Stories Of Tie Up Games Tugs

Stories Of Tie Up Games Tugs


Stories Of Tie Up Games Tugs
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Art - Male TUGs tie up games bondage GID
Art - Female TUGs tie up games bondage DID
Hey everyone. Here is a new story about Kyle and his boyfriend Lucas. This happened only one day after the last story, on Sunday. Letโ€™s start with the story ๐Ÿ˜Š: It was Sunday morning. We both woke up at 9 oโ€™clock. "Morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" I asked, still a little sleepy. "Good morning, babe. Yes, I did. And you?" He asked back. "Yes, me too." I answered and kissed him on the cheek. Then we got up right away. Lucas was going to take the bus at 5 pm so he wouldn't be late getting home. SO we still had some time together and could do something. I went to my closet and got out a blue t-shirt, gray shorts, boxers, and black sneaker socks and changed. Lucas put on a green t-shirt, blue shorts, boxers, and black sneaker socks. We walked down the stairs to the living room. There were my parents and they were eating breakfast. "Hey, you two. Did you guys sleep well?" My dad asked with a grin. "Yeah, we did." Replied Lucas with a grin. "Thatโ€™s good." Replied my mother
Stories - GID male TUGs tie up games
When you think of bondage and kidnap games, it's almost a given that sex will be the end result. After all, your kidnapper and hero is probably going to be the same person...your guy. And his tying you, and your wanting to be tied, is primarily for sex. Right? Well...usually right. But not always. For some of us, being tied up is a lot of fun, and not always for sex. I was tied once for an escape game, and another time for a haunted house program. No boyfriends involved. To be honest, I've never played a kidnap game, but it's a big fantasy for me. With a boyfriend would be preferable, but not 100% necessary. And even with a boyfriend, it wouldn't necessarily end in sex. The "plot" is simple...I'm home alone, dressed in a white blouse, black skirt, tan hose and black heels, when the bad guy breaks in. Depending on how we have it worked out, he might be dressed in either work cloths, or a suit and tie. He overpowers me (or makes me find enough rope for him to tie me up
Stories - DID female TUGs bondage tie up games
Pictures - tied couples bondage TUGs tie up games
ย My First Time

Wherever I looked, there was David. Every hallway I walked down, David was walking towards me. Every time I walked into the dayroom in the house, there was David. Every time I was in class, there was David.
And David was beautiful.
And he didn't know I existed.
He was the sort of acknowledged leader of a group of kids at my school, and he was always hanging around with them, laughing with them, teasing them. It was almost like they worshiped him. On game days, when we had intramural sports, usually baseball, David was there with his friends grouped around him, cheering wildly for our house team, but sort of f
Stories - DID female TUGs bondage tie up games 113
When you think of bondage and kidnap games, it's almost a given that sex will be the end result. After all, your kidnapper and hero is probably going to be the same person...your guy. And his tying you, and your wanting to be tied, is primarily for sex. Right? Well...usually right. But not always. For some of us, being tied up is a lot of fun, and not always for sex. I was tied once for an escape game, and another time for a haunted house program. No boyfriends involved. To be honest, I've never played a kidnap game, but it's a big fantasy for me. With a boyfriend would be preferable, but not 100% necessary. And even with a boyfriend, it wouldn't necessarily end in sex. The "plot" is simple...I'm home alone, dressed in a white blouse, black skirt, tan hose and black heels, when the bad guy breaks in. Depending on how we have it worked out, he might be dressed in either work cloths, or a suit and tie. He overpowers me (or makes me find enough rope for him to tie me up
Hello everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š. I would like to start by thanking you for the MANY great ideas about my special. I was very pleased :). Here is the link to the poll: In the comments of that poll is the link to the special. You have 2 weeks to vote, up to and including March 14. Then I will contact the winner to talk about the story in more detail ๐Ÿ˜Š. And now to the story. This time with the whole family. Have fun ๐Ÿ˜Š: Hey, Kyle here again. This story happened the day after Jean's birthday. My dad picked me up from Jean at 1 pm. We drove home. I told him about Jean's birthday and how great it was. He was happy for me that we had a lot of fun. When we got home, I put my bag under my bed and unpacked my backpack. I took off my clothes, put on my swimming trunks, and went to the backyard. My parents were lying on 2 lounge chairs and my siblings were
