Advertisement Market: General Info (MenuBuilderBot)

Advertisement Market: General Info (MenuBuilderBot)


This manual contains general information about the Advertisement Market system intended for sending advertising messages to the bots created on the @MenuBuilderBot constructor, and is mandatory for both Bot Admins and Advertising Customers.

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Modification of this rules

The @MenuBuilderBot administration, in the future, reserves the right to change advertising prices, interest and reward ratios with mandatory prior notice to all parties participating in the program via our head bot @MenuBuilderBot.

⬛️ Advertisement, its categories and ratings

All orders received for distribution are moderated by @MenuBuilderBot administrators. Thus, we guarantee that advertising that does not comply with the published rules (as well as, in rare cases of our subjective vision) will not get into any ones bot.

Incoming messages are divided into five main groups by rating. This will allow bots administrators to receive predictable content in their bots corresponding to the bot audience. Below are the ratings and criteria in accordance to which the content of incoming advertisements for distribution will be classified. Each bot administrator, while setting up a mailing in the bot, will have to determine the rating of the content that he is ready to accept for distribution in his bot.

Important! Moderation is performed only for the text of advertisement itself. Moderators of @MenuBuilderBot while checking the messages, have no opportunity to check where the links of particular message are leading to and are not responsible for the content "on that side".

The following lists of topics for each of the ratings are not rigid categories and by themselves do not directly impose specific restrictions on the content of the messages of each of the ratings, the list is presented to illustrate an approximate range of topics for each of the ratings, to simplify understanding for the Admin and the Customer, and also give an opportunity to evaluate the possible contents of each of the ratings using examples. One way or another, the rating of each specific message is determined by a particular moderator in accordance with his ideas about the beauty and will be dictated by concern for the safety and acceptability of the contents of the messages sent.

R0. Not assigned

It can only be used for settings in the bot. Messages are not received in such a bot, but it is possible for Admin to manually add them by sending the Header and the Message itself from the @MenuBuilderAdvert channel.

R1. Normal / Casual

    • Nature / Travel

    • Culture (at the discretion of the moderator)

    • Business / Freelance

    • Machines / Makeup

    • Kitchen / Health

    • History / News

    • Sports / Physical Education

R2. Entertainment / Youth

  • Memes / GIFs

  • Fashion / Chan and cars

  • Games / Music

R3. Earnings / Bonuses

  • Crypto / Currencies

  • Air Drops / Draws

  • Fulfilling Tasks

  • Promotions / Discounts

  • Economic Games

  • Cases / Bux / Lottery

R4. Restricted / Shady

  • Schemes / Darknet

  • Pyramids / Betting

  • Invest Projects / Mining

R5. Adult / Unsafe

   • Erotic / Hint, Implications of erotica

   • Obscene Speech / Slang / Subcultures

   • Religion

Below are the recommendations that moderators may use to determine the rating of a particular post.


Socially acceptable neutral content. Visually and semantically calm and not calling for any action, narrative. Decorated acceptable from the point of view of aesthetics and the norms of the literary English language.


Messages that do not go beyond everyday and acceptable in the widest range of social groups, but are designed using jargon, click-bait or yellow headlines containing calls or incitements to action, having purely youthful or marginal content. Socially acceptable content, but framed in violation of the norms of the literary English language, either abusing emoji and therefore visually not pleasant or "screaming".


All messages offering earnings, bonuses and other types of legal enrichment, offering to save. Games and other projects with the presence of elements of the economy are not contrary to the rule of law. In addition, all legal content that does not fit the R1 and R2 ratings, which does not directly contradict the norms of law and social norms, is legal however controversial, when opinions in society on the subject of the message are divided. Projects that do NOT imply the mandatory involvement of funds to participate in the project, but may allow voluntary investments - the project should make sense without investments.


Messages are legitimate, but openly gray or potentially fraudulent, suggesting exploitation of vulnerabilities in any rules, legislation, or training on how to circumvent them. Offering for purchase or sale legal (not directly prohibited), but usually not intended for (re)selling goods or services. Any projects with ambiguous goals, potential or scope for fraud. Projects based on principles that have repeatedly turned out to be fraudulent, but still legal from the law point of view. Projects involving investment or mandatory transfer of user's funds for participation - when the project does not make sense without investment.


Everything that is legal, but socially unacceptable for a public display, or strictly unacceptable in separate social groups. In addition - messages that are completely unformed, or formatted is not acceptable from the point of view of the moderator (for example, just a link without a description, or a obscene language). Messages of religious content.

The rating of messages by its content increases from the most innocent (R1), to not everywhere acceptable (R5). Admin of the bot, while choosing the rating, indicates the upper limit of content acceptable in its bot. This way, the system will send messages to the bot from R1 to the selected upper bound of the rating.

In other words, this is not a way to select categories of advertisements, but rather setting a threshold for unwanted content. 

Advertisement categories for more fine-tuning of content will be added later.

The mailing does not accept messages related to drugs (in any context), as well as other prohibited or related to prohibited content.

Moderators @MenuBuilderBot will try, but reserve the right not to explain the reasons why this or that advertising message was assigned to a particular rating, or why the advertising message was rejected. In case of doubt about the rating of a particular message, the rating will always shift to the upper grade. This is dictated by the concern for the safety of users of those bots whose administrators have agreed to host advertising messages of this platform.

⬛️ Formation of advertisement cost

The cost of an advertising mailing is determined by a set of bots' characteristics and user parameters that the advertiser can choose when placing an order for the mailing.

