Ass Spanking Stories

Ass Spanking Stories


Ass Spanking Stories

A Girl’s First Bare Bottom Spanking – True Story

Daughter Spanked by Mother , F/f , I Was Spanked

Daughter Spanked by Mother , F/f , I Was Spanked

A young girl recounts her first bare bottom spanking as administered by her strict mother: “Protest became clearly pointless as my knickers were removed completely.”
You are welcome to contact the author, Tracy Tony.
I was not born until the mid-90s a time when spanking was becoming unfashionable. It was outlawed in schools and rarely used in homes.
My parents were very religious and strict Christians whose child-rearing principles were founded upon “Spare the rod, spoil the child,” and “A child should be seen and not heard.” I was a timid youngster and soon learned that any tantrums or misbehaviour meant a slap on the legs or on the seat of my knickers in my very early years.
I was about eight years old when punishments became more severe. Several times on the way home from school I had rung a neighbour’s door chime and ran away. The neighbour had complained to my mother who had told me off and warned me not to do it again. I did not for a couple of weeks but then one afternoon the temptation became too much: I pressed the button and immediately the door opened – the lady grabbed my shoulder and marched me straight down the road to my home.
When my mother answered the door, the neighbour told her what I had been up to, again. We entered the lounge as Mum listened to the lady’s detailed account of my offence and her ensuing annoyance. Mum became furious, grabbed my wrist and led me to the drawing room where she sat down and proceeded to pull me across her lap. I was a slight girl so this took little doing. She lifted my school skirt, tucked the hem into the waistband then started pulling down my knickers. This was the first time I had pleaded with my mother not to spank me, especially with the lady present. This protest became clearly pointless as my knickers were removed completely. I was trembling: My nose almost touching the carpet, feet dangling just off the floor and legs shaking – the position was inescapable. Then Mum’s hand came down with a sting far worse than anything before and now for the first time on my bare bottom. Her hand lit into my naked flesh with 10 to 12 solid, searing cracks. When she let me get up I was sobbing and raced to my bedroom.
When the pain had eased slightly, I ventured downstairs. By this time my father was home from work and proceeded to lecture me for what seemed like an age. Mum assured me that what she had done earlier would happen again if there was further naughtiness or misbehaviour and that I would be spanked in front of anyone present. To close the matter, she would meet me from school the following day to visit the neighbour where I would say sorry and promise never do it again. After we had our evening meal I was sent to bed.
When I entered my room and closed the door behind me I was greeted for the first time by a cane hanging behind the door. From then on it was the last thing I saw before going to sleep and the first thing I saw on waking. While I said nothing at breakfast, eventually Mum asked, “Have you seen the cane?” That was a silly comment I thought. Mum said she felt it when younger and I would soon feel it if there was any more misbehaviour adding that it should not be removed from where it hung. I was packed off to school thinking about the cane all day. As promised, Mum met me after school and I suffered the shame of apologizing to the neighbour. Upon returning home I immediately went to my room and inspected the cane; I never hid nor even moved it for the next eight years. The cane was on show for everyone to see including friends when they visited to play music or do homework, workmen, window cleaners and neighbours from across the road.
Mum did punish me again over the years sometimes with others present but fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you view, never used the cane. However, I still have it to this day as it very useful for role play with my partner.
You are welcome to contact the author, Tracy Tony.
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A very authentic story that reflects my personal experience.
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Hi Tracy, How exactly do you prepare for a bare bottom spanking? Did your mom use her hand the first time? I see you mention a caning. I am in Michigan and don’t what exactly a caning is. We get either the hand, paddle or belt or all three. I’m 18 but its Mom’s house her rules.
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A cane is a long thin stick-like segment of rattan or bamboo.
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Thank you for the excellent story. I speak from experience when I say you were lucky not to get the cane.
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Great story. I enjoy a good spanking.
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Very well written and nice recollection of your mom “getting to the bottom” so to speak of matters.
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Great story, Tracy. Good to hear that you got what you had coming. I look forward to hearing more.
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I am the author of this story. Please be invited to leave a comment or contact me through the email address included above.
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Great story .. I hope to hear more….. I am more of a paddle person though!
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This story is quite authentic and you told it very well. I personally never got the cane and cannot imagine how much it hurts. Glad you didn’t have to find out either!
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This was very well written and was straight to the point in a sincere and honest way. I wanted to know as time went by and you were spanked for disobedience, misbehavior or other things that were dealt with in this manner, what different implements were used? I also wanted to know if you had actually been spanked by another person that was not in your family?
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As someone who endured many over the knee spankings from both parents, I can honestly say it is the most used style of punishment in the UK when I was growing up. Nice story and indeed nice to hear. The child should always end up with a sore bottom after.
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I received a lot of spankings like this, you hit the nail on the head.
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JQGraves Publications -- Short Spanking Stories