Tie up games stories where the girls get it
Playful bondage

BlueGidGuy 58 Recent Deviations Featured: Smell our Feet
barefoot99 30 Recent Deviations Featured: Me in self Bondage as a prisoner 5
LK3869 16 Recent Deviations Featured: Classic Ropes
Note from the Author: Yes, another heavily illustrated tale that's going to be filled to the brim with non-consensual bondage and thick gags. If you've not already done so, then do yourself a favour and go read EASY PREY I, II & III before carrying on with this tale. While being familiar with the prequels is not necessarily critical to the enjoyment of this tale, it still comes strongly recommended.STORY SYNOPSIS Our 18-year-old protagonist (Ethan) is coerced into celebrating his adulthood by joining his dad and uncles to this exclusive men's-only camping retreat. Things appear fairly normal at first, until the 5-day-long camping adventure suddenly turns into an all-out bondage-filled manhunt; something neither our protagonist nor his fellow campers had anticipated or planned for. Hunky men, father/son, uncle/nephew, non-consensual bondage, extreme rope bondage, tight gags, handgags, camping, sleeping bag bondage, smelly sockgags, tickling, drama. ,CHAPTER 1THE HARROWING RITUALWhat I'm about to tell you next took place many months after my older brother's departure from home and roughly three weeks after my eighteenth birthday. I know that many of you have been itching to learn more about my dad Mitch, and I also know that some of you are hoping I'll find the courage to approach him about my love of socks and my thirst for being tied up.Yes, I many of you have pointed out, my dad can easily deliver on both fronts. He's big, strong, has the worse smelling socks and is no stranger to tight ropework. More importantly though, he isn't just some stranger. He's my dad. Fooling around and playing these games with my older brother was already weird enough. Approaching my dad with such a request wouldn't only be weird, it would be unthinkable and just downright bizarre!In any case, whatever you're thinking this written account of mine will be about, I can tell you straight away that you've got it all wrong. What happened that week was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I've recently spoken to Andrew about it, and although I'm not much of a writer, I'll do my best to fill you guys in without being too wordy or verbose.By the way, you guys all remember Mitch, right? You know, the fire marshall with the insanely strong-smelling feet? Yeah, I thought you might. After all, he is sorta hard to forget, isn't he?, So every year, my dad has this thing where he, my three uncles, my godfather and a bunch of guys from the local fire station drive up to this remote countryside location up north and spend several days camping out in the wilderness. Mum often has her special nights out with her friends and sisters, so it makes perfect sense for my dad to have his own time with the guys, away from home and household responsibilities.This year, the five-day-long camping trip was to take place in late October, and much as tradition dictated, my eighteenth birthday secured me a VIP spot to this men-only countryside getaway. In other words, this was dad's way of initiating me to the world of manhood. He had coerced Andrew into accompanying him to such a trip two years ago, and now it was my turn to undergo this harrowing ritual.*Sigh* I say harrowing because unlike my dad, my uncles and the rest of their hyper-masculine, macho-man cabal, the idea of roughing it and not having access to hot running water, a toilet or internet for a few days didn't exactly appeal to me.Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a complete wuss! I mean, I would've totally been into it had it only been for a day or two. But roughing it out in the woods for a total of five days wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. Even more so because the evenings and nights were growing unpleasantly cold and gloomy at this time of the year. We were practically in November, for Pete's sake!I actually did try declining the invitation, but dad would have none of it. In fact, he'd made it somewhat amply clear that his decision was final and that he was ready to drag me there by force if need be.The idea of being tied up by him and carried off to the countryside was as unappealing as it was intriguing. Being a lot bigger, a lot heavier and a lot stronger than I was, I knew he could tackle me to the ground and render me helpless without breaking a sweat. Even my brother Andrew, who was fairly tall and now well in his prime was no match for dad. Most unnerving though was the knowledge that Mitch would have no qualms about carrying out such a threat. Had I chosen to refuse his invitation and made a big fuss about not wanting to go, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that the burly man-of-the-house would've forced the