Animal Fuck Stories

Animal Fuck Stories


Animal Fuck Stories


2. December 2018 6. September 2021

Women with Animals

male dog

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When I was in college I hooked up with this girl at a party. She was just average, but not bad. A little heavy, but cute. We were both pretty drunk, and she took me back to her place. She lived in a small house near campus. I remember on our way into her house that she had a black lab in her front yard. It was a weird house, it had a small fenced in front yard, which is where the lab was.
We went into her house and I remember thinking it was odd, because it like like a studio apartment, the whole house was probably only 600 square feet or something. It was just one big room, with the kitchen, her bed and a couch and TV all together. Anyway, we ripped off our clothes and started going at it immediately. I honestly don’t remember exactly what happened, but I know that I put on a rubber, then after a couple minutes of trying to have sex I got frustrated and pulled it off and we kept going.
Then I remember her pussy was very wet and very loose and I kept poping out of her (I have a pretty big cock, about 8″). It was my fault I’m sure, I was so wasted I could barely stand. I think I said something like, “Sorry, I’m too drunk to have sex,” and then just flopped up on the bed.
Then I guess I passed out or something, at least I closed my eyes for a while. The next thing I remember I woke up hearing some noise and I was under the covers and most of the lights were off in the house and I looked around and I was in bed by myself. I looked around and I saw her across the room on the floor near her couch in the dark getting fucked by her dog.
She didn’t know I was awake, I was just laying there motionless with my eyes barely open.
At first it was disorienting and I was like WTF?? but I laid there and watched. She was trying to be quite, like whispering moaning sounds and stuff, but her dog was panting pretty loud. He dismounted her a few times and she’d be like trying to tell him stuff in a forceful whisper, like “Come here.” and I could see she was reaching back spreading her pussy getting him to lick it and and then he’d mounter her again. This went on for several minutes, then I guess he came, cause he stopped moving and just laid on top of her for a bit. Then she started to get up and I closed my eyes. I could hear her put him back outside.
Then she climbed back into bed with me. I was still really wasted at this point, and like the room was spinning. But, when she got into bed I kind of cuddled over with her like I was still asleep. We started spooning then after a few minutes I reached around and started rubbing her pussy. She brushed me off at first, but I fingered her some, she was really wet now, filled with his cum I assumed. I was still too drunk to fuck, but I started kissing her body and cheek. We didn’t say anything, and then I worked my way down under the covers and started licking her pussy. It was kinda nasty, with a sweaty, post-sex smell/taste, but I kept going at it until she came. I was so drunk I didn’t have a hardon, but I was dripping cum. But once she came I just crawled back up and we went to sleep.
The “next day” (probably 4 or 5 hours later) I honestly could barely remember what happened and couldn’t find my clothes. We woke up and I was still buzzed and I was like, “Sorry I was too wasted last night.” She was like, “Oh it’s okay, I was pretty drunk too, etc, etc.” She said she had to get to work really soon so I had to go, so we got dressed and she dropped me off back at my car, which was just a few blocks away. We hardly talked during the ride.
I was hoping to see her again, but I didn’t have her number or anything. I saw her a few days later and tried to get a conversation going, but she kind of brushed me off and was like, “Hey, good to see you, yeah, I gotta go,” type thing. I never told anyone about it, and was hoping for a while I’d be able to hook up with her and go out or something. Knowing that she fucked her dog was so hot. I assumed that she did it on a regular basis given the circumstances.
Then like a year later someone told me she had come out as a lesbian, and I saw her with a butch girlfriend. I was like WTF? I’ve always regretted not letting her know I saw her and that it turned me on.
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(c) 2007 by abadbuck Wow, I can’t believe it today is finally the day that we set out on our adventure to see the Donkey Show in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. “YEEE, HAAAW”. I find that I am so excited that I can not sit still and it is really hard to keep a thought in my head.

