Best Deep Girls

Best Deep Girls


Best Deep Girls
96 Deep Questions to Ask a Girl - Spark deep, personal conversations (Animated)
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Jasper is our expert conversationalist and wordsmith. He loves coming up with questions, jokes, and topics designed to create natural conversation. His work has been featured on, iHeart Media, Elite Dai ... Read Full Bio
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Asking deep questions to ask a girl is a quick way to build a deep relationship.
...And as any guy who has been in one before knows:
Deep relationships are truly satisfying.
More genuinely satisfying than shallow, surface-level relationships. But how do you go from shallow to deep in a conversation ?
You have to know the right questions to ask . Not just any questions, though – the stuff that really matters , deep questions to ask both of yourself and of anyone that you’d like to know better.
While some of these might be easy to ask your best friend after a few too many beers, today we’re going to be focusing on deep questions to ask a girl to cultivate a deeper relationship.
Anything that is experienced by most people gives a great opportunity to deepen a conversation with a girl. Of these, there are three conversation topics that stand out most to me are love, loss, and happiness. Because of the universality of these experiences, they are a definite way to find common ground on deep conversation topics.
Here are 3 great deep conversation topics to use with a girl:
Happiness is the easiest choice to begin with. Every time we think of a happy memory, a good time in our life, our brain sends signals to relax and open up. Start by asking: What is it that makes you happy? Then, how does this relate to what makes the girl you're talking to happy? Finding common ground on shared sources of happiness creates a road for deeper connections.
Loss is a fact of life, no matter how painful it may be. Being able to be there for someone when they're experiencing pain – whether right now, or only in their memories – creates a depth of connection beyond just talking about what makes you happy.
Love might be the hardest to talk about, but most rewarding of all three topics. Who, or what, do you love? More importantly, how is it that each of you defines love – what does it mean to you to love someone (or something)? Though the experience of love is shared by people everywhere, our opinions on what it means, and how and where we find it, can differ significantly.
These deep conversation starters should be your go-to questions to break the ice. They offer a glimpse into the depths of the girl you're talking too, without being too heavy-handed to get started with. Take a little time to introduce yourself and share some basic information, then pick one of these conversation starters to get the ball rolling towards deeper topics.
Here are 17 deep conversation starters guaranteed to get you off to a good start:
The friends a person keeps shows a lot about their character.
What is it that each of you is searching for in life? Having shared goals in life that you’re both working towards is a great way to develop a deeper connection with a girl.
Being open to the unknown is a good sign of humility and openness – both traits that lead to deeper connection.
People with goals that they’re willing to work for are happier, healthier, and more comfortable in deep relationships.
Lots of friends usually means more superficial relationships, whereas with a few close friends, it’s easier to share a deeper connection.
Bonding over childhood memories is a great way to get to know someone got to where they are today.
How much is she willing to talk about? Everybody has regrets, but not everyone will want to talk about them right away.
Whether your heart is set for the open road or to have any talent in the world, what would it be?
One of the best deep conversation starters , this one can show what a girl prioritizes in her life.
Every country offers a different lifestyle. Do your choices match up?
How much do you value your life? Time may be the most valuable thing we have.
CPR? Knitting a sweater? Posting on Instagram? Each answer shows a different level of depth of character.
What would you do with more of our most valuable resource? Whether mundane or extraordinary, this one tells what a girl finds most valuable.
Following your dreams is a game of balance: If money weren't part of that equation, what would be more important?
Not everyone can be Ghandi or Mother Teresa . What role would you both have played in society?
A question with a spiritual and philosophical bent. Are you both able to find value in everyday occurrences?
After you've taken the time to start into a deep conversation, paying attention to what both of you are sharing along the way, it's time to use some of your best deep questions to keep the momentum going. Easy does it with these: They can be cause for really deep thought, so don't try to rush any answers.
These are 17 of the best deep questions to ask a girl:
Being able to match up your priorities is a definite sign of compatibility.
Can she learn from her mistakes? Doing so is a huge part of growing up and connecting with others.
Let’s face it: Self-confidence is one of the most attractive traits for someone of the opposite sex to have.
…But so is being humble about your own weaknesses! (See the previous question)
And can she learn from her mistakes? Being able to start again after a failure is a trait many of us share.
Fame and fortune aren't always what they're cracked up to be, but wanting to be recognized is a sign of healthy self-esteem.
I.e., what is most important to you? Family, friends, and adventure are common responses.
Home in the Bahamas? Job in the corner office? Having goals for the future leads to happier, healthier lives.
Is she a bit of a rebel? Jaywalking doesn't count, by the way!
