Asstr Pussywillow

Asstr Pussywillow


Asstr Pussywillow
This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains depictions of
sexual encounters between adults and children. If this type thing bothers you
then you should stop reading now. However if you recognize the beauty of such
loving and consensual relationships, then read on and I hope you enjoy.
would you do if you had a little granddaughter who wanted you to be sexually
satisfied enough so that you won’t leave her like her daddy did?
After we married, both Mary and I used to enjoy
having sex with each other quite often. But soon after our daughter was born,
Mary started to go cold on me until we hardly ever did it anymore, and it soon
reached that point where she finally stopped altogether.
Well, our
daughter married right out of high school, and just a few months later, our
grandchild Lisa was born.
About five
years later, our daughter and her husband broke up and a couple of years after
that, we found ourselves raising Lisa by ourselves.
One day, when
Lisa was around eight, Lisa got me into a conversation about sex, so I had to
explain all about the basics of sex to her – about how mammas and daddies made
babies and how they were born, and also how mommas and daddies have a lot of
fun practicing making babies.
I guess that it
was a few weeks later when she came to me while Mary was out, wearing her usual
slip-on knee lengthed Capri pants, and asked, “Do you and grandma ever practice
making babies with each other?”
I guessed that
she asked that because of the way we seemed more like just friends than
actually husband and wife. So I then had to explain all about how well our sex
together was when we were first married. But soon after her mother was born, we
no longer did it, and how Mary and I now just live together just as if we were
now brother and sister in our own separate bedrooms.
But then she
asked, “Don’t you ever want to practice making babies anymore?” I replied, “Why
sure I do… That is if I had someone to do it with. Oh, by the way, that’s
called having sex with each other.”
Then came the bombshell! “That’s just like mommy and daddy. I
overheard them one night arguing and I heard daddy say, ‘Well if you don’t want
to have sex anymore, then I’ll go find someone who will.’ And that’s the last
time I ever saw daddy. So you mean grandma doesn’t want to have sex with you
I replied,
“Well yeah, I guess you got that one right.”
Then I heard
her ask, “Do you ever miss having someone to have sex with?”
“Why yes, I
really do.” I replied, “But don’t you go telling grandma that though or you’ll
get us both in deep trouble with her. She thinks having sex is just awful.”
But then I
heard her ask, “Maybe I can help. I’ll do anything to make you happy just so
you won’t go and leave grandma also. I just don’t like that.”
Suddenly, I was
silent as I realized just what this little girl was asking. But to clarify it,
I asked, “You mean that you really would want to have sex with me?”
“Yes. But I
think that I am still too small for you to put your penis inside of me yet. But
I guess I could do lots of other things though.”
I guessed that
she got that penis bit from when I told her all about sex and I guessed that she,
in all probably, still had her hymen. But all of a sudden, here I was, mesmerized by just
what she had said as I suddenly saw a mental picture in my brain of her with
her small hand wrapped around my hard dick. I knew that she was a real cute kid
and all of that. But having her jack me off?
As I came back
to my senses, I knew that at that moment we were all alone and that Mary wasn’t
due back home for sometime yet. So I took a chance and asked, “Would you really
like to have a little sex with me?”
When I heard
her very excitedly say “Yes,” I replied, “Well then, why don’t we go into my
bedroom so that we can do a little bit of it and see how you like it. ”
As we walked
back to my bedroom, I heard her excitedly ask, “Are we really going to have
“Well, I guess
you might call it that,” I replied, “But it’s just a little bit of sex, just
something to start off with to see if you would really like it or not. But
don’t go telling your grandma though or you’ll get us both into trouble.”
I then heard
her reply very seriously, “Oh no, I would never ever do that!”
At first, I got
a wad of tissues like I always do, and then I sat down on the edge of the bed.
But when I did, I realized that I was feeling a very funny haze that seemed to
go all through me as I then zipped down my fly and brought out my now very hard
dick right out - right in front of my granddaughter.
