Am Sperm

Am Sperm


Am Sperm

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When you want to increase your sperm count, you can try a number of things. The simplest way is to add certain foods to your diet. Those foods will offer other health benefits along with increasing your sperm count. Keep reading to discover more ways to produce more sperm without having to make huge changes to your lifestyle.
Just by spending more time doing exercise and eating all the right stuff, you will manage to produce more sperm.
Poor diet is the number one reason why men have fertility issues. Eating processed food is never going to help you produce more sperm. Be sure to include whole, unprocessed foods in your diet – go for fish fillets, steak, nuts and plenty of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, and berries. Take steps to minimize your exposure to heavy metals. Drink green tea as well to increase energy levels and improve blood circulation.
Food rich in amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and vitaminoids help a lot in improving sperm mobility, quality, and shape. You need to learn which foods contain these micronutrients to understand how to produce more sperm. Here is a list of 10 foods loaded with sperm-producing nutrients.
It works as a powerful aphrodisiac because it contains L-Arginine, an amino acid that helps improve the intensity of your orgasm and improves your sperm count as well. Do not eat too much of it or you will gain weight.
Oysters are loaded with zinc that helps improve testosterone levels that in turn improves sperm production and its overall quality. An increase in testosterone levels will boost libido and help you derive more pleasure from sexual encounters.
Eggs contain vitamin E and protein that are essential for healthy and strong sperm. Eating eggs will also reduce the effect of free radicals that kill sperm.
Bananas are extremely beneficial for anyone trying to discover how to produce more sperm. Eating bananas is healthy because of the presence of bromelain that is responsible for increasing libido. They will increase your stamina as well mainly because they contain vitamin B.
Eating leafy green vegetables such as spinach provides your body with folic acid that prevents damage to sperm cells. Damaged sperm cannot reach an egg and even if they do, they may fail to fertilize it. Folate helps prevent these chromosomal abnormalities.
Used for centuries to treat physical ailments such as respiratory infections and heart problems, garlic is equally beneficial for your sexual health. It acts as an aphrodisiac and boosts sperm volume, which is mainly due to the presence of a compound called allicin.
Asparagus is loaded with vitamin C that prevents damage to sperm cells and reduce the effects of free radicals to improve overall sperm quality.
Adding walnuts to your diet will provide your body with omega-3 fatty acids that improve sperm count and increase blood flow to your penis.
Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A that help improves sperm motility and production. Red bell peppers, oatmeal, and dried apricots are also some great sources of vitamin A.
Pumpkin seeds work because they contain phytosterols that trigger testosterone production. By regulating testosterone production, pumpkin seeds help improve your sperm count as well as semen volume.
Your sperm develop optimally between 29℃ and 35℃. The production of sperm will slow down significantly with temperature inside your testicles being higher than 36℃. You need to understand that the process of sperm production (spermiogenesis) is extremely sensitive to temperature, hormones, resource availability, and other environmental factors.
Take steps to minimize your scrotum's exposure to heat.
Getting lots of high quality sleep is important for your sexual performance because testosterone levels increase when you are in the REM dream phase. So, how to produce more sperm? Just be sure to take at least seven hours of sleep every night. To sleep better, you need to engage in high intensity exercise and train large muscle groups. You should train your quadriceps, glutes, chest, and back through exercises like dead lifts, squats, pull ups, and bench press to improve the levels of male sex hormone.
A healthy male with no fertility issue typically release 300-500 million sperm when he ejaculates. Only hundreds of these spermatozoa can survive in the acidic environment of the vagina. It takes time for your sperm to mature, so it is important to masturbate less and engage in sex with your partner. Sexual intercourse with your partner produces more sperm mainly because of the stimulation of nerves across sensory systems.
Some studies have found that electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobiles may affect the health of your sperm. The best solution is to avoid keeping your mobile in your trousers pocket; instead, keep it in your jacket pocket
Avoid alcohol intake, stop smoking, and never use illicit drugs to limit your exposure to toxins. You should also stay away from recreational drugs because they can lower libido and limit blood flow to your penis.
Also, limit your exposure to lead, heavy metals, and chemical solvents to prevent damage to sperm cells.
While trying other ways of how to produce more sperm, you can also take fertility supplement to increase the overall health of your sperm. You can take supplements that contain vitamins B, C, D, A, and E, as well as zinc and folic acid.
Staying active and maintaining a balanced diet will go a long way in keeping your body weight in check. Being overweight will affect libido and reduce production of new sperm cells.
Watch this video to learn ways to produce more sperm:
Copyright WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.ORG © 2014, All rights Reserved.
Last Updated 07 September, 2022.

