Back Pain Relief Riverside, California

Back Pain Relief Riverside, California

Whole Body Wellness

 Back pain is a common disease in many subjects, for various reasons they can affect people of all ages. Back pain is the cause that affects the work and daily life of the person. The following Whole Body Wellness please read the symptoms of this disease immediately.


Back pain can be caused by sleeping in the wrong position, due to overloaded stress during labor such as carrying heavy items that cause muscles or ligaments to strain, carrying heavy items overloaded can cause the disc to break down leading to back pain.

It may also be due to old age, natural degeneration due to old age. As humans enter old age, the joints increase the risk of degeneration causing compression on the nerve roots thereby creating pains in the back area, greatly affecting mobility, causing constant insomnia that causes the person to debilitate. It can also be another cause such as pain of urolithiasis (kidney stones, ureter stones), diseases of the kidneys (inflammation, tumors, tuberculosis, fluid retention, pustules ...) shown right in the lumbar region. Stomach pain or smoldering, prolonged or severe pain sometimes spreads to the lumbar region causing lumbar fatigue, especially the elderly etc.... 

Also in older people osteoporosis can also lead to back pain.

Back Pain Relief Riverside, California

Structural problems

Some structural problems can also lead to back pain.

Sciatica: The sciatica is considered the longest nerve in the body, taking on important functions. Sciatica pains appear slowly or abruptly with different smoldering or intense properties. Not stopping there, they also move through the buttocks and down the back of the legs, due to bulging discs or hernias over the nerves.


Back Pain Relief Center - Whole Body Wellness Riverside

Whole Body Wellness always carries with it the mission of caring for the sick as well as caring for our loved ones. In addition, Whole Body Wellness promotes support for a number of health, education, and community programs in Riverside, California.

Whole Body Wellness - is one of the leading organizations providing specialized spine health care services in Riverside, California, trusted by many customers to cooperate with a number of services including: Back and Neck Pain, Headache / Migraines, Scoliosis, Postural Deformities, Shoulder Pain, Acid Reflux / GERD, Asthma, Tingling / Numbness Therefore, Fatigue, Trouble Sleeping, Low Metabolism, Allergies, High Blood Pressure, Plantar Fasciitis, Frozen Shoulder, Disc Herniation… Whole Body Wellness health care center together with a team of doctors with many years of practical experience will help to put an end to the patient's pain firmly.

Name: Whole Body Wellness Riverside

Whole Body Wellness

Address: 3816 12th St, Riverside, CA 92501 United States

Phone: 951-683-9807

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