Where a person would like to live is a great indicator of how they would like to live.
Ah, the “Matrix” question. At its heart, this asks: Is it good enough to live in a fantasy world, or do you crave an understanding of reality?
Being willing to stand up for your beliefs in the face of adversity shows how a person stays true to themselves.
And with that, does she take responsibility for her own actions?
Being aware of the way other people see us, and how we want to be seen, can be a healthy way to make lasting connections.
Sharing similar lessons in life can give you a way to connect with where you're at right now.
The way a person was raised has a huge effect on their satisfaction with life as an adult.
What is most important to you both? And do your priorities match up?
Man or woman, everybody enjoys talking about themselves . All of these questions to ask to get to know someone are especially useful for letting the girl you're talking to be the center of attention for a while. As always, listen closely to these – the details she's sharing can tell you a lot about her.
Bungee jumping? Traveling the world? Everyone has something from their life to brag about!
Tennyson had it right: We learn the most from the lessons of lost love.
A gentle introduction to politics, this one opens the door to a deeper discussion of how we can all work together to make the world a better place.
Essentially, how does the girl you're talking to want the world to see her?
This is one of my favorite questions to ask a girl to get to know her . People who are driven by a purpose or mission are always more likely to succeed in their lives!
Popular answers include "zombies" or "global warming". Which side are you on?
Our dreams can keep us going – even during hard times, it’s darkest before the dawn.
Our relationships with our family define a lot of our ability to connect deeply with others; a healthy family life is a great sign.
To connect deeply with others, we must first have healthy self-esteem – something about ourselves to be proud of.
And how can you develop that? Nobody's perfect, but having goals for how we act is a big plus.
Connecting empathetically on this common experience helps both parties to feel more connected, and safer around each other.
Optimist, pessimist, or realist? A girl's outlook on life says a lot about how successful she's likely to be.
Staying connected to the people in our past helps prepare us to walk boldly into a happier future.
Gratitude is a key player in the search for happiness and connection in life.
And if you’re not doing the job you think you were born to do, what is it that’s stopping you from that?
Can she be comfortable with the process of growing up, and even take an active part in it?
Is she looking for beauty on the outside, or the inside? Deep connection needs the latter.
The hard times, and our reactions to them, help define us as people.
Life isn't only great when you're young. How cool does she want to be as a senior, too?
We can't do everything, all the time – sometimes you have to make choices to simplify.
Once you're in a relationship, a whole range of new questions to ask your girlfriend opens up.
Being able to inquire deeply about where your lives are headed together, and how you can work on those things, is the basis of all of these deep questions to ask your girlfriend .
Here are 12 great deep questions to ask your girlfriend:
The two of you will need to learn to balance stability and adventure to keep your relationship exciting.
It's better to have this conversation during brighter times in your life, so you'll be prepared for any challenges together.
There's a perfect place in the world for everyone; are you living there now?
It's good to have deep questions that turn the focus positive, as well – this one helps to show what's truly special about your girlfriend.
Being able to be honest about your faults helps build healthier relationships.
Knowing how much space each person needs in the relationship helps prevent unnecessary arguments.
Too many couples don't take a moment to show gratitude for how their relationship benefits their lives.
And then, how can you take steps closer towards that perfect day together?
Successful couples share common goals; it's worthwhile to talk about this one at length to get on the same page.
Being successful might make you happy – but does being happy make you successful?
Music speak straight to the heart, and can communicate difficult or complicated emotional states.
Do you two have total honesty in your relationship, or are there gray areas?
Keep a few of these philosophical questions in your back pocket for those times that the conversation takes a very intellectual turn. Be cautious, though: They're best used sparingly, as they can tend to dominate a conversation for too long if left unchecked.
Here are 3 thought-provoking, philosophical questions to ask a girl:
A person who values art is someone who’s able to see the beauty in life .
Finding things that make both of you happy (and then acting on them) is a sure way to make a deeper connection.
Maybe one of my favorite philosophical questions to ask: It shows whether she's at peace with the cycles of life.
What makes you like a girl, other than how she looks? You like her personality, how she makes you feel, but you also like what you think you see inside her , the deeper stuff.
To get to that deeper stuff, you need the right questions to ask a girl you like . Use some of these below to get beyond the surface topics of everyday chats and start seeing who she truly is .
Here are 16 deep questions to ask a girl you like:
A question about recent regrets that lets you know where she's made mistakes, and where she wishes she was in her life.
What does she wish she could truly know? And why?
Is it about the time or the quality of the time we have?
A difficult choice, but one that lets you both discuss where most of the suffering in the world is coming from.
