used electric wheelchair ramps

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Used Electric Wheelchair Ramps


As our parents get older, we become more involved in their care. Some of the help we provide is simple, like helping them pay their bills or taking them to a doctor’s visit. Other health needs may be more demanding physically, financially, and emotionally. Today, many adult children are inviting their parents into their homes. Having your parents live with you may require making a physical change to the home, such as remodeling a bedroom or bathroom, or even building an addition. It could also require installing a wheelchair ramp. in West Bend, explains how to choose the right wheelchair ramp. If you or someone you know is living with limited mobility, it’s important to take the appropriate measures to ensure that any and all accessibility needs are met with the right solution. This means finding and implementing the proper wheelchair ramp for maximum maneuverability, ease of use, and safety. Contrary to what many people think, a wheelchair ramp is far more than just a piece of lumber or metal.

And there’s no universal ramp that can fulfill every application perfectly. Wheelchair ramps are designed with different materials, lengths, features, and slopes for specific purposes. These guidelines explain what makes each type of wheelchair ramp unique, how to determine which model is right for your needs, and what criteria you should use when shopping for a wheelchair ramp. Determining the length of a ramp The first and most important step in choosing the right wheelchair ramp is determining the proper length required for your application. Selecting a ramp that’s too short will result in a steep grade that can make it dangerous, or even impossible, for a wheelchair user to safely make it up or down. Longer ramps will decrease the steepness of the slope, making them safer and easier to use than shorter ramps. To choose the proper ramp length, you’ll need to make sure it fits your situation and provides plenty of safety for the user. To determine the overall length of the ramp you need, take these measurements:

Armed with these measurements, and the following wheelchair ramp slope recommendations, you can determine the right length you’ll need safely use the ramp with a wheelchair. Never attempt to use a wheelchair on a ramp with a slope steeper than 3:12 (14.5° incline). The next step in choosing the perfect wheelchair ramp is determining what type of ramp will best satisfy your specific needs. Wheelchair ramps primarily fall into one of these three categories. When you need to make your home wheelchair accessible, free-standing ramps provide the sturdiest and longest-lasting solution, but they’re also the most expensive option. Free-standing wheelchair ramps can be used as permanent or temporary fixtures, and most are made of wood or aluminum. Portable wheelchair ramps are engineered to be lightweight, compact, and easy to use so you can take them with you anywhere. Perfect for loading wheelchairs and power scooters into vehicles, through entryways, and up stairways, most portable wheelchair ramps feature easy-to-carry handles for increased transportability and folding or telescoping designs that allow them to be stored easily inside a car, van, or SUV.

Threshold ramps differ from free-standing ramps and portable ramps in that they’re generally smaller and are simply used to bridge small gaps in height. These ramps are often used in residential settings to overcome height differences from room to room, but they can also be used to make it easier to maneuver a wheelchair over curbs or single steps. In some cases, threshold ramps can even be placed back to back where there’s a threshold, doorway plate, or raised entrance to eliminate bumps or gaps that might not be easily accessible for a wheelchair. There’s a wide variety of ramps that can increase accessibility for individuals who use wheelchairs, power scooters, or other mobility devices to get around. Remember, though, that they’re not all created equal. To choose the proper wheelchair ramp for your specific needs, consider your budget, how you plan to use the ramp most often, and the benefits and disadvantages of each type of ramp. is a leading online retailer of loading, hauling, and transportation equipment.

The company offers more than 11,000 products for sale on its website, and features the internet's largest selection of affordable wheelchair ramps.Wheelchair Ramps, Portable Wheelchair Ramps, Threshold Wheelchair Ramps, Bariatric Wheelchair Ramps, Single and Three Way Folding Wheelchair Ramps.Scroll down to see our selection of Wheelchair Ramps for sale.Wheelchair ramps are generally used in homes and facilities to provide wheelchair access. We carry a large selection of different brands and styles of wheelchair ramps including single and three way tri-fold wheelchair ramps, curb wheelchair ramps fiberglass travel wheelchair ramps, bariatric wheelchair ramps and threshold wheelchair ramps. Check through our large selection of wheelchair ramps for the one that best fits your need.Wheelchair ramps are an inclined platform installed in addition to or instead of stairs. Wheelchair ramps permit wheelchair users, as well as persons pushing walkers, strollers or carts to more easily access a building.