issue and carried me there by force like some inanimate piece of luggage. Yes, dad was that kind of guy.But yeah, after reading all of the comments you guys left on my three previous memoirs, I'm willing to bet that some of you would've intentionally refused to embark on this venture in the hopes of being strung up and dragged into it by force.Anyways, when the day of our departure finally came, dad and I loaded our clothing bags and camping equipment into the back of the pick-up truck. I put some jeans, a sweater and a thick hoodie on before saying goodbye to mum. Dad did the same after donning his leather police gloves and putting on that preposterously overstuffed North Face puffer of his.We set out on the road fairly early that morning; him looking forward to seeing his brothers and buddies, and me absentmindedly scrolling through the seemingly endless memes populating my social media feed."Ah man, this is gonna be great! Just us guys, lots of beers, fresh autumn air. You'll see, buddy-boy, this is gonna be super fun!" my very much enthused father cheered, causing me to dismissively roll my eyes up and look out the passenger-side window."So who's gonna be there anyway?" I asked, more out of feigned interest than out of genuine curiosity."Everyone! Dave, Rick, Robert, Frank..." dad went on and on, naming all three of my uncles, as well as my godfather and a bunch of other guys whom I was vaguely familiar with. In short, everyone there was going to be in their 30s and 40s, and I was going to be the small fry of the group.I knew dad was really looking forward to this trip, and so I did my best not to sour the mood for him. Truth be known, I wasn't exactly keen on spending the next five days with no one to talk to. And I sure as hell wasn't looking forward to sharing a tent with those godawful feet of his!With me being a little groggy from having not slept well the previous night, most of the long drive north was spent in relative silence. The V8 engine's low rumbling proved a welcome companion to my sleepy self; its soothingly regular hum complimented only by the creaking of dad's leather gloves and the noisy swooshing of his puffer jacket."Has the forecast changed at all since we last checked?" he asked, after I half-heartedly woke up from my semi-restful slumber.I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, looked at the weather predictions for the upcoming nights and shook my head 'no'."Nope, still the same. A bit above freezing point tonight and tomorrow night, then a few degrees colder the rest of the week." I voiced out, taking solace in the fact that the daytime predictions appeared far more clement."Yeah, I guess that was to be expected. We tried organising the trip for September like last year, but this week was pretty much the only time the guys and I could take off. Besides, it won't be that bad. Frank, Greg and Jeff are bringing some spare sleeping bags. And if ever it gets too cold at night, you'll be able to swap with mine." dad spoke, filling me with a sense of dread at the thought of being zipped up in his sleeping bag.Those of you who are smart enough not to be reading this before having read my three previous accounts *ahem* will no doubt remember the unsavoury encounter I once had with dad's old winter bag. Suffice to say, I was NOT looking forward to a repeat of that experience.In any case, it was already closing in on two in the afternoon by the time our pick-up truck made it to the densely forested campsite. Three large tents were being erected on the flattest part of the secluded clearing, but the first thing that struck me wasn't the number of abodes. It was the number of guys that would be sharing them! Eighteen hunky, testosterone-ridden men!Like I said, this wasn't gonna be your run-of-the-mill camping trip.The next five days would prove much wilder than any of us had predicted.CHAPTER 2THE WELCOMING COMMITTEEThe instant dad and I stepped out of the truck, a veritable cacophony of hollers immediately filled the area."Hey! You guys made it!" the burliest of the muscleman enthusiastically exclaimed, walking over to greet us before giving my dad one of his bone-crunching bear hugs.He and my father joked around for a bit, mostly about how we'd taken our sweet time getting here in the hopes that camp would already be set up by the time we arrived. Our host took it all in good stride, of course. He even let my father in on the fact that he'd pretty much done the same and only just arrived here a few short minutes ago."Well if it isn't my little Ethan. Hahaha! Come here, you little squirt!" the barrel-chested man cheerfully commanded.I barely had time to greet my 260-pound goliath-of-a-godfather that I was pulled up off my feet and pressed up against his torso."Umph. Hi, Frank." was the only thing I managed to voice out as stupendously monumental arms forced the air right out of my lungs. The strong scent of the