Bang Latex

Bang Latex


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This question follows up on What is the exact purpose of \ftype@?. The LaTeX kernel source refers to a BANG float in the ltoutput.dtx, but there is no explanation for it. Anybody knows what it is?
Yiannis Lazarides
Yiannis Lazarides 110k●2828 gold badges●257257 silver badges●533533 bronze badges
Fun Fact: If you google "bang float latex", the first hit is about balloons, the second the TeX UK-FAQ about floats (not mentioning BANG) and the third is already this question (9min old right now). – Martin Scharrer♦ Oct 23 '11 at 17:22
bang float are floats with an "!" float option. I guess the name came from the same source as "shebang" and "hash-bang" for "#!". – Ulrike Fischer Oct 23 '11 at 17:28
@UlrikeFischer I believe using 'bang' for '!' is originally a printers term – Joseph Wright♦ Oct 23 '11 at 17:45
@lockstep suggest latex-kernel tag for this sort of thing, will be easier to Google and more kid-proof:) – Yiannis Lazarides Oct 23 '11 at 18:16
@UlrikeFischer Will you please write your comment and a few words as an answer, so that I can accept it? I think Joseph's comment is also possibly a reasonable explanation but he is an officer and a gentleman!:) – Yiannis Lazarides Oct 23 '11 at 18:39
bang float are floats with an "!" float option. I guess the name came from the same source as the bang in "shebang" and "hash-bang" for "#!".
In the 1950's, secretarial dictation and typesetting manuals referred to the mark as "bang," most likely adapted from comic books where the ! appeared in dialogue balloons to represent a gun being fired, although the nickname probably emerged from letterpress printing. This bang usage is behind the titles of the interrobang, an uncommon typographic character, and a shebang line, a feature of unix computer systems.
Ulrike Fischer
Ulrike Fischer 270k●1616 gold badges●404404 silver badges●849849 bronze badges
219k●2727 gold badges●735735 silver badges●820820 bronze badges
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