Portable wheelchair ramps are usually made of aluminum or fiberglass and may also fold for ease of transport. These types of wheelchair ramps are primarily used in homes or buildings but can also be used with vans to load and unload manual or electric wheelchairs. Threshold wheelchair ramps are used to modify door thresholds, curb and other small rises to remove barriers that would otherwise deny access to people with disabilities. Wheelchair ramps make entering and exiting simple and effortless..All used medical equipment has been reviewed by our tech staff. Any worn or non-functioning parts are replaced, or noted in product description. Please expect to see normal wear and tear from regular use.At 101 Mobility Huntington, our rental programs are flexible to your needs and budget. For your convenience, we offer Stairlift, Wheelchair Ramp, Power Scooter, and Auto Lift rentals to families and events across Huntington. Do you have an upcoming exhibit, conference or special event where you’ll need access for patrons or guests with disabilities?

Or, are you recovering from a surgery and need help accessing certain parts of your home? No matter the situation, 101 Mobility Huntington offers a comprehensive rental program that will allow you total mobility on a temporary basis. We provide three types of rental programs to best meet your needs, including our: Event rentals, which provide temporary mobility solutions for a wide range of events and applications Individual product rentals, which allow residential and commercial clients to use temporary mobility solutions Try before you buy, which allows clients to rent products with the option to purchase later on if they foresee a more long-term need Call 101 Mobility Huntington today for more information on each of our programs and assistance in deciding which is best for you! In the meantime, check out our rental options below. About Our Rental Programs Need assistance getting up and down the stairs until you’re able to do so again on your own? Our Stairlift Rental Program offers a selection of our quality straight stairlifts for temporary use.

We offer options from only the most trusted, safe, and durable brands in the industry to ensure smooth and easy navigation up and down your stairs, as long as you need them. Why choose a stairlift? They promote safe and easy travel up and down the stairs. They’re ergonomic and boast intuitive operation. They are available in different styles and colors to blend in seamlessly with your home’s or business’s decor. They fold up to allow for extra space on steps and landings when not in use. They are backed by 101 Mobility’s One-Year Limited Service Warranty in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty. Wheelchair Ramp Rental Program When you know you need a ramp but you’re not ready to buy, consider renting one. Our Ramp Rental Program has many benefits, including professional service and installation, and the choice of borrowing an Aluminum Modular Ramp, a Multi-Fold Ramp, a Suitcase Ramp, a Portable Trifold Ramp, a Light Ramp or one of our threshold ramps.

Why choose a wheelchair ramp? They promote safe and easy travel up and down many different inclines. They can be custom fit to any incline with little-to-no modifications to the surrounding area. They are made of heavy-duty aluminum for exceptional traction, quick installation, and lasting durability. Power Scooter Rental Program Are you looking to rent a mobility device? At 101 Mobility Huntington, we offer a Power Scooter Rental Program to help get you going, wherever that may be. Our rental scooters are comfortable, supportive, and durable, and can handle indoor and outdoor conditions with ease. Additionally, many of our models can be disassembled for easy transport and storage. Why choose a power scooter? They promote safe and easy local travel, indoors or outdoors. They come in a variety of sizes to best accommodate your course of travel. They can be upholstered to your style and tastes. They can be accessorized with a basket, cane holder, crutch holder, or other on-board storage options.

They can travel long distances with a single charge. They’re backed by 101 Mobility’s One-Year Limited Service Warranty in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty. Auto Lift Rental Program Give your wheelchair, power scooter, or power chair a lift. Auto lift rentals from 101 Mobility Huntington are the key to living an active and independent life and further expanding your realm. We are certain that you will find a lift that meets your mobility needs, family budget, and vehicle type to guarantee easy and convenient transport of your device, so you can take your wheelchair, power chair, or scooter wherever you go. Why choose an auto lift? They promote safe and easy vehicular transport of your power chair or scooter. They can be installed inside the rear cargo area or outside on the hitch of your vehicle. They ensure snug and steady support of your wheelchair, power scooter, or power chair through automatic locking devices. They can be operated manually or automatically.

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