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What’s your deepest, darkest fantasy?
Husband spanked in front of friends and sent to bed.
Domestic Discipline (DD), Spanking F/M, In Front of Others
Thrashing, a Scottish family Father’s Day tradition.
Domestic Discipline (DD), Femdom, F/M
I finally ask for a birthday spanking.
Megan puts Bob in chastity before wedding.
Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity
Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity
Megan delivers a punishment paddling.
Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity, Paddling (F/M)
Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity
Femdom, FLR, Male Chastity, Milking
Mary’s mother joins us for Christmas.
Holiday, Mother-In-Law, Spanking F/M & F/F, Fantasy
I unintentionally reveal my spanking fantasy to my wife.
Spanking F/M, Wife Spanks Husband, Domestic Discipline (DD)
Male Chastity, Female Led Relationship (FLR)
I request and receive my first spanking.
Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity, Spanking F/M
Corner Time, Male Chastity, Female Led Relationship (FLR)
Female Led Relationship (FLR), Femdom, Domestic Discipline
Forced Feminization, Male Chastity, Spanking (F/M)
Femdom, Forced Feminization, Male Chastity, Female Led Relationship (FLR)
Femdom, Forced Feminization, Female Led Relationship (FLR), Male Chastity
Pegging, Female Led Relationship (FLR), Submissive Male, Forced Feminization
Pegging, Female Led Relationship (FLR), Submissive Male, Forced Feminization
Submissive Male, Pegging, Femdom, Forced Feminization
Spanking (F/M), Submissive Male, Femdom, Forced Feminization
Spanking (FF/M), Piercing, Snowball, Submissive Male
When Lucille died, my sister-in-law took over.
Mary picks holidays for spanking me through the year.
Mother-In-Law, Sister-In-Law, FLR, Spanking F/M, Male Chastity
Our neighbor uses Momma's strap to get me to listen.
John enlists his secretary to end the arguing with his wife.
Female Led Relationship (FLR), Dominant Wife
All arguments between John and his wife end when contract is settled.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Domestic Discipline (DD), Dominant Wife
John blames Jane for his situation, and pays the price.
Female Led Marriage (FLM), Female Led Relationship (FLR), Dominant Wife, Domestic Discipline (DD)
It’s too darn hot for loving, fiancé suggests a little consensual spanking.
Sequel to "Too Darn Hot" - Bride cashes IOU, spanks groom before mother-in-law.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
I introduce Erin to spanking foreplay, and suffer the consequences.
Spanking M/F and F/M, Female Led Relationship (FLR), Sexual Content
Erin spanks me with her hairbrush for cumming prematurely on our wedding night.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Sexual Content
Erin imprisons my member in a male chastity cage.
Male Chastity, F/M, Femdom, Sexual Content
Erin discusses the advantages of weekly discipline for her husband with her mother.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Femdom, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Erin takes on the burden of financial management.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Marriage (FLM), Femdom
Erin relieves me of my chastity-induced blue balls.
Femdom, Bondage, Milking, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Erin's mother orders Prince Albert piercing.
Femdom, Spanking F/M, Mother-In-Law, Male Chastity, Piercing
Erin comes home but leaves my weekly spanking to her mother.
F/M, Mother-In-Law, Spanking, Femdom
Erin and I are reunited after her long absence.
Female Led Marriage (FLM), Mother-In-Law, Sexual Content
Erin starts our day with great sex, ends it with chastity and a spanking.
Spanking F/M, Sexual Content, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Femdom
Erin straps me, forgives me, and the next day we shop for a corset.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Male Chastity, Femdom
Erin takes me to an exclusive women’s boutique to buy me panties.
Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Forced Feminization, Femdom, Dominant Wife, Submissive Husband
Erin cleans my insides with a soap stick and an enema.
Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Enema, Analingus, Rimming, Dominant Wife
Pegging, Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Dominant Wife, Fellatio