Giving women the beautiful
gift of motherhood as it should be given, naturally.
Are you looking for a sperm donor? Are these characteristics important to you?
Your search may be over! I am a natural sperm donor. In case it’s not obvious, it means I donate sperm naturally, aka the old fashion way, intercourse, lovemaking, sex.
Natural sperm donations are nothing new. They have been going on for years. The reason why you don’t hear much about natural sperm donations being done is that many see it as taboo. In reality, it shouldn’t be, and it isn’t because it’s exactly how a baby should be created. Corporate sperm is one of the main culprits behind making natural sperm donation seem taboo. They know if more people offered natural sperm donations they wouldn’t make money.
I am an entrepreneur and investor. It runs in my family, so I started getting into business at a very young age.
I love to create. It is part of the reason why I enjoy donating my sperm. I help create a new life. Other than that, I create art such as graphic design, photographs, videos, websites, and brands.
Born & raised Catholic but am open-minded.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, so you reading this means you and I were probably destined to meet. I am truly excited to meet you and help you conceive a child.
I am a man or good morals. I constantly strive to do what is right and what I would want if the roles or situations were switched. However, this doesn’t mean I let people use this to their advantage. If someone tries to exploit my kindness I can quickly identify it and either ignore them or act accordingly. 
As you may know by now, I set my mind on something & I go for it and don’t stop until I get it. 
Received multiple certificates/awards.
Was in multiple STEM groups since Elementary School.
I passed all standard tests with ease.
Was known as the smart kid; classmates would come to me for help.
P.S Even though I was the smart kid, I wasn’t a nerd. I was also the class clown at times; intelligence is also useful in being funny!
I am American with Mexican descent, Spanish & European roots, born and raised in the USA. AKA Hispanic. 
Color : Black with a few red hair strains (natural), a unique and fiery look.
Volume : Straight hair with good weight, not too light, not too heavy.
Fair – medium tan, good in the sun, not easily sunburnt.
Rarely have acne, rarely need to moisturize.
Skin stays nice and smooth for the most part.
Allergies : None, only mild seasonal allergies.
No one in my family tree has cancer or other life shortening illness.
Metabolism : Fast, can tolerate carbs.
Speed : Can be quick. Was the fastest runner in school.
I am someone who prefers to play the sport not watch, since school I played basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, & kickball.
I also enjoy walking, hiking, and swimming. 
Coincidentally, they were my favorite animal before I even knew about that. & yes I do have the personality of a tiger .
That’s a difficult one to decide on because I love all types of food!
P.S. I have been told by many that I am a good cook myself 
Music : Not picky, anything with a good beat to it. EDM, Rap, Hip-hop, Pop, Rock, Country, Classical, Acoustic. It all depends on the vibe at the time.
Books : Non-fiction, mostly self-help.
Yes, I have no problem donating to none heterosexual females (lesbian or bisexual).
Unfortunately, I can’t give sperm to every woman interested in me being their donor. I take a series of things into account when choosing recipients. 
Physical appearance is not as important to me when choosing who I give sperm to. All body types and skin shades are welcome.
If have good morals, are kind, honest/trustworthy, hardworking, etc., You have a high chance of receiving my sperm.
Yes, we will sign a legally binding digital agreement using a secure portal. 
Yes I will sign full rights to you, and if applicable, your partner.
Only if you want me to have contact. It would also depend on various circumstances such as distance.
Yes that is really me. My penis is the perfect size to get you pregnant and give you pleasure.
But if you really want to know, my penis is average sized. About 5.2 inches long with a circumference of 4.8 inches. I love my penis, it is an ideal size, not small and not big. It can handle many different positions in different speed modes. It gives more pleasure, not pain, which also correlates to a higher chance of pregnancy.
I know it looks bigger than that in the picture, want to know why? Firstly I am fully erect and the MK boxer briefs have a big pouch to hold it in its full state. Secondly, I took the picture myself, I am a professional photographer and I know all the right angles for sexy and flattering pictures.
PS I can wear a pair of these briefs when we meet.
Yes, for a fixed discussable price, I can shoot unlimited boudoir and erotic pics/vids during our meet. Once you are pregnant we can meet again for beautiful maternity pictures.
Yes, your partner can join us. It may help you and your partner feel as if you two were the ones doing the babymaking.
Suppose you are both females. Yes, that is a possibility. I know some female couples choose to have babies simultaneously so that the babies grow up with same-age siblings. Make sure you try to find about a one week span where both of your ovulation cycles overlap or in close proximity so that I can impregnate both of you during the same week.
Yes, I am new to donating sperm so I see myself continuing as a sperm donor for at least the next decade.
I can be either, which ever is best for you. 
© 2022 Natural Sperm Donor All Rights Reserved.

