Angel Of Temptation Literotica

Angel Of Temptation Literotica


Angel Of Temptation Literotica
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Two young wives make a bad decision.
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Abby was gasping and striving to keep up. She was in damn good shape, but this aerobics dance instructor was eating them alive. He was a sinuous and lithe demon and danced with the grace of one of the great cats. And, oh my God, the way he moved those hips. Those things must be double jointed to do that. The thirty women in the class were not just wet from exercise sweat.
Robert, the instructor, clapped his hands, the pulsating music stopped, and they all came to a thankful, panting stop.
Abby's friend Del, short for Delilah, staggered over and said, "That was something wasn't it?" She winked and laughed, "And I wasn't talking about the exercise."
Abby gasped her agreement, "You said it, sister. That boy is hot."
The young women began drying the sweat off with their towels, drinking from their water bottles, and chatting with friends in the class as the crowd of women milled about and began drifting out to their cars. Del and Abby kept an appreciative eye on Robert who was chatting with Anna.
Anna owned this gym on the outskirts of Wilmington, North Carolina, and she had contracted with Robert to be a guest aerobics dance instructor for Saturday mornings January through April. Anna and Robert were old friends from back when they attended UNC-Wilmington together a decade before. This time of year things were slow at Robert's regular gym in North Myrtle Beach, about an hour away. It would pick up again as summer approached, but in the meantime, the Saturday morning gig was a handy fill-in for Robert.
Robert was a slender, well proportioned five-foot-ten man who really came into his own with sexy, hot dance routines that had the women swarming to the Saturday morning classes. Anna was delighted with the uptick in business for her gym.
Over the last three weeks when Robert started teaching, word passed among the local women that there was this flaming hot aerobics dance instructor you just had to see at the gym on Saturday mornings. The women filled up all three of his classes and just couldn't seem to get enough of Robert and his sensual dance routines.
It was noon, and this was the last class for Robert today. Robert laughed with Anna and then started to the door and his car.
Del took something our of her gym bag and said quietly to Abby, "Wait here."
Del nonchalantly sauntered to the door catching Robert as he was about to leave. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned into him whispering something in his ear. Robert stopped, listened, and had a confused look on his face. Then he looked at Del questioningly. Del smiled sweetly and said something else. Robert' face beamed and he nodded his head as he took something that Del handed him.
As Robert left, Del strode quickly over to Abby whispering , "Quick, into the car."
Abby gave her friend a confused look but complied without questioning her. Abby had picked Del up on the way to the gym so the young women hurried to Abby's SUV and hopped in. Abby looked at Del suspiciously and laughed, "Del, what in the devil are you up to?"
Del was a beautiful pixie of a girl with blond hair, blue eyes, and the face of an angel that disguised the devilish imp that resided in that lovely body. She was a ten on anybody's scale and had even done some lingerie modeling in college before becoming a proper married woman six years ago. She was also smart as a whip and an innovative high school math teacher. Del had her students excelling in advanced placement math, and all of her teenage boys were madly in love with this grownup, sexy siren.
Abby too was a math teacher. In fact. she and Del had roomed together through all four years at Wake Forest. They shared many of the same classes - and boyfriends. Del went through boyfriends like a scythe reaping the wheat, leaving plenty of discarded chaff for Abby and the other girls. Abby was cute rather than a true beauty like Del but possessed a warm, friendly personality that made her popular with a variety of suitors seeking her affections in high school and college.
Abby had only taught two years and then took off to have children. Her boy and girl were in kindergarten and first grade now. It was an exciting time, but she and her husband were debating when would be a good time for her to return to the classroom. Maybe next fall.
Del giggled like a giddy teenage girl and said, "Why, Robert is going to meet us for lunch at my apartment. I just passed my address and phone number to him. He said he needed to stop at the gas station, but he'd be there in about fifteen minutes."
Abby rocked back in surprise before saying slowly, "Del, what are you saying? You invited Robert to your home? For what? What about your husband?"
Del replied with a twinkling, excited gleam in her eyes, "Duh, my husband is the assistant manager at his family's department store, and Saturday is his busiest day. He doesn't have five minutes to himself all day. He will be tied up until after six when they close. Meanwhile, ..." Del shrugged her shoulders while gazing expectantly at her best friend.
Abby grimaced and shook her head, "Del, we are married women. We can't behave like we did in college."
