As our favorite chef says: If a man is an idiot, it will be for a long time!

As our favorite chef says: If a man is an idiot, it will be for a long time!

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

As our dear chief says, the main thing in our business is this reality! Ga-ga-ga!!

Creepy photos from the 1972 Rothschild Dinner.

As our favorite chef says: 

If a man is an idiot, it will be for a long time! 
They don't drink vodka under the game. 

It's time for senya to freshen up... the game will not fly it fried, not shawls ... 

Strictly on the north, order... fifty-master, is located a tualet of the type "sortir" marked on the Sham with the letters "Me" and "Jo".

M... As our dear chef says, even sober people drink at someone else's expense... and ulcers! Ga-ga-ga!!

The plan, chief! Twelve zero zeros will be ready! ingeniously!

One table is enough!

As our favorite chef says, there is no husband who at least for an hour would not dream of becoming a bachelor. Ga-ga-ga!! To follow the signal!

As our dear boss, Dr. Evil, says, the iron is not moving away from the cash register! Ga-ga-ga!!

From the party characteristics of the member of the NSDAP from 2019 von Tribule , SS standard-bearer (VI department of the RSHA) : True Aryan. The character is Nordic, sustained. He maintains good relations with his work mates. He performs his duty impeccably. Relentless to the enemies of the Reich. Excellent athlete: Bern's chess champion ♟. Single; in the ties that defamed him, was not seen. Award-winning Fuhrer and thanks to the SS Reichsfuhrer"

Have you seen the movie "With your eyes wide closed"? If so, you can learn some things from what you will see next. This film tells the story of a man named Bill Harford, who discovers an elite secret society and the type of behavior they demonstrate during their secret "parties." Many believe that Stanley Kubrick tried to warn the world about the occult elite and its vicious ways, in the film "C wide-closed eyes." Because he had access to this secret knowledge, given his status as a director at the time.

Stanley Kubrick, American and British film director (1928-1999).

Many believe that the film "With eyes wide closed" is incomplete, and it is not quite the film that Kubrick would like to release if he was still alive when the final version was released. If all the scenes were added to the film, he could tell a very different story.

Some believe it was a conspiracy, and that Kubrick died before he could properly release his film. Someone wanted some things in the film to be deliberately omitted or not fully told. Although this is not confirmed, it is not so surprising when you consider who the elites are and what they have done before. 

Turning to the Bible '666'

We don't need plots and intrigues - 

We know everything you give. 

I, for example, the best book in the world 

I consider the Code Criminal ours. 

And if I don't have it and can't sleep 

Or with a hangover there is no face on me, 

I will open the code on any page - 

I can't do that! I read to the end ..

            Let's go! 

In 1999, the book "Dress Bill" was published, where there was a very sensible thought 💭 Yes, it is very late for this idea, but being quite sensible obliges us to make it a reality and finally dress Bill in his everyday costume, because he deserved it with his murders.

We're seeing off THE PAPU!

Reform of Flexner Medicine by Rockefeller Method

Is it possible to destroy the entire health system of one of the most progressive countries on planet Earth, for example in the United States of America? No, you will say, because, as we all know, or how we have been trying to convince journalists, political leaders, retinue, wife or mistresses for quite some time, their list is endless, as is the universe that Epstein was talking about. In the original, the mouth of the genius sounded like this: "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, although I am not sure about the universe." 

To this list of connoisseurs we will add some of the gold microphones and well-known shooting pavilions and studios with extras. Our favorite celebrities, and how without them following on the paved paths of politicians, against themselves and their loved ones, carrying honestly sung on the altar demons of medicine. Not knowing that medicine 🏥 is aimed at destroying human health, weakening the internal forces of the body in the fight against infections and cancer.

And it all started out as never with the best of intentions, ostensibly to improve the standards of medical education in the States. But as we all already know, if behind well-intentioned are demons from the big road, especially the bloodthirsty maniacs of materials above, then rather we slip a tablet of poison in chocolate glaze, and while the chocolate glaze will melt in our digestive pathways creating a sense of pleasure, potassium cyanide will penetrate into our body and possibly destroy everything there. 
In 1910, Rockefeller, under the good pretext of improving the standards of training doctors in America, with the help of the organization under his control AMA (American Medical Association), which would later guard all the anti-human acts of chemical companies, and the Carnegie Endowment, with the help of which this adventure was financed, Abram Flexner was authorized, and his assistant was

 What was positive about the Flexner Report, which set the absolute standard for medical education in America:

 1 higher standards for admission to medical universities have been established

 2 transition from 2 years to 4 years of study

 3 Medical schools or Universities began to base medical education on the latest scientific developments

 4 uniform standards were adopted in educational programs across all states

 It seems that everything is correct, it seems to be the way it should be, but let's look at the reverse side of this Report, because the Satanist Rockefeller has a multilayered truth in everyday life, one for the plebeians, another for the media, the third for the police, the fourth for his entourage, and, the most important it's his truth:

 1. Out of 650 medical universities, 600 were closed as a result of Flexner's work. Including those 3 medical schools intended for the poor and black.

 Those medical schools that did not adhere to Rockefeller's allopathic-chemical doctrine stopped receiving subsidies. Those who kept their nose downwind, and adopted the products of chemical plants to destroy the health of the population on planet earth, received fat leftovers from the table of the Rockefeller sociopath

 For example, the University of Chicago Medicine, one of the leading at that time in the country, because of its independence and commitment to the true goals of healing people, was described in the report of the Zionist Flexner, as - a hotbed of plague of the entire nation. The report also stated that the admission of women and black representatives should be kept to an absolute minimum. For those blacks who will be admitted to education, their education should be focused entirely on hygiene rather than other disciplines.