Written by Joe Cohen, BS | Last updated: March 16, 2020
Semen contains mood-enhancing hormones and compounds. Women who don’t use condoms tend to be less depressed.
Semen is rich in hormones and antioxidants that may protect against anxiety.
Semen contains many antioxidants that may combat oxidative stress in your body.
Proteins and hormones in semen may lower inflammation.
Semen is rich in nerve growth factor (NGF), which protects your brain cells and boosts your cognition and mental health.
Spermidine from semen may increase lifespan, but no clinical trials have confirmed this.
TGF-beta and other semen ingredients help lower the risk of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia.
Semen contains minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Semen consumption may lower the risk of zinc deficiency and thus improve fertility.
Men can get the benefits of semen by injaculating. Women can get it orally or vaginally; the second option is more effective, but it comes with a risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancy.
Are you having a difficult time getting to the bottom of your health issues?
As a kid, Joe suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, mood and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine. Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a journey of self-experimentation and self-learning to improve his health--something that has since become known as “biohacking”. With thousands of experiments and pubmed articles under his belt, Joe founded SelfHacked, the resource that was missing when he needed it. SelfHacked now gets millions of monthly readers. Joe is a thriving entrepreneur, author and speaker. He is the CEO and founder of SelfDecode. His mission is to help people gain access to the most up-to-date, unbiased, and science-based ways to optimize their health.
Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Selfhacked LLC does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See additional information .
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Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. A plus sign next to the number “[1+, 2+, etc...]” means that the information is found within the full scientific study rather than the abstract.
Semen is the fluid or casing that holds sperm. Sperm is a cell that swims around in the fluid, ultimately trying to reach the egg and impregnate the female. Apart from its reproductive purposes, semen is quite nutritious and has a bunch of interesting properties. Studies show sperm may combat anxiety, depression & inflammation. Learn about all the health effects of ‘cumsumption’.
WARNING: This post is rated X, so make sure you’re over 18 and aren’t in the middle of eating. Also, while the research findings we discuss are legitimate, far more studies are needed before the health benefits of semen are found to be conclusive.
In a survey of 293 college women at SUNY Albany about intercourse with and without condoms, it was found that those who didn’t use condoms had lower levels of depression and better moods.
This is surprising because risky sex (i.e., without condoms) is usually associated with negative self-esteem and depressed mood.
Among women who “always” or “usually” used condoms, about 20% reported suicidal thoughts, but among those who used condoms only “sometimes,” the figure was much lower at 7%. Among women who “never” used condoms, only 5% reported suicidal thoughts [ 1 , 2 ].
Now it’s important to remember that correlation is not causation. So this does not necessarily imply eating semen will improve your mood. Further research is needed before we make any firm conclusions.
Semen contains many ingredients that could be responsible for this effect.
Probably the most significant one is Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which has potent antidepressant and cognitive-enhancing effects.
Semen also includes mood enhancers such as:
Semen includes anti-anxiety hormones such as oxytocin and progesterone. It also has serotonin.
Few people realize that a strong driving force of anxiety comes from oxidative stress, which is why it often goes along with “ brain fog ” and fatigue issues [ 3 ].
Semen contains a lot of antioxidants to combat oxidative stress .
Semen contains a number of antioxidants such as [ 4, 4 ]:
It also includes antioxidant hormones/peptides, such as NGF , oxytocin, and progesterone [ 5 , 6 ].
Semen contains uric acid , which is also an antioxidant, but I don’t know if it’s in a meaningful concentration to be medically useful.
Semen contains anti-inflammatories/immunosuppressants so that it’s not attacked when it enters the woman.
Nerve Growth Factor , oxytocin , progesterone , testosterone , and cortisol , and certain prostaglandins are anti-inflammatory. TGF-beta in semen helps create tolerance to proteins.
Semen has many good hormones that people are often low in:
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is important for the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons, including the axons (the part where the electrical signal passes). It also promotes myelin repair, which is the coating around the axons.
Rita Levi-Montalcini won a Nobel Prize for discovering nerve growth factor and she used NGF eye drops to increase her lifespan and health.
NGF is abundant in semen. Recent studies have found that it induces ovulation (the release of the egg from ovaries) in some mammals, which can help with fertility.
Stress and anxiety decrease NGF. Low NGF levels are also found in atherosclerosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome [ 7 ].
NGF is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may be helpful for a variety of conditions including depression , multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia, among others.
In case you aren’t in the mood for swallowing cum, other good ways to enhance NGF include yoga (even a single 20-minute session) and falling in love [ 8 , 9 ].
For the whole-fooders, green tea / EGCG and rosemary (carnosic acid) increase NGF [ 10 , 11 ].
For the supplement junkies such as myself, my favorite substances to increase NGF include butyrate , zinc , lithium , berberine , PQQ , vitamin D , and melatonin .
Semen contains many proteins with potent antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Semen contains spermidine, which has been found to increase lifespan . Spermidine also combats aging in yeast, flies, worms, and human immune cells by inducing autophagy .
Spermidine is a longevity agent due to its ability to regulate gene expression.
Other good sources of spermidine include grapefruit juice and tempeh.
If the men haven’t been paying attention, I believe I now have your listening ears.
Spermidine has been tested and discovered to encourage hair shaft elongation and lengthen hair growth. It also boosts stem cells that lead to hair growth.
Testosterone increases libido
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