Del stuck her tongue out in a teasing pout. She laughed saying gayly, "Why not? These are modern times. Nobody is a hundred percent faithful any more."
Abby replied with emphasis, "Del, our husbands are great guys; they don't deserve us cheating behind their backs."
"Of course, they don't. But what they don't know won't hurt them. We have both behaved ourselves like nuns since we got hitched. Don't you think we have earned a little naughty indulgence? Have you been paying attention to that Robert's body?"
Abby took a deep breath. Oh hell yes, she had been paying attention to that pulsating body. Just the memory of it made her itch in all of the exciting places.
Abby tried again saying uncertainly, "I don't know. I better go home."
Del laughed, "Where is that wild roommate I used to have? The one that streaked Myrtle Beach with me at high noon.
"Besides, your husband's watching the kids and not looking for you any time soon. We always have lunch and a glass of wine together after the class. The guys play golf together tomorrow and do their guy thing. Everyone gets their off-time for a little fun."
Abby demurred, "No Del, I can't do this."
"Come on, don't tell me these last few weeks, when your husband is making love to you that you don't substitute Robert for him. I sure do. I know you are like every woman in that class. If you had the nerve you'd tear your clothes off and let Robert have his way with you right there in the gym in front of everyone. So why not at my apartment? I am going to."
Abby could feel herself flushing with excitement. God, could she really do this? Just haul off and fuck that divine piece of masculine muscle. There was no doubt what her body wanted.
Abby cranked up the car and headed to Del and her husband's apartment. After a minute of silence, as Del grinned and watched her best friend's mind and emotions roiling with the temptation, Abbey said decisively, "I'll drop you off."
Abby parked in front of Del's ground floor apartment and stared stonily ahead, trying to make the right decision. Del punched her lightly in the arm whispering, "Come on. It will be fun. Nobody gets hurt. You know you really, really want that man to fuck you and turn you inside out."
Abby finally laughed and looked at her friend, "Damn it Dell. Hell yes, that's what I want. Come on let's go upstairs and wait for this hot male body to arrive."
Del joined in the laugh. The two vivacious young wives skipped in excitement to the door and went inside. The die was cast, and it read adultery. The temptations of the flesh and the irresistible draw of the taboo and forbidden had routed the young women's usual good judgment.
Five minutes later the doorbell rang and the two wives welcomed Robert into the apartment. Dell wrapped him up in a long, intimate kiss wrapping her body around his. Robert's hands strayed quickly to Dell's breasts eliciting excited little uh huhs of approval from her. Abby watched with a rising tide of desire as her friend began slipping out of her aerobics outfit right there at the door.
Naked now, Del grabbed Robert by the hand and began pulling him toward the living room. There Del and her husband had a large oversized couch. It was just the thing for a midday dalliance.
Del gasped out, "Come on, Robert, I'm the appetizer. Abby is going to fix us lunch. She gets to be desert today."
Abby was grinning as she opened the fridge and began surveying the lunch options. The first order of business was to pour herself a glass of wine. As she listened to her friend's groans and moans of happiness, Abbey whipped up some pimento cheese from the ingredients she found in the fridge and set up to grill pimento cheese sandwiches when the two love birds up front had finished round one. Maybe lust birds was more accurate than love birds.
Abby was drooling thinking about round two.
Del was screeching enthusiastically now. Curiosity got the better of Abbey, and she peeked around the corner. Robert was flat on his back with Del on top vigorously pumping and grunting with effort as she drove herself wildly up and down Robert's prick while he thrust upwards into her.
Del saw Abby peeking and grinned at her. Then closing her eyes she redoubled her effort finally convulsing with an undulating pumping of her hips as Robert ejaculated into her, and she squealed, Oh, Oh, Ohhhh yes."
Abby grinned and called out, "Ok, you two, I'm grilling the sandwiches. Save your strength, Robert. I am next on the sofa."
Abby poured wine as the sandwiches grilled, and within a few minutes, they were eating lunch together at the dining room table. The conversation was animated and racy. Abby and Del couldn't keep their hands off of Robert, who was loving the feminine attention.
Abby finished her wine and half of her sandwich. She had a physical appetite that the sandwich would not quench today.