bear-sized man's thick leather jacket greeted my nostrils as I struggled to draw breath and contended with his smothering embrace."Let me take a look at you. Aww, what a handsome boy you've become. Man, I can't believe you're already eighteen! I still remember you when you were *this* tall." he went on, releasing me from his suffocating hug and reminiscing about times long past., In truth, I harboured nothing but affection for the man who was my godfather. He was a great guy to be around and he'd babysat my older brother and I more times than I can remember. Muscleman Frank was generally a lot of fun and was also quite the comedian, which probably explains why he and my dad got along so well. The only thing that annoyed me about him was his strong propensity to treat me like a child...something he'd been doing for years, much to my great annoyance.I knew he was acting out of love and affection, but his antics had grown a bit tiresome of late.I was a man now! A young man, yes, but definitely no longer a child.Anyways, I was still in the process of straightening my clothes and recovering from Frank's hug when one of my uncles - Robert - ran up behind me and scooped me up off the ground without any semblance of a warning. I yelped in surprise, causing all three of my uncles and several of the other guys to laugh. Uncle Robert, or Bob as we usually called him, was definitely the most playful of the lot., "Hahaha! Looks like we've got ourselves a birthday boy!" came the sound of his cheerful teasing.At first, I was admittedly more pissed and annoyed about it than happy. It's only when I came to terms with the fact that this was all being done in good spirits that I eventually let go of my pride and broke out into festive laughter. Uncle Bob paraded me around camp like some kind of prized trophy he'd captured. He then locked me in an escape-proof headlock and rubbed his knuckles into my scalp before letting me go and playfully ruffling my hair up.The most humiliating part of his little ritual wasn't actually the parade or the tight headlock though. It was definitely him taking my unwilling face into his big hands and planting a big fat kiss right on the centre of my exposed forehead."MMMUAH. Hahaha! Welcome to our camp, buddy-boy. I'm so glad you could join us." he spoke, adopting a somewhat more fatherly tone before finally showing me around camp and introducing me to everyone.I was vaguely familiar with some of the faces I encountered, but most of my dad's workmates and gym buddies I knew only by name. Aside from my dad, my godfather and my three uncles, our secluded camping spot would be home to thirteen other men; most of whom were construction workers, firefighters or labourers of some sort., Although the sight of so many burly men with beefy chests and thick arms was an arousing sight to behold, I definitely did feel a little out of place, not to mention more self-conscious than usual.Even for an eighteen-year-old, I was a fairly diminutive guy. Next to these burly behemoths though, I wasn't just diminutive. I was a fuckin' bug! A twig! Every single one of them stood a full head taller than I did, and even the least heavily-built one - a young firefighter by the name of Adam - weighed well over 200 pounds.But yeah, enough about that. You guys aren't here to listen to me rattle on about how dwarfed I was or how intimidated I felt. You guys are here for the juicy bits. The action!Before we get into the really crazy stuff, which technically started on day three, I wanna tell you guys what happened on that very first night of our camping adventure.It must've been, oh I dunno, six or seven in the evening. We'd just finished feasting on roasted potatoes, steaks, sausages and canned beans, you know...typical camping stuff. The sky had turned dark and the air had grown noticeably colder, something which was greatly remedied by the enormous campfire myself and some of dad's buddies managed to get going.Beers and sodas were passed around, a few cigars were lit, and then the lot of us sat around the fire, trading stories and sharing memories of times past and whatnot. Obviously, there weren't enough camping chairs for everyone, but those of us who weren't sitting in them simply made do by using an eclectic collection of stumps, logs and overturned buckets.Dad spoke a lot that evening, and so did Frank, Doug, Sergei and Greggory.I listened rather intently to what they were saying at first, but when their banter grew nonsensical and veered towards work-related stuff, I sorta lost interest and simply focused on roasting my marshmallows.Jeffrey - one of the more serious-looking fellows - actually took it upon himself to find me a stick and sharpen the end of it with his survival knife. He even used his blade to carve a barb into the wood, that way I could hook my marshmallows onto the pointy end of t
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