But then, as I
saw her look at it, I saw a look of surprise appear all over her face as I
heard her exclaim, “Wow! I never knew that a man’s thing got that big!”
So I replied,
“Here, why don’t you come here beside me and grab hold of it.”
She seemed sort
of mesmerized as watched her come up beside me, and after I wrapped my arm
around her, I watched as she then reached her small hand over, while still
staring at it, and actually wrapped it around my big hard dick.
At first I was
just going to have her jack me off as I remembered that it usually takes me
anywhere from about five minutes to an hour to get myself off with sometimes a
real sore dick. But, as I both saw and felt this small girl standing beside me
with her small hand wrapped around my dick, I realized that my sexual feelings
were already going so sky high that I changed my mind and said, “Now just keep
on squeezing it just like you’re doing.”
Oh Good Lord! I
didn’t realize just what I had gotten myself into as I sat there in a state of
absolute sexual shock while I watched little Lisa with that great big naughty grin
on her face just stand there and squeeze my dick for me as I saw her look back
and forth between my face and my dick.
Wow! With each
little squeeze, I could feel my sexual feelings climb very quickly higher and
higher until I realized that it took only seconds before she had my sexual
feelings on up so high that I felt myself go right into a real awesome climax.
So here I was, Clenched in the throes of a real awesome climax while I still felt
and saw her small hand still wrapped around my hard dick while I watched my cum
shoot out over and over again right into the wad of tissues that I held in my
when it was finally all over, I just sat there slumped down trying to recover
from probably the most awesome sexual feelings that I had ever experienced in
my life until I felt a small hand shake me as I heard Lisa’s voice say,
“Grandpa… Grandpa? Are you all right?”
I finally
straightened up and squeezed her against me with my arm as I replied, “Oh my gosh Lisa! Do you know that what you just did to me? Why
you made me feel better than I’ve ever felt in a long long
Then as I was
still holding the now cum filled tissues in my hand, I heard her ask, “But
grandpa, what is all of that stuff that kept squirting out of your penis? Is it
all of that sperm you told me about that helps make babies?”
I replied,
“Yeah, that’s it alright. Why? Do you want to play with the stuff? You know
that because of what this stuff does, it is real clean and completely harmless.
Why you could even drink it if you wanted to and it wouldn’t hurt you.”
So there I sat
watching her as she very gigglingly dipped a finger into some of the cum and
felt its gooeyness for a bit before I watched her actually put a finger up to
her mouth and tasted it.
I then watched
her facial expressions for a moment before she finally said, “Well… I guess
that it doesn’t taste too bad after all. You mean that girls… I mean women really
drink this stuff?”
I had to reply,
“Now don’t go telling your grandma this. But yes, I had one girlfriend once
that used to love to suck on my dick for me and drink my cum .
But your grandma never would though.”
“But,” I heard
her ask, “ how did she drink it?” “Oh, she just put my
dick into her mouth and sucked on it.”
“Oh oooey gooey! You mean she
really did that? But why do you call your penis a dick?”
“Yes she did,
and I don’t know. I guess that’s what all of us boys used to call them. So what
do you call yours?”

Some of the girls at school calls the
thing that we go to the bathroom with, a pussy. Do you know why they call it
I replied,
“Well, I rightly don’t know except maybe it’s something that’s real nice to pet
– just like a kitty cat.”

Grandpa, would you like to pet my pussy?”
I replied,
“Well, I really don’t know. That all depends on if you really want me to touch
you down there.”
“Come on
grandpa and do it. I want to find out just what it feels like. Will you make me
feel as good as I made you feel?”
As I saw this
small giggly girl standing there beside me, I dropped the tissues that I had
been holding and put my now very flaccid dick back into my pants as I said,
“Well, if you really want me to, you’ll have to promise that you will tell no
one, and you will have to take both your pants and panties off first.”
I then watched
really shocked and quite surprised as I saw her remove her sandals and then slip
both her pants and panties on down and off of her before she then stood back up
and looked at me with a very naughty embarrassed look on her face. So I said,
“Now get up on my lap, and remember, if you don’t like anything I’m doing, you
just tell me so and I’ll quit.”