Abby stood up and slowly stripped as Del and Robert watched and cheered her on. Naked, Abby pulled Robert to his feet. He wore only his pants which Abby unbuckled and pulled off. Kneeling in front of him, she pulled his dick into her mouth and began to work it in and out. This was accompanied by groans from Robert and laughter and ribald comments form Del.
Robert lifted Abby to her feet and lifted her in his arms. Despite a slight stature, Robert was strong as an ox. He carried his laughing and squealing prize to the sofa and dropped her there, settling down between her legs.
Del trailed along laughing and called out encouragingly, "Oh baby, get ready. That Robert is going to ring your bell."
Robert began vigorously licking the already wet Abby while slipping his finger in and out of her. Abby exploded, howling in delight.
Del grinning like the Cheshire cat went to the kitchen, poured another glass of wine, and then settled in a chair to watch her friend and Robert's X-rated performance.
Robert had moved up to suckling Abby's breasts while his thumb massaged her clit and two fingers drove in and out as he finger-fucked her to another happy, moaning orgasm. Rolling over on top of the wildly thrashing Abby, Robert settled in to a determined driving rhythm. The wet slap of flesh on flesh reverberated in the living room as Abbey kept up a steady stream of exclamations in cadence to Robert's thrusts. Robert gave a groan as he came in Abby, and she squirmed and squealed in delight.
Del brought Abbey and Robert refilled wine glasses from the kitchen as the two lay intertwined, gasping from their exertions. As Del handed them their glasses, she said with a mischievous grin, "Now that is what I call an aerobic workout!"
For the next six weeks, this became their routine. The girls would attend the last morning workout at the gym, Robert would meet them at Del's apartment afterwards, and the trio would satisfy each other's physical and carnal appetites and hungers. A good time was had by all, and the cuckolded husbands were none the wiser.
It was customary for Del and Abby to get together at Del's house on Sunday afternoons while their husbands played golf at the country club. The husbands would return in time for happy hour and to grill steaks. The kids had pizza and got to watch a movie while the adults enjoyed a companiable evening together.
Del arrived at Abby's at about 2:30 on the Sunday following their latest adulterous couplings with Robert the preceding day. The two wives played ball with the kids for a while and then sat on the back porch sipping ice tea and watching the children play in the yard while they visited. At 3:45 Anna from the gym called Abby's cell.
Anna said quietly, "Abby, are you busy? I need to pop over and chat with you for a minute."
Abby replied lightly, "Sure Anna. Come on over. Del and I are just gossiping on the back porch. I'll pour us all a glass of wine."
"Oh good, I need to talk to Del, too. I'll be right over."
Anna's condo was nearby, and within ten minutes the three women were seated on the back porch sipping Pinot Grigio.
Del asked with a friendly smile, "What did you want to talk to us about, Anna?"
Anna took a sip of her wine and put the glass down on the table beside her. She leaned forward and said very quietly, "This is rather awkward, but Robert has been having an affair with two married women from the gym."
Anna noted the alarmed looks on Abby and Del's faces. She smiled and assured them, "I know nothing. Robert does not kiss and tell. Robert is an old friend. After all, he spends the Friday nights before the Saturday morning classes with me. So you see, I certainly understand."
Abby felt she had been gut punched. She looked at Del who was staring back at her. They were both wondering if Anna knew, who else knew? And most importantly, did their husbands also know?
Del cleared her throat, "I see. Hum, do you know who the wives are, and who else knows about this?"
Anna shook her head, "Like I said, I don't know anything. I don't want to know anything, either."
Abby looked at her curiously, "Ok, so why are you telling us this, Anna?"
Anna looked steadily at Abby and then at Del, before replying, "Robert just called. It seems the husbands of the two wives having the affair with Robert stopped by to see him. The husbands were really big men, and they roughed him up a little. They demanded Robert leave their wives alone. One suggested he should think of leaving town and doing so promptly, if he wanted to stay healthy."
Abby glanced at Del. Their husbands were both big men. They had been roommates at the University of Virginia where they were also heavy-weight collegiate wrestlers. They both still worked out assiduously. Their husbands met the descriptions of Robert's visitors to a tee, and they could certainly manhandle Robert with ease.
Abby asked worriedly, "Did anyone get hurt?"
Anna shook her head again, "No. They twisted Robert into a pretzel he said, and one punched him. But no real damage. He's quit his job in Myrtle Beach and taken a new position with his cousin's gym in Fort Lauderdale. He was packing
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