Erin considers Michelle’s sissy cuckold arrangement.
Cuckold, Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Sissy Maid, Dominant Wife, Submissive Husband
A kindly old grandmother demonstrates her punishment party dress.
Petticoat Punishment, Forced Feminization, Dominant Wife
Erin takes me shopping for a corset.
Forced Feminization, Dominant Wife, Submissive Husband, Woman Led Marriage (WLM)
Erin hires a Personal Trainer to motivate me to get fit.
Spanking F/M, Femdom, Female Led Relationship (FLR), Prince Albert Piercing
Erin discovers I was spanked at the gym.
Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Male Chastity, Sexual Content, Chastity
Mother-in-law puts me in a new chastity device.
Male Chastity, Spanking F/M, Mother-In-Law, Prince Albert Piercing
I clean mother-in-law’s house and end up the prize.
Femdom, Forced Feminization, Mother-In-Law
Erin’s co-worker Michelle becomes my babysitter.
Mother-in-law, Dominant Wife, Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Babysitter, Forced Feminization
Babysitter, Femdom, Feminization, F/M
I’m forced to “thank” Bret after a spanking.
Babysitter, Spanking M/M, Forced Bi, Blowjob, Sissymaid
Michelle and her bull assign me cleanup duty.
Babysitter, Femdom, Forced Bi, Cleanup
Erin comes home to deal with my disobedience.
Dominant Wife, Woman Led Marriage (WLM), Submissive Husband
I request a spanking from my wife on my thirtieth birthday.
The neighbor and her daughter spank me for my birthday.
Wife convinces husband he should be spanked for bad habits.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
I ask Madge to take control in our new bedroom.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Bride takes offense at preacher's insistence that she obey her groom in all things.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Role Reversal
Secret spanko husband caught with computer filled with images.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline, Femdom, Assisted, Caught with Consequences
Blocked writer is given real life experience.
Husband loses verbal bout with wife.
A very short piece on the dynamics of a marriage.
Woman friend teaches Wife how to discipline her man.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline, Femdom, Assisted
Non-standard story of how wife will disrobe on her wedding night, and what it will cost the groom.
Spanking F/M, BDSM, Femdom, Male Chastity, Pegging, Sexual Content
World's leading (lagging?) procrastinator introduced to organized woman.
Spanking F/M, Femdom, Female Lead Relationship (FLR)
Wife concerned over retired husband's health risks.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Spanko husband inspires wife to hire a professional.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Assisted
Boyfriend criticizes movie and learns to hate the commercials even more.
Spanking F/M, Femdom, Female Led Relationship (FLR)
Husbands requests motivation to keep him on his diet.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Looking forward to giving wife her first ever birthday spanking, the plot twists.
Spanking F/M, Femdom, Assisted, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Spanking F/M, Femdom, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Older sister remember when first given spanking rights.
Petite neighbor Marge takes a turn.
Too bruised for paddle, Bill gets Vickie's hand.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Vera straps Marge for naughty excitement from spanking.
Delayed for a week, husband is finally paddled by his wife
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Marriage (FLM)
Fiance narrates story of embarrassing spanking.
Snowblower leads to my neighbor giving me a birthday spanking.
Man tries to rustle on 21st century ranch. Rancher straps him and hires him on.
Young man discovers the action that will bring his mother to spank him.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD)
Does he really want the full experience?
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD)
Mother spanks Roger then fiancee uses a switch.
New maid spanks husband while wife watches. Things will change.
Spanking F/M, Female Led Marriage (FLM), Assisted
Cumming prematurely earns Jeffrey a spanking from his wife on their wedding night.
Spanking F/M, Domestic Discipline (DD), Female Led Marriage (FLM)