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What happens when a dog is ignored»

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The source of this story is Storiesonline
Sex Story: This is how I got started having sex with dogs. In order to understand why and how this came about you should read "My First Gang-bang" it all started from that
Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft 
True Story 
Gang Bang 
Anal Sex 
Well to understand this part of my young life you need to read about the first time that I had my first Gang-Bang. Otherwise this part of my confessing all my little dirty secrets will not make much since at all. Let's see how do I start this out? I know from the next day.
Bill and I went back to the abandoned house the next day after school just like we always did. When we walked inside there where the boys from the day before and they had brought another boy. It did not take much time before the big boy was giving orders again. He told me to strip, which I did. This time I was not scared at all. In fact I was very excited, I had hoped that the boys would come back one day so we could do the Gang-Bang again. You could not understand my excitement when we found them in the house waiting for us and then to have the big boy telling me to strip. I knew I was going to have them all fuck me again. As I remember it, my head was swooning with excitement. I had no idea that they had anything different in mind than yesterday; that is until one of them started to take Polaroid pictures of me taking off my cloths. Bill objected but the big boy told us not to worry, no one would see them but us. To be honest, I really did not care, in a way I kind of liked it. Bill kept objecting and the big boy finely told Bill that if I did not want them to take the pictures that they would stop. They all looked at me and I told them that I wanted to see what I looked like being fucked by them.
If I remember right they called the big boy Henry, (I am not sure but what the heck.) Henry had me lay down and told Bill lick me as they took pictures. Then he had Bill stop long enough and move out of the way so he could put his cock in me first. That day I did all the boys real quick. I mean they would put their dick's in me, make a few pumps and shoot their stuff in me, jump off and another boy got right back inside of me. It was all real quick and I think I only climaxed maybe 3-4 times with all of them the first time because they all seemed like they were in such a rush. It seems I had one in my mouth and one in my pussy the minute Bill got up. The next time that Henry fucked me he had me get up on all fours, then they started in one after another doing my butt hole. When I turned over one of the boys crawled under me and started to lick me as I went to work on his dick. Well to make this a short story I won't take you through all that let me just say it was one boy after another including my brother. During the time they did me from behind two others got under me to 69. After they all finished fucking my ass, when the last boy pulled out Henry asked them all if every one had enough? They all said they where tired, He asked me if I was too tired. I let go of the dick that I was sucking long enough to say my knees hurt a little but I wasn't tired. The boy eating my pussy stopped long enough to tell me to keep sucking. Henry told one of the boys to go get the dog.
It did not hit me when or why he said that. All I know is I heard someone go out of the room and come back. I felt something cold and wet at me ass. I turned my head to see a huge dog's head between my legs and he was licking my asshole. He was licking up (I should say he was licking out all the boys cum.) And the boy under me started to tell them all what he was seeing. He told them how the dog's tong was going deep inside of my ass. Hell he didn't have to tell me I could feel it going in and I mean going in deep. I felt like... Oh hell there is no way on earth that I can ever in my life express to you how that felt.
I got so carried away that I almost bit off the boy's dick that I had been sucking. He pulled out from under me and the dog kept licking and moved down into my pussy. I heard one boy say they brought the peanut butter and jelly for nothing. Then another asked if he would fuck me. I heard this and did not understand, was there another boy that I had not seen?
Henry told them to look at his dick, that he was ready. He asked one of them to help him lift him up. I felt the dog being lifted up onto my back, and also being shoved to me. I felt his dick and looked under me. One of the boys was guiding his dick into me and I could see the hand aiming it. I don't know what happen but all of a sudden they all pulled back and the dog wrapped his front legs around my waist and held me tight. He was like a jackhammer, I don't know any other way to explain it. From the first thrust I was hooked. I could feel his dick swelling up. I mean the whole thing swelled and swelled. Then I felt a part of it growing bigger and bigger inside of me. There was pleasure like I have never felt in my life.
I already knew that I loved fucking with Bill and I loved it a lot. Then I loved being with these boys who would fuck me over and over. But this, this was just so nasty, it was so dirty. Because of that it made the fucking feel so much better than just fucking my brother Bill, or fucking all these boys.
I started to have a climax that started my whole body to quiver I lost it, I heard myself screaming. It was a scream from deep down inside my gut. I guess I scared one of the boys because I heard him yelling to get him off of me. I have no idea how I managed to yell it but I yelled and told them to leave him alone, not to touch him. Henry told them to leave us alo
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