up some sun!" So I laid on my back and tried to take a nap in the sun. Just as I was

falling asleep, my sister and said to my mom, "Momma, his little balls look red, I think they need some tanning lotion". I ignored their laughter and tried to drift off in

a nap. Little did I know, my sister had squirted suntan lotion on her hand and was approaching me with her eyes wide and fixed on my low hanging nuts warming in the sun.

She kneeled beside my balls and raised her hand covered with the lotion high into the air, then, with all her might slammed her open palm down on my balls splattering the

lotion everywhere. "Agghhhhh!" I screamed and sat upright. "Aww, little brother, your balls looked like they needed some sun protection, did I apply the lotion too hard?"

"Let big sister take a look and make sure your little nuts are okay" she said. My topless sister pried my hands away; my nuts plopped down into my sack. I admired her

gorgeous body, her soft perky little tits slightly whiter than the rest of her chest. She cupped her hand underneath my testicles and lifted them slighty as she looked over

them, "Well, they certainly aren't swollen" she said and both my mother and sistered laughed. "Let's give his balls a break", my mother said, "I feel like skiing anyway".

"Hmm, that gives me an idea" my sister said, still cupping my balls. "This is for not getting me water!"; with her free hand, my sister punched my balls into her hand

cupping underneath my sack. I let out high pitched shriek. "Now take my swimsuit off your legs and get your skis on, or else" she sa
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