She'll lay out for you the five things (or people) most important to her in her whole life.
This question covers not just the future but how adventurous she is .
Does she wish she was a trivia master or a true expert , even if it is in a very small subject?
A great question that gets to the bottom of what she thinks is most important in life .
Where did she want life to go when she was young, and is she disappointed?
You can learn what she looks for most in people and also whether you have any of the qualities.
Does she face her fears or run from them? More importantly, how can you help her face the next one?
A "seize the day" question that might lead to really making today worth remembering, with you.
Is it personal? Is it global? Or is it something simple?
We all have lines we won't cross , find out hers and find out why she drew the lines there.
We all need strength to become better people. You're asking if she has that strength within her .
By asking about activities she actually does, you find out what she actually, really does care about.
The deepest of deep questions are deep and personal questions to ask a girl .
Because personal questions do exactly as advertised and deal with difficult-to-talk-about subjects .
If you want to know someone on a more personal level , having personal questions to ask is key.
Check out the best of both worlds below!
Here are 5 deep and personal questions to ask a girl:
Some people have lines they refuse to cross. Others cross as many as possible.
We all judge other people for our own reasons (not always in a negative light though!)
If you think about this one too hard, it becomes a philosophical question .
You won't always succeed in cheering someone up but it never hurts to try .
Everyone defines love a little differently . This question helps you understand her views on it.
Girls like guys with emotional and intellectual depth. If you really want to charm her, you need to go big. These thought provoking questions show her that you're a multilayered catch, and they also help you to get to know her on a deeper level.
Before you get too heavy with these questions, make sure the mood is right. You don't want to scare her off by going too big too fast. Once she's started warming up to you, drop one of these questions and see how she responds.
Some women aren't comfortable getting too in-depth too fast, and there's nothing wrong with that. If she doesn't dive right into the conversation with you, that doesn't mean that she's not intelligent or that she's not into you . Sometimes, it just takes time for a person to fully open up to you .
Here are 6 of the best deep and thought provoking questions to ask a girl:
Is the CEO in the high-rise equal to the junkie under the bridge? Why or why not?
Will civilization ever be truly at peace?
Connecting with nature can be good for the mind, but it can also be a challenge.
Or are we swirling through a downward spiral?
Are we moving forward or falling behind?
This question can really lead to self-reflection and introspection.
You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. Starting out a conversation with questions that are too deep is a surefire way to lose any sort of potential connection.
Instead, think of how to start a conversation as being the beginning of a marathon, not a sprint – after all, it takes time to really get to know someone !
via: Unsplash / Alice Donovan Rouse
To reiterate from #1, because it's so important: b reak the ice with a conversation starter before moving into the other deep questions to ask a girl, the ones whose answers are most important to you on a personal level . If you're getting a good feeling after the initial question, share a little more about yourself before getting into the deeper stuff.
Once you can feel a connection starting to develop, feel free to move into the deepest end of questions: questions about love, loss, and happiness .
After you’ve spent some amount of time getting to know a girl through a conversation with deep questions, there may be a moment where she really begins to open up to you. This is our cue to listen!
Really listen, don’t just wait for your turn to talk again. Everything that you understand from what she says in response to your questions can bring the two of you a little bit closer.
During the conversation, look for subtle reactions, especially changes in body language .
Though most girls are polite enough not to outright tell you to stop asking deep questions, signs like her moving farther away or not looking in your direction are clear indicators that it might be time to dial it back to simpler conversation topics for a while.
Part of building a deeper relationship is to share your own thoughts and feelings honestly .
If you spend all of your time asking questions and listening, it can begin to feel like too much of an interview for her. Instead, wait until you’ve heard her answers to your questions, then respond by sharing how your own views relate to hers.
Here is a downloadable and printable list of deep questions to ask a girl (right click the image and select Save Image As...) :
If this set of questions isn't good enough for you, we've got more just a click away that might help you get to know a girl even more. Give these a try:
There are 96 powerfully deep questions to ask a girl.
And whether you're looking for questions to ask a girl to start a conversation, or deep questions to ask to make a stronger connection, keep some of these in mind. Rehearsing a few of them, out loud, until they begin to sound natural is a great way to start!
That way, when the right time comes, you'll already know the right questions to ask. Once you get the hang of a few of the basics, try practicing with variations to really make them your own. Best of luck out there!
Jasper is our expert conversationalist and wordsmith. He loves coming up with questions, jokes, and topics designed to create natural conversation. His work has been featured on, iHeart Media, Elite Daily, and The Urban List. Jasper lives in Georgia with his new bride.
One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.
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