10 Erotic Spanking Stories That Every Naughty Girl Will Love
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By Liza Walter — Written on May 14, 2021
We’ve all heard of "50 Shades of Grey." When the trilogy and movies were popular, it made BDSM, spanking, and sex, in general, a pop-culture phenomenon.
No longer were we embarrassed to talk about our kinky side, but stay-at-home mothers and businesswomen alike spoke about how they dreamt of meeting their own Christian Grey .
Spanking can be something fun and flirty or go as far as severe and painful. Some people find pleasure in pain , and there’s no shame in that. Many even consider the sting of the spank an aphrodisiac. 
In the Kama Sutra, which people basically use as a how-to on tantric sex, there’s a whole list of different positions just for spanking. So you can get your freak on every night and never get bored!
But if you need some inspiration, here are excerpts from 10 short erotic spanking stories that will make you itch for the flogging. Naughty girls, enjoy! *wink*
"Smack! Smack! Smack! Three blows in quick succession and while they weren't painful, they surprised me, which was why I reacted the way I did, calling out in shock and surprise. I heard him chuckle from where he stood behind me and I could sense that he was smiling, loving this.
I was on my stomach, my hands tied to the bed frame with one of my many scarves, the soft material feeling comforting yet ominous at the same time. I flinched when he rubbed a gentle hand over the sensitive area where he had spanked me. It was his mixture of both gentle and rough, pleasure and pain that kept me on my toes and kept me guessing. It was something I loved about him.
Gently he continued to rub over my a** with a gentle palm, and I relented slightly and relaxed. That was a bad idea on my part. As soon as I relaxed he spanked me. Smack! I swore underneath my breath and he laughed loudly from behind me.
I couldn't deny how arousing this was to me though, and he knew this. He ran two fingers up and down my slit , teasing me, feeling how wet and turned on I was by all of this. He rubbed the two fingers over my a**, over the red area from where he had spanked me. Smack! He spanked me again, my a** stinging and feeling slightly sticky." 
Read the full erotic story: Your A** Is Mine
"Not once did the paddle stop. Dr. Derrier's warning of pausing must have either been a psychological trick to torment the girl, or he discovered he was more fit than he expected, and no rest was needed.
On and on the paddling went. Thirty strokes, 35, 40, 45. Fifi's a** was red, then scarlet, then crimson, then purple. Still the paddle didn't stop. Every blow nearly knocked the poor girl over, but the paddle didn't care.
Fifi was sobbing now, her body collapsed across the sofa arm. She no longer cared about anything except the end of her punishment. Her a** moved without her will, now, jiggling with fear and pain even when the paddle wasn't striking.
At 50, she screamed and moaned loudly, arching her back, every part of her pleading for mercy. But no quarter was given. The last 10 were harder than ever, walloping the tender lower portion of her buttocks and the tops of her thighs. The pain must have been spectacular but Fifi didn't even react. She was in another world, panting and weeping."
Read the full erotic story: Lecture Punishment
"I was naked, lying on the padded bench. A heavy leather sash wrapped around my waist and held me in position. Wrist cuffs were attached to the top of the bench. Ankle cuffs held my feet wide apart and unable to move. I'd never felt so vulnerable in my life. It was exhilarating. It was terrifying.
Behind me, Gary was calibrating the arm, making sure the angle of descent would connect with my buttocks. I prayed it would be accur
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