 That is, by 1910, the Rockefeller family had concentrated all the threads of redistribution and disposal of taxpayers' money in their dastardly litigious interests in areas related to the health of the American nation. Even then, the family of tycoons took full control of the health of the American nation.

 Why was this necessary?

 Before the Flexner / Rockefeller reform, American doctors who used in the treatment of people not only the methods of treatment based on allopathy but also homeopathy, earned 4 times more than those who tried to foist gullible Americans with the products of chemical plants. In those days, there were no epidemics of cancer, which began to spread and claim the lives of tens of millions of people across the planet due to the massive use of chemicals in agriculture, the use of GMOs, and the total vaccination of people on planet Earth. As a result of this Satanist reform, the Rockefellers succeeded in ousting all scientists and doctors with advanced ideas about how not to treat people, and what substances should not be used in growing crops and livestock.

 For example, Tyrone Hayes Professor of Biology discovered in his independent research that the herbicide Atrazine causes persistent hormonal disruption in men, resulting in irreversible feminization of boys. Atrazine is widely used in agriculture, polluting not only the soil, but also rivers and underground sources of drinking water. Now, it is not difficult to understand why there is such an outbreak of homosexuality on the planet at the moment. For his research, and his unyielding civic position, Professor Hayes was persecuted in his homeland, the chemical corporations behind Atrazine tried to buy and destroy the results of his research, hide them from people. There are many such examples, but in most cases the elite manages to hide the information that is for the benefit of the world's population.

 In contrast to Professor Hayes, it became possible to attract massively unprincipled Satanists like doctors and scientists who, for money, were able to plant deliberately destructive, but expensive methods of treatment, the purpose of which was not to help people to heal, but to make people dependent on treatment, to transfer any insignificant disease, in a long chronic process, to make a sick person dependent on dozens of drugs opposite in direction of action. This can be clearly seen in the example of such prominent people as Elvis Presley, who before his death took about a hundred pills a day, Michael Jackson, who found himself in a similar situation, and many others. Now in America it is difficult to find a person who does not take Ritelin, and a dozen other, completely unnecessary medications. For example, a course of chemotherapy for a year costs an average of $ 200,000, but no one will tell you that chemotherapy is ineffective in 97% of cases. Today, official medicine does not cure cancer, and its purpose is not to find ways to cure this disease. Cancer cure methods have been known for a long time, and there were no such global cancer problems until the 1910 reforms. Cancer is curable. And, the paradox of curing cancer is that it is available to everyone, not difficult, and not expensive. Here is one example of how our compatriot recovered from one of the most malignant pancreatic cancers, patients with this diagnosis live no more than a year.

One of the brightest examples of such Satanist scientists is Robert Gallo. The culture of planting people on drugs is supported for money as an advertisement by Hollywood. The film Limitless/Areas of Darkness, that's the clearest example. There's a way out. Cool pills from Rockefeller that will help us. Just do not forget that Rockefeller and Elta are not determined to help people, their goal is our destruction. 

Let's quote the maniac- moron Beale : With the right program to vaccinate the population, we can achieve a reduction in the number of people on the ground. 

A large format a decade ago made a video, at the very end of this video:


Bill says he wants to wipe out a few billion people.

2 Due to the total reduction of medical schools in the country, there was a severe shortage of doctors, and most importantly, tuition fees have increased enormously. As a result, the prices of their services have increased significantly. Due to the restriction of students of color, as well as students from poor backgrounds, access of these same classes to medical services was significantly limited. 

3 After Flexner's report it was forbidden across America to prescribe homeopathic remedies and vitamins, yes it is not a mistake. Vitamins were banned from free sale. It was possible to discharge, only the chemistry, which we all poison to this day. Suffice it to say that some types of chemotherapy for the treatment of some forms of leukemia cost an average of 12 months per person up to $200,000. But we are not told that in 97% of cases chemotherapy is ineffective. 

Who was this Abram Flexner, a teacher of underachieving, who could not finish any of the universities wherever he tried to get a less decent education. How did he manage to become the head of such a multibillion-dollar project maniac Rockefeller? And here's how, his brother Simon Flexner was head of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. His other brother, Bernard, co-founded another Project by the Rockefeller Council for Foreign Relations, the council that is now furiously promoting the New World Order to the masses.

Rockefeller's idea was simple, monopolizing the market, all the proceeds from the medical business had to go into his pocket, and, second and foremost - the destruction of people on the planet. As long as he fails, he is pitting himself against God. 

Was Rockefeller's flexner scam the biggest sellout in the tycoon's record? No, two years after the monopolization of medicine and pharmacology in the state, Rockefeller sunk the Titanic, carrying three of the most prominent, influential and significant opposition representatives to the creation of the National Reserve Bank of America of that time, and, a few months after the death of the Guggenheim, Astor and Strauss, who were shot aboard the Titanic in April 1912, in 1912, Rockefeller, the project of the century, created by the rothschild. the consequences of which we are now slacking off. But that's another story.

What is important here is that all these revolutionary events took place at the same time, and were part of the plan of the world banking elite to achieve the New World Order.

And it's not us conspiracy advocates, as often salivary from the world-famous studios 📺. The principle of 'Who's screaming the most, the one that's the most sore' and yet: the thief and the hat is burning 🔥, and in parallel with your baseball cap 🧢 we burned your criminal language business along with the earpiece - a souffler in the ear. And de facto, we burned you along with expensive studios and extremely crooked and cheap lies, just knowledge, skill and professionalism. 


No pasarán! 


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