I heard her
reply “Okay grandpa,” as she settled herself down on my lap.
I then cuddled
this now half naked small girl up to me for a moment before I then placed my
left hand down on the inside thigh of her left leg and then slowly moved my
hand on up until I shockingly realized that I was now cupping her whole naked
pussy as I felt her arms tighten around my neck.
I then gave her
pussy a few rubs before I heard her say, “ Oooooh ,
that feels really funny but quite nice grandpa.”
I then found
her clit and started massaging my fingers against it as I soon felt her just
melt herself against me while burying her head against my neck.
So there we sat
as I felt her just sort of gyrate her bottom all
around while I felt her small arms squeeze my neck very tightly every so often.
Finally, I
realized that time was passing and Mary would soon be home, so I finally had to
take my fingers away from her small hairless pussy as I heard her whimper, “Oh
please don’t stop yet. Keep on doing it.”
So I had to
reply, “But grandma’s going to be home soon and you don’t want her catching us
like this do you?”
Slowly, I felt
her finally get off of my lap and reach down and put both her panties and pants
back on before I then heard her say, “Oh grandpa, that felt really nice. Can we
do that some more sometime?”
As I realized all
of the sudden eroticness of what we had just done with each other – of actually
having a little sexual experience with my own granddaughter that seemed so
erotic and quite exciting to me, I replied, “Why sure, whenever Grandma is gone
that is.”
For the next
several weeks, it seemed that whenever we found ourselves all alone, she would
take her pants and panties off and have me massage her pussy for her, and then
afterwards, she would have a fun time of it, almost making a game of it,
playing with my hard dick and stroking me off.
I finally got
an idea and got a supply of rubbers, and then I would put one on and then sit
down on the bed so that I could massage her pussy for her while she got me off.
That way I wouldn’t make a mess with my cum, and she seemed to really love
every second of it because that meant that we could now touch each other down
there at the same time.
Also, all
during this period, I noticed really no change in her behavior other than her being
even more sweet and minding me even more by always doing whatever I told her to
do, and never gave me any more trouble. That was just the opposite from of the
way she acted with Mary though, and Mary would sometimes get so exasperated
with her that I would have to step in and even things out.
One day when
Mary was out to a meeting, we both got undressed as usual, and after we both felt
each other up for a bit, I laid her down on the bed and got my mouth down
against her pussy.
Wow! Did she go
wild! Why I heard her actually squeal with delight as I felt her bounce her
little butt all around while I wallowed both my mouth and tongue all around
against her real cute hairless pussy. Why she just wouldn’t let me go until I
felt my tongue finally get so tired that I just couldn’t do it any more to her.
Afterwards, she
had to get back at me, and as I sat on the edge of the bed, I watched as she
knelt down in-between my legs and wrapped her small hand around my hard dick
and then promptly put her mouth down over my big hard dick.
From there, I
both watched and felt her suck on my dick until she had my sexual feelings up
so high that I quickly went into a real awesome climax and that’s where I felt
myself literally exploding all of my cum right into her small mouth. But she
kept on sucking though until she felt my dick starting to go soft again.
After she
finally lifted her mouth away, I saw her still kneeling there before me with
her mouth now plastered with my cum, and that’s when I finally heard her say,
“Did I do it as good as that girl did that used to do it to you did?”
I replied, “Why
I’ll have you know I think that you’re the best little cocksucker that ever
Of course, by
this time she also knew just what that word meant also, and that’s when I heard
her giggle, “I’m glad you liked it. It really wasn’t too bad after all. In fact
I might even do that to you again if you lick my pussy for me again… I really
liked that.”
From that time
on, it seemed like we both just had a sexual ball having oral sex with each
But soon after,
she told me that she wanted to try to put my dick inside of her. But then I saw
her appear quite disappointed when I explained to her that I thought that she
was still way too small yet and that she would have to break through her hymen
first before I would even think about trying to fuck her.
I guess that it
was a couple of weeks later when she said that she had finally done it.
