Asstr Gloryhole

Asstr Gloryhole


Asstr Gloryhole

this guy's stories


Copyright 2016
Story codes: M?, mm?, gloryhole, unsafe, oralM?, gloryhole, unsafe, creampie
Summary: A man gets a series of surprises when he stumbles across agloryhole in an abandoned restroom in an old mall...
A few days after my first gloryhole experience, I returned to the mall. This time though, I was going for one thing and one thing only: an opportunity be be given an orgasm by some unknown unseen person on the other side of a wall in a filthy restroom.
I quickly made my way to the unsigned steel door that led to the abandoned unisex restroom. This time, I headed straight to the last stall. Glancing under the stall door, I didn't see any feet, so I gently pushed the stall door open. As expected, the stall was empty; so I stepped into the stall before closing and latching the stall door behind me. Like had happened a few days earlier, a hand appeared through the hole in the wall. The hand looked smaller than I had remembered...but whatever.
Like the last time, I undid my fly and pulled my rapidly inflating dick out of my pants; then shoved it through the hole in the wall. As I felt fingers begin to wrap around the shaft of my dick just below its helmet shaped head, I pressed my belly against the wall to give the unknown unseen person who was just beginning to pleasure me as much of my manhood as possible.
I was quickly rewarded by the closed hand that was wrapped around the shaft of my dick sliding all the way down to my pubic bone...then back up to the head of my dick. After the hand made a few strokes up-and-down the length of my dick, I felt my balls begin to be gently cradled by a warm soft something, which had to be the unknown unseen person's other hand.
After about a minute of getting an absolutely glorious handjob I realized that it must have been a different person on the other side of the wall the last time; because whoever had been stroking my dick that time had been twisting as well as stroking, while this time there was no twisting... Not specifically better or worse, but definitely different.
My mind started to wander: pondering the possibility that no matter how many times I might visit the gloryhole I might never be pleasured by the same person twice or have the same experience twice. To think, I could have who knows how many different individuals getting me off completely anonymously: talk about a beautiful thought...
My mind snapped back to reality when the person moved their hands away from my dick. I briefly hear the sound of hard soled shoes `clump-clump'ing on a hard floor before a hand returned to my engorged dick. `Whoever's on the other side of the wall must be getting into a more comfortable position,' I silently thought.
A second later I felt a moist warm softness brush across the tip of my dick. I could only assume that I was about to get head.
And talk about a wrong assumption, because a small fraction of a second later my dick was being engulfed within a very tight warm and moist sheath which was most definitely NOT a mouth. I focused my attention to how it felt around my dick, and quickly realized that my dick was INSIDE a pussy. That meant that whoever was on the other side of the wall was a WOMAN! And she had made me PENETRATE her!
She pulled away from the hole in the wall: all but the head of my dick sliding out of her pussy. She then pushed back: driving the entire length of my rock hard dick into her fuck-hole. I stood still with my belly pressed as tightly against the wall as possible while she continued to move her body back-and-forth: forcing my dick to side in-and-out of her pussy.
In short order it felt like my dick was beginning to twitch inside her anonymous fuck-hole. I knew I would soon shoot a load of cum... The question was did I want to try to hold off on cumming so I could enjoy fucking with this anonymous woman for as long as possible, and end up running the risk that she might pull herself off of my dick before I blasted off? Or should I try to blast off as soon as possible to greatly increase the chance that I'd be shooting my load into her pussy? I pondered that decision for several seconds while the anonymous woman continued to fuck me.
For good or for bad, I didn't actually get to make a decision: my butt cheeks tightened in my pants. A fraction of a second later I felt my balls draw up under my dick. And then as she thrust her body towards me forcing my dick all the way up inside her pussy WHOOSH: the first spurt of cum was blasting out of the little hole at the tip of my dick and shooting into the deepest recesses of the unknown unseen woman's pussy. She moved away, my dick sliding most of the way out; then she moved back... As my dick was about halfway on the in-stroke, the second spurt of cum shot out of the little hole at the tip of my dick.
After several more thrusts by her and a five more spurts by me, my dick began to wilt inside her pussy.
It wasn't until my dick was down to a little less than half-hard, that the woman seemed to notice that something had changed; and pulled forward enough for my dick to slip form her tight warm moist pussy. As the head of my mostly flaccid dick slipped from her pussy lips I reveled in the decidedly erotic slurping sound that emanated from the hole in the wall.
I took a step back from the hole in the wall as I began putting my now gooey and soft dick back into my pants. As I was zipping my fly shut I noticed the smallish hand re-appear through the hole in the wall: the thumb, index, ring and pinky fingers were closed against the palm. The middle finger, however, was extended straight out...and coated in white goo: clearly she had not wanted me to cum in her pussy.
Despite the fact that I had blasted off in her pussy on purpose, a part of me wanted to apologize; but considering the writing on the wall that read `no talking' I didn't say a word. That's not to say that I kept my mouth shut: I opened my mouth as I bent forward lowering my head until most of the finger was in my mouth before closing my lips around it. I then began sucking the familiarly slimy salty goo, which I was almost certain was my cum, off the extended middle finger as I moved my head back up.
An instant after the tip of the extended middle finger slipped from between my lips the hand disappeared back through the hole in the wall and I swallowed down the cum, which I sincerely hopped was my own, that was in my mouth.
By the time I had returned to a standing position the unknown unseen woman's other hand appeared through the hole in the wall: again she was giving me the finger. Although, this time there was no cum on it...
A second later I was unlatching the stall door, and walking through the abandoned bathroom...then back into the mall and outside to my car...
Nice. Note sure how I feel about her not liking him cumming in her pussy - surely she would have to expect that so she shouldn't be mad.

Sure wish it was longer!
Left me "wanting" more. I never had the courage to trust whoever was on the other side of the partition.
Mmm, this was amazing! I'm not sure what she was thinking if she didn't want a creampie,since she did everything she could to end up with one! Who knows, maybe it was a mom who was planning to show her daughter how it was done, and the guy got off too soon to continue the show?
Could be what was happening on the other side of the wall... --thisguy
Loved it. Nice surprise. Hope he has more adventures.
Great story, been waiting on part 3 since this got published.
Part 3 is well underway, mostly completed in fact. Fingers crossed, we should be seeing it in the next few weeks.

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