The cost of the order is calculated based on the «Base Price» according to the rules below.

⬛️ Base price

Base price is the starting point for determining the cost of the order. It is defined as 1000 delivered messages in each supported currency and is fixed.

Currently, the base price is:

  • RUB: 10 / 1000 messages

  • USD: 0.15 / 1000 messages

  • BTC: 0.000039 / 1000 messages

  • ETH: 0.00011 / 1000 messages

Example. Mailing without additional options will cost 0.15 USD / 1000 messages.

Over time, the base price can and will change, which you will definitely be notified in advance.

⬛️ Option «Active Users» (Temporarily not available)

The natural desire of the advertiser is to send his advertisements only to a real, live and active users. An active bot user, in our system, is a person who has visited a bot at least once in the last 24 hours.

When this option is activated, the message in each bot will be sent only to such users, other users will be skipped when sending out.

Options cost:

  • +1 Base cost

Example. Mailing with only one activated option «Active Users» will cost 0.30USD / 1000 messages (0.15 + 0.15).

⬛️ «Captcha» option

Another criterion of bot's value is the presence of a captcha in the bot for registering new users. Captcha allows you to radically reduce the number of robots subscribers, which greatly increases the chance that the advertisement will be seen by a living person. When this option is activated, only those bots where the captcha for registering new users is installed will be selected for mailing. Bots without captcha will be skipped.

Option cost:

  • +3 Base cost

Example. Mailing with only one activated option “captcha” will cost 0.60USD / 1000 messages (0.15 + 0.45).

Example. Mailing with activated options «active users» and «captcha» will cost 0.75USD / 1000 messages (0.15 + 0.15 + 0.45).

⬛️ The parameter «Number of messages per day»

This parameter determines and artificially limits the maximum possible number of messages that can be sent to users of each individual bot.

Everyone agrees that a large number of received messages reduces the user's interest in their content. And thereby reduces the value of the messages themselves. Therefore, to increase the value of each message, we provide Bots Administrators with the ability to voluntarily limit the maximum number of messages per day that their users can receive. Thanks to this, the advertiser will be able to determine himself the bots with what maximum number of messages per day his advertisement will be. The more messages per day, the lower the value the bot and accordingly the cost of such distribution.

Based on the number of messages specified by the advertiser, bots will be selected from the general list of bots, in which the number of messages per day set by the administrator for this bot is less than or equal to that specified by the advertiser.

Every additional message per day after the first one reduces the cost of advertising in such bot by 5%.

The parameter influence on the price:

   • 1 post per day - does not affect

   • 2 posts per day - minus 5%

   • 3 posts per day - minus 10%


   • 10 posts per day - minus 45%

Example 1. Mailing without options with the parameter «1 message per day» will cost 0.15USD / 1000 messages.

Example 2. Mailing without options with the parameter «5 message per day» will cost 0.12USD / 1000 messages. (0.15USD - 20%)

Example 3. Mailing with activated options «active users» (temporarily not available) and «captcha» and the parameter «10 messages per day» will cost 0.4125USD / 1000 messages ((0.15 + 0.15 + 0.45) - 45%).

⬛️ Number of posts

Of course, when placing an order, you must determine the number of messages for distribution. The minimum quantity for distribution and the discreteness of the quantity is 1000 messages. The maximum number (at the moment) is limited to 100,000 messages.

⬛️ Payment of actually made mailing

If, for any reason, the order which is not completed fulfilled, is being closed (closed by the system, rejected by the moderators, canceled by the advertiser), all unused funds will be returned to the advertiser's account.

The advertiser can cancel the order from the execution at any time (except for the moment when the distribution is directly performed), with the return of the remaining unused amount (the whole, if the order has not yet begun to be executed).

⬛️ Referral System

The created system, besides the direct sending advertising through the bots its self, provides an opportunity to earn money by inviting advertisers. Which means you can make money even if you don't have the bot if your own. To encourage this, our system provides the payment of a percentage to the admin from amount of order of advertiser invited by him. There is also a discount to the advertiser himself, for using admin's referral link (promotional code) so that he would have motivation to use those promotional codes.

The user who brought the advertiser (the one whose Referral-Code or Referral-Link were used) is getting 10% of the size of each order placed by that advertiser, during the first week after his the Referral-Code has been interred or after first order if advertiser came via Referral-Link.

After the first week, the user who invited the advertiser will continue to receive 5% of all other orders of the advertiser invited by him. At the moment, the time of receiving of this reward is unlimited, but it is POSSIBLE that limitations will be implemented in the future.

If advertiser came on the recommendation of another user (he has a user's Referral-Code or Referral-Link), and Referral-Code being used, a 5% discount will be given to advertiser for all orders made within a week, starting from the first time that Referral-Code has been entered. The 7 days countdown for Referral-Links starts from the moment of the first order, and for the Referral-Code from the moment of its introduction.

In order to find your referral link go to the Head Bot:
| 🎩 Order Advert | 👥 Ref system
There you will find your Referral Link, Referral Code and the Number of invited referrals.

To withdraw the earned funds, go to your bot (if created):
☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 🏦 Your Wallets 🏦
If you have not created your own bot, then withdrawal of funds can be ordered through the support bot: @MenuBuilderSupportBot. Withdrawals are from 100 RUB or 5 USD.

🟥 Advertisement Market: ADMIN MANUAL in @MenuBuilderBot.

🟦 Advertisement Market: CUSTOMER MANUAL in @MenuBuilderBot.

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