So the next
time that we all alone and could have sex together, I had her get up on my lap
facing me and I used some of my lubricant on my dick just to see if she could
actually get it into her.
At first, she
just rubbed my hard dick up and down against her pussy a few times before she
then started to guide it into her.
As I watched
the head of my dick start to enter her, I soon heard her cry out from the hurt
it was making her have and stopped.
Afterwards, I
just sat her on my lap and then tried sticking my middle finger into her. It
went in okay without hurting her. So she just sat there on my lap and hugged me
while I finger-fucked her.
that’s about all she wanted me to do to her except lick her pussy for her.
I guess that it
was about another year before she could get my hard dick into her without
hurting her, and ooooh wow, that
was about all she wanted me to do to her from then on. So, whenever she felt a
little horny and we could get ourselves all alone for a little while, we would
have sex with each other and have me fuck her.
No, she never
wandered because she knew that sex was really extra special to be enjoyed only by
two people that really loved each other because I had explained all about the
psychology of sex to her. Although she had become a sexual monster with me, wanting
me to eat her out and fuck her every chance we had, she wanted to do it only
with me as I realized that I was her one and only extra special secret sexual
partner until she finally got married.
Of course
this story never really happened - Or did it?
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This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains depictions of
sexual encounters between adults and children. If this type thing bothers you
then you should stop reading now. However if you recognize the beauty of such
loving and consensual relationships, then read on and I hope you enjoy.
Here I
was, babysitting my small niece when she discovered the thrill of me blowing my
mouth up against her bellybutton. But then it all deteriorated
from there when she wanted me to kiss her more and more down against her groin.
I must say that
sex can be a very powerful thing, and with some of us, it literally rules our
Because of the
awesome power of sex, I found that quite often age makes no difference, and as
soon as a person starts feeling the urges of his or her sexual feelings, they
will start if given a chance.
For several
years now, my sister, Patty, has been in the habit of going out shopping with
my wife, Mary, and when they go Patty always leaves her small daughter, Lisa,
who is now eight-years-old, for me to care for.
Of course,
since I’ve always liked children, I’ve never minded at all about having to look
after her. In fact, I’ve always looked forward to having a ball with her.
Like I’ve always said, ‘As long as they’re housebroken it’s okay
with me.’
Because Lisa
had always been just a little girl, I’ve never really had any sort of a real
sexual urge for her although I’ll have to admit that she was a pretty little
thing – especially when she was all done up in a real cute dress and bows. But
usually she just wore an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt or a playsuit with
her hair all braided up whenever she was with me.
Of course since
she was still learning the basics in school, I would even try to help improve
her reading abilities by reading books with her. When she got tired of that,
we’d then play different games together, or if she didn’t want to do that, then
just generally horse around like playing tag or giving her horseyback rides and
other things.
One day, in the
midst of our play, she had laid herself down on the couch, and because of the
way she was laying there, I saw that her bellybutton was
showing in-between the separation of her shorts and her t-shirt. That prompted
me to give her that little thrill that I knew about, so I knelt down next to
her and put my mouth down against her bellybutton and blew real hard so that it
made a real funny sound, and most probably the vibrations from the sound even tickled
her also.
Well, I got the
biggest reaction from her that I could ever imagine as I heard her squeal with
delight. Why she thought that was so much fun that she had me
do it to her several more times before she would even let me quit.
Ever since that
afternoon, she just had to have me keep on doing that to her again and again
while making those real funny sounds.
Then one
afternoon, just after I had blown on her bellybutton several times, she lifted
her t-shirt way up on her and had me kiss her all over her stomach and then her
chest, and she even had me actually suck on her still
non-existent nipples while I heard her continue her squealing and laughing. I
didn’t know why, but she just did.
The next time
she was over, she had me first blow against her bellybutton until she was
satisfied, and then kiss her all over her chest for a bit before she had me go
back down to her bellybutton again.
During this
time I had noticed that the shorts she always wore had an elastic band around
the top of them so that they would stay up on her but could v
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