vitamin e to lighten underarms

vitamin e to lighten underarms

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Vitamin E To Lighten Underarms


Germaine Pie Is Puzzled By Her Pits: What causes darkened armpits and what can we do to get rid of them? The Right Brain Raises Her From the Pit of Despair: It’s not surprising that so many people have this problem – there are at least FIVE different reasons your pits could be darker than they should be. When you shave you cut the hairs off at, or just below, the surface of the skin. If your hairs are slightly darker than your skin color, they can give the appearance that your skin has a dark stain when it`s really just sub-surface hair. What To Do About It: Stop shaving and try waxing or plucking instead so you get rid of the hair below the skin surface. Since the hairs aren’t lurking so close to the top of your skin, they won’t be as visible. According to at least one dermatolgist, dark spots under your arms are the result of dead skin cells that are trapped in microscopic “hills and valleys” on your skin. What To Do About It: Exfoliate, preferably with a product containing lactic acid.

In theory, some ingredients in these products (perhaps the fragrance) could be reacting with the skin to cause discoloration. Practically speaking this seems unlikely but many people do claim that when they stop using APDs, the darkness goes away. What To Do About It: Try switching brands or using a deodorant instead of an antiperspirant. You may stink a bit more, but hey, the Left Brain lives for experiments like that! This condition causes light-brown-to-black markings on the neck, under the arms, or in the groin. It can be related to insulin production or to a glandular disorder and it typically occurs in people who are overweight. What To Do About It: Watch your diet to control insulin production and use Retin-A, 20% urea, alpha hydroxyacids, and salicylic acid prescriptions to lighten your armpits. This condition causes your skin to produce excess melanin pigment. It doesn`t usually affect armpits, so it’s a less likely cause. What To Do About It: Use a skin bleaching cream to destroy the excess melanin.

The Beauty Brains don’t recommend this unless you consult a dermatologist first. You can also try laser treatment to destroy the pigment.Over- secretion of melanin is known to cause dark spots or pigmentation.   Some of the causes of this type of condition include:   hormone imbalance, pregnancy, menopause, intake of certain medications, vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, intestinal disorders and stress.   Severe dark spots all over the body need to be appropriately diagnosed by a doctor, as there could be underlying problems. Many of the bleaching products that are available at medical stores and chemist shops contain bleach mixed with lubricating cream.   In the end this may prove harmful to your skin.   On the other hand, there are several home remedies that can (over time) achieve the same effect as those that can be found in the pharmacy.   A few years ago, my aunt managed to fade the black spots on her elbow and knees, which were caused by friction from exercise and resting her elbows on a desk for years. 

She got rid of them by simply massaging lemon juice in those areas and after about three months, the results were remarkable.   Her skin got lighter until all the black areas were gone. That’s the power of some of the things that we have in nature to take care of our skin.   The beauty of home remedies is that they are cheap and they have no side effects.   The lemon and other fruits do not come with a long list of side effects.   Below are some natural remedies for getting rid of dark areas on the face and body.   These remedies take a while to work but in the end they are worth it. Lemon and lime juice is strongly acidic, and the juices from both are very popular in home remedies for bleaching out dark spots.   Both the juices of the lemon and lime can be used by itself to the affected areas.   However, using other juices and can enhance the bleaching effect.   These remedies can take up to a week or more for any discernible results to be seen. Turmeric is another popular skin lightening agent.  

It is said to effectively remove suntans and fades dark spots quickly. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that exfoliates the skin, encouraging production of new, fresher-looking skin.   Papain also inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase, which pigment-producing skin cells use to make melanin.   Green papaya contains more papain than the ripe ones.   However, it stings a bit when applied to skin.   The ripe papaya works just as well though, so if that is all you have access to, you can use it and expect results. Aloe vera is exceptional when it comes to skin regeneration.  That is why it is so popular as a treatment for burns, stings and scrapes.   The plant is also very effective when it comes to the fading of dark spots. Put pure aloe juice on the affected skin twice daily.   Leave the juice on for at least 45 minutes with each treatment.   Dark spots should fade within a month. Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid.   This natural acid is good for skin as it removes dead skin, dirt and excess oil.  

Once the top layer of the skin is removed, the skin appears lighter. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and it has complex effects on wound healing.   Studies suggest that it can penetrate the dermis and it stabilizes collagen production. 1. Avoid using soap too often as it has a tendency to dry the skin. 2. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet. 3. Address the underlying cause of your dark spot condition.   If your problem is acne, stress, constant insect bites or excessive sun exposure, take care of these issues before trying to remove the dark areas, or they will recur. 4. Limit sun exposure while using natural fade treatments, but discontinue use if you notice skin irritation.   Have irregularly shaped dark spots checked by a doctor to rule out melanoma.Here is a complete and in-depth guide on how to whiten underarms. If you want to take a full course on how to whiten underarm and skin, check this resource. Holistic therapy is one of the best recommended methods that should be address on how to whiten underarms fast and naturally.

However, we tend to neglect that some parts of underarm areas until we notice that is becoming dark in appearance. Don’t worry as a natural holistic option can help solve these problems quickly. One of the most un-discoursed parts of our body happens to be the underarms; we often tug, rub, shave and apply some deodorants without actually providing care of that tender skin. So what are some sources that cause our armpits to darken? If we wanted to know how to whiten underarms fast and naturally, first find out the source that caused its darkening; if you can pinpoint what the root cause of darkening armpits, then you can prevent it from happening again. • Shaving, rubbing armpits, and plucking are a few things that we do on our underarms. Each time that you shave or pluck hair in your underarm will case small abrasions. During the healing process of your tender skin, the abrasions start to darken thus making your armpits darker. As a proof that this is happening, try to dab a little alcohol under your arms after you shave;

take a deep breath as most likely it will start to sting. This is because of the small abrasions that are caused by shaving and plucking hair in your underarm. Plucking and shaving will also cause underarm hair to stand up and enlarge hair follicles. This makes your underarms begin to look like chicken skin. • Additionally, there are products that we use and apply in our underarms that contain irritants, like perfumed soaps and deodorants that can cause allergic reaction and potentially can aggravate the tender skin, resulting dark underarms. • Study and take note of what laundry detergents that you are currently using; some of them may contain harsh chemicals and we have a tendency to put more than the recommended quantity when we are washing our clothing. • Having extra weight can also exacerbate the darkening of underarms; the heaviness of the arms rubbing with each other can cause hyper-pigmentation. 1. One of the best bleaching agent and holistic whitening is the lemon juice.

Lemon juice has been working magic for ages and is known to solve problematic skin issues. Cut a lemon into two, then take the half and rub the juice into your armpits. Let it seep in and dry for about thirty minutes; rinse if off after with mild soap. This method can be applied on your armpits every day, but make sure that the lemon juice does not sting the armpits. Do not try this method if you have allergies on lemons. If all goes well, then use it every night before going to sleep. Tip: Squeeze some of the lemon juice into a spray bottle so that you can use it on another day. Spray the juice on your underarms a few times a day; this will help make faster underarm lightening results plus the citrus smell can help make your armpits smells good. Take note that lemon juice may dry out your skin, so for better results add some moisturizing oil and mix it with Vitamin E oil or Mineral oil to make a soothing experience. 2. Alum Powder is another holistic remedy that you can use to control perspiration, sweat and will help lighten up dark armpits.

However, you should take note that alum powder can irritate a person’s skin, so use it with care. 3. Honey and lemon juice mix together is another great natural remedy. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of honey and add a teaspoon of Alum Powder; the honey balances the alum powder and the lemon juice and make an amazing all natural home whitening treatment; it’s smells so good and soothing. Apply this great all natural mixture to your armpits before you will be taking a bath. The honey makes the mixture a bit sticky but it’s not too uncomfortable; allow it to stay for about 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. 4. Another underarm whitening method is using a mixture of cucumber juice and lime, and add a tablespoon of turmeric power. One tablespoon of lime and a tablespoon of cucumber juice will suffice. Combine all the ingredients and it will turn into a paste. Apply the mixture on your armpits and allow it to dry thoroughly. Rinse if off with warm water, and then splash with cold water to help close follicles.

5. One natural element that you can easily find in the grocery store which can act as an underarms whitener is the baking sode. The baking soda contains perfectly balanced – not acidic or alkaline and can help regulate your PH level. It can be used as a exfoliant to remove dead skin and absorbs odor, making it one of the best choice you can use to whiten your armpits. After showering, gently rub the baking soda into your underarms to lighten the dark skin. Many people easy easily learn how to whiten dark armpits fast and naturally, nevertheless after the transformation, it’s becoming dark again due to hyper-pigmentation. To help get rid of any hyper-pigmentation, you must continue in using these remedies. What is the use of learning how to whiten dark underarms fast and naturally, if all of your sacrifice, time, and hard work will be wasted? • Wax your underarm hair if you can, however, if you happen to go to shaving, do it while you are taking a bath in a warm steamed shower.

The steam helps open up the hair follicles and the warm water helps in smoothing out the armpit hair, thus making you remove the entire shaft without abrasions. When the hair goes back, you will notice that your skin is noticeably smoother. • Wash your armpits using milk. The lactic acid coming from the milk is a natural exfoliate and help dissolves dead skin cells. • Use hypoallergenic deodorant; it contains fewer chemicals and has natural skin lighteners that can whiten your skin such as baking soda. Keep in mind that in order to maintain the whitening of your underarm areas you must first remove or get rid of all the factors that are causing your skin to darken, namely; wearing tight clothing may cause friction and constrict the arms, use of harsh soaps, lotions, perfumed deodorants, creams and depilatories, and using razor in shaving your underarm hair. If you had the budget, the you may want to consider doing laser hair removal for a more permanent solution just some actresses and models do.

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