Australian English: main characteristics - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

Australian English: main characteristics - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Australian English: main characteristics

Specific character of English language. Words of Australian Aboriginal origin. Colloquialisms in dictionaries and language guides. The Australian idioms, substitutions, abbreviations and comparisons. English in different fields (food and drink, sport).

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Similarly, g ' day , a stereotypical Australian greeting, is no longer synonymous with “good day" in other varieties of English (it can be used at night time) and is never used as an expression for “farewell”, as “good day" is in other countries.
Sheila , Australian slang for “woman”, is derived from the Irish girls name Sнle .
teapot; container for boiling water.
useful information, a good idea, the truth
A common foodstuff known in some countries as Baloney or as pork luncheon meat is known by different names in different regions of Australia.
· Belgium sausage - Tasmania (A beef variant is known as beef Belgium.)
· Devon - New South Wales (except Hunter Valley and New England), Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory
· fritz - South Australia and Broken Hill, New South Wales
· German sausage or pork German - Victoria and northern Tasmania
· veal German or luncheon - Queensland
· Strasburg or strasbourg or Stras - Victoria, Tasmania (The name is used for a spicier, wider-sliced processed meat in other areas.)
· Windsor sausage - North Queensland
Analysis and description of polynational options of English. Different the concepts "version" and "option" of English. Studying of the main problems of loans of a foreign-language element. consideration of a territorial variation of English in Australia. курсовая работа [52,5 K], добавлен 08.04.2016
Loan-words of English origin in Russian Language. Original Russian vocabulary. Borrowings in Russian language, assimilation of new words, stresses in loan-words. Loan words in English language. Periods of Russian words penetration into English language. курсовая работа [55,4 K], добавлен 16.04.2011
Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language. презентация [281,2 K], добавлен 27.03.2014
The development of American English pronunciation. English changes in which most North American dialects do not participate. Eastern and Southern American English. Australian speech as a subject to debate. Long and short vowels. Canadian pronunciation. реферат [62,2 K], добавлен 14.05.2011
English is a language particularly rich in idioms - those modes of expression peculiar to a language (or dialect) which frequently defy logical and grammatical rules. Without idioms English would lose much of its variety, humor both in speech an writing. реферат [6,1 K], добавлен 21.05.2003
Characteristics of the English language in different parts of the English-speaking world. Lexical differences of territorial variants. Some points of history of the territorial variants and lexical interchange between them. Local dialects in the USA. реферат [24,1 K], добавлен 19.04.2011
The history of the English language. Three main types of difference in any language: geographical, social and temporal. Comprehensive analysis of the current state of the lexical system. Etymological layers of English: Latin, Scandinavian and French. реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 09.02.2014
Работы в архивах красиво оформлены согласно требованиям ВУЗов и содержат рисунки, диаграммы, формулы и т.д. PPT, PPTX и PDF-файлы представлены только в архивах. Рекомендуем скачать работу .

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Australian English: main characteristics курсовая работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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