Advertisement in @MenuBuilderBot for Dummies

Advertisement in @MenuBuilderBot for Dummies

This is the very-very-very brief description of the Adverisment Market system of the @MenuBuilderBot for those who cannot read the full version.

Who can read the full version better do it here:

Advertisment Market for Admins

If you:
1. have the bot with more then 500 users,
2. want to earn money showing advertisment to your users,
you can continue reading.

Go to πŸ” Admin / πŸ”– Advertisment.

  1. Enable the bot participation
  2. Select advert language (now only English, will be more)
  3. Select currency you want to accept
  4. Select category from R1 (for children) to R5 (for totally adult)
  5. Select number of advert messages per day from 1 to 10.

Calm down and wait for money. All the system is totally automated.

When you earn money you can spend them for features in @MenuBuilderBot or starting from 2$ (in equivalent) withdraw them: contact us at @MenuBuilderSupportBot for withdraw.

Advertisment Market for Customers

If you:
1. have something to advertise,
2. want to send it to hundreds of bots in one place,
you are in the right place.

Go to @MenuBuilderBot / 🎩 Order Advertising.

  1. βž• Add order
  2. Select language (now only English, will be more)
  3. Enter the advertisement message
  4. Select the currency (the balance from which you'll pay for the order)
  5. Define order parameters (all have different price, you'll see it):
    * How many messages to send
    * To bots with captcha (guaranteed no robots) or not
    * Number of messages that is allowed for bot
  6. Confirm your order
  7. Check that everything is fine with it
    * The message looks like you want to
    * The price is correct
  8. Select your order again
  9. Press "βœ… Pay the order". If you have enough money on your account - order will be payed and put into the sending queue.

Calm down and wait while your order is executing.

Note❗️ At any moment you can cancel your order. All remaining money will be returned to your balance immediately.

All the system is totally automated, so no need to hurry up and ask "what's up".

PS: After your order will be started, you can go to the order and see order report (how